LGPE were the best looking pokemon games

LGPE were the best looking pokemon games

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id still fuck both the left and the right

This new Pokemon game looks fucking sick


sorry but no, without outlines it looks like fucking garbage.

Just because he's not human doesn't mean he lacks standards.

Both look like Unity-tier garbage

who's to say i don't meet his standards?

Attached: D0YPAP1WkAAofTy.jpg (720x489, 50K)

I like the SnS shading better but the color is a bit muted.
Still, the game is not finished yet so let's wait and see, eh?

All anime games should use Fighterz shading.

Help me. I actually don't know what the fuck is going on. I can't tell if Gen 8 graphs are okay or awful. They're similar to X/Y and LGPE, but it has a different style (Kind of cel-shaded). But that's about it! It's the same fucking models from X/Y yet i somehow think they look more...appealing? I don't know what the fuck to think!

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wow its weird how lighting and shaders can transform a look

this is really blowing my mind wtf

But they don't look better at all. It's just the X/Y shitty models

based bongs

Pikachu's torso is a ballsack.

Of course a faggot like you would notice that

It looks awful, so I'm hoping the game is at least fun.

I want fat pikachu back


>looks like a cartoony pikachu
>looks like a plastic toy

Look GameFreak is a lazy shit of a company but even I'm not expecting them to remodel all 800+ of them when the current ones are still perfectly serviceable

Proper sell shading>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.That's shit Let's Go does.

Oh wow, I didn't realize how much better Sword and Shield looked before.

What bothers me more is that they're still using the same sound effects from X/Y

Attached: 1544251296420.jpg (418x420, 80K)

>nice cel shading for a cartoon character
>shitty default shader smooth shading

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They made all those models to use them for the next 100 years, dude.

It's the same exact model you fucking retard. It's the same model that has been used for several games now and will continue to be used for several games now.

sharp textures, fully modeled background environment
background is a low resolution image

>background is a low resolution image
>He's saying that about a croped image of the first youtube trailer of a game that's not even out yet

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Can't they at least give some of them better animations?

How incredibly lazy

I will keep saying this no matter how many times it's ignored.
Gen 8 is the exact same as LGPE but with a different lighting engine and the addition of an outline.

Yeah, they could.

could have easily brought him back as an alolan, but of coarse they drop the ball again

>it's the same model, that means one of them can't look better than the other

shading and outlines make a massive difference

What the fuck. They're actually different models?

Are you actually retarded? It's the same fucking model you glue eater.

That's not what he meant you hermaphrodite

They look different thanks to that but they are still the same model.

exactly, but just because it's the same model doesn't mean both look the same

all you're good at is fucking your left and right

are you retarded?

Will they?

You must be blind because the left looks way better.

Pic related, you glue eaters.

Attached: brainlets masterpiece.png (640x720, 908K)

Go fuck yourself, shit-for-brains. You can notice some differences

point them out for me
theyre the same models theyve used for five years

Same models but slightly tweaked. The resolution bump is huge improvement though because if you look at S/M footage the game looks like dog shit compared to S/S

The same models can have different textures m8

Forgot the black spot on there tails.

It’s only 9 months till release, the game is pretty much finished and will hit gold in about 6-7 months and the only thing missing is bug fixing. They're neither going to add nor remove any features. What you saw is what you get. Hope for a better version next time.

Probably not. Maybe for Pikachu.

Lets Go its the Main Game
SNS its the Spinoff

Made this. Not sure why GIMP compressed this so badly.

Attached: gen8_letsgo_comparison_pikachu_v2.gif (391x324, 72K)

>Good looking
Blind ass retard

Attached: Gramps.png (211x437, 145K)

Actually a very nice cel-shade. Pikachu looks very good.

I'd take the shoddy 3DS looking shading style over than gay ass shitty plastic look LGPE had.

>Pikachu' head looks bigger in LGPE
>ears look longer
>cheek circles are bigger (Notice they're closer to his arms)
>Arms are slightly shorter in S/S (Notice they're closer to his "crotch area" in LGPE)
>LGPE's nose looks way too small in comparison to its eyes compared to Gen 8
>Gen 8's feet look stockier and taller

You think everything is awful.

it's literally the same model you blind fuck

It's the exact same model, it's the lighting.

LGPE's looks so soulles compared to gen 8. I'm not even memeing, just look how vacant his expression looks there. S/S looks like he has an actual personality.

I think I'm going crazy

You are crazy, you crazy fuck.

I still love you.

>Mario Odyssey and BOTW actually look like completely new and different games with visuals that push themselves to the limit
>Gen 8 of pokémon just looks like S/M with better lighting and a new engine
I don't know, guys... I think we took the big L

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They still have a chance to surprise us with the new gimmick that has to do with the slash in the title, like the Mega stone before it.


Zelda Cycle should be renamed to Kanto Cycle.

Colosseum was the last good Pokemon game.

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they both look disappointing and people should execute gamefreak already so someone competent can start developing proper games

No. It was BW2

Left looks better though?

>visuals that push themselves to the limit
Limit of the Wii U, maybe.

gamefreak is notoriously lazy. Though maybe it was too much to ask for such a leap.
Still, I wouldnt hold my breath on that ever happening in the future.

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The models from XY are all insanely high poly and we’re done that way for future proofing, so they don’t have to redo them all again for a decade or two. The problem is that the 3DS has a 240p screen and is very weak, so while the models are really high quality you can’t actually see any of that since it’s so blurry and the lighting so simplistic. The Gen 7 games, Let’s Go games and now the Gen 8 games use the exact same models as the Gen 6 games only now that it’s on Switch it has 720p resolution and a lot more power behind it. Relatively speaking, that is.

Even Gale of Darkness was better than Colo.

Yes, what limit did you expect it to push, the Xbox one X? A top of the line PC?

It's actually Creatures Inc. that handles the modeling and animation. There's a reason they own a third of the franchise.

The Switch has much better hardware. It would've looked a lot better if it was built specifically for the Switch.
Instead they ported it from the Wii U to the Switch without changing anything at all except the resolution. Because they wanted to maintain "parity" between the versions.

It really doesn't. It's barely superior to the Wii U.

>Gale of Darkness
What game was that again?

ahhh my childhood is ruined. sniff sniff

Damn, that was fucking weak. Show a little more emotion, faggot

The other day, a tramp called me a dickhead so I told him to fuck off. When I see footage of Britbongs being so vulgar I think I'm not like that, but I guess I really am.


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You can't just look at clock speeds. The different architecture alone makes a huge difference. The Switch supports UE4 when that wasn't even a possibility on the Wii U, for instance. Take a look at Wii U games that have been ported to the Switch (other than BotW) like MK8 or DKC:TF. Previously 720p games running in 1080p with no changes other than the hardware. That's double the resolution, and that takes double the processing power.

If the developers hadn't had their "parity" bullshit and understood the hardware better (they had to release a patch for the Switch version of BotW that fixed the framerate after launch) we could have seen improvements to draw distance, texture quality, and reduced fog at the very least.

It's amazing how everyone asks for more, but then complains at the same time. LGPE was a pathetic 1:1 of Kanto with an incredibly barebones map and 151 Pokemon, no shit they had lots of free time to pretty it up. Gen 8 is a brand new region and will have over 900 pokemon to deal with.

the thumbnail of the left one actually looks like the anime

>Made this. Not sure why GIMP compressed this so badly.
Because GIF has a 256 colour limit you idiot. Make a webm