How am i supposed to heal stress in this game when my character stubs his toe and gains 25 stress for it, but my best stress healers can only heal like 8 stress at a time?
How am i supposed to heal stress in this game when my character stubs his toe and gains 25 stress for it...
I've never played it but uh....
Don't be shit
>healing stress
I have never, ever, ever healed stress except for campfires
fuck healing stress
camp you dumdum
you kill the stress dealers first, keep torch high, rotate your roster, upgrade your buildings
Im at end game and i still dont understand how to stress heal outside of camping. The leper can stress heal himself and the crusader can stress heal 1 person a tiny bit but thats all i got.
Start burning books and everytime you see an urn use a shovel, don't forget when you enter the Warrens that you use holy water on the skin flaps held by sticks.
Short missions are bad for stress management
Camp before leaving a mission
You only heal stress in battle if there's nothing else to do
is crimson court worth it?
is color of madness worth it?
is the flagellant worth it? I don't like broken as fuck classes
don't forget to use torches on these weird orb altars you find in corridors
fuck the plague doctor
made my playthrough more comfortable desu
definitenay, but it's late-game content, it will seriously screw with your first weeks.
>What are jesters
Jester with leveled up abilities my dude.
Are you retarded? There's literally a character with a move that heals stress and gives stress resistance. You can choose to target the enemies that deal stress damage first since it's generally harder to heal than health. You can interact with curios to heal stress. You can buy enough torches to keep light up. You can make a team of fast dudes with high crit chance, etc.
thanks user
colors of madness, though...
Well, it adds new content, but it also nerfs several characters into oblivion. I didn't like it at all.
flagellant is god-tier in Crimson Court, complete shit in Colors.
Also wanna add that i just lost 3 champions in the darkest dungeon
lessons learned so far:
bring more torches
and more bandages
retreating doesnt allow you to pick what character is sacrificed
flag sucks now, hes not anywhere near broken anymore
The best way to heal stress is campfire and letting your heroes rest in the village.
Stress healers are here to slow it down but not outright remove it.
Anyone else do this the first time they saw one in game? Basically put the rest of the run on easy mode.
it also gives you nice trinkets, called "Ancestral". Neat!
fuck you, never heal stress - double down on dealing damage
>Campfire stress healing
>Campfire stress resistance
>Crit bonuses for stress resistance (Man-at-arms)
>High scouting chance + trap disarm for more stress heal
>Jester stress heal
>Curios that heal stress
>Man-at-arms stress resistance party buff
>+% Virtue chance
>Virtues that heal stress from others
There's a fucking shitton ways of healing stress and make it less impactful, the game is not that hard, you just gotta understand what different shit does.
Don't bother healing stress, just don't get stressed in the first place. ALWAYS focus the backline and if you can't make sure to stun them
>crusader heals stress
>even flagellant heals stress
Certain curios can heal stress like fountains and confessionals if you use Holy water on them.
The houndmaster, abom, flagellant, can also reduce stress along with the leper and crusader.
Always kill stress dealers first though and you really shouldn't deal with your heroes having their resolve tested too much.
Also use a shovel on these things when your characters are super stressed out.
>Houndmaster (unreliable) AoE stress heal
>Abomination self-hp/stress heal
>Jester self-hp/stress heal
>Crusader weak hp/stress heal
flag isn't nearly as brokenly good as houndmaster
>start playing this game
>pretty cool, some of my guys are getting pretty strong
>I'm going to steamroll this boss with my lvl 3 hellions for that easy money
>nah fuck that m8 too low level
what the fuck game, absolute bollocks
Upgrading the stress healing buildings is a noob trap tho
CoM's updates also applies to the base game even if you don't buy the DLC
I've learned to just bring max stacks of everything to that damned place
As far as recruiting heroes, should i be avoiding or keeping duplicates?
for now i have 1 of each char type with a few duplicate guys that are lower leveled
should i just find one or 2 party combos that work and only recruit those types?
yeah DDs don't really play by the same rules any other dungeon goes.
That's why PD is pretty much the best class to have in those.
It's good to upgrade them when you're done upgrading the Stagecoach considering that means everything else is upto lvl 5.
yup, that's why I backed up my offline Crimson Court build with Shieldbreaker installed.
I really don't understand their nerf policy. Ok, you made game more challenging, made good trinkets bad, I can somewhat accept it. Why did you have to nerfhammer Flagellant and Arbalest? They are so bad now that it's basically impossible to use them in any viable party composition.
I still prefer to upgrade the Sanitarium before them to start preparing my highest level units for champion runs.
Vestals are pretty much the best class in the game, you always want to have lots of those.
From there on, Plague doctor might be the only "must have", and then it's all up to preference.
I like to do mixed parties, mixing shit up makes the game more fun to me, I like doing healer-less runs with a group that can self sustain itself without one, or the classic vestal-cru-leper-MaA build, Mark parties, etc etc etc.
what do you mean "worth it"? if you mean money just pirate all of that shit. as far as gameplay goes mostly no: CC adds more grind/upkeep mechanics which honestly isn't too bad if you've already beaten the last boss, but opening up the CC area makes the game tedious as fuck if you do it at the beginning of a new file. CoM nerfs a lot of classes but adds a pretty fun endless dungeon. there's also a CoM mod that adds a boss rush that's fun too.
After facing the Thing from the Stars and constantly getting Sky Taint along with some stomach virus I agree.
Dance parties have been my favorite lately, not giving a fuck about positions and shitting out massive damage on every rank
Flag isn't too broken anymore since he can't hit 3rd row.
In early game: keep people with good quirks, dismiss people with bad ones/ill/stressed out.
As far as party composition is concerned, almost every party you can imagine can work. Just plan their skills accordingly so every hero can do something actually useful on their turn.
duplicates of good generalist classes like shieldbreaker, jester, maa, etc are good to have
but characters that are only good on like a single boss, like arb or leper, dont even bother
also youll end up with like 4 vestals minimum, shes the only real healer and when youre leveling up new recruits youll probably just end up blind grabbing vestals from the stagecoach to fill a slot
Get dupes of your favorite hero/vestal. the darkest (final) dungeon makes it so that heroes that complete quests in the last dungeon can't reenter. in other words you need a bare minimum of 16 heroes to finish all 4 darkest dungeon quests.
Keep in mind that you can't stunlock spam nearly as much as you could before the CoM. Stealthed backrow is not targetable by Blinding Gas iirc.
Why is only one char like that?
So did the girl our Ancestor pushed off the Dock become the Siren?
Source for pic?
I thought as long as you could target 1 in the backrow, both would get hit, right? Haven't played in a while.
you dont cause its a shit game
I love the game but the tedious grind kinda gets me so I installed cho's boss reworks, a balance mod to bring underpowered abilities in line with strong ones (doesn't make already good abilities better), the animation speedup mod and increased inventory stacking
game is a lot more enjoyable now, and I don't have to constantly scrape for cash to do basic things, and hamlet upgrades come at a more steady pace
I still have to choose and pick my pickups in medium and and especially long quests, but in shorts you can pick up almost everything but low tier gems
it's ultimately radiant-lite because of the increased upgrade/gold gains but who cares
if they aren't virtue 4-6 just throw them in the trash if they get too stressed, you can always get more.
Bait doesn't work here
Yes (I believe), but I'm describing a scenario when both 3rd and 4th row are stealthy. Before you could target them, now you can't.
because it's showcasing a skin for that particular class?
I wish I knew desu
>scrape for cash
I get everything else you said and I agree with it, but I don't really get how you can be scraping for cash, especially now that the bank is a thing.
I end up with at least 15-25k after every quest I do to the ruins without an antiquarian, money has never been an issue, so how can you be running low on it?
I use treatments for diseases/quirks/stress pretty liberally because I get attached to my roster and don't want to switch them out unless they die
Fuckin A nigga. Fuck these pussy ass bitches who cast "resistance" spells. Suck my dick. Attack until you're raw from bliss.
I feel your pain senpai
can I pirate DLC without getting banned?
stress is barely ever a big deal after you get better with the game
for a newbabby, just remember this
1. always be over 75 light
2. always be able to hit the 3 and 4th ranks
2.5 kill the 3 and 4th ranks first
3. dont fuck with curios unless you know what you're doing, and never touch books. book = fuck
By killing before you can get stressed, obviously.
Getting large amounts of stress only really happened at lower levels. At lower levels you can't reliably mitigate stress by one turning things, but you can kill things fast enough that even veteran medium dungeons should only have 1 at most hit 100 stress with good comps.
Vestal. 100%. You always want a vestal. Plague doctor is also really solid, you'll want a few of those. Not as absurdly good since stun was nerfed a bit, but still great.
Personally I fucking love highwayman. My highwayman with gunslingers buckle, gunpowder, and locked unerring hits like a fucking truck. He one shots most enemies that need to die fast and will do 40+ a turn on bosses with clean guns. I would definitely say invest in a few of them. But he is kinda one dimensional and some might not like that. He does one thing and one thing amazingly, and that is hit like a truck every turn with no preparation.
Bools are good, just burn them for the lulz
>always be over 75 light
but the music is so much better at 0.
>Highwayman on the first slot
>Point blank shot
>Delete enemy frontliner on turn 1
Point blank shot + Duelist advance is my shit, especially paired with a MaA for maximum riposte value.
and free Ancestral trinkets
and Antiquarian
I don't get the plague doctor meme. maybe it's different if you don't have CC/CoM installed but I just can't find a place for her on any team. if you go the traditional route of using a healer+stress healer then there's no room for her in position 3 or 4 and there's better positions 2s than her, and if you go for a non-traditional viable party like a crit party then she has even less reason to be there. the only formation I can think of is a blight party but I never run that shit because 2 of the 4 default zones laugh at blight and I prefer being flexible
>I don't get the plague doctor meme
Her buff move nigga
you don't need stress healer if you have her, you stun stress-dealing backrow. Having speed trinkets/quirks helps a lot.
You don't really need a stress healer all the time.
Hell, you don't need a stress healer if you can stun the backrow.
PD is just good because it is the only character that can stun two enemies, deal AoE damage with blight, single target bleed and being able to cure both without items.
generally just a good utility character to have because of the stuns and bleed/blight/disease removal
if you have good camping skills the stress healing isnt as large of an issue
used to be you could just spec crus with stress trinkets and use him instead but thats kinda bad after the nerfs
also flag could do his stress totem thing but he sux now too
Hitting 100 stress usually isn't that big a deal.
>maybe it's different if you don't have CC/CoM installed
it isn't. Version changes nerfs are applied even if you don't have DLCs installed.
>healer+stress healer
This is the problem.
The best stress heal is to not get hit. spot 3 is for ranged damage dealers. Whether you want to go full ranged damage with something like a gun highwayman or some support and utility as well with something like plague doctor is up to you. but if you use a stress healer, 90% of the time they should be attacking instead. only start focusing on stress healing if someone very important is at like 70+ stress.
Use Jester
did you even read when I wrote "non-traditional viable party like a crit party"? I'm well aware you don't need stress healers in every formation. the thing is you don't need stuns or more than one stun either because typically the enemy back row, including their stresser, blows up at the end of round 1.
I guess, but jester, MaM and heroes with marks seem to do the same shit but better outside of that plague doctors+leper vape party meme. I get that stunning 2 units in one move is good on paper, but if you really think about it, killing the stresser and stunning the other backrow or just outright killing both backrow units in round with like a hellion one seems better in every way. direct damage in general is better than bleeds/blights that can't kill in a single turn outside of boss battles.
horrible lewd abominations that ruins the DD artstyle and are ugly in any way possible
decent lewd art that tries to respect the artstyle of the game and it isnt invasive or horrendous as the prevoius mentioned
ur a faget
>kill enemies that deal lots of stress first
>stress healing skills at camp
>antiquarian for loadsamoney so you can afford stress healing in town
>do quests that give town events like the relic collecting for free healing at the abbey