Has anyone managed to unlock all the weapons yet? still trying to get through hard mode

has anyone managed to unlock all the weapons yet? still trying to get through hard mode.

remilore thread.

Attached: hammer.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

Oh sweet this is out now?

from the thumbnail i thought this was mystery dungeon

Why isn’t it on Steam?


nicalis twitter said steam is coming "soon"

Attached: poop.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

What is this?

apparently a game only i bought

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to play it. I'm disappointed at how short the levels are, just a couple of rooms with some uninterestingly branched corridors. I was hoping levels would be more like 15-30 rooms.

I'd never heard of it until today. Price seems kind of steep for the kind of game it is.

so what, is this anime diablo? Honestly that combination sounds pretty appealing

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Was this game made by 12 year olds?

Anime Diablo?

anime diablo

why do these games with cute anime girls always look and play like shit

Name of the game?

Because people will buy them for having cute girls, what's the point in putting in effort to have good gameplay? It's not going to sell you more copies

They don't. Stuff like Pocky & Rocky or whatever is perfectly fine.

There are a lot of games that play like shit but your hatred for anime girls blinds you.

this looks so incredibly slow and awkward...

literally in the op you fucking retard

looks like a mobile game

1$ deposited into your account

>>why do these games with cute anime girls always look and play like shit
that's just your shit taste

plenty of games with cute anime girls play great, but the spread is the same as every other bit of vidya where most are so-so and lots suck.

Is the co-op Local only?

How is it OP? Have you ever played Penny Punching Princess; how would it compare to that? I've been thinking about either buying it, because I have most of the other Nicalis switch games, or just practice Furi all next month.

to sucker weebs into buying them, though like anything anime, ~90% is trash

do we get to trib Choux at the end? this is important.

>though like anything, ~90% is trash
Fixed. Like seriously user are you implying modern west vidya (and media in general) isn't 90% trash? There is enough stuff coming out that 10% is still too much to play but I don't think anywhere is not full of trash you have to pick through.

that's because it's the slowest weapon in the game probably. there are faster weapons.

yeah, its unfortunate.

i haven't. can't help you there


Attached: gauntlets.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

>Switch only third-party
no wonder nobody bought it.

>yeah, its unfortunate.
You just lost a sale

>Like seriously user are you implying modern west vidya (and media in general) isn't 90% trash?
no. stating that anime is trash doesn't imply that western shit is good

I just saw this looking at the new games, I kind of want it but 40 dollars seems way too much for it. If it were 20 I probably would have impulse bought it
How long is it? Is it really replayable?

You what. It's full multiplat, pc/ps4/bone/switch.

Oh whatever then I agree. It's just normally when something specific gets referred to it does in fact imply it's different from everything else. Otherwise you'd just use everything.

It does make one wonder why you would specify a particular thing if you believe the general idea applies to everything.

Like if I say "men are retarded", what would make you think I mean all people are retarded?
The answer is nothing.

>I just saw this looking at the new games, I kind of want it but 40 dollars seems way too much for it. If it were 20 I probably would have impulse bought it
Same, seems like the kind of game that will be on sale by summer and I can get it then. If coop is local only then I don't see any rush.

>It's on console

Doubt I'll get this after seeing how casual they had to make Diablo 3 to make console work.

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Does the Switch version run at 60fps, noticed the intial trailer for the game was 60. Curious if I should get the Switch version or wait for PC.

>Doubt I'll get this after seeing how casual they had to make Diablo 3 to make console work.
Dunno. D3 sucked for a ton of reasons and console casualization was only part, that can't explain the garbage direction or RMAH and they didn't have to make everything one stat based or whatever. Plus a major part of the rage there was from the fact that they were shitting up a known loved franchise and we knew what we were losing. If something is designed with consoles in mind from the start and is paced well for it (and also cheap, not paying forty or even thirty) could be fine.

D3 was designed with consoles in mind though. I even remember a thread soon after D3 came out how someone was saying it seemed like the way the skills worked and the UI was designed that it was intended to be brought to console.

Sure enough not very long later it was announced. You're not wrong though there are many reasons D3 was shit and console casualization isn't the only one.

Omg.. haha.. POOPY! POOPY HANDS! EPIC!! Omggg XD

>D3 was designed with consoles in mind though
Kind of? I mean, they were trying for some sort of awkward hybrid thing, where it clearly had consoles in mind as a core target yet was also trying to be "diablo" anyway and hook in previous fans to some extent too and I think that might have actually been worse then just green fielding it. Though who the fuck knows it was all so incompetently done maybe it was doomed no matter what once all the old guard left and bliznorth was axed.

Anyway not really disagreeing with you, I guess D3 still irritates me even now.

No but it was made for 12 year olds, why do you think its on the switch?


Multiplayer??? Online??? I need to know, shill me.

Japan has a thing for poop. Why do you think the poop emoji exists?

see thread, no. local couch coop only, definitely not worth 40 dollary dingos. wait for it to hit $5 sale or something if reviews are ok or otherwise forget it. unless I guess you have a bro who wants to play it too, couch coop can be super fun. but no reason to rush.

imagine being this mad about poop

Imagine being a Nintendo shill who claps when they make the poopy joke. I imagine when you saw it you drooled, laughed and went to tell your wifes boyfriend all about it.

>couch co-op
I kinda wish this meme would die and have options of either.

>We want to bring back the couch co-op experience
Is just code for "we didn't want to hire a network guy"

Nobody to couch co-op huh? Guess both your wife and the bull are busy elsewhere.

Imagine projecting this hard

dude lmao a cuck joke oh wow i didn't expect that. epic for the win good sir, you deserve this upvote, etc

It wouldn't even be hard on Ninty hardware, just make it P2P like 90% of all the other games on the platform

>Yo Bro! Come over! I picked up some anime diablo!

Attached: p144319-0-zap1.jpg (204x294, 17K)

You are all cucks, go lap up after your bulls.

Not keen on giving nicalis money, but it looks fun. Just waiting for the steam version.

>See webm of interesting gameplay
>Lurk thread
>Everybody calling each other cucks
What the f

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are you really surprised by this?

Nintendo players are cucks user. Like this :O I don't have the picture but its that shaking, its the cuck meme.

Less surprised and more disappointed.
I know stupidity is common here but wow.
Neither side is using logic.

Attached: 1540503184822.png (381x380, 13K)

more like babby's first attempt to troll. faggot couldn't scrap two braincells to form an insult that isn't spouted everyday

That's basedboy dude.

Attached: 2f4.jpg (223x310, 13K)

>Mods replaced s-oyboy with based
Those motherfuckers.
But it's EVERYWHERE! Or at least most boards. It's getting out of hand.

Just get 4chanX and filter it.

the console-war shitposting would work better if there weren't people asking when the steam release is coming itt

Not a console war, but a cuckwar. Nintendo console is fine, my kids love it. But its not for adults, only cuckboys would get any fun out of bing bing wahoo.

>Not a console war, but a cuckwar.
what's the difference, you're cucked if you play video games and cucked if you don't

Im not the fucking cuck here asshole