Zerg vs Tyranid vs Flood. Who wins?

Zerg vs Tyranid vs Flood. Who wins?

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Tyrannid. Like everything in Warhammer 40k, they take the Wumbo and dial it up to 11.

Tyranids. Maybe flood due to the fact that they're some kind of god-dust and might be able to infect the tyranids.

Probably the tyranids as it's an extragalactic threat that has either eaten everything in the who knows how many previous galaxies its visited, or it's running from something even worse

Also as that other user said, warhammer always wins by virtue of being too retarded to compete with

Depends on how powerful the flood are at the current time. If they are at full power they will have a guaranteed victory. Not even the Tyranids can deal with the bullshit they can pull when the Flood Train loses it's brakes.

Tyranids have a fleet larger than than milky way. Zerg only occupy a few planets in the Kaprulu sector. The math does not check out sir.

The flood are stupid. Worst swarm race in sci fi

Tyranids are so ridiculously adaptable that they literally adapted biological guns that they have attached to their arms that shoot green death lazer goo.

The flood is literally the cells of the in-universe halo gods and exist on a different plane. That's why they made halo because the flood can't actually be destroyed, so the forerunners simply decide to kill everything else.
So the flood might win simply out of the ability to take over the tyranids.

Zerg vs Tyranid vs Flood Vs Orks. Who wins?

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Flood are busted space magic bugs so they'd win. Zergs are a shit ripoff of Tyranids so they'd come dead last.
Orks would ultimately lose to Tyranids because Tyranids absorb 100% of the biomass of a planet including ork spores and Orks biggest threat is that they're almost literally a planetary infection that you can't get rid of.
So it'd be

>Orks vs Tyranids
You should know better than that

>"The flood is unstoppable!"
>*Stop them all the time with a handful of bullets*
Halo lore is retarded.

Flood infected Tyranid.

Orks are the strongest.

and tyranids don't die to basic units all the time?

Tyranids are ridiculous even by 40k standards they'll come out on top in the 40k universe without a ridiculous asspull. The main hive hasn't even arrived in the galaxy and the strongest forces of all the other factions can barely push back the scouting hive fleet tendrils.


Flood has no power cap. You could have a planet sized object of pure flood mass turned into a gravemind or at that point something worse and it’d prolly be capable of impossible psychic feats.

>tfw my friends I used to play table warhammer with moved outside my city/country
>still wanting to learn how to paint properly to paint my tyranid army and put it on an expositor

you posted the WORST fucking OP

like, holy shit, if you know anything about 40k, fucking T's would destroy those others COMBINED.

basic for fucking 40k
i want to see fucking MC take on some of tyranids shit,

The answer? Metroids they thrive on eating other parasites

I unironically want to play this.

Fite me you gitz

Aren’t metroids only a threat to species that utilize or emit large amounts of energy?

>Meanwhile on Octarius

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The Orks, because no matter what happens there will be a good fight and that is enough to keep the boyz happy

Orks, green is best

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You have it backwards. The Tyranids had their design changed to be much more Zerg-like after the release of Starcraft. The 2nd Tyranid Codex made in 1995 looks nothing like the Zerg in Starcraft from 1998, or even the Tyranids in the subsequent 2001 codex.

ends up in a ork nid eternal stalemate until the hive mind orders every single tyranid lifeform in the universe to eat the orks and in return gork and mork enter realspace which probably ends up tearing the galaxy asunder

Hurp derp flood iz de best hurp derp

Whatever abomination is spawned in the aftermath of that battle.