>Anarchy Online getting a new, fresh progression server
what are you all going to roll on here?
>Anarchy Online getting a new, fresh progression server
what are you all going to roll on here?
Other urls found in this thread:
info for those that missed it
>The fresh server is for paid players only.
>It will be a progression server (The expansions will release sequentially with only the base game being available at launch, not even Notum Wars at launch).
>There won’t be a code rollback - meaning most modern systems will be in.
>There will be a rolling level cap (As an example, though we don’t have real details on it - a possibility would be that in the first month of the server launch the level cap is 60, which then increases to 100 the next month).
>Heckler Juice and Character Transfers won’t be available. All other shop items and paid services are unknown.
>There will be a unique armor set (Serpentine Armor) available for people who play on the new server.
>Arete Landing will be replaced by the Old Backyards which will be accessed through the original Landing Hall.
>The server will work with either the new or old client
>At the moment, there are no plans for name reservations on the new server.
>Daily Missions will be disabled until a later time (Unconfirmed when).
>There will be exclusive cosmetics on the new server to incentivize play.
It's subscription-based, from what I heard. That pretty much kills it for me since I'm a cheap fuck who already has a huge backlog of single-player stuff. Hope they change it but other people might be willing to pay.
Would obviously go Opifex Fixer, like every other pleb who gets into the game. Maybe I'd finally be able to grab some Grid Armor.
yeah, everyone is upset that you need to pay full sub prices for what will be base game only (can't even play it on my SL only account). but should be cool to play a fixer on the base only game since runspeed and fgrid will be so important.
>everyone on discord going MP for their beta demons
toppest keks
How the fuck does this still exist?
No joke, if it was F2P I'd be there Day 1, buy a shitload of cosmetic microtransactions, and even aggressively group with new players to help them get used to the game. I get that Funcom hasn't been doing too great over the last few years (especially when they had their offices raided by the police), but even the Age of Conan progression server didn't charge money.
because the original funcom accidentally made a fun game, and despite nu-funcom's best efforts people still enjoy playing it
welcome home brother
Oh, holy shit. I can't believe how awesome this is. This is the most comfy game ever created.
fresh server should be even comfier since it will have the old arrival hall and backyards. check out the twitch stream:
Anarchy Online was THE MMORPG for me back during my youth and even now I still love it in my heart.
However, all I wanted was Anarchy Online 2.
Sadly, it appears our reality is a gay earth so I won't get what I want. Still, I hope you guys enjoy the progression server.
The grind was horrible. Who the fuck would want to play this in 2019?
>paid only
dead on arrival
>the only thing that matters is max level content
wew lad
>he wants to play with chinks and BRs
>procedurally generated garbage
>grinding temple over and over
Nah, I'm good
Honestly, I'm wondering how many people are still going to be on after a month. It's not an exaggeration to say that the population might halve once the first wave of players get over their nostalgia fix. Making it F2P would have been the much smarter move since all the unwashed hordes would at least shore up the player numbers.
the MMO renaissance is here and it's just playing the MMOs from 15 years ago
There's no way there's still people playing Anarchy Online.
I went to Rome Blue like five years ago and there were three people standing around compared to the hundreds in its prime.
>DAOC private server with regularly over 1700 people online
>WoW classic coming out in a few months
>Anarchy online coming back
It's like i'm back in early 00s
paid players will stick around, but yeah froobs would definitely make the server feel a lot more populated. there aren't that many paid players still playing (the ones that do still play all play multiple accounts, so when you see teams of paid players it's usually two-three people all multiboxing)
I think I tried it again about three years and there was literally no one in the Subway. Even back in 2009 there were always groups of people everywhere and Borealis was swarming with players. Made me feel so sad that I didn't try again since. Even cagey about trying out this progression server.
RuneScape regularly gets 100k+ players now. For the first time in over a decade.
Never heard of this.
Funcom is still running on a skeleton crew. They're not turning the server off until whatever Norwegian boomer is keeping the company alive decides to shut it down when he retires.
agent is the ABSOLUTE patrician class for the highest IQ players only
since the server merge and moving subway into ICC there's usually people in there, although it can depend on the time of day a bit
rome blue and clan cities are pretty dead, but borealis and ICC still had plenty of people hanging around when I was playing 6 months ago
other funcom news:
supposedly they have money and aren't going bankrupt yet
they got dune license and are working on games with that, one of them will be some kind of mmo shit
other unannounced projects being worked on, please god let one of them be an AO2 that doesnt ruin everything
I mean that's kinda the point with boomer mmos, the pain in the ass grind is there so that you have to actually group with people and work together to make it less awful.
The difference with modern/korean grinding is that the social aspect of it has been entirely removed, and it's just there to get you to buy good boy gems rather than being there to force players to interact with each other.
last bump
I have a weird sense of mourning for how many places there are on that map that will never again be seen by human eyes. Even if it's the equivalent of a shitty three room smuggler cave from a Bethesda game, somebody once modeled and textured and populated it and it probably hasn't had a human being set foot in it for a decade.
So this is what going home really feels like. Count me fucking in bros.
thats fucking sick
shame i got work to do and im not kid anymore
i loved AO to the death
of those 5 upcoming projects I think they already revealed 3 of them are Conan games, one of them looking like an RTS. What kind of madmen would it take to bring the RTS genre back to life? DUNE was, like, the goddamn original RTS.
The only thing I remember from playing this game was the guy who drank soda all day, and let the nanites in the air clean his body of the damage that the soda would otherwise do.
It makes AO the best exploration game around, there's so many fucking neat places to find and forgotten shit to discover for the first time since 2003
Wasn’t this game supposed to get a graphical overhaul?
I just love the dependency on other players, classes and crafters. I remember twinking dual cleavers into my 60 enforcer absolutely wrecking temple.
Should i go crat or engi? I love those crat calms.
I hope this does well and other MMO creators are watching
I really fucking hope they nerf perennium shit if they get to shadowlands though, having one weapon that looks fucking horrible but is vastly better than all your other options from level 20 to 200 was a huge fuckup
original AO with so fucking many different cool weapons that you used even though most of them were retarded because you couldn't find the good ones was fucking kino
they did release the new client after like 8 years of completely fucking up the project and starting over, but it only improves things like lighting and grass and water and not any of the assets
it's also still kinda unstable and fucks up more than the original client, but it does make grass look nice and you can use either client
engis are kinda fun, but just completely shutting down the ability of anyone to do anything while you sip your special coffee is perfection
>I really fucking hope they nerf perennium shit if they get to shadowlands though
have fun killing anything in shadowlands
Trader would come in handy as first char as well, access to trader shop and best non xpack weapons plus shotties will be top tier.
Cool. When's that graphics update coming out?
like 2015, only took them a fucking decade
Any word on when it comes out?
not yet, I think they are releasing more details next week though
Wait, it actually came out?
yeah, iirc they threw out everything around 2012 because it was a completely fucked mess and started the project over
eventually they managed to release something in 2015 that at least runs and looks a bit better than the old one, although it's still got plenty of bugs and they haven't worked on it since it went out the door
>plz wrangle
dude come on it takes you like 2 seconds just give me a wrangle bro
>mfw cruising around in my yalm for the first time
according to the twitch stream
"much sooner than you are expecting"
some people are guessing mid march
>2 mins of laddering drains to be able to wrangle high enough to matter
>3 mins of being a fucking leper
>"why should i tip for wrangles, you just clicked a button hehehe"
You can find me at Hope bar or Omni Ent grid when this all goes down. Drop a hint and if it is me I'll do what I can to hook you up.
agent is the ABSOLUTE patrician class for the highest IQ players only to be a ghetto doctor with Lifegiving Elixer and CH. Oh, and being a buffslut.
I say this as an Agent from 2001-2015.
There are so many cool locations in RK. There is a tragedy/comedy mask set built into the ground in the middle of nowhere. So many rare tilesets in the random missions that rarely got seen.
>that omni-ent bar where the first track here plays constantly
no comfier place in videogames
>being a buffslut
>not being a buffmasturbator and saving every single one for your own characters
agent is also fun for going stealth and afking in meetmedere, then oneshotting all the lowbies that are trying to run to the grid
>"aimed shot is too hard to balance in pvp, so we'll just let it work at full strength all the time!"
t-t-thanks funcom
>tfw we'll still never find out what the fuck was supposed to be up with the enigmas and enigma forest
fuck enigmas
Played this game as a kid and the only reason I was able to do any kind of decent is because of my older brother showing me the ropes and helping out with crucial stuff like implants, good times.
Getting back into it is real tempting but I honestly can't justify paying a subscription for it, given that I'll likely stop after getting my fix of nostalgia anyway.
Seems cool but Anarchy Online is way too fucking niche to pull a big population for a server like this.
Froobs being barred from it kind of kills it, especially when they STILL lock your account into being paid if you pay for even one month
ofab aesthetics are kino
at least most of them, some sets look fucking retarded but still
If it actually catches on and they keep the new server up I imagine they would open it up to froobs, but we'll see I guess
I know there's a lot of old autists like me that will goy right up to experience those memories again, and hopefully with the recent resurgence of interest in boomer mmos there will be enough good goyim to make it work
I was considering it on a burner account, but there's still kind of a lot of questions like how they say there's no code rollback, but does that mean nanos and class reworks be reverted as well? I remember seeing that Agent got buffed to not have a huge nano init. debuff which just made it much nicer to play
My understanding is that it will be the current mechanics just with expansion zones and perks and shit locked, but they haven't given much detail yet
>tfw for a second thought it was Anarchy Reigns
It hurts...
I probably will give it a try but hopefully it doesn't just immediately get broken in half due to most people knowing the ins and outs of the game already
kind of wish they lower their subscription fee
I'm assuming they don't because quite a few people still pay for the game and maybe even multiple subs across accounts, but they really should
Why would they lock away content if people pay anyway?
Now that I think about, I'd bet their reason for not opening it for froobs is because without expansions to get access to they don't have any advantages to give subscribers. Most likely they would enable froobs after SL hits just like they originally did, assuming it survives that long.
2nd best Phasefront. The hoverboard is far more handy due to it working in SL. You do seem to know your shit with that +dmg accessory setup and IQ ring.
Don't talk shit about the blue dildo.
They never finished the model updates or armor rigging, but they did finish the grass/shaders/lighting. Pretty sure Macrosun and friends are all long gone by now.
Extruder bar pls
A friend mentioned something like this coming out, and the fact that it's paid only kinda kills it for it for me. Why pay if you can't even do SL content.
never could get into AO. its just a little too 'old school' for me in that you have to grind monsters with little to no story whatsoever.
being an autistic creep who cannot interact with people, thats a dealbreaker for me since i cant rely on the bullshit "oh but its good with friends/guilds" excuse.
>Extruder bar pls
not for months, due level cap being locked to 60 for month, then 100
True, but those bars are not to be underestimated.
I guess that makes sense but I would think a brand new server would be a good chance to try something new to give a fresh start. Maybe something like a completely free progress server with some other type of cash shop or a one time fee entry
i know
yalmaha stiletto if you are mad enough
>my shade got enough left over IP to get stiletto on without buffs
>goy up and buy enough phasefront points back in the day to get all of them because they looked so fucking cool and FC says I'll always have access to those points on new characters
>FC replaces phasefront shit with the new store and can't use them anymore
>can only redeem one of each kind from the store now and it's always the worst color so my new characters can never use any of the cool ones
fuck you snowkikes
>Funcom is still running on a skeleton crew
No it's not, maybe the AO team, but certainly not Funcom
Stiletto is great, but not by phrasefront. I love my stiletto even if I break out into sweats at the sight of a coldstone.
What the hell did they do to the phasefront store right outside Newland on the lake?
None of the AO dev team is even around anymore, but that is not a bad thing. They could never code worth a shit even if they were cool guys.
>actually using the stiletto
the absolute mad lad
I could not let Bitbucket style on me nonstop
I winder if they're going to rehire the AO concept artists for their upcoming Dune games, both universes do share some similarities
They moved it into a building in ICC, but you can't purchase anything anymore. AFAIK you can only get phasefront shit now if you had points before they moved to the new store, and even then it only lets you redeem some shitty ones and not everything you had access to before.
>don't worry guys we're gonna move all the phasefront stuff to the new store t. funcom 4 years ago
Classic Funcom. Sometimes I wonder what AO would look like today with a competent company behind it. Means was a dick, but he fucking tried at least.
i still have nano version of stiletto on my soldier that can be traded, doesnt have same requirements as normal stiletto
account is locked though
Wonder if I'll be able to claim my pioneer backpack on the new server.
not to mention this is pre-GA nerf so fixers with GA are fucking invincible
>you will never get to play early concept AO
Hey, it even has the average GA user
go martial artist engie and exploit the 400 MA increase off slayerdroid transference
and then tag team punch shit with your robot
where are you getting these screenshots??
share more
In here, it's got all the concept art that people have been able to dig up
WIP, coming soon :)
quit jerking me off and release the new engine to play in
This man did NOTHING wrong.
*plumbos your path*
Nothing because funcom are fucking scum and deserve it for completely ruining the fucking game
AO was shit after Shadowlands. 0-220 was basically just farming hecklers.
I spent so many hours in the subway. I remember finding that hole in the wall that leads to the bottom area and my mind was blown. Had so much fun exploring. Good memories, but I don't think I'll ever go back.
could someone explain the grid network travel system thing? I never experienced it
also, how did the cars work?
Needs a massive overhaul of the art assets. New models, textures, animations. The forced latency in combat needs to be axed, because nobody is still using an internet connection from 2001 anymore.
If they aren't fixing any of that then I can't justify going back and actually paying to play this eyesore again, and without even having the expacs right off the bat. I fucking loved this game as a kid, but boy is it ever clunky and ugly.
The "cars" are either nanos (castable spells) or usable items in your inventory. In Notum Wars they added gunships and combat vehicles, but they never really got used much. In Lost Eden they added mechs, but they only get used in PVP and are hardcountered by rocket launchers.
fuck off plumbo, your loot ain't shit and neither are you
You activate a terminal and it turns you into a little blue pyramid and throws you in here, then you run onto one of these little platforms and it throws you out at another terminal. Different platforms and levels have different comp lit requirements, and fixers get their own special one with tons more exits.
Vehicles pretty much just change your player model and give you a +runspeed buff, otherwise it's exactly the same as walking around normally.
I've been playing this game for the past 3 weeks and I'm having an absolute blast trying new professions and doing wierd shit
like an agent focusing on melee and sneak attack since for some reason that skill is super cheap for agents, and the forced crit abilities work out really well when dualwielding
>how did the cars work?
flying vehicle or nothing
Forgot to talk about the grid. It is basically a hub zone with Computer Literacy skill requirements for each "portal" that dropped you at the grid terminal for wherever you jump out a portal. Most places are connected to this.
There is a "fgrid" or fixer grid that one class can take themselves into after a quest (other players too later) with far expanded locations. Many of these were attractive places to go for endgame content or shopping (there was no AH but there were player shops and such with AI. They added an AH much much later and retired player shops)
Whompas are the other main option and they were just linked zone portals with no skill requirement, but went to super limited destinations on a route.
agent memebuilds are the best, there's so fucking much retarded and overly complicated shit that actually still kinda works you can pull off with them
I went to play this game years and years ago and wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be doing then got lost in a city because everything looked the same and never played it again
Caterwaul 913
Never forgetti
>tfw no dinodragon mounts
I'm so glad they reused that model for the anniversary events
Reminder that clans belong in the Reeducation Gas chambers.
and NT's got teleport nano for different cities, but they removed most of them and added team/single warp time and space: capital city
brontos are for burger meat
and bacon wrap
and grid meeping (several classes)
and MP's shitty shadowlands ports
I was always kinda bummed AO stopped getting attention from Funcom as they went off to develop shit like conan and secret world.
To date it's still their best IP and I think it would be well worth their time to pull a full remake of AO. Keep the IP system, the implants, the crafting, ect. but redo the movement, combat and UI to be more in line with a modern standard
updates to all art assets would be a must as well
then make is f2p, seeing as they already have a cash shop they could capitalize on
someone once decided that lizardmen with guns riding floating chairs would be fucking sick, but I don't think they actually made it in
based and atroxpilled
Tentacle thong or kill yourself
>not master
go big or go home
need 131 and behe asap pls will tip 20k
>paying to play as a froob
I'd understand the hype if it was the 11.0 version with the old mobs/items/bugs, but this? Just roll a froob, you get the same experience
kys noob, 1m or nothing
I personally am looking forward to going through SL again. Ready to farm another ice golem tooth?
>tfw we never got titties ingame
she is in camelot
oh god what the fuck, did they actually use that model?
>Ready to farm another ice golem tooth?
dont forget boots :^)
I remember constantly buying and reselling shit on the market to make money
got a dchest without even seeing tarasque, and then I sold it for 15mil more than I paid for it
Nippes are more subtle, but yeah they used it for Morgan LaFey
HD breasts dlc when?
Tchu is not that bad and I actually liked those reedemed/unredeemed dungeons. My boi Ergo is the best character.
what's the "new" engine look like compared to the original engine?
fuck you funcom
dont forget that one of the materials is in inferno, need few doctors in team to prevent frying
oh shit, it's the Heavy Grinner Pistol/Rifle hybrid gun, it's absolute garbage but I really like the 3d model of it
Same shit different sack. Better water/lighting/foliage, but they never finished the texture revamp past the terrain. The guy doing it is long gone from the company. Spoke to him a few times at events and in vent/ts3. Guy said the game is super spaghetti code and trying to fix ANYTHING on that ancient late 90s foundation (part of the issue of the shitty 2001 launch) would pretty much break EVERYTHING. Thanks DirectX like 7 or 8.
I was a doc. CH made it easy.
>she is in camelot
how many hours would I need to play to reach camelot from new toon?
Camelot is an endgame PvEvP dungeon. She rarely survives long anyways since everyone wants to kill the dragon.
I don't have any comparison screenshots, but pic related is with the new one. The main differences are just better grass, better water, and objects actually having shadows and proper lighting now rather than the old polygon by polygon ground illumation before.
how does apartments works
>it's absolute garbage but I really like the 3d model of it
the story of RK weapons
What was the old leveling progression?
those who want to kill the dragon mostly skip morgan
level 8 if you start with clan
athen -> wailing wastes -> avalon
I think I would go to pleasant meadows between totw and borgs, but I was way too retarded back then to get much further
biodome in longest road before borgs
you walk inside and now you have an apartment
you can buy some furniture and drop it on the floor but thats about it
What's the latest in AO lore wise? Proud Omni-Tek Bureaucrat speaking
friendly reminder to max out swimming and vehicle water
they stopped doing lore shit in 2010 my dude
Xan was the last thing they did before putting everything on life support
ross got fucked, some other cunt took over but then I think she got kicked out after some scandal involving riots in borealis or something
I don't remember what happened after, but I think that's when all the lore went into stasis
Here you go
Truth she has fuck all for drops
>progression server
>Fixer blitzing to make credits will be back in demand
>Grid Armor will be BIS
Dear God Yes
Hackers in Pleasant Meadows was what I was trying to remember. I could see the camp in my head but couldn't think of it. Thanks
Red took over from Ross' stasis/death/limbo (was a cool ass event too). There were riots in Bor leading to increased security around the city. There were a few light scuffles and everything else was just news ticker "lore" from that point forward
i'm more of a neocron man
Mah nigga
NC was my other true MMO love. Pepper park bois
>sub only
dropped, i have plenty of other games
omni cities are best cities
>>sub only
would play if the new server was free for the first 2 weeks
were there story/lore videos with the concept art?
If Funcom doesn't want people to blaze through levels then those level caps aren't going to work since by the time Shadowlands is released there won't be a level cap and people will still be able to do heckler kiting and get players to 200 very quickly.
Nerf the Hecklers
What even is this game? I remember trying to download this when I was young on on modem, having to stop whenever my grandparents used the phone. Never got to play it since I didnt know it was a p2p game and I remember feeling super frustrated and crying.
did they bring back the island? the old tutorial island?
>tutorial island
nah nigga, that was added in alien invasion
we're going back to backyards and the A R R I V AL H A L L
but all the cities are omni cities
good point actually
newland city and borealis are neutral :^)
I never knew why Clan always had a higher population than Omnis. Clan areas are so dull looking.
clans are the brazil of the future
they burned The Secret World and have abandoned interest in it as well. Worked to cut deals to make more money off Conan games and are going all-in pushing out Conan stuff and I guess Dune stuff will follow.
OT owns the right to the entire fucking planet. They ALLOW settlements, but they technically own them and the land they're on. Clan's main city is a bombed out OT city.
>2008 + 27476
>not working a comfortable corporate job with free housing in the safe and beautiful city of Rome
>not having children with your loving company-arranged romantic partner
>not having a fling with a clan girl and fucking her soapdodging ass in the back of Hope bar while Bozo watches.
gross and reported to omni-pol
They fuck like feral cats in heat. I never said marry her.
Even OT sexual protection nanos have their limits, man.
Insurance. I just go feed myself to bozo and fucking die every time I get the space clap. One shot. Painless.
>AO thread almost making it to 200 posts in this decade
I never thought I would see the day
I remember it never working on my PC back in the day, always wanted to play it but never could. Is this a good time to hop in? I remember being super hyped about it but I don't remember jack shit about it now, what is it that makes it good?
They're doing a classic progression server. Likely your last chance to experience it even close to the golden age.
>what is it that makes it good?
how you can tweak your character with implants and buffs to get higher quality items on
That's because despise all the backlash from initial release, AO is a damn good game. Shame it's on life support, but hey, at least you can still play it, unlike more recent mmos
I see you are a man of culture as well
Are Atrox still OP for pvp?
They seem to be trying to spark some life into AO after their Q4 2018 report a few days back. Sudden support. Progression system. More content to be added. I think they've realized the goldmine they have.
They get a boost to stam meaning they have more health but in classic it will be a pain in the ass to get proper implants built to ladder as your int and agi are going to take a hit
Trox symbs are going to suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
I hope this is true
I would fucking love it if AO got a make-over with a modern engine with better models, textures, animations and GUI
I play dorf fort, so I'm far from a graphics whore. I just want a stable population of a few thousand. Nothing big, but stable
"sooner than you think"
more details in a few days, but probably in the next month or two
> back to 2002
Would be hyped but I'm not paying for it.
The player count graph I've found has a large spike around November 2018, and the players stayed around until now. How did they achieve that?
Half of Venezuela's GDP is green dragon kills
Isn't it like five bucks still?
I've googled for a bit and the dramatic increase seems to be a consequence of Runescape mobile release in October.
I heard about Runescape farmers making more than doctors in bolivars.
The One Big Thing they really gotta fix is camera centering behind your character when lift click mouse looking
it's incredibly disorienting that it doesn't do that to begin with, especially indoors