What PS4 games are worth playing?
Not bound to exclusives or 10/10s, What would the "must play" list be?
What PS4 games are worth playing?
Not bound to exclusives or 10/10s, What would the "must play" list be?
all of them
So Bloodborne got it
I own a PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, Switch, and PC.
It's Bloodborne and Tetris Effect.
Everything else is shit or multiplats.
I personally loved Gravity Rush and would recommend it. But from what I've seen, you either love it or hate it so maybe look into it.
What games do you normally play?
The Last of Us, start on survivor
God of war
horizon zero dawn
>God of Way too many cutscenes
>Horizon Zero Good Content
fuck off
Shadow of Colossus ps4 remaster is great
Tetris Effect
Uncharted Lost Legacy
all fun, good games
Spiderman on the highest difficulty
and uuuuuuhhhhhh
Yakuza series
Wipeout Omega Collection
Odin Sphere
Dragon Quest XI
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Everybody's Golf
Gran Turismo Sport
GT Sport has been overtaken many times over.
> Shit
> Good
> Shit
> Not Exclusive
> Shit, Also not Exclusive
> Not Exclusive
> Weeb Shit
> Babby Shit
> Brainlet Shit
Not HZD. Literally Ubisoft openworld tier. Avoid OP
Dragon Quest XI
Persona 5
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Shadow of the Colossus
The Witcher 3
Monster Hunter World
Dark Souls III
Disgaea 5
Kingdom Hearts (all of it)
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Blazeblue Central Fiction
Under Night in Birth Exelateest
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Nier Automata
Horizon Zero Dawn
>flexing a plat trophy
>flexing the easiest plat trophy
I already took the bait and bough it a while ago. Haven't got past the intro, didn't even get to play with the "grown" up protagonist
> Good
> Shit, on the NS & PC
> Shit, on the PS3 & PS4
> Mediocre, on the PS2 & PC
> Shit Remake of a classic, on the PS2, PS3 & PC
> Shit, on the XB1 & PC
> Average, on the XB1 & PC
> Shit, On the XB1 & PC
> Weeb Shit, on the NS
> Shit except KH2 FM, also on PC
> Shit, also on PC
> Shit, on PC
> Literal Who Shit
> Mediocre, on PC
> Mediocre
> Waifubait Garbage, on XB1 & PC
> Boomer trash, on NS, XB1, PC
> SJW Open World Trash
terrible taste
true, the new dirt rally looks fucking fantastic
>Yakuza 0
>Resident Evil 4
>South Park games
>Read Dead Redemption 2
>Shenmue 1 & 2
>Kingdom Hearts 1
>God of War
>Uncharted 4
>Far Cry 5
>Monster Hunter World
>Crash Bandicoot
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Tekken 7
>Dark Souls
>Ace Combat 7
>AC: Black Flag
>Shadow of the Colossus
I borrowed it off a friend and got about three hours in. I gave up when Slot jumped down off a ledge that was under a story high and died. For a character that they show as a person who lives off the land, they REALLY restrict where you can go or climb
journey and last guardian are mustplays that arent 10/10
Does the fact that the protagonist is not a white-male makes it inherently a SJW game?
Meme arguments
>Not bound to exclusives or highly rated games
I know you're baiting, but are you also retarded?
These are the ones I enjoyed the most:
>Gravity Rush 1 & 2 favourite game of the gen
>Persona 5
>Project Diva Future Tone
>The entire Kingdom Hearts series
>Dragon's Crown
>The Yakuza games
>The Last Guardian
>Ratchet & Clank
>Tetris Effect
>There's a good amount of weebshit too if that's your thing
If you're open minded and are willing to give western games a chance:
>Detroit Become Human
>Horizon Zero Down
>nu God of War
>The Uncharted series if you like Indiana Jones
>Until Down
>Insomniac's Spiderman
There's a couple of decent VR games too that I believe are exclusive to PSVR.
just looking for shit to play that aren't the generic exclusives circlejerked ones
>recommend games not bound to exclusive
It is when the protagonist is a ugly subhuman Tranny
yes they are still games :)
Grav Rush 2 (skip 1)
Abzu and Journey
Shadow of Colossus
Wipeout Omaga Collection
Anything else you want.
Here is my modest collection, I buy multiplayer games digitally, bought D2 for $5 and it was still a waste of time and money other than these are what I'd recommend.
>God of Doors
>Persona if you’re into that
>Titanfall 2
>Nier a Tomato
.....das all I got
ape escape
the movie meme is pure cope
FIVE (5)!
Only the console exclusives are worth playing because you can get the other games on PC and play at 60FPS in higher quality, and pretty much all the best console exclusives on PS4 are made or paid for by Sony:
-God of War
-Uncharted 4 / TLL
-The Last of Us Remastered
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Red Dead Redemption 2 (no one has xbone)