Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?
Why didn't you fucking faggots buy it?

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because like every nintendo platform it's no game shit

>nintendo console releases
>they didnt make any games for it
>expected other people to make games for it
>no one bought it so no one else made games for it
>they quickly scrapped together cheap rushed versions of their classic titles or paid other companies for cheap cashgrab spinoffs in order to fill out the games lineup
>it should have just been what the switch is all along

Wrong picture OP.

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Bad timing. It really all boils down to bad timing.

The hamepad being an awful controler, a lackluster launch, the awful marketing, and being called the wii u

>they didnt make any games for it
eat shit and die faggot

>The hamepad being an awful controler,
it was literally the best controller eve made you fucking retard

it was the comfiest shit ever, and the screen was fucking cool as shit

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The reason people wouldn't buy things like the Mario Kart 8 release bundle that was pure value but will buy each Resident Evil game individually for far more than they cost on any other platform bundled together could only be marketing. People are sheep who need to be told what to buy.

confused marketing, first and foremost
it aimed at too low a demographic, but also failed to convey its purpose to parents who mistook it for a wii variant
they failed to capitalise on its strengths, people loved the integrated screen but ads made it look like a knock off tablet
hardcore gamers were put off by its for kids marketing while actual kids and clueless parents didnt have a good idea about what made it special other than its built in scree

the second reason is that it lacked good games for a while, preventing word of mouth from giving it life
while its library eventually turned out great, most of its killer apps didnt arrive until halfway through its lifespan
a lack of a good exclusive zelda or mario to sell its first year helped kill momentum, super mario maker or splatoon coming out within the first 2 years could have potentially gotten interest hooked

>it was literally the best controller eve made you fucking retard

Build quality sucked which was made all the worse by the fact that it's a pain in the ass to get a replacement because Nintendo won't sell them in stores or allow third party manufacturers.

I did buy it. At first I had regrets, now I don't.

>Wii Fit U
>Wii Sports Club
>it was literally the best controller eve made you fucking retard

You are dumb. You are a dumb, stupid, retarded gorilla nigger.

>Build quality sucked
The fuck are you on about? I got my gamepad on launch date and haven't had a single problem since

Good job ignoring the rest of the games on the list you fucking inbred

I didn't even realize it existed until months after its released. Then I found out it couldn't run current gen games for shit and lost any interest.

obvious bait is obvious, this console literally existed for smash 4

The console was a fucking controller.

My gamepad was fucked out of the box. Multiple buttons didn't work correctly. I've heard many others say they had the same problem. This is not after years of use. This is OUT OF THE FUCKING BOX. Not only were the controllers built cheaply but quality control was shit.


Why are you so upset that no one liked this shit system? It was garbage, get over it.

The only actual new games in that list are:
>Bayonetta 2
>Mario Kart 8
>Pikmin 3
>Smash Bros 3DS Port
>Xenoblade Chronicles X (it was kinda shit though)

Hyrule Warriors and Pokken were 3rd party. All the rest of these were shovelware shit trash.

Tone it back, bro. It was a good console that shot itself in the foot by trying to run on the success of the wii instead of its own merits. I thought it was some kind of advanced motion controls tier expansion at first because I wasn't keeping up on nintendo shit at the time.

It had some good games though, and the controller is, as far as i can tell, robust as shit and well designed. Hueg as fuck, but doesn't get uncomfortable if you play for a long time.

I'm glad I bought one off craigslist a month before they hacked it

Bought it. Enjoyed the ports before they were ports. Poorfags stay mad

The switch marketing is nothing special. If anything it was confusing at launch, is it a handheld? Is it a console? How does that work?

The Switch had really good timing, most gamers already got a PS4 or Xbone by that time but the next generation seemed far away so their wallets were available. It came at a time when "le nostalgic retro gaming" was exploding with normalfaggots and soïboys especially with the worldwide success of Pokemon Go. Add the fact that the biggest game on release was Zelda, which is basically a global pop culture phenomenon at this point and you can't fail.

As for the Switch tax let's be honest the Switch has a lackluster lineup so far made of 2-3 first party games and the rest is ports so you end up with a thirsty fanbase willing to pay premium to have something new to play.

but I did twice

this shit can happen to literally ANY console. return that shit to nintendo and get a new one dumbass

i'm upset because it was the perfect console ever, but because it had a dumb name you faggots refused to buy it

I remember when wolfenstein new order developer said that nintendo never consulted or cooperated with them. They just went "heres a new console, now make games u filthy gaijin"

>tropical freeze

>not counting
user, how could you have such shit taste?

>no new zelda
>no new single player mario
>best games were remakes, mario kart, splatoon, and bayonetta 2
>lack luster e-library and emulated games
>backwards compatability with one of the best selling consoles of all time
>named after it as well
WiiU was fine except for the fact literally no one wanted one and there was nothing desirable about it to the target Nintendo fan. It’s almost kind of sad because with a different identity and a stronger library earlier on it could’ve done just fine.

>this console literally existed for smash 4

What is breath of the wild
what is super mario 3d world
what is rayman legends
what is bayonetta 2
what is wind waker hd
what is mario kart 8
what is pikmin 3
what is twilight princess hd
what is xenoblade chronicles x
what is tropical freeze
what is new super mario bros u
what is captain toad treasure tracker
what is splatoon
what is yoshis wooly world
what is wonderful 101
what is hyrule warriors
what is pokken tournament

But yeah.
Keep telling yourself that it's only for smash bros.

Oh no! You bought something that was broken in box! It must have been so awful getting your mom to drive you back to gamestop to replace it.

I have one, I've had it since christmas 2012. Had good times with it, but Switch trumps it in every way.

>this shit can happen to literally ANY console

This has never been a thing for the other major consoles. How many times have you heard Playstation or Xbox purchaser ask "Hey guys, were your controllers shipped broken too?" Not even with other Nintendo consoles did this happen. It was only with this one console that the bottom dollar build quality of the controllers was an issue from day one for many people and it was exacerbated by Nintendo's ridiculous iron grip. And it was all for naught. The console was hacked anyway.

>>no new zelda
Did you fucking forget that breath of the wild was on wii u too you fucking subhuman fuck?

>>no new single player mario
3d world was single player also

>>best games were remakes, mario kart, splatoon, and bayonetta 2
what in the hell are you even trying to say here. splatoon is an original ip, not a remake

I did buy it though. I liked it and consider it worth the purchase, even with the Switch porting games due the games that haven't been ported and the Miiverse and Free online, which frankly the lack of made a ton of Switch games feel lackluster in comparison..

But i didn't get it on release, i was stewing for about a year first since i had my doubts about it due the sheer incompetence of the reveal and i don't really blame people for not getting it, but i honestly think the Switch isn't as much of a "upgrade" as people tout so far aside from Odessey and Portability (that i don't use).



blown the fuck out

>it was literally the best controller eve made you fucking retard
That's the biggest downside, it was far more luxurious than a controller had any right to be. A bitch to replace and it made symmetrical multiplayer impossible. Having a 2nd screen is awesome, but there was very rarely a valid excuse to have the player looking down at it instead of at the much better-looking 1st screen, so most of the time it was pointless and eventually delegated to just off-screen play (a convenience but nothing important to gameplay.) The 3DS had the same problem where the top screen was clearly superior so nothing of importance ever went on the bottom. Anything that tried to make heavy use of it tended to be awkward.

>but Switch trumps it in every way.
The switch can only use one screen, and the controller is designed to be portable instead of a home console

I bought it launch week
>right joystick drifted off to the left after three years
>gamepad had built-in hotfix for resetting the sticks to neutral position didn't help)

>Did you fucking forget that breath of the wild was on wii u too you fucking subhuman fuck?
At the end of it’s life span. It’s a Switch game
>3d world
I said single player, not multiplayer that can be played with 1 player.
>what in the hell are you even trying to say here
Something in English. Consider looking at the commas so you aren’t a confused and jumbled mess.

I bought the zelda one

>tropical freeze
a meme expansion to the last game before it

this is unironically a shit game and everyone who has played it knows it. it only gets a pass because of unique KOOKY stylization that convinces some people the bad gameplay is actually good.

>buying an overpriced accessory for the wii
no ty

Thats why it's better, not to complicated and easy to grasp. That and handheld games are better than AAA games.

have you ever played a game that actually utilizes the second screen? having a map, an, an alternate viewpoint, and an inventory screen, all while the game isn't paused, is fucking amazing.

what's so hard to grasp about that? people loved the DS for this shit,and that sold 100 million units

.But I did, you fucking asshole.
It's actually a decent console I liked it but Nintendo made many mistakes like fatal frame being digital only.

>Nintendo made many mistakes like fatal frame being digital only

Dude, that was not a mistake. FF doesn't fucking sell. Never has. We are lucky it got a localization at all. We got physical in the PAL territories and it wasn't long before you saw unsold copies of FF in bargain bins for clearance. Even the fucking special editions got a price cut. The game, like every other FF game, bombed.

>he actually believed the Yea Forums forced meme that fatal frame deserved a physical release

Dreamcast was kinda garbage outside of Soul Calibur, Typing of the Dead and PSO.

That's where I draw the line. It has a lot to make up for just the controller alone.

That's the current lineup for the console. I waited for WW to be released for it and even then at the time there were barely any games for it. Nintendo expected the Wii popularity to coast them and it bit them on the ass.

I worked retail when this came out, several years into its life people still didn't know it was its own system. Most normies thought it was an add-on for the Wii.

Marketing is why it flopped.

Normies thought it was a tablet controller for the original Wii because of shit marketing and naming.

Normies didn't even know it existed.

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>Dreamcast is Kinda Garbage
>Jet Set Radio
>Sonic Adventure
>Fighting Vipers 2
>Crazy Taxi 2
>Skies of Arcadia

Granted, short lifetime and lack of 3rd parties meant a small library, but its first party library was Sega kino.

I-I dont like jet set radio

>but its first party library was Sega kino

Which is great if you love arcade games, Sega's specialty, but not so good if you don't.

those are all trash aside from JSR

but i did buy one user. i bought it, a pro controller, and over ten games (physical copies) and even more digitally.

now i am a Switch owner.

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Shenmue and Crazy Taxi are both incredible.
Dreamcast also had the best library of fighting games available and I think the only arcade perfect port of MvC2.

Never understood why people liked Crazy Taxi so much. It was alright for killing a few minutes in an arcade but playing for hours on end at home? The game is nowhere near that fun nor does it have anywhere near that amount of content.

>all of the games in pic related are shit
Wow, really showed him.

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>wonderful 101

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Coping toddler

W101 is indeed trash. The metascore was 60, deal with it shill.

>a game is only good if it has a good metascore


I was studying abroad at that time and after games like rayman legends and zombiu got announced as non exclusives, i kind of start paying attention to it, especially after buying a failed vita and buying n3ds in 2015, which already jad more interesting games that wii u had to offer. Only thing that i wanted to play is xenoblade x, other shit got. ported or has similar sequels on switch and 3ds
Also, why the fuck there isn't a vita on the list? It's less of a fuckup that wii u cause it still gets weeb vns and indie ports, but it's stopped getting sony supported games after like 2 years. 2013 is literally the last year when i boughy vita games (i also bought freedom wars and some indies in 2014, but whatever)

it was a wii 2 and the original sucked

There's a 100% chance this guy also argues that Metacritic scores don't matter, when relating to things like BotW or Mario Odyssey.