"the switch tax isn't real"

>"the switch tax isn't real"

Attached: capcom.png (621x830, 333K)

Other urls found in this thread:


and idiots will still pay for it

I want to fuck not destroyed Lindsay Loham.

That's not what this thread is for

but they aren't portable and you can't agape your mouth


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What if Mean Girls was released today, how do you think it would go down?

>1999 Lindsay Lohan will never accept you asking her on a date, going to the local drive-in movie theater and gently nibbling on her neck

20 bucks for FFIX is also ridiculous

why wouldn't they go for the shekels and defend themselves by saying its portable and has a huge install base?

Im drunk at a bowling alley
On my face hooefully.

>paying more for shitty graphics and controls

20 bucks for the best FF is pretty good

Mean Girls Lohan was the hottest chick there ever was.

Attached: lohan.jpg (2039x2500, 590K)

Revelations had motion controls and that price was the same as other versions.
Capcom thinks they can jew everyone out of a bundle.

in 1999 yes.

I think that's just square knowing people will pay for it

The triple pack sounds reasona-

>Xbox One

Oh now I see why it's bullshit.

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That's the portable tax

>Switch tax
>Not Capcom tax

>those legs

Leg lock me please

Based dabbin on those game hungry nintendies

>80 dollar Switch game is 90 dollars after tax




Same problem with Bendy. $20 physical for PS4 and XBONE, $30 for Switch.

>she actually used to look like this
What went wrong, bros?

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>Capcom WILL get away with it since console warriors will dominate the discussions with "Nintendo tax kek"
And you don't even need to pay them.

More mature roles

We need our princesses pure

how easy is it to crack the switch? i don't care about online -too- much and the prices for games is ridiculous.

Her tits were too big for Herbie reloaded so they had to digitally reduce them

Who gives a fuck. I also want to fuck not punished Lindsay Lohan.

Those games all cost zero dollars on Switch though.

theyre all white so itll be an all black cast instead

Technology has gone too far

>Every kingdom hearts game individually: like 80 dollars

>Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far: 39.99

the retard tax is real

Is it Nintendo's fault that their fanbase has no concept of money? I didn't think so.

you can pirate the switch version, you can't pirate the xbox one version.

Drugs and a crazy mother living vicariously through her daughter

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it's easier than 3DS but unlike 3DS you need to push a payload everytime it reboots (only reboots, sleep mode can be used indefinitely without the payload).

So essentially you just need to keep a dongle handy or you can use your phone with a cable.

Didnt watch mean girls in high school because it was a girl movie. Watched it in college and now I just pretend to love it so I can rewatch my goddess. It really isnt too bad though.

VIII isn't on Switch.

Super Mario Odyssey came out 2 years ago and is still 80 dollars. Nintendo are fucking worse than EA.

>Born 1986


I watched it multiple times in classes through middle and high school and always had my deviant thoughts with me
Certainly not the worst high school movie out there

>blame Nintendo for Crapcom stupidity
Based and snoypilled.
It's not even a cart issue, shits digital only.

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Fun fact, Tina Fey originally pitched the idea for Mean Girls by saying it'd have "wall to wall titties" and it was originally going to be a lot more explicit, but they toned it down for a PG-13 rating

>Buy a quality game at full price, no BS, no microtransactions, DLC
>Somehow worse than EA, games with no single player and monetization out the ass, also full priced.
Please kys

>buying non switch exclusives on the switch
por que

Don't lie to me a Carrie-esque mean girls movie with nudity would have killed my balls by now

>quality game

because now i can play the 15 year old game i own 5 copies of whilst on the toilet! thank you based nintendies!

They're basically brand new on the Switch because of the Switch's revolutionary style so it makes sense

Portability, and that's really it. I'll probably be picking them up when they're a lot cheaper even though I have all 3 on PC.

But it's 60 dollars

>euro poor money
Also I'd rather pay more just not to play on xboner.

he's probably a leaf

>ywn be a canacuck
Feels good

they know nintendies will eat it up, why wouldn't they charge more? I'd do the same

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>buying re0
no thanks

The Switch's prices are always insane.

>watch herbie
>god I want to marry her
>fastforward a couple of years

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Do not, and I mean do not get addicted to drugs.

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You mad christian bois?

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It's worth more on the switch because of the portability, they are practically entirely new games.

Only one game is physical, so there's no reason for them all to be 30

its Capcom being greedy

Not a leaf but obviously it does depend on where you live. Point is, it's still full price two years after release. It's so revoltingly greedy and overpriced. I don't even know any other company that does this.

It's still $30 digitally.

>People ITT unironically blaming Nintendo for Capcom's greed
I don't know why people claim Capcom made a comeback when they pull bullshit like this

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They were all 20 on PS4/X1

its price gouging Switch owners

>go to some electronics store
>see fucking WII GAMES still at almost full newly released prices
Why does Nintendo do this?

She looks 50
And not like a milf

That should make them cheaper. Traditionally handheld games were priced 30% cheaper than home console games.

Nintendo is just abusing their fanbase.

whats the problem with this?


That's what I hate about Switch. You pay more for inferior versions of games.

>b-but muh portability
>implying you'd feel any immersion playing re4 on a fucking bus

Meh, only instead in re4. You know, the only game there with replay value.

Can I just go pick up a new switch at the store or do I need to have a certain model/FW?

that's capcom being jews

Ōkami is like double the price on Switch compared to xbone/ps4. Even the ps3 version looks better.

>isnt too bad
it's universally accepted as a fantastic movie

yes, and?

what are you talking about? lol

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>tfw searched Lindsay Lohan on Google images

Why do American societies turns fine people into junkies?

I'm referring to physical releases.

Watch the thread die now.

It's that way everywhere, even mobile.

This. It's nuts what drugs do to your body.

Because they've been used and abused

Feels good not be a europoor. North America is getting the triple pack so suck it.

Switch version never released physically here dude

Why does Nintendo never put anything on sale or lower the price of their games?

It is in the landfill tho.

Not compared to how much it is elsewhere. I got it for like £3.99 on PS3 and I know this is an enchanted version but that's a pretty significant price increase.

who knows what kind of weird shit hollywood made her do behind the scenes

They're evil and greedy.

Pretty much the reason why I haven't gotten a switch yet even when I really want to for the games. Games on the switch is always so goddamn expensive for one reason or another. I mean for fuck sakes breath of the wild and Mario oddyssey is STILL 60 bucks. I don't like sony but even sony did the PlayStation hits thing and all of those games are 20 bucks now. Also bless steam sales and for now fuck the switch selling cardboard at ridiculous prices

You know that literally the only reason companies ever lower the price of something is because they believe they will make more money from the lower price point, right? Right?

why are you on this malaysian meme machine? Have some fun out in public user

Yes but it's consumer friendly so everyone's happy in the end.

bowling is pretty shit so I don't blame him

nice try using the Canadian prices

just wait till nin follows suit for digital prices for us Canadians at some point

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You literally said Switch is double the PS4 price.

Obviously PS3 is cheap, nobody fucking uses it anymore.

but he is using CANADIAN prices so that doesnt fucking matter since its usa people who care more


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thx for provng my point
dude was trying to bloat the argument by using canadian prices when they are equal for usa(like i already knew) and was pointing that out

It's actually just Nintendo robbery.

They're equal for both countries faggot

i know he was using Canadian price to ruin the thread, i called him out and someone proved me right

shame you couldn't grasp that

Like RE4 is known for its flawless depiction of reality and immersiveness, right?

Is there even anything worth getting a switch for? I sold mine after I got my fill of splatoon, botw, and odyssey. I'm hoping but skeptical about animal crossing and Pokemon. Fire Emblem hasn't been the greatest especially with translations. Smash alone worth a switch? The whole idea of wifi/lan adapter bullshit kinda turns me away.

Nincels are so desperate for decades old ports that they're salivating at the mere thought of taking Capcom's big black dick for the privilege of stake leftovers.


You don't need to buy a bloodborne machine for the individual games.

Goddamn Nintendo really doesn't want Capcom games to sell on their system anymore. So greedy.

Well duh, who the fuck wants to pay full price for an old and irrelevant game?

Why is everything on the switch 50-100% more expensive than on ps4 or xbone? You get a lesser product as well

Chimp out


How about you shut the fuck up before I bust your lights out, retarded catfag?

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she's such a trainwreck.

They know the toddlers have more disposable income because they have nothing to buy. These are the idiots who spend money on Amiibos

I was waiting for a lane while my gf smoked weed in the car. Degen life.

>finding a 16yo girl attractive
pedophilia still rife in Yea Forums it seems...

Time to link /ourguy/ for this one:


Cats are fine but I agree with the rest of what you said to him, XBOX is based again.

>These are the idiots who spend money on Amiibos
And cardboard.

>Literally who

>he doesn't know

Nintendo is the Apple of games.

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Because its optimized for handheld.

>sub-30FPS at half the resolution
>New switch costs more than a new PS4

wasn't Switch emulation almost perfect at the start of last year?
how is Switch emulation going? i've been out of the loop.

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Not even at least Apple are good at what they do, while Nintendo charge extortionate prices for literal dog shit that looks like it belongs on the android app store for £5

Goat Simulator for android took as much effort to make than Super Mario Maker and Super Smash Ultimate

nice meme

That's because nintendo knows their fan base is retarded

Imagine unironically defending Capcom for their greed.

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>"It's a double standing!"
Shew doesn't even know what words she's parroting from social media.

>40 year old Zoomer

In the age of 512GB usbs, does cartridges really suprise you?

I think you mean:
>Imagine unironically defending Nintendo for their greed.
But I don't have to, Yea Forums does more than enough of that.

Rev has been playing vidya since he was a kid, nigger. He has an entire video on how he felt he shouldn't have played games as a kid because he excelled at sports and shit and there were stereotypes of nerds back then so he felt he didn't fit in.

>almost perfect at the start of last year?
Sorry, but it was cherrypicked and sped up bullshit for the sake of console warring.
You still can't play any game from start to end. You'll have to wait at least another year for it to actually work.
And like usual, the game you actually want to play won't be playable, only BotW and Mario Odyssey.

On a side note:
The whole Resident Evil collection is on sale for PS3.
I think EVERY game (classic PsOne games + all PS3 games) for 12 bucks.

hardware-wise apple sell over-expensive crap, don't kid yourself. not only do they bump the price beyond insanity, they do stuff like use glue on laptop screens and have the laptop fan blowing on the glue, guarantees that it breaks after a few years. if apple was into game consoles their stuff would start to bend after a while too.

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Do you know how much it costs a developer to get a development kit for a switch and to get their game on their market? There's a reason why the price cuts during sales are so minor.

well that sucks, im in no rush though. probably need a new computer to emulate properly anyway

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The Wal-mart here still had Other M for full price up until about a year and a half ago until they clearanced all the Wii games out for 10 bucks. They still have a lot of Wii U games for full price even today though.
Splatoon 1 is actually a few dollars more expensive than Splatoon 2.

its not a tax, you get to play it on the best platform and its portable, you can't do that on any other system

Because it's still being sold at a good pace? It's basic economics

>tfw I got Splatoon 2 for $18 because of the crazy target glitch
I could’ve gotten BOTW too for cheap but I didn’t want to push it

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>you get to play it on the best platform

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kill yourself

EA did the same shit on Wii U with mass effect 3. Since Nintendo started the next gen companies see it as an opportunity to go max jew because newest system = smallest pool of competition.


> buy 60$ nintendo ass-ports
> triggered by 30$ capcops

No he just didn't realize that capcom was pulling bullshit across same gen systems and thought the triple pack was from 360/ps3

>cute child star for big daddy Disney
>now derranged, ugly cokehead kidnapping homeless refugee families for Instagram brownie points

Lohan had a hard life...

child abuse, drugs, and getting diddled by Hollywood producers

To be fair the story so far was released after all the hd remix games were done up and kh3 was around the corner. OP's example is the triple pack being out first on one system but sold separately for more on another system later on.

all this is ironic, right?
no one actually has brand loyalty to these corporations? right?

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Wtf it's Tohsaka Rin's inspiration

>Buy a quality game at full price, no BS, no microtransactions, DLC
Shame Odyssey isn't this though. It's yet another bing bing wahoo platformer that's shorter than some movies.

Her parents were a big problem, pretty sure they spent most of the money she made


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After this redemption arc I'd let capcom have my organs tbqhwy.
Fuck other companies though especially Nintendies.


>Apple are good at what they do
Being shit?

>Capcom and Square rerereleasing RE and FF games for the 100 time and selling them for more than 20 dollars each game
Just RE4 have been released for every home console except the original Xbox. Even Zeebo had a version

This is isnt a Nintendo problem though. Nintendo's problem is being cheap with their 1st party games barely dropping price and overpriced acessories

That was a sale. The normal price is like 10, the PS4 is about 20.

>its not a tax, you get to play it on the best platform

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wait Fortnite isn't free on Switch?!

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jewtendo games that aren't showelware are always overpriced

Being founded by a man who thought vegetables cure cancer.

I bet she got that Qu'ran from the last Saudi prince who came on her face

What a terrible image.
>to be paid
If you're talking about the online service, that doesn't apply to Fortnite. Surely you knew that...?

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Well, they are superior to discs. Digital is still better though.

Not quite. It's obviously free on PC and mobile devices, and Sony has a policy that free to play games on PS4 don't require PS+. However, and Xbox Live subscription is required for Fortnite on Xbone. Same situation with Apex Legends, and I'm sure there are other examples as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nintendo Switch version requires its subscription as well.

You do if you wanna play 0.2.

It doesn’t.

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like another user said, it's like that everywhere. Might go on sale from time to time though.

>16 yo
dum dum nigger

Nintendo doesnt make Resident Evil retard


>All these people ITT blaming Nintendo for Capcom's pure greed

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A few games cost more on Switch = OMG TEH SWITCH TAX!!

Also this.

And many people like this who are either baiting or just uninformed.

That's good. It's just Xbone being the jackasses then.

>first capcom starts selling limited editions without the game
>now this

Did they forgot about Capcom's Switch """""""""""""""port""""""""""""""" for Resident Evil 7 or something?

It’s a priviledge to pay twice as much for the handheld versions that run and look worse

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>t. slobbering pitbull retard

Man probably regrets using the wrong arm every day

>not being jewish with their prices

Are you actually new?

>Not Capcom

>holding Quran in the left hand
This is haram and she should be stoned

jerking off to this vid oh the memories ....

Explain the lower prices in other consoles and pc then.

>game has been on system forever is cheaper than game that just came out on another system

Um sweetie Nintendo care about me and can do no wrong. Nothing is ever their fault.

They recognize that they can get away with charging more on the Switch. It isn’t like Nintendo stepped in and told them what to charge for it.

You mean I get to save 10 dollars by skipping the purchase of the shitty ones I won't play? Based!

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Lol what a fucking idiot.

Capcom do this on every platform, they release a game full price, port it to another platform years later and demand full price, then another platform at full price. Prime example would be Dragon's Dogma, full price for PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox1, PC and the same goes for when it will launch on the Switch.

price gouging Switch owners for old ports because Capcom won't give them anything else

How would Nintendo be involved in anyway

>i dont see a issue i love to pay more for old games with less peformance and visual quality so i can play it on my favorite console haha who is with me? bing bing wahoo my fellow retards!

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Wouldn't it have better performance since these are like Gamecube games

Remember when she tried to abduct those kids. Holy fuck that was weird.

you are rather optimistic honestly fuck capcom and fuck nintendo for letting them do this

What's wrong, OP? You got assblasted in this thread and now you trying with this 3rd grade insults?

you seem to confuse me with someone?
its ok it happens

Come on, man. It's too obvious. At least try to change the writing style.

oh i get it you are actually dumb congrats!

I'm so fucking mad I got 1.5 + 2.5 for $40 and am still missing 2.8 when this shit is a thing!

god the strokes I've had to Lindsay Lohan. Brings me back to those teenage years.

At one point I actually printed off this picture on a piece of paper and would jerk off to it when the internet stopped working. Those were the days.

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Stop trying to make fetch a thing Gretchen!

remake is only 60 fps on PC, and you can also replace the backgrounds with AI upscaled versions instead of whatever capcom did (loaded GC textures into mspaint and dragged the corner, add sharpening filter)

Nah, not even the hottest in that movie.
Trashy, psychotic, vindictive McAdams wearing sweatpants and eating donuts like a pig was the absolute best. Prime breeding material.

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Check the pastebin for some sites to check if a model is patched, Yea Forums thinks its spam.

The actual exploit can't be patched without Nintendo getting physical access to the console, any new consoles made after October (I think) are patched.
FW doesn't matter at the moment but Nintendo have been doing shit to break CFW in recent updates, so don't update until you read that its clear.
If you do accidentally update then it's possible downgrade, but you can't boot the console without a payload until you update.

Atmosphere CFW can load a payload on crash or reboot without requiring you to reinject, however as said you need a device to reinject a payload after the console is turned off.
ReiNX and SXOS will probably get it too when they finally get updated again.

Where's CVX?

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>mfw soichies will buy them all regardless

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>Want to publish a game on Switch
>Pay Nintendo a cut for every copy sold (Nintendo's "licensing")
>Pay Nintendo for empty cartidges since they're the only one entitled to manufactore them.
>Who are the jews now

Not in a world where my queen Lacey Chabert exists.

Attached: LCB.gif (245x263, 951K)

>That's not what this thread is for
>implying threads are actually used for their intended purposes
stop being a faggot reddit

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How dare you question almighty BIG N, OP?
You aren't a true fan of Switch, nothing is too high to pay! You are a heathen!

>30 dollars each

Well I guess Capcom ain't getting my dollaridoos.

>a crazy mother living vicariously through her daughter
I've never heard this. Is this true?

>and getting diddled by Hollywood producers
Hollywood is so sleazy. I hate it

>Xbox one
Fuck off indeed

She's so hot. God damn

Actually VI is objectively the best FF

PS4 has a huge install base. RE4 cost me £14 new and it RUNS BETTER

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Capcom is selling the same games on other platforms cheaper, how is it there fault?

Funny how Capcom manage to charge a fair price on EVERY OTHER PLATFORM EXCEPT THE NINTENDO ONE.

The price of third party games on pretendo consoles is set by the developers dude

>a notorious crackwhore is also a mudslime
Whoa, great catch, Abdulla.

Curious. This happened back in the ganecube days as well. RE2 and RE3 were FULL PRICE PORTS.

more like shat and pissed

this lel

Fucking wow, I don't think I've ever seen a single 6th gen game ported to an 8th gen console with its own physical release and zero changes to the title like adding remix or remastered, as it were a proper port with a period-accurate release. This shit is super trippy.

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Fuck capcom, only digital too. They've fucked up every release I've wanted so far

>those hands

For the longest time I figured it was the girliest of girly girl movies, ended up watching it because chicks in college kept referencing it, turns out it's actually a really decent movie with a lot of quotable moments and side characters. Kevin G a real OG.
It's not even that girly a movie considering the irony with which they approach the high school Stacy/Barbie types.