Why so much hate for this game here? I bought it yesterday because someone was shilling it in the crpg thread, and I played it for 6 hrs straight today. I haven't actually enjoyed a video game this much in years. The writing is actually pretty good, and the game is gorgeous.
Pillars of Eternity
Other urls found in this thread:
The first one is ok. Pretty sure people were talking about 2.
I'll say this, the hard mode seems a bit ridiculous
Imagine playing 40-60 hours of Pillars of Eternity (I didn't because POE1 was uninspired garbo), and in the SJW sequel, this is one of the first characters that greets you
Wonder why POE2 flopped? Must have been the gay fish
Overall, its fine. While there are many problems, the first one is still fine. To give an example, power being a universal stat effecting physical and magical damage was a large issue.
The second one, however, is really god awful.
Modern gaymers don't want nice art and gameplay
They want impressive graphics and gameplay for retards
That's literally all they care about
They want interactive movies like the witcher 3
A lot of idiots hated the game because of "SJWs"
Actual reasons were:
-Reinventing stats for no good reason (Might determines damage dealt but is inferred in dialog options to represent physical strength, so my wizard was choke slamming dudes)
-"Balance changes" ie nerfs in a single player game
-Half the NPCs you can talk to are backers with uninteresting short stories, leading cities to feel a lot emptier than similar games
-You don't get XP from killing enemies but from filling out the bestiary, so after a point some fights become pointless
-Very few pre-combat buffs (maybe this changed)
-Really unevenly written characters. Some are just far more interesting than others
>nice art
>Very few pre-combat buffs (maybe this changed
this is not really a problem, buffs are balanced around in-combat buffing, not out-of-combat buffing
lets face it, prebuffing in D&D games was boring busywork and invalidated most encounters if done properly
Don't forget the lack of choices, like this scene
>(Sarcastic yes)
I like it but I don't like the I SEE DEAD PEOPLE shit
I just want a vanilla but detailed and good looking rpg
2 is actually better. 1 probably is better written but is also so purple that you're gonna fucking puke after few hours of it. 2 improves this aspect but then fucks up with this weird, schizophrenic tone changes from serious and stylised to modern and snarky-ironic.
However addition of multiclassing really made the whole partybuilding thing much more fun, encounter design also got greatly improved.
So in a way the game is pleb filter, because the pleb will play with premade companions and try to actually read the shit they're throwing at him while smarter people will grab few breath's blessings to unlock 5k starting gold and generate entirely custom party the moment they enter port maje, skimming through the dialogue.
Infinity Engine fans hate it because they are mostly retro hipsters
Modern gaymers hate it because it requires thinking
The only nice Art were the portraits in the first game made by a MtG artist and the promotional Art made by Tyler Jacobson, another MtG artist.
All the other art in the game done by their in-house staff is just awful.
probably is better written but is also so purple that you're gonna fucking puke after few hours of it.
2 had tons of purple moments too. Here's a good example: You KNOW what an old man looks like, but the game doesn't trust you despite giving him a fucking portrait.
Baldur's Gate prose
>At your side is Gorion, gray-haired even all those years ago.
If POE wrote Baldur's Gate
>Drops of what could only be sweat ran down Gorion's testicle-wrinkled crimson red face. His craggy features would have disgusted you if you hadn't known him for several years, going back to when your mother was dating new suitors.
See me even pretending to be as bad as Sawyer/Obsidian, I can't even come close to the badness in both Pillars games.
Why does she have to attractive? I'm not playing this old-school style crpg for sexy women.
Yea Forums is full of 1. contrarian retards 2. weeb dipshits 3. developmentally delayed nintendo fans
any real RPG fan loved both Pillars games.
>All the other art in the game done by their in-house staff is just awful.
Yup, and it's meant to be their idea of a cutscene. You know, those special moments in Fallout 1 and 2 where they have these impressively animated moments? Not in this game, you get Tumblr gods
Yeah I know, as I've said I mostly skim through, thankfully they have the gray-white colour coding so it's easy to do it by reading only white.
>I played it for 6 hrs straight today
The only thing straight about you.
No pre-buffs is a good thing. Pre-buffing is an absolutely retarded mechanic.
the dwarf is described in detail to give people who paid attention to the game's lore a hint that he is one of the incarnations of a god and not just any dwarf
>I'm not playing this old-school style crpg for sexy women.
Then you picked the wrong genre, faggot.
Pre-fight buffs weren't an issue because of invalidating fights. Sure, if you already played the game then you'd know how to beat every fight anyway.
The problem is that pre-fight buffing is tedious
You didn't actually play the Baldur's Gate, did you? Zoomer trash.
The first game that set the blueprint standard of the genre..... had flaws??????
they sort of were, either your enemy has dispelling to get rid of your buffs or else he literally can't do anything
Pre buffing in DnD, done CORRECTLY, involved having resources on hand and purchasable. Every casting of Stoneskin, as an example is 250GP minimum of diamond dust, which isn't too terribly common and is used for many other spells, and this is before counting XP cost and spell slots.
Why are there so many zoomers in this thread comparing Pillars to games they didn't even play?
Fallout 1 and 2 had basically 2 animated cutscenes the entire game. One at the start and one at the end.
>Welcoming rictus across his visage
Why do writers think using a thesaurus = good prose
Such images are still vastly superior to cringy b-movie acting in witcher 3 cutscenes or whatever
>>Why does she have to attractive
Somebody in this game has to be attractive that you also can romance
>Your only choices are an ugly shitskin that cucks you and an ugly sharkskin that cucks you
It's also praised for its dialogue choices, while they are basically the same as what you described for Pillars?
Good dialogue doesn't mean offering 10 different divergent choices for every response
>Fallout 1 and 2 had basically 2 animated cutscenes the entire game. One at the start and one at the end.
Forgetting the water check ups in Fallout 1 and the ship launch near - NEAR - the end of Fallout 2
Oh faggot, you got owned. YOU GOT OWNED - OWNED OWNED
250GP really is absolutely nothing at the level where you can get those spells
almost no spells require XP cost and those that do tend to be bullshit anyways (wish etc)
and nobody actually goes and actually checks if the wizard is using proper reagents in a D&D game. I dare you to come up with a case where the DM actually took stock of how much bat guano was used on fireballs
...so 3?
wow, so memorable
I guess my gripe is moreso that very few spells could be cast outside of combat.
For example, if you didn't want to fight things in previous games, you could cast mass invisibility and walk by.
In all honesty, you could still cast the same buff and invalidate the fight, the difference is its after combat starts.
>Good dialogue doesn't mean offering 10 different divergent choices for every response
Actually it does because otherwise they're pointless.
And yes, some of the best RPGs have this flaw.
Like this scene from the shitty Baldur's Gate DLC:
Why have 5 options that do the exact same thing? Just have 3, Agree, disagree or confusion. (And maybe a fourth where you hit on the dwarf)
>And yes, some of the best RPGs have this flaw.
And the reason they have this flaw is because of poor planning and design of what should be in an RPG
Or are Obsidiots defending shit like this now?
I'm talking about the based elf romances for straight males, not thot lesbians you homo
problem with crap like mass invisibility is that it invalidates an entire class feature (rogue stealth)
one of the key problems of wizards in D&D, especially in games which are much more liberal when it comes to refreshing spells: They have a spell for god damn everything and thanks to the one-use nature of spells, they have to be made stupidly powerful and better than innate skills of other classes
>not wanting to fuck pallegina because of her sexy sense of duty
Pallegina isn't a romance option.
>Why so much hate for this game here?
Obsidian shitposter and his friends from discord shitposting in threads 24/7.
Unless you're leveling up every other session and gaining fucktons of gp, 250 gp is not bullshit at 7th level.
Unless your DM is new or trash they'll at least pay attention to the cost of reagents. I'm not talking about shit that's common reagents, just the ones that list costs.
>Swears like a sailor
Real attractive (except to homos who want a mommy)
Because she's an ugly nigger
Also forgot to mention, excessive swearing is a sign of a poor writer
GTA Vice City doesn't have that much swearing if you replay it.
>we can't have ugly non-romance companions in this game because this other game in the same genre has non-ugly romance options even if it also has ugly non-romance companions
250 gp a cast, should I say
Because they are different options for how you - and I know this is going to sound crazy so bear with me - play the role of your character?
If you have bandits that have you surrounded and are committed to attack, there are lots of ways to approach it but they are all going to end in the same way. Have you ever actually played an RL roleplaying game? 90% of character buildings happens in those pointless choices.
>can romance
when did this term become a thing? First time I noticed it was around the fallout 4 launch. Are people this pathetically lonely that they need to "romance" characters? zoomers stay out of rpgs
How about 1 attractive woman to romance in your shit heap of a game faggot - then we'll talk turkey.
most spells don't list a cost and it only takes one feat to permanently get rid of all(non-xp) reagent costs
heck later editions of D&D specifically limit the number of buffs you can maintain because it was such BS
>excessive swearing is a sign of a poor writer
>excessive swearing
Have you even played the game?
Any DM worth their salt will as its what keeps wizards and other full casters from going full bullshit.
>zoomers stay out of rpgs
It's been a mainstay of the genre since BG2, faggot. You, zoom zoom, fuck off.
And besides, it's a feature in your game and it fucking SUCKS ASS OBSIDINIGGER
>Any DM worth their salt will as its what keeps wizards and other full casters from going full bullshit.
how exactly would they do that?
Even if you limit wizards to whatever spells are available at shops there's still cleric and druid bullshit to deal with. Sticking to core only just makes things worse as many of the most bullshit things originate there
D&D 3.5 and PF at any point beyond when spellcasters get 4th or 5th level spells usually starts to fall apart in terms of balance.
Not sure about when 4th edition starts to become unbalanced because combat becomes an unplayable mess of powers before you ever reach that point
I definitely agree that D&D games historically have done very little to curb the power of spellcasting
Dude I understand situations you can't talk your way out of like this one from Fallout 2. You aren't gonna convince him you aren't a mutie
But the job of a good RPG should be to mitigate situations like this as much as possible, and if they want to tell a jack off story where the player has no input, just make them cutscenes
>my game
Never played pillars nor bg2. I still hate the term.
Then why are you here? What have you actually played?
Eschew materials and the like doesn't get rid of gp costs listed for materials
>Because they are different options for how you - and I know this is going to sound crazy so bear with me - play the role of your character?
Huh, so the Obsidiot wants to give the player choices, but where's my option to call the guy a faggot and to get out? Or put him in the brig? Or even just attack him right there and then?
Instead, you get 6 pithy, faggy options with no real way to say no
To see if this game is worth playing.
>What have you actually played?
I think fallout 1 and 2 are the best rpgs.
Do you know what a full caster is?
it's kind of telling that all the alternate-spellcasting systems introduced in 3.5 are actually more balanced than the main casters
and course that the only martial classes that don't need a billion specific feats to be usable at higher levels had to be turned into pseudo-spellcasters to achieve this
>Empower Woedica
>Still acts like Berath's bitch
>No mention of empowering her
What I didn't like is how high and mighty they made Berath. She's suddenly the defacto leader of the Gods. To showcase how freaky Rymgrand is they make every single God flip out in terror. Every God but Berath who stands impassively.
It was too Mary Sue like. Berath is perfect in every single way. She's the only God who doesn't bicker or anything.
are you going to try and argue that clerics and druids are not full casters?
You know what is funny about feats in 3.5? They can be learned from trainers, etc. outside of levels, as is RAW. For some reason that is glossed over.
Great games, but you won't find quality themes, inspired design or interesting quests in POE2, fren. Grampy bone say you should swing big stick at black rock games and ignore them
I agree with you in essence but I don't think all the dialog choices should convey the same thing.
No, I'm going to argue you didn't read where I included full casters in my post. Clerics and druids, as well as sorcs, etc. were included as they have spells with material and XP costs too.
>Have you even played the game?
Don't need to
They pandered to SJWs , companions are dull af, story is a fucking mess, 30 minutes DLC and the incredibly boring combat system turned this franchise into shit.
>"I can't. Consider our positions. The impropriety"
No 1
>"Get your ugly ass out of my cabin."
No 2 - And what you are asking for.
>"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested"
No 3.
yeh because that only makes spellcasters even stronger
as apparently to make up for the fact fighters get more feats, a bunch of designers decided to make every spellcasting feat the equivalent of about 5 martial feats
Yeah, this was kind of fucked, there should be an option to say you aren't gay, but "3: Get your ugly ass out of my cabin." is good enough for most people who aren't triggered by muh sjw shit
>how exactly would they do that?
Well for starters, in combat you could use silence, magic resistance, grapple them, design encounters so that other characters besides the wizard have some sort of impact, etc
Outside of combat have them give you their spell list and make sure that if spells require things like money, and you can ask for their prepared spells if they require that so you can make sure they're being honest
and pray do tell me
how would you keep a cleric or druid "in check"?
many of their most powerful spells don't require costly reagents and you can't restrict them from actually getting those spells
Fallout 1 and 2 are very good RPG's but each have big faults. Fallout 1 had the better plot and main quest, Fallout 2 is the better RPG.
Regardless, if you think those RPG's are good I'd recommend playing through Tactics or Arcanum
>>I agree with you in essence but I don't think all the dialog choices should convey the same thing.
Obsidiots are all about the roleplaying options (even if they're pointless) until it goes against their narrative, then they're fine with having all 5 options say the same thing
>I will find Eothas.
>I will find Eothas.
>Requirement Not Met (probably still about finding Eothas)
>I will find Eothas.
>I will find Eothas.
Wow. Look at all this real roleplaying unlike that epic fail Fallout 4 (but it's on par with Witcher 3).
Wait is this the game where the company ignored their backs for some small Discord? Or am I thinking of another one.
where does the romance term come from though? It was said that it was in baldur's gate in an earlier reply, is it a d&d thing?
problem solved
>>"I can't. Consider our positions. The impropriety"
>No 1
Not a real no.
>>"Get your ugly ass out of my cabin."
>No 2 - And what you are asking for.
That implies you'd sleep with them if they were attractive
>>"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested"
>No 3.
Not a real no.
How about just a simple "no"? Or is that not EPIC enough for Obsidiots these days?
Romances I believe were in older games, but BG2 codified it as a feature/part of the gameplay.
Hell Fallout 1 was going to have romances until that literal faggot Tim Cain cut them.
there's plenty of powerful spells that bypass magic resistance, and by the time casters become problematic they can easily get some form of flight to stay our of range of graplers
really in 3.5 the only thing that can keep a spellcaster in check is it's player, and course the ability to kick them out of your group if they insist to much
that's why tabletop D&D is passable (not the best system but certainly not the worst system)
however without the social control valve, it is an inherently broken system and as such completely unsuitable for a videogame
I love tactics. I haven't finished arcanum though, I hate the combat.
... and any DM worth his salt will say no, the wizard can't learn MM feats and what have you.
Heavy RP restrictions, as is supposed to be the case for them to begin with, for one. Let them do it and have your enemies adapt eventually. They start having magi, as an example, carry around the ability to counter spell or dispel some of that crap. Scrying gets blocked after one or two successes, teleport has a handful of hilarious counters.... things of that nature.
Nope, it's the one. Sawyer also ignored backers to jack off with his Something Awful forum pals, here he is bragging that he shouted at fellow employees for not doing enough LGBT shit in the games under his alias ropekid
In my experience clerics and druids are easiest kept in check by their deities and/or codes of conduct. A lot of really powerful spells come with strings attached. It is a roleplaying game, so make them roleplay.
Otherwise, same thing as I said previously in
You really don't get how options like that help you flesh out your character, even if they have no material impact on the game, do you?
Maybe roleplaying games aren't for you. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say reading beyond a grade school level isn't either.
You've been copy pasting the same shit for months. Seek help.
I'd rather play pathfinder, it looks more fun
If the casters start relying too much on that, a really easy answer is to copy it. Suddenly the BBEG has an air corp of machines or their own flight enhanced goons. Give the casters dog fights, bitches love dog fights.
There are spells that grapple, and getting reliably past magic resistance requires feat investing that prevents them from doing other, more stupid things.
>Hmmmm yes *huffs own farts* you don't quite understand my game with anthony birch tier writing and quips
Reminder I'm a better writer than Josh "uses taught instead of taut" Sawyer
2 is one of the worst written Western games in years, that's why. 1 has kino writing and good gameplay, while 2 has kino gameplay but garbage writing.
>and getting reliably past magic resistance requires feat investing that prevents them from doing other, more stupid things.
not really, plenty of spells out there that bypass magic resistance even at low level
grease and glitterdust are good low-level examples
And no blackrock cocksucker has proven me wrong.
so the wizard gets to have cool dogfights with flying mooks while the fighter stands around twiddling his thumbs?
Or if their flight can be dispelled, do it while they're in the air and let them fall to their death
>yeah that's great and all but did u see where they made this typo? checkm8
is one of the worst written Western games in years, that's why.
>This Anthony Burch tier writing/that email in mass effect 3
>1 has Kino writing
>Even the devs themselves have basically admitted it was a rush job and it was literally the first draft they pushed out the door
How can one user be this retarded?
But the Pillars Discord was all in support of the game, they exiled the problematic lorefags and toxic gameplayfags who were diverting the discussions away from gay and minority representation topics.
Yup, this is the one. THEY EVEN ABANDONED THE OFFICIAL FORUMS THEY THEMSELVES MADE which was full of the old Baldur's Gatefags in favor of the casual Tumblr audience on Discord.
Don't bother. He's delusional enough to think that his fanfiction futa smut is some example of high level writing.
clerics yes but druids are fairly difficult to keep in check
easier to justify them not having a deity (unless you're playing in FR, and god have mercy on your soul if you play in that setting) and they tend to be played in a more "nature's a cruel and uncaring bitch" sort of way which makes anything without an outright [evil] descriptor perfectly fine from a roleplaying pov
I really enjoyed messing around with all the different classes/subclasses and combos in Deadfire.
Also this guy, I hope he comes back if there is a third game.
It's not just a typo. The game had multiple writers, editors and final approval from Sawyer.
Yet that simple detail that they missed, that they thought a spell checker could fix, rather than relying on a good set of hands (as the script was passed from multiple people in a desperate attempt to save it) - it reveals Obsidian is no longer good with the small details anymore, they're Bioware tier now.
>Tumblr audience on Discord
That Discord is all but abandoned now too. When the last DLC came out there were like 3 people left.
Kek, you mean the same people that wrote Pillars 2 dislike 1's writing?
>PoE1 Eder
>my god came to our land and conquered my homeland, my brother joined him while I opposed them
>PoE2 Eder
>my wife's son something something, I need to take responsibility
>Sawyer/Ropekid doesn't know why POE2 got worse reviews than the first
How can one user be this retarded?
They pretty much abandoned it after seeing the game's sales.
If grease is working on a target you'd have to worry about MR, its s very niche case.
You can cast flight on others. The fighter can intercept with his long ass spear. Or he uses a mount, etc. You've then moved combat to the air. Now the BBEG can use an archer or ballista or ground mages under cover, etc. Flight creatures are very vulnerable, double so if they aren't used to it as humans aren't
Have that be something they do too. Just going "loldispel" is boring both for players and for PCs if thats the only thing that happens.
thank goodness they didn't bring back Durance (even if his presence would have made a LOT of sense given his rage against the heavens thing going on)
Huh. A downvoted comment on the Pillars of Eternity reddit. Must be a spam comment or something...
Because its the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
They wouldn't bring him because he dies in his ending.
grease literally doesn't worry about SR ever and its not exactly a niche case when it's one of the most popular 1st level spells
if you told me it came in second after magic missile I wouldn't even be surprised
>Obsidiots are all about the roleplaying options (even if they're pointless) until it goes against their narrative, then they're fine with having all 5 options say the same thing
99% of RPGs are like that, it's not like D:OS is any better when it's exactly like PoE or Tiranny in that regards.
D:OS2 is even more linear than those on top of that and you have literally zero leeway on how you progress through the main quest, nothing you do even matters in how the game or the narrative changes outside of ridiculously tiny and inconsequential particulars like the phoenix egg or who you get on your ship, and the only way to significantly change the actual outcome of your entire campaign is a conversation before the final fight, and if you did the quest with Doctor Daeva in the last act.
The game goes as far in its cognitive dissonance that not only can you get both the Hero and Villain tags at the same time, you can even murder a lot NPCs indiscriminately with nobody batting an eye (the prologue is extra bad with that), despite everyone being somehow psychically aware of whenever you open a chest even though there's nobody in the range of 30 meters and you have maxed out thievery and sneaking.
You're complaining about the right things, but do not pretend this is something only Obsidian does, pretty much everyone does this since the beginning of time, the Yes/No/Ironic Yes/No but Yes/Later but Yes is something all RPGs are guilty of, most of the "roleplaying" is just illusion through text that doesn't actually do anything but give some flavour.
Hey, you want to bring up fireden blackrock cocksucker? Well check out your cringe
Shilling POE2 everyday up until its release - yikes
>Kek, you mean the same people that wrote Pillars 2 dislike 1's writing?
No you strawmanning faggot, I mean what I wrote. Pillar's 1 writing is just as dogshit as the second,
>Meeting pallegina
>Faggot Sawyer think's it's okay to literally describe the color of her eyes in excruciating detail twice in the same sentence
>Almost none of the people you meet have much reason to follow you around, or for you to want them following you around
>In fact most party members are outright detrimental to your cause, especially when trying to seriously roleplay
>Oh, you're new in town and the people don't trust/like strangers. Why not join forced with a mage who is clearly not in control of his mind and just murdered two people outside of the busiest building in town
>Or how about this raving lunatic that only saw fit to talk to you after he observed you staring at a corpse for a good few minutes and outright tells you the townsfolk want him dead
And that's just the tip of the iceberg for how dogshit the writing is.
he only dies if you fucked up mate, in his "good" ending he lives, steals magic from the gods and sets up a one man crusade to kill as many of them as he can
and given he's spiritually invisible to gods he could actually get some success in
>Fail to make a point
>"N-no you!"
user, what are you doing?
At least you didn't feel like you wasted your time in PoE 1, PoE 2 is a complete waste of time cause you can't affect the main story.
Shut up weirdo
Don't reply to me
If your wizard is ending fights with grease and glitterdust then you need to experience more interesting combat, but point taken
"Nature's a cruel bitch" druids' motivations and narrative reasoning for why they would join an adventuring party is generally flimsy at best, so it's not hard to put them in a situations where they have to answer for their actions
Wait wait wait. I just started playing for the first time, chose wizard, intelligence doesnt increase magic power??
cRPGs are a flawed genre. RtWP is outdated trash.
It's a good game, but there's lots about it to hate, including writing.
Attributes make it so you're making classes like barbarian hyper intelligent and having wizards pump iron while the fighter is trying to be as perceptive and resolute as possible.
The writing is excessive to the point of masturbatory and more often than not hampers the pacing of the game because of its sheer amount.
A lot of the companions are flat and a bit boring in terms of character and despite how eager the writers are to fellate themselves by throwing wall after wall of text at the player ad nauseum about the completely esoteric features of an NPC you'll never talk to again, they completely shit the bed when it comes to trying to create believable bonds between the party members.
Based - just reading that has upped my skill in writing like the books in Fallout.
Grease cares about reflex and is a relatively low roll.
This is stupid, you can't say "get out of my face nigger" to black people in other Crpgs either, is the game discriminating against you by not letting you play a redneck southern slave owner?
I get what you're saying, but there's no illusions in Fallout 2. It has a main quest, but you can do it anyway you want basically.
And I can forgive linearity if the writing is good, like PS:T.
But a game where you have lines like
>Wow, your bigotry is showing
No. There's no forgiveness. POE2 is a bad RPG on all levels a game could be a bad RPG.
Intelligence increases the duration and area of effect of skills, might increases damage. The game literally shows you as you add points what is happening to the stat directly next to it.
No, Might does and as pants-on-head retarded as that is, you should have been clicking the tooltips in character creation and reading just what the fuck anything does.
Something tells me that the person who made those threads and the dedicated shitposter who relentlessly posts in every Pillars thread are the same person.
Just a hunch.
reflex, balance and even if you pass them you're still moving at half speed
and while reflex may be easy to make for most enemies balance most certainly is not
It's been established in the previous 20 seconds of the game that the townsfolk are batshit crazy and looking for reasons to kill travelers.
eat shit zoomer
Honestly I feel like they sort of regret doing what they did. They really took the official forums advice on the last dlc and it came out pretty fucking good. Way too late to fix the damage though. A lot of members there pretty much left.
If they're high enough to fall to their death then they still have opportunities to try to recast it or another mitigating spell. Depending on system it'll force a concentration check.
But yeah, I generally avoid using dispel magic. This is more homebrew than official support but it's more fun to use spells that function as the opposite to "dispel" them, as it makes magic a lot more interactive
Oof, another cringe example of blackrock suckers shilling POE2
try years
You know what pissed me off to no end? Remember Woden? In the first game Eder was suicidally upset that he will never find out what Waidwen said to him? He fucking meets Waidwen face to face in Deadfire and he doesn't fucking bring it up. He meets Eothas and doesn't ask about either.
Every narrative aside from the God's being fake was completely cut and forgotten to make the game accessible to newcomers.
They made their bed, they got to lay in it.
And to any pathfinder fags
>Kingdom Come 1,604 in game
>Pathfinder 1,354 in game
>Increases the AoE range and duration of attacks/abilities
>This makes it a prime stat for Barbarians of all things.
>Increases the potency of attacks/abilities
>This makes it a prime stat for backline casters and shit
Now, some retarded PoEfag might try and tell you it makes sense because "hurrr durr might isn't strength" but the game very clearly insists might is strength by having any strength-related stat check depend on your might skill. This means your wizard will be pushing open heavy doors and your barbarian will be deciphering complex tomes.
Not that guy but i'd still say it's a niche case, enemies at that point probably have either a ranged attack/spell of some sort or are agile enough that they don't care about it
Ukaizo belongs to Rauataians just as much as it does to the Huana. They share the same ancestors. No bigotry faggot writers.
THATS a she?
Exactly, so lets give them more reasons to lynch us while we're in poor health! Makes PERFECT sense!
You're not very good at this whole "thinking" thing are you?
>They really took the official forums advice on the last dlc and it came out pretty fucking good.
Also what is it with blackrock suckers that defend any piece of shit game they make, but as long as it gets a DLC, they defend the shitty base game?
It happened with NWN2 - but MOTB being good does not make NWN2 or MOTB worth playnig.
Yes but she doesn't fully identify as one. In an AMA Sawyer said she refers to her self as a Brother in her Paladin order.
So are the Obsidiot/Lariannigger posters the same guy or what? They only ever seem to show up in each other's threads and post in almost the exact same way (as if they have a room temperature IQ).
On top of niggers being ugly in general, the art style they chose just makes them look even worse
>1. Pillars
>2. Pillars
>3. Pillars
And a nigger character for the quackshot of shit
It tends to be true.The base game they use the casual audience to gauge how they should make it. In Deadfire's case Tumblr. Once they got their initial sales and tumblr lost interest they moved on to the only other place they have. Their own forums and given their forums have actual RPG fans the advice is good.
Unless i'm mistaken i thought everyone of that race was neither male nor female by sex, she just merely chose to identify that way
or they've tripped, opened themselves up to a sneak attack and died?
Holy cringeola, this game is for faggotolas
I'm still mad they banned Ayoballin in the tumblr discord. He did nothing wrong. All he did was bring up Iselmyr kissing Eder.
That's just under the law in the Vailian Republics. Basically it's Sawyer writing a technicality so he can have his waifu.
Anything that doesn't use an established tabletop ruleset puts a grind in the gears of the autists
Pillars 1 was fine, but it didn't exactly leave me pining for more which is why I didn't buy 2
Ah. I've not touched the game since release really, so my lore's rusty
NWN2, even without MotB, was so much better than either PoE games as well.
Like from a technical standpoint they were horrible, long load times, shitty UI and camera etc. But the actual story/writing/RP was solid. People are mostly just mad they didn't get a Disney ending.
>but there's no illusions in Fallout 2.
Don't be silly now, FO2 has decent narrative but there's plenty of illusion through text, how your dialogues change based on your intelligence is the prime example of that, even though luckily that also amounts to something more than text most of the times.
It does have a lot of freedom in its main quest, which is great, but it still falls in the same vices of other RPGs, maybe not so often as most of those, but it still does, but now look at another game that is widely acclaimed like Betrayal at Krondor, that is also extremely linear too compared to Fallout, but you won't find a lot of people that complain about that, mostly because it's tailored in a certain way and there's nothing really bad about it, it does deliver a good chapter base progression even though I personally don't like that design much.
>But a game where you have lines like
>>Wow, your bigotry is showing
There's nothing inherently bad with something like that outside the fact that it's forced, out of place and most importantly doesn't amount to anything, if they had some interesting narrative built around that I'd welcome it, the problem is they didn't.
And again, it's not something you can only blame on Obsidian, especially in these days.
Mind you, I don't want to play devil's advocate to Obsidian since I do not like any of their crap, I didn't even play PoE2 and dropped the first one because it was immensely boring and honestly, I'm getting too old for D&D and RTWP is garbage I can no longer suffer through, but you're complaining about a universal problem that you can point out on everyone in the industry, maybe somebody doesn't push those things as bad as the others, but the difference is really minimal and dependant on how much you can deal all the other problems, like the almost universal trash combat, encounter design, scenarios, endless fetch quests and whatever else.
>People are mostly just mad they didn't get a Disney ending.
>In an AMA Sawyer said she refers to her self as a Brother in her Paladin order.
She tells you that herself in-game if you ask about her order.
You are mistaken. Godlikes can't breed, she was able to wiggle her way into the Brotherhood on a technicality by virtue of not being able to perform a woman's actions. Many among her paladin order also dislike her because of this technicality.
Reminder that we did get another romance with the last dlc. Rekke. So we have
For gay romance and we have
For female romance.
Really makes you think.
If the ruleset made any kind of sense there wouldn't be a problem, you're clearly the one being autistic here acting with complete disregard for nuance and deeper understanding.
You're just passing through that town on the way to the capital though, the entire reason they join you is because you're both leaving. And your character isn't sick physically, they're just seeing spirits it doesn't interfere with their fighting abilities.
It's exactly like sitting down to play Pathfinder with a by-the-book DM reading from a so-so module, for better or worse.
Now post the female dance.
What makes me sad is the tabletop Josh is making has a interesting as fuck plot.
Nah ME3 ending isn't bad because Shepard dies or the Galaxy is fucked, I'd be happy if it just ended like that.
ME3 is bad because the whole fucking game is mediocre dogshit topped off by an ending that simply does not make any degree of sense, in universe or out. It legitimately makes Ken Levine's schlock in Bioshock Infinite look palatable by comparison.
And this is from someone who actually defends ME2's ending, which actually does make sense based on the evidence the game throws at you.
>beamdog fan fiction content exclusive to enhanced edition
>version 2+ with the butchered sprites and UI
big oof, try again buddy
Korgan: Yer eyes wander all over me back while I battle. Do I meet yer approval? I hope not; I find yer nuts and berries approach quite feeble.
Jaheira: What does it matter what I would think of you, if at all? You would scarcely care less.
Korgan: Aye, that is true enough, but I'll not have ye at me back and thinking me ill. I'd sooner gut ye here and now, and let yer bile fertilize yer precious plants.
Jaheira: Ahh, you have quite the way of inspiring comrades. Certainly such an act would let you sleep soundly at night. Your 'friends' will... watch over you intently.
Korgan: Ehh, such a sleep be akin to death, maybe even becoming it. So walk on, wench o' the wood, but do so ahead o me!
Fallout 2 doesn't force you to do content - it doesn't force you to do anything. The world is your oyster and responds to how you built your character - could it be better? Sure, but you're basically asking if gold could have diamonds encrusted into it or something.
POE1 and 2 force you to solve quests because you don't get jack shit EXP from combat - so it doesn't feel optional, and neither do the companions. They all feel like "WHOA CHECK OUT HOW COOL WE ARE"
What makes Fallout 2 great is that you can literally miss one of the best written characters in the game your first time (I did)
>If they had some interesting narrative built around that I'd welcome it, the problem is they didn't
It's an optional line meant to sarcastically accuse that trading company of being racist toward the natives due to them constantly implying they can't survive without that trading companies help. It's been a while since I played it but it does make sense in context.
>>Like this scene from the shitty Baldur's Gate DLC:
>shitty baldur's gate dlc
I didn't try anything, faggot.
>Also what is it with blackrock suckers that defend any piece of shit game they make, but as long as it gets a DLC, they defend the shitty base game?
>It happened with NWN2 - but MOTB being good does not make NWN2 or MOTB worth playnig
Nigger you do this every fucking thread. People are praising the DLC, not the base game. I know you are driven into a frothing rage at the idea of someone buying the game, but that doesn't mean we are going to hate the DLC for fun just because you hate the base game.
>You're just passing through that town on the way to the capital though
Play the fucking game you retard. You were hoping to settle in gilded vale in 90% of the starting dialogue options, the other being "just passing through" variants
>the entire reason they join you is because you're both leaving.
Which is a perfectly useless reason to side with a wizard who is not in control of his mind and a random yokel who is clearly unstable as well.
>And your character isn't sick physically, they're just seeing spirits it doesn't interfere with their fighting abilities.
How the fuck are you even talking about this when you're so illiterate? Holy shit dude go and read the actual fucking dialogue, when you arrive in Gilded Vale your character is sick as shit, the fact that this does not affect your combat prowess is just another point of criticism because the game constantly talks about things that are ultimately inconsequential or quickly forgotten.
>What makes Fallout 2 great is that you can literally miss one of the best written characters in the game your first time (I did)
Also meant to add, one of the best written characters in WRPGs of all time as well. Chris Avellone could write nothing but shit (like Sawyer), and he'd still have this character to his legacy.
>And yes, some of the best RPGs have this flaw.
>Like this scene from the shitty Baldur's Gate DLC:
sorry, your shitty phrasing confused me
But RTwP used to be the zoomer gameplay though, before RTwPs everything was turn-based.
Yes, that's possible, but let's go back to the original stipulation:
1) enemy has SR so we're casting grease
2) enemy is on the greased surface (ie not incorporeal/floating/flying)
3) enemy has to pass a reflex save with a 1st level DC (probably not difficult for it to do)
4) enemy is not intelligent enough to know that moving may cause it to fall
5) enemy has no other options in combat other than to move to get into melee
6) enemy has to fail balance/acrobatics check with low/average DC
I think the wizards time is better spent elsewhere, as again, most enemies with SR can do these things
The base game should be good. Why would you buy the DLC to a bad game? Perfect example: RDR and Undead Nightmare
Meant to throw in that it may as well be from an Obsidian game.
>You were hoping to settle in gilded vale in 90% of the starting dialogue options
And are promptly leaving to go address the whole "I see dead people" problem. Those are backstory choices to explain why you're with the caravan and have nothing to do with the overarching plot. And if you don't like the party members then don't take them, the game doesn't force you to. I personally didn't give a shit that the natives hated Eder because they had 20+ people hanging in a tree in the town square so it obviously didn't mean much. Aloth only killed people in self-defense.
NWN2 isn't bad though, especially by CRPG standards. Main issues where bugs and shitty controls, which aren't the biggest of deals.
CRPG Real time with pause combat RANKING:
1. Baldurs Gate 2 - The pinnacle and the best in every way. Best loot, best boss fights, best party members, best side quests, best villain, best ego stroking godhood thing, best everything.
2. Icewind Dale - Great side campaign to BG2 and creating your own party is excellent. The combat focused BG2 in an engine with the best combat.
3. Planescape Torment: Crazy as fuck story, choices, and world and It's wonderful for it. Lacking in the actual character progression / build thing but its a good book.
4. Icewind Dale 2 - If you want more Icewind Dale, you get more Icewind Dale.
5. Baldurs Gate - It's a classic. 10 levels in D&D ain't gonna give you much though, but it leads up to the greatest game of all time so its ok.
5. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Complex as fuck which does not happen in 2019 and it is SO MUCH better for it. The crazy builds and shit you can do is amazing. Shitty kingdom management, but none of these games have good stuff there. Difficulty stays difficult the entire game and it's fun as fuck to replay.
6. Tyranny: The coolest world of all of them. Playing the benevolent villain is awesome. Desperately needs a BG2 level sequel because it leaves way too many god damn loose ends even though it strokes your ego like a mofo right up til the end when it just...ends. Again, desperately needs a sequel.
7. Torment Tides of Numenera: Another good book.
8. Pillars 1: Lesser BG in every possible way and forgettable villans/story. Solid on it's own, but forgettable.
9: Pillars 2: Starts off awesome, then shits the bed on difficulty and everything becomes generic as fuck with almost no enemy variation or anything at all to do other than autoattack.
>1. Baldurs Gate 2 - The pinnacle and the best in every way. Best loot, best boss fights, best party members, best side quests, best villain, best ego stroking godhood thing, best everything.
>best written character in wrpg
He was an annoying little whiny shit. You have pretty low standards if you think he's the best written character in crpg.
Anyone ranking BG1 this high is a blinded nostalgia baby, it's a boring woods wandering simulator.
I haven't played that game but anyone judging the quality of writing based on how annoying the character is is a brainlet, a character can be both well written and not likeable.
Rekke is a romance now? That's news to me.
>best villain
lol, maybe at the start, but when you figure out he's basically a child throwing a temper tantrum it goes downhill fast
also in what universe does it have the best party members? most of them were boring, waifu bait or boring waifu bait
>And are promptly leaving to go address the whole "I see dead people" problem
This is you moving the goalposts. You find Aloth before you make this choice, Eder shows up not much later.
>Those are backstory choices to explain why you're with the caravan and have nothing to do with the overarching plot.
Exactly. That's bad writing. Especially since your characters main motivation for being where he is gets dropped and promptly forgotten completely. It also doesn't address the issue that pissing off the locals when you have every reason to lay low is a terrible idea.
>And if you don't like the party members then don't take them
How is this an argument for anything you dumb faggot?
>I personally didn't give a shit that the natives hated Eder because they had 20+ people hanging in a tree in the town square so it obviously didn't mean much. Aloth only killed people in self-defense
It didn't mean much because you were not playing a role playing game and just figured it wouldn't have any gameplay consequences so you trotted along. Aloth "only" killed two people (he fucking KILLED two people you arsewipe) after a clear demonstration that he was not in control of his own mind. Even if you ignore the outright murder that still leaves the fact that he's clearly insane and you should stay the fuck away from him. The game gives you no real reason to have him join you other than the fact that he's there, has a name, and offers.
>He was an annoying little whiny shit.
So... you. A lot of self hating nerds can't look in the mirror and think how it poorly reflects on them or go with the joke
So many people I've read said "lol i kll him xD" and it's like - you're not any better. Would you want a Chosen One guy like IRL to do that to you?
I want to stick it up her cloaca
Also IWD are piles of shit nonRPGs
By a sawyer fag, for sawyerfags
>How is this an argument for anything you dumb faggot
"Hm, this guy is clearly insane in a roleplaying game but why do I even have a choice to take him with me?" If you personally didn't like him then don't take him, it's not the game's job to judge you for it one way or the other. Like you said it's just offering.
>Character motive is dropped and promptly forgotten
No, it's just that by the end of the game you have found living conditions. Needing a place to live is resolved because you become the lord of the castle.
I wouldn't expect someone who just read his wikipedia entry and only jacks off to New Vegas to understand
On top of having reactions to you for male or female, he has reactions to you being a retard male or even - retarded female - and on top of retarded female, he has specific dialogue if you're a pretty retarded female.
Myron is one of the most, if not the most, realised companions in any RPG
lol I remember completely cheesing this game and not taking it seriously
I just got six chanters and afk'd everything almost
I really like how utterly pissed off he gets when you have enough int and science to correct him
Plus his spazz out when you say you're gonna leave him somewhere is one of the reasons I don't fully say VAs ruins RPGs
>"Hm, this guy is clearly insane in a roleplaying game but why do I even have a choice to take him with me?" If you personally didn't like him then don't take him, it's not the game's job to judge you for it one way or the other. Like you said it's just offering.
Which doesn't change the fact that the game has a bunch of content that no sane person would peruse, and contains a ton of very plot relevant information you'd miss out on because his introduction is complete dogshit, which is what the conversation here is actually about.
>No, it's just that by the end of the game you have found living conditions. Needing a place to live is resolved because you become the lord of the castle.
You weren't just looking for a home though. And the way you take up possession of the castle is another case of dogshit writing.
In reality, the PC has every reason to get the fuck out of Gilded Vale entirely and never look back, move to a country where they actually research the illness that plagues him and stay the fuck away from Thaos (but nah, we can surely cure this incurable ill by exposing ourselves to the very thing that triggered it, even though we learned that the trigger for it can be absolutely anything and is irreversible)
that said I can sort of understand when people say he kind of fails as a party member
he's a great NPC, but 99% of all players would rightfully take him behind a barn and shoot him
You can just get him to leave... so many self hating nerds. Avellone was right to make him.
Release was pretty bad, it took a year of patches for it to be good
it's not about self-hating nerds
it's about him being a sociopath responsible for one of the greatest social dramas in recent history with his jet bullshit
it's about him having exactly zero redeeming qualities
>it's about him having exactly zero redeeming qualities
So would any nerd in his position raised by gangsters
From what little I can gather of what little is spoken of, his family was turned down from entering Vault City, and they possibly died in New Reno working for Family Mordino picking peyote.
So on top of a harsh life, he probably had no father figure, and then he's thrust into power when he makes jet.
The question with Myron is: Could you do better? And the answer for 99% of nerds is no
Larianiggers made me hate divinity
I hated Tyranny when I first played it. Now it's one of my GOATS and the only thing I hate about it is there wasn't more to it.
It really gave me the Dark Sun feeling.
doesn't really matter, he's an amoral untrustworthy piece of shit
200 hours from Pillars 1, 130 hours from Pillars 2. I'm pretty much done with that series. Pathfinder does the exploration aspect much better with the shitton of locations that you can visit, but it doesn't help that things look a bit too generic. Listening to companion banters is totally worth the play though.
I'll miss Eder and Aloth broteam combo. None of the companions in Pathfinder can top them.
>he's an amoral untrustworthy piece of shit
Except he doesn't do anything untrustworthy and helps create a cure for Jet
He fights alongside you (if you bring him) to fight the Enclave, making him an adventurous good guy.
My only critique with FO2 is something similar to FO1 where it can be too black and white, like how the original endings had Gizmo as the good guy and Killian as the bad guy. Myron should have had a possible redemption ending, but nah, he just dies lol xD (though it is realistic so I don't totally dislike it)
Div;OS1 is great, top 10 for me. Div;OS2 is honestly not that good, in between the buggy quest lines, terrible writing (and no, I don't mean the humor, I mean the pacing and content for most character storylines, Sebille in particular) and overall dull combat/abilities. When I played every other fight ended up with large swathes of necrofire everywhere ruining all other elemental combos, and the addition of armors did not to their system any favors.
Also doesn't help that 90% of abilities are either "punch+debuff" or "projectile+debuff" and the more interactive abilities like walls or portals are very much not worth the hassle and often don't work as they are supposed to.