Tetsuya Nomura has confirmed that KH 3 DLC will include:
>Critical Mode
>Story content
>Superbosses like past Final Mix game
My dick is diamonds. I knew KH 3 felt a little rushed.
Tetsuya Nomura has confirmed that KH 3 DLC will include:
>Critical Mode
>Story content
>Superbosses like past Final Mix game
My dick is diamonds. I knew KH 3 felt a little rushed.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Superbosses like past Final Mix game
>Superbosses like past Final Mix game
i'm already level 99 and have ultima weapon so i think i will be fine
there isn't one. OP pulled that part out of their ass
The Ultimania
>buying unfinished games
>"I knew KH 3 felt a little rushed."
Wasn't it fucking delayed??? Like no shit it was rushed. Games have deadlines and budgets they can't put everything that everyone wants in with the snap of a finger.
>tfw my biggest complaints about KH 3 were it was too easy and it lacked Critical Mode, there was only one optional boss and that the story needed to be flushed out more it felt rushed
>mfw Nomura is actually fixing my biggest complaints and KH 3 is getting fixed
Holy shit I can't wait. It's time for the real KH 3 bros
>The tutorial is actually set after the epilogue but before the secret ending.
Literally every KH game is rushed and unfinished. Thats why Final Mix is always a thing in the first place. I love Nomura but holy shit he can not reach a deadline for shit. It's been that way since KH 1 back in 2002
From the Ultimania
>What does the joker card Luxord gave to Sora mean? Nomura: It’s to be revealed, but it can be thought of as a key to Sora’s revival.
>Nomura is a big fan of Hades, he will most likely return in future entries
>The DLC will include Superbosses
That's nearly every game in existence.
Anyone else extremely bittersweet about how they're going to have to collect all the Lucky Emblems again
>There will be a complete pack released once all the DLC is out, much like Final Mixes have been in the past.”
So I should just wait for the final mix right?
It is still a very fun game, just extremely easy.
KH1 and KH2 are complete games. The content in the final mixes weren't necessary for the overall story and usually just gave hints to future installment
Either that or wait for a decent enough price drop so that when the DLC drops the combined price will be about even
to my shock i actually like finding them especially the clever ones hidden as enviroment.
>yfw crazier org fights
>yfw arena and replayable boss fights
I'm worried that critical mode will be even easier, assuming it still boosts the absolute shit out of your damage. You already shit damage out like a madman, I can only imagine how much faster you'd be killing shit.
nomuras autism knows no bounds and i wouldnt have it any other way
KH2 was not complete. All of the problems with KH3 are essentially the same aside from proud actually being somewhat of a challenge.
Maybe it's because I only found like 20 over the course of the game and then had to do seventy in a row but it fucked me up and I've been seeing Mickey everywhere irl
Sasuga Disney...
When Sora and co leave the Final World, why did they return to the moment before their deaths? Nomura: The power of waking is originally meant to be used to restore a sleeping heart to normal, but because it was used to strongly pull the hearts of (Sora’s) friends back to where they were, the effect caused a singularity and caused reality to be overwritten. Depending on the rewrite, it can make everything “as though it never happened”
Hello, time traveler from 2008, DLCs are kind of a very common thing now
Sorry I guess
KH3 is a complete game, stuff like Luxord's card, the mysterious girl and Demyx are all confirmed to be setting up future games
Sorry, but Xehanort's non-existent comeuppance ruined the series, or at least the story, possibly forever now.
Bros, I can't even lie anymore. Face My Fears is the best KH opening. It is godly. Everything from the visuals, the animations and the songs. It's just so perfect
Face My Fears > Sanctuary > Simple and Clean
II.9 being after 3 would be the greatest twist in videogame history
We promised Neku that we will return to Shibuya in DDD, but this time it isn't directly connected to it. Says this is a Shibuya in a different reality compared to the real one
Who are you quoting?
>KH 2
Yeah KH 1 is complete but you are lying to yourself if you say KH 2 is complete. The difference between vanilla KH 2 and KH 2 Final Mix is night and day
still no excuse for it not being in the original release.
II.9 being after 3 would be the greatest twist in videogame history
What are you talking about? A man who though he was a master manipulator got owned at a 5 decade long chess match on the eve of his ultimate goal. I can't imagine anything worse that would still be Disney
Yo where'd Nomura say we're getting superbosses?
>inb4 story DLC is just another Cutscene ending which explains nothing and ends in the obonxious "RE:CONNECT KINGDOM HEARTS"
>A little rushed
And it's only going to get better with time.
on this planet
>tfw DLC ending reveals KH Re:Union
KH3 is literally unfinished
>KH is now actually doing a "Our world is actually part of the KH universe" shit.
There's no hope left for this series. No seriously, there is absolutely no hope whatsoever for the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
>What is the meaning of the card Luxord gave to Sora? Nomura: This will be effective in the future. He hinted that this card could hold the key to Sora'a return."
In the ultimania translations that got thrown up today
I still think 2's cinematic is the best. The bit with Namine drawing and it transitioning into the CG is just too good. It also does a good job selling the time lapse.
Simple and Clean is a timeless classic and Face My Fears is trash.
Nomura could have held KH3 back until late 2019 until everything was done but no he released an unfinished game intentionally.
Wait a year and they'll bundle it like FFXV. Otherwise they will overcharge you like the Jews Square are
Gogo is perfection and she is finally video games
give it up barry you tried to sell everyone on the idea that there will be no dlc and fm even despite it always being the case no matter what nomura said on lauch and now you lost again.
Just accept it, it doesnt hurt.
Could Nomura be more of a fucking hack?
You've become woke, it'll happen for others too in time once they realized Simple and Clean was only so high because it was shoved down our throats for 13 years
What if KH4/MoM Saga is just Square Enix Worlds, as hinted in the Secret ending?
What games would you want to see?
We already know were seeing TWEWY and Not-Versus XIII judging by the Secret Ending.
Hi Barry!
KH2 literally added scenes for context and in one point a Boss Fight. Even the final boss has an additional scene that addresses that "Thank Namine" line in the Journal that was never brought up after Twilight Town.
I really don't understand why they wouldn't let us up there
>Nomura confirmed that we are getting at least one new KH game before KH 4
PLEASE NOMURA a FF X-2 style game where Kairi, Aqua and Xion go searching for Sora. Oh my God Nomura it would be so perfect plus it'll give the females characters more time to shine and not be useless
What mysterious girl? The one who's spirit you talk to when you die? Who's obviously the one with the weird name in the mobile game who mysteriously gets killed at some point?
Oh no, the map boundaries in KH2 port royal means it was unfinished!
Let's see here:
>Torn apart by hyenas (Scar)
>Fallen into molten copper (Frollo)
>Eaten alive by baby birds (Hopper)
>Cape stuck in a turbine, causing him to be shredded to gory bits (Syndrome)
>Dragged off to who knows where by pissed off spirits (Dr. Facilier)
No I said for ages KH3 will have DLC and you dumb cunt KH fags denyied it at every fucking opportunity, then when it was confirmed by Nomura you fags did a complete 180 going "w-well og course it'd have DLC its current year!"
KH3 is complete trash and literally unfinished
Truth. I came away from kh2 feeling burned pretty bad, final mix delivered on all the original hype with interest.
Yes it does.
>tfw Brave Fencer Musashi world never ever
He means Skuld that somehow got thrown into the future and lost her memories. The girl Lea and co. met while they were sneaking into Ansem the Wise' crib.
it's what happens when you let fanfic become your story
how did Jiminy know that Sora died the first time
So was/is XV
that sounds actually pretty good
I just don't understand how anyone could divorce Utada Hikaru. I've been in love with her since I was 9 and saw the original KH commercial. Her singing literally gave me a voice fetish. I don't get how multiple people could give that up, it makes no sense.
I was born in the same city as her, went to the same university as her, but because we're like a decade apart in age I never had a chance to meet her. I never had a chance to treat her like the Goddess she is, I never got to hear her speak in person
You could actually fly around Big Ben in London in KH1, you fucking retard
Kairi should've traveled with Sora the entire game, with Lea going with Riku/Mickey. That way the disney worlds amounting to Sora realizing he like likes Kairi could've been a little more organic with the two of them seeing and experiencing all those romantic moments. As they are now they just get tossed into the hyperbolic time chamber and then die like chumps. Even in their big defining character boss fight at the end they're fucking garbage compared to Roxas.
Jiminy puts a really big wrench in things story wise looking back on all of KH
That's not the only conclusion you can get from that statement from Nomura because its intentionally coy and in the context of TWEWY can mean a lot of things. In TWEWY there isn't just one Shibuya, there's the one Neku is in and then there are multiple other ones that hold their own Reaper games. So the "different than reality" shibuya mentioned can mean a whole heck of a lot of things
>The whole board did a 180, not me
Yeah, bullshit. We called DLC as far back as Fragmentary Passage when it was clear it was the prologue ripped from the full game, calling out modern-day practices is hardly a prophetic ability when Square did it with all of FFXII, FFXV and have been doing it in other Square titles for as long as DLC has been profitable.
Is it your first video game ever?
user are you forgetting Neverland and the Deep Jungle? Both of those took place on the real life planet earth, and KH2 featured Pirates of the Caribbean (gee I wonder where on earth this could've taken place)
This is why you're not popular you stupid bitch.
No, his was XV.
I hated the environment changes in KHII and this looks exactly like that. Wide as an ocean...
is Verum Rex in the same world as Shibuya or was Yozora just stalking Riku on some random buildings near Shibuya?
I didn't know I needed this
Can we ever just have a game in >current year
that just releases and that's that? Why does every game need to get fucking DLC. I paid 60 dollars for this shit I don't want to pay 20 more for critical mode, fuck off with this microtransaction bullshit already
Face My Fears does absolutely nothing for me. Simple and Clean and Sanctuary still give me chills. So thats a nah from me.
you know what makes her character a bitch and why everyone "loves hate" her?
its because she would laugh at you for defending her.
>KH3 is complete trash and literally unfinished
You are aware Barry that Final Fantasy XV was universally hated when it first launched because it was literally unfinished. It was barebones as fuck and downright shit. Royal Edition somewhat fixed Final Fantasy XV but it was still mediocre at best
Yozora is MoM it is why he has two different eye colors, one was in No Name.
I know
I remember playing release XV, what a fucking mess that was. Miss out on major story, character development, and plot points because they're locked behind a dlc that isn't even released yet. An absolute joke.
B-But muh Non-Canon DLCs were canceled!
Verum Rex is a videogame inside of the toy story world. Riku can easily get there by doing exactly what Sora did to get there, which is just jumping into a TV with the game on.
Soras Mom is MoM and the black box is the dish sora missed in kh1.
Remember how Luna was supposed to be like a co-protagonist with Noctis?
The game still plays like absolute shit, they couldn't even get character swapping correct and force you back into Noctis when not in combat.
but at the end of the video you can see they're just blocks away from shibuya, that raises a lot of questions
Nice deflection. KH3 is the most unfinished and shittest game SE ever made.
Nigger fucking kill yourself
The oldest post talking about the idea of DLC in KH3 or even FM as DLC from 2015 has the user say he's gonna boycott KH3 if it has DLC
KH3 is unfinished and full of invisible walls and is 90% corridor, stop deflecting.
now you have gone full retard and full caricature
the jig is up you master baiter
KH2 had none of the problems of KH3. solid combat, good animations, balance & depth, good limits, good summons, good drive forms system, good worlds, heaps of bosses, a reliable command menu system, a decent proud mode, a complete story ect.
Why is this so cute?
Walt Disney's frozen heart.
Is it going to be gay episoding shit like FFXV, or actual content like a new world or something?
Ultimania said Terra considers Aqua and Ven as siblings
Terra Aqua fags BTFO
Launch XV is rated higher than KH3 is so again no and it is and always has been more finished than KH3 has ever been and ever will be.
Remember how Kairi was finally supposed to do something? Remeber how Twilight town is smaller than in KH2? Remember how the entire ending of KH3 is offscreen?
>Sets up all the main characters and villain and concludes their story fully by the end of the game
>Gets bonus prequel and side perspective DLC about villain and other characters after launch just to elaborate on things already in the main game.
>Only thing happening offscreen is purposeful because Noctis himself and the viewer aren't supposed to know about that.
>Full expansive world with tons of content
>Sets up nothing but sequel bait and doesn't even conclude what it set out to do and Nomura literally said he has more Xehanort stuff planned but is saving it for later aka xehanort saga isn't done
>Has DLC coming to explain how entire characters returned despite that character only being in the gane for like 10 minutes yet isn't explained at all
>Tons off shit offscreen with no explanation that the player and Sora are supposed to know including Sora doing shit off screen
>Tons of cut content and literal hallway areas with nothing to do
>The user
Oh forgive me, I forgot THE user posted in that thread and that means we all believed this was an impossibility and acted like FFXIII-2 didn't do the exact same thing.
I swear every time I've come here over the last 2 years there's someone with a suspiciously similar post style trying to stir up shit when I just want to love all Square Enix games equally now that we're past 13.
How do you manage to fuck up something as simple as character switching? As soon as you switch to one of the bros the game just pauses for a few seconds so the new character can perform an unskippable animation and you can't control any of them outside of combat.
Dunkey is not a credible source and neither are 'review' critics
Thing is those were set in the past, not fucking modern-day Tokyo.
Jesus christ kill yourself you flip flopping faggot
Remember how Episode Ignis teases that the base ending was the bad ending all along and how they axed the DLCs for being too time-consuming to fix the mistakes that should have been fixed on launch?
Oh well, at least they get to sleep in a chair for all eternity. True "Kino" right?
Unless the story DLC is free, then the game still sucks.
>Soras angels
Let me choose to sub in Namine and I'm sold.
Hell, just give me the freedom to choose who I want in my party and who to play as. There's over a half dozen characters to play as, most you've played as before. Quit doing the same shit FFXV did and let me pick my character!
>both games spent 10+ years in development
>both games are perfectly mediocre
Since when is 81 higher than 84 you retard? Also I love how your definitive version scored LOWER than the unfinished one kek how can they fuck up so bad?
Thats the only thing you can think of being wrong with this games?
The computer holding the data world the dandelions live in.
Anyone else ship her and demyx? Literal oil and water and yet I find something appealing about their dynamic. Wouldn't be surprised if they were lovers in Union.
You can string from basic attack to dodge cancel to magic cast in XV than in KH3, and magic isn't broken spamfest like in KH3.
Not only that but KH3 has no character switching and tons of unskipable animations like the link attacks and even accidental triangle press has you summon a fucking carnival that still takes 2 seconds to candle out of which is longer than any chara switch takes
not to mention switching between characters in bbs or ddd takes entire minutes because its poorly designed
Sounds like some of it is and some of it isn’t
Flip flopping how exactly? Square has been doing this DLC bullshit for years already, it should already be expected. It doesn't justify it in the slightest but it's we get only unfinished crap now. By "We" I mean this board has already fucking said this shit already, why the fuck is it being brought up like it was never a possibility and never suggested in a thread before?
Unlikely theory? Ollette is Ava, she lost her memory years ago after escaping from radiant garden.
New difficulty mode and new secret bosses.
He's right about everything he said.
No it only further reaffirms thats the true ending and the alt ending is just a fan service thing for ignis fans which the devs confirmed.
She bullies the fuck out of him so I wouldn't be surprised
Deus Ex
Since when is 80 higher than 83 you fucking retard
Since when is 84 higher than 85 you dumb nigger
>Hate JRPGs
>Has bias towards anime
Remember to just ignore Barry or better notify the mods on IRC linking the thread.
I like Dunkey but he makes those things no secret and yet somehow retards still laud his opinion on those matters.
More likely theory, the Twilight Town gang have some sort of connection with either the dandelions, or foretellers, or both
It would be cute but it seems like she’s supposed to be crushing on Marluxia
But can you blame her
What's yall's wishlists? For me:
>higher difficulty
>story content for where the hell demyx is
>character switching
>party customization
>an explanation for the Yozora movie
>what's in the box
>where the hell is Ava
Really, is there anything that can fix the story?
More playable Riku and playable Roxas/Lingering will
A final level that isn't just a boss rush would be nice.
I'm hoping we may get some extra worlds about the unseen new POH, like Princess and The Frog.
Also REALLY hope they find a way to redeem Kairi. Personally I'd think it'd be clever if while Sora and Riku are going around the real world for some stupid reason, she goes to the remaining new princess worlds.
And the Headless Horseman and the Firebird from Fantasia 2000 as secret bosses.
I don't know why you guys even care. This game is going to be the only thing for ten years with five different versions of it that you will all buy for full price even though barely anything is added
Betting on complete edition PC release
>>higher difficulty
Confirmed with critical mode
>>story content for where the hell demyx is
No news but Xion returning content is confirmed and that may involve him and Vexen
>>character switching
No news
>>party customization
No news
>>an explanation for the Yozora movie
No news
>>what's in the box
No news
>>where the hell is Ava
No news
Looks like you are getting some but not all your wishes.
Well I forgot to copy the https
>Critical Mode
>New difficulty mode beyond Critical (Soulless Mode)
>Hades and Randall boss fight in their respective worlds
>10 new lucky emblem pieces (one of them is already seen in the final battle)
>Logo now has 'Final Mix' on it
>Updated title screen art
>99 save slots
>Accessories and objectives feature from 0.2
>Playable Lingering Will to explain what happened to him
>Vanitas remanent Secret Boss
>Olympus Colosseum added
>Sephiroth Secret Boss in Keyblade Graveyard
>Toy Bahamut secret boss in Toy Box
>Darth Vader secret boss in San Fransokyo
>More and new cutscenes (With Kairi and Lea training, hints about mystery girl, HPO's reunion with Roxas since the ending shows a time skip, more scenes with the Organization, etc)
>Yozora and mysterious hooded figure secret boss after unlocking the secret ending
>Extended secret ending from beating those
>Playable Epilouge where Kairi, Axel, and Max go to Olympus and eventually an abandoned Daybreak Town to find out what happened to Sora
>Episode: A fragmentary passage: 0.2, readded, but polished
>Playable section where you fight Axel/ Lea as Kairi
>Episode Riku (extended Riku gameplay)
>Playable Mysterious Tower
>Bigger 100 Acre Wood, but optional
>Expanded Twilight Town, Scala ad Caelum, Keyblade Graveyard
>Data 13 Norts which are fought individually and have their own fight arenas (since Data, Ansem can use his Guardian for example)
>Jack Skeleton and Genie summon
>More Keyblades (with their own transformations/ shotlocks)
>New abilities
>Dual audio
>Optional recolored enemies
>Stickers/ puzzle pieces
>Rare enemies like KHFM introduced
>More Nobody and Unversed types
>Mirage Arena returns with Online support
So you enjoy being smug proving people wrong
Nope XV was way worse.
You should not expect any new licenses obtained for the dlc.
Extreme Mode since RECOM was going to have that at one point.
Marluesha is gay though
Now post PS4 metacritic.
I'll believe it when I see it.
I fully expect the DLC to be a shitshow that answers one thing, but raises five more questions.
There's no way they have the budget to add new worlds to the DLCs.
>wont bring more keyblades
>wont bring Colosseum
>no nightmare before christmas
>no hollow bastion
>8 worlds all shit and boring
>Jecht, Noctis, Lightning, Leon and company
>more bosses
Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Mix:
>Critical Mode
>New difficulty mode beyond Critical (Extreme Mode)
>Hades and Randall boss fight in their respective worlds
>10 new lucky emblem pieces (one of them is already seen in the final battle)
>Logo now has 'Final Mix' on it
>Updated title screen art
>99 save slots
>Accessories and objectives feature from 0.2
>Playable Lingering Will to explain what happened to him
>Vanitas remanent Secret Boss
>Toy Bahamut secret boss in Toy Box
>More and new cutscenes (With Kairi and Lea training, hints about mystery girl, HPO's reunion with Roxas since the ending shows a time skip, more scenes with the Organization, etc)
>Yozora and mysterious hooded figure secret boss after unlocking the secret ending
>Extended secret ending from beating those
>Episode: A fragmentary passage: 0.2, readded, but polished
>Playable section where you fight Axel/ Lea as Kairi
>Episode Riku (extended Riku gameplay)
>Playable Mysterious Tower
>Bigger 100 Acre Wood, but optional
>Expanded Twilight Town, and Keyblade Graveyard
>Data 13 Norts which are fought individually and have their own fight arenas (since Data, Ansem can use his Guardian for example)
>Jack Skeleton and Genie summon
>More Keyblades (with their own transformations/ shotlocks)
>New abilities
>Dual audio
>Optional recolored enemies
>Stickers/ puzzle pieces
>Rare enemies like KHFM introduced
>More Nobody and Unversed types
>Mirage Arena returns with Online support
Funny how people copied and modified my list
>Darth Vader secret boss in San Fransokyo
Ultimania the same source as all the dlc announcements also included a quote from Nomura that Star Wars and Marvel video game licenses are tied in other companies like EA. So they cannot use Star Wars without involving EA in the production.
so KH4?
This happens with every KH game. Nomura always either gets a little too big for his britches or something fucks with development and so they have to rerelease the game later with some of the extra shit. At least this time around DLC is a thing, so we won't need to pay full price again.
Does anybody have a good ISO of the KH1.5? Can't find it anywhere and wanted to play it heard it was really good
Set up for Oswald The Lucky Rabbit to appear in the next saga.
Kill yourself XV-kun
I model for Leon was actually made for 3 they said.
KH1 absolute was not fucking complete when it originally released. You know the JP version didn't have Phantom/Kurt Zisa/Sephiroth/Unknown/The Secret Ending, right?
>>Rare enemies like KHFM introduced
No, fuck this. That was the worst part about FM, made synthesis a bitch.
I did it because yours is just that good user
Probably but that isn’t stopping his looks
KH3 MC 80+84/2=82 MC average
XV MC 83+81/2=82 MC average
XV user 76 +76/2= 76 average
KH3 user 72+80/2= 76 average
Definitive XV is PC with 85
Definitive KH3 is XB1 with 80 and hit 78
XV made magic stupid bomb items which is insanely bad. At least the tried to fix it in comrades. Still made no fucking sense when Noct had the ring and was unable to do basic magic
Nobody cares. Fuck off back to twitter.
>KH2 had none of the problems of KH3. , good animations, balance & depth, good worlds, a complete story ect.
Confirmed for never playing kh2
I am so in love with Aqua. She is so perfect. Just look at her. The best character Nomura has ever created
>Definitive version is only one point higher than """unfinished""" version
How do you think this is a good arguement?
>10 new lucky emblem pieces
Why 10 specifically?
What makes me sad is you're probably right. Every faggot that wasn't Sora or Xehanort will end up a dandelion faggot with memory wipe
To make 100 exactly
Nope dunkey likes p5, nier, ffxv
he only hates shit games like kingdom shit 3, octoshit and xenoshit 2
I hope that means something. He's the best FF protagonist to me.
Rewrite the Cutscene after Xehanort fight
I see. I too have ocd and understand.
Fuck you faggot, I want the mushrooms back.
Nope KH3 is way worse.
>a bunch of bonus bosses means the game wasn't complete
damn that means he is even dumber than on first glance no wonder you lick his asshole.
KH3 manga when?
Another box.
A box within a box.
Confirmed for a corporate shill trying to play historical revisionist.
It means they would have included Final Fantasy had they not had so many other characters they prioritized to include first. And Leon was the Final Fantasy character with the highest priority to get in.
Considering that they added all of them besides Unknown in the US release which was only six months later, yes, the original release of KH1 was unfinished.
Nope it made magic matter that you craft theyre nothing like bombs and the ring gives him death, holy and alterna magic which are all better than kh3 shit magic
Leon is best FF bro.
Looks like a fun double date!
I wouldn't call characters like Dilan and Aeleus "included". Hell I barely consider Roxas and Xion "included".
That's why it's getting a continuation right?
kill yourself you fucking afterbirth
Too bad he is from the second worst FF.
XV being the first.
A couple of postgame bosses doesn't suddenly make the vanilla game retroactively incomplete, all it did was go from 100% to 110%.
Why do books never put a buffer so the image doesn't sink into the middle?Na it was shit, they all worked they same way. "Holy" was just a fancy dodge too
But will it fix the glaring plotholes and really shitty lack of payoff to have a dozen story elements?
Hayner, Pence, and Olette almost got 30 minutes of screntime, Roxas and Xion didn't even get half of that and barely any lines :(
Nomura humself said there would be DLC way before the interview, no one denied it you dumb cuck
You know whats the funniest thing?
First FF15/versus was the game that never came out, then it was the game that wouldn't stop coming out and now that the last dlc is chancel it will be forever the game that never completely comes out.
Nobody cares. Fuck off back to twitter.
Don't Think Twice did so much more for me than Face My Fears. The EDM vibe went in a totally different direction that the rest of the themes did and DTT would've fit so much better with Simple & Clean and Sanctuary.
For me it's Sanctuary > Don't Think Twice > Simple & Clean
Some of them, probably.
God of War
Why did Ven get cucked?
>KH2 vanilla
Yeah dude, don't you love how solo trinity form is the most broken thing in the fucking world?
Or how you get Explosion early as fuck?
Or how Final Form requires an assload of good grinding because TBO doesn't exist?
Or how there's literally no reason to level up drive forms other than Wisdom/Master?
Oh, how about how there's absolutely no postgame content whatsoever aside from Sephiroth, even though KH1 had Sephiroth/Kurt Zisa/Ice Titan/Phantom?
Or how the worlds didn't even have the stupid fucking puzzle pieces, making them even BLANDER than they already are?
Plotholes, maybe
I imagine it's something to do with production costs. Though this is just a guess on my behalf.
KH3 is 80 for its definitive version and it hit 78 for launch version
I guess they barely made it in with just their models and no voice.
They probably didn't want to give Leon the same treatment and just not use him instead of silently standing in the background.
I can't stand don't think twice. The lyrics don't line up in the English version and that off beat piano anoys me
Lets all quote ALL Barry posts congratulating his eforts on defending his beloved XV.
Congratulations, good job!
even more eceleb faggotery can you even think for yourself?
He has ____
Yeah I sure hated those expansion packs in the past. Fuck developers for developing more content after developing the game.
KH3 doesn't have a definitive version
So you're retarded and can't deal with the fact that KH3 is objectively garbage.
Congratulations barry through your efforts suddenly FFXV doesnt suck anymore, you have done it you can now stop fighting and rest.
XV is supposed to only be one game that ends with the game itself, not a continuing series you dumb fuck
Wasn't he with them even though he never appeared in the plot?
Lmao the game just launched how can it have a definitive version
Dilan and Aeleus were just made as models so no one questions about where they ended up as far as old organization members go that were recompleted. Roxas and Xion had their moment in the way pretty much everyone expected as endgame X factor to change the tides. Roxas himself got more plot time than expected because of how long they spent in interval cutscenes to show us exactly how he comes back and who was involved in his return
I think so. I think he lives in Soras hair through the whole series.
>Yeah dude, don't you love how solo trinity form is the most broken thing in the fucking world?
What the fuck is solo trinity form? You mean the trinity limit?
>Or how you get Explosion early as fuck?
Yes? Why the fuck does that matter?
>Or how Final Form requires an assload of good grinding because TBO doesn't exist?
Since when did you need TBO for grinding? All you need to do is kill Nobodies in TWTNW.
>Or how there's literally no reason to level up drive forms other than Wisdom/Master?
It's called using them for fun? What other reason do you need? You don't 'need' to grind master or final either.
>Oh, how about how there's absolutely no postgame content whatsoever aside from Sephiroth, even though KH1 had Sephiroth/Kurt Zisa/Ice Titan/Phantom?
>Or how the worlds didn't even have the stupid fucking puzzle pieces, making them even BLANDER than they already are?
A bunch of bonus fluff, like I said earlier that just takes a 100% complete game to 110%, I'd say 130% for 2.
>Only one game
And a movie
And an anime
And a novel(s)
They wanted more from XV mate and it didn't deliver
>assload of good grinding
>he didn't get to lvl 99 using the bug in the Pride Lands mountain
You coudn't even dodge roll in regular KH2 until KH2 final mix came along. That shit was incomplete as fuck.
>What the fuck is solo trinity form? You mean the trinity limit?
>Yes? Why the fuck does that matter?
Because you said KH2 Vanilla had good balance.
>Since when did you need TBO for grinding? All you need to do is kill Nobodies in TWTNW.
You don't get to willingly enter Final Form until you enter it the first time, which is pure RNG unless you have TBO.
>It's called using them for fun? What other reason do you need?
How about making them not completely fucking useless, you dumb faggot? There's no reason to bother getting the growth abilities for any forms besides those.
>A bunch of bonus fluff
>defending KH2 having even less content than KH1
Fuck out of here, faggot.
How could Ven get cucked when she never was interested in him in the first place?
i hope you like long stories
Fund my game fags
It's called blocking you casual. Also it had quick run.
Oh shit, Barry still hasn't killed himself?
Skrillex is a garbage edm producer and face my fears is even more garbage. If they wanted a producer that would do this series and music any justice they should have gone with Porter Robinson, Madeon, Odesza, Tycho, deadmau5, Prydz, Lane 8 so many better choices.
Anyone who likes that drop in face my fears wouldn’t know good music if it was blasted in their face. Garbage taste.
Superbossess in Kh2FM were great because they took advantage of a well thought out battle system with tons of potentional barely utilized by the base game.
KH3's battle system has little to no potential and is extremely poorly thought out. The finale is basically every superboss copy pasted from 2 one by one and it's brain dead easy due to it's broken and shotty feeling mechanics.
It's just one mentally ill autist. Ignore him.
I have no fucking idea who any of those people you named are
Report the cunt. Only way he'll be gone is if we mass report
Every magic in KH3 does the same fucking thing none of them do anything different, in XV I can cast stop or poison enemies through magic casts too. KH3 literally only has 6 spell lines
XV has
Double, Triple, Quad and Quint casts
Plus other magic things done through weapons like Graviga on Gravisphere not to mention passive buffs through weapon abilities
KH3 only has 6 weapon types all which functionally feel the same only with different stats even if different weapon types
XV has over 15 different weapon types which all feel unique from each other and which aside from their stats have different passive abilities and many can grant stat buffs through certain actions like the massive strength boost when using the finisher on sword of the father or the insane crit boost on trident of the Oracles base combo
Not to mention the different characters play fundamentally different to Noctis while Riku and Aqua feel identical to Sora and have the same exact base combat
So? How is it broken? It uses your entire mp bar, it's supposed to be a late game screenwipe for trash mobs.
>Because you said KH2 Vanilla had good balance.
And? How does explosion completely upheave the balance?
>You don't get to willingly enter Final Form until you enter it the first time, which is pure RNG unless you have TBO
>the game pretty much gives it to you for free in vanilla as long as you're regularly using drive forms, I know because I consistently get it during my travel up Xemnas' castle every time I used to play it.
>There's no reason to bother getting the growth abilities for any forms besides those.
There's no reason to use any growth abilities, they're just there to make the late game fun to run around.
>defending KH2 having even less content than KH1
You don't get to pull that card when you're defending 3.
You know whats the funniest thing?
First KH3 was the game that never came out, then it was the game that wouldn't stop coming out and now that the 0.5 was cancelled and we're sold an unfinished game it will be forever the game that never completely comes out since people are still waiting for the real KH3.
A book allowing you to view the future
Did you even look at the post that post is replying to you fucking retard?
I guess if you consider BBS and DDD the first and second acts of 3 it sort of feels like a complete game almost?
>Nomura’s a big fan of Hades, he will return
Based. We need a proper Hades fight, not some stupid coliseum shit.
All of that is literally side content to ONE (1) game that finishes and fully concludes the story off you retard, not a series of multiple games that set up new games each time.
XV sold more than any KH and more than any FF in the same timespan too
It's just KH fags being triggered by good games, ignore them
>making up games just so you can shitpost
Fuck off cunt.
>it's supposed to be a late game screenwipe for trash mobs.
I said Solo Trinity, you retard. It melts just about every important boss for something you can get back with an item. There's a reason that, even as good as Drive Forms are, the items that recover Drive are only usable outside of combat.
>And? How does explosion completely upheave the balance?
>How does getting one of the best finishers of the game well before endgame fuck with balance????
>There's no reason to use any growth abilities
Wisdom's Quick Run gives iframes and Master's aerial dodge gives parry frames. All other growth abilities in Vanilla KH2 are completely worthless.
>You don't get to pull that card when you're defending 3.
When did I ever say I was defending 3, you dumb cuck? I was disappointed as fuck by 3, but that doesn't mean I think Vanilla KH2 was anywhere near better.
>Phantom, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth weren’t in the original JP version
Shit, even the vanilla NA version had all of these things. Why can’t post-2006 SE learn to finish their games for a change?
More people saw that trailer than the amount of people who own KH3 let alone played KH3
JP KH1 didn't have Ice Titan, either.
I gave up in the caribbean and just looked up a guide
that literally makes it more unfinished
>ignoring reality
Why do you idiots respond to these shitposters and give them attention? Why don't you learn from people in other game threads who just report and ignore them instead.
KH is comfy.
KH is trash and gay as fuck
You, me and everyone else bud. There were two I just couldn’t find on my own. The yellow one on the wall in Port Royal and the barrel one. The placement was a little ridiculous desu and Donald/Goofy don’t even give you a heads up.
Shit, so what did the KH1 coliseum even have? Just the story fights + Cloud?
Face My Fears goes really well with the god tier cinematic, but I love 2 and 358 so much that Sanctuary had the bigger impact for me.
Fuck that's a good image
On my 3rd playthrough. I love this game. Can't wait for the Final Mix
Remember that Sora knows Christmas which is known across worlds which means Jesus was too.
>jack summons his own keyblade
Nigga you were doing so good up to that point
Areo is also gravity
Water also deflects
Blizzard let's you slide along the trail
Not like you care about actually debate and not cherry picking though
Did you miss the part in DDD where he stands looking up at a Jesus statue in Notre Dame for 5 seconds. Sora is a good Christian man.
I'm glad their all back, I really am. But damn if it didn't feel unsatisfying to rescue them.
Almost a decade dragging the knife and making the players want to undo all the pain and their just thrown at your feet. My god make me feel good about rescuing them, make me work for it.
Why does everyone pick on that one? He touched Sora's Keyblade, he was set up in 2 to desire it, he's an honorable enough lad, at least let him use it until he does something greedy and it vanishes as a joke.
>that video is still up
Holy shit
Oh my God KH fanart is so comfy and so good. I love it so much. It's one of my favorite things about this shithole community. Post more
I'm looking up more on pixiv at the same time so bear with me.
Kek. I did miss that.
I want to cum in Larxene.
>1 minute in
>says that KH3 is the third mainline game in the series following a bunch of spinoffs
>basically says that it has to have a number in the title and have a new Hikaru Utada song in order to count as a mainline title
>close video as they are obviously just a casualfag who won't know enough about the franchise to really judge the game properly
I seriously don't get people's obsession with numbers. All of the KH games except maybe the mobile game are mainline titles. This mentality is why people went into KH3 wondering who the fuck Aqua is and why we should care about some person named Xion.
I hope with this being the third main game we get another extended secret trailer as well.
It really is. "My heart's a battleground" and that shift the CoM segment is probably my favorite part in any of the openings.
Because no one tied to a disney world has ever wielded a keyblade. Something about the natural order and all that jazz.
>Second Form peaked when you first got it
Fix this shit nomura. If I equip combo plus it should effect second form.
Whenever someone says something like "waiting 13 years" or says anything about 13 years really, you should discard their opinion. The wait for KH3 was only 13 years for people who don't like KH and only played 1 and 2.
Wait a minute.... why is Jiminy Cricket an exception to world order?
It still bugs me that nothing ever came of Calypso knowing what the Keyblade was, the only other time that's ever happened is with Triton. I was expecting it to be some sort of knowledge passed down through monarchs or something, figured Zeus would be one to talk to Sora about it but that clearly didn't happen.
>I'm glad their all back, I really am.
But they're not, user
This is the same kind of people who skipped over Chain of Memories as it was 'just a spin off' and then were horribly confused at the beginning of KH2. If you played Chain of Memories, you should already recognize Axel, dudes in black coats, Twilight Town, Namine, know that Sora is in stasis, and have some idea that Sora has 'another side' to his heart, getting the player completely ready to experience KH2's opening.
I mean, you could at least just fucking read a plot synopsis online or something. I'm pretty sure plot synopsises existed in 2005.
>who is Mickey Mouse
Nothing wrong with playing it off for laughs like that user suggested.
Because he's Kingdom Hearts conscience, he gets a pass.
Remind me again what KH2 was missing before Final Mix?
Damn, that's one important cricket.
These fake Instagram posts are cancerous Facebook-tier trash. Or maybe Tumblr-tier. I'm not sure if it's normie or 15-year-old fangirly. Some combination of the two. Fandoms have been doing this cringey shit for years, I most remember it with Harry Potter, but either which way it's cringe and I hate it.
Dunno, it's odd how in the first place how his world was swallowed by darkness and he ended up at Mickey's world.
Mickey's world as a whole is an exception, mostly because of his training with Yen Sid. He dragged everyone into his mess.
Huh? Who's missing? We've got Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Xion, Namine, and Ven. Hell Isa even got a second chance. Who could be left?
>Jiminy was the only one who survived the big death tornado besides Sora
He's secretly the most OP character.
>plenty of cutscenes including ones which flesh out the Organization
>data Org fights including like six brand new fights with the Org members from CoM
>an entire dungeon
>several Keyblades, abilities, Critical Mode
>secret videos
>Lingering Will
>Limit Form
>quite a few pieces of equipment and accessories
>That Goofy comment
Won't lie, listening to the keyblade graveyard music, all I could think of was Terra, Aqua, and Ven making their way to their impending doom years ago.
Hell, the whole concept of the keyblade graveyard is foreboding and badass. Shame they downplayed the intensity with that kiddie mobile game.
I'm being anal, but we got Sora back, but then we lost him
>More superbosses
Give me MoM or Bahamut in Toy Box and I’ll be happy.
See, it's funny because this is a character who normally is portrayed as a lovable goof, a pretty harmless and caring guy who is pretty chaste. In these two images, however, this character is portrayed in the opposite way, swearing, accepting of murder, and with a vicious appetite for sex. The humor derives from that being the opposite of how this character is normally portrayed. This type of humor is extremely subtle, and not just a cheap and lazy joke.
Literally all bonus content, none of it was necessary for 2 to be "complete".
As cool as Bahamut would be, I feel like Yozora would be more likely as a superboss in Toy Box.
I seriously want to know who finds this shit funny. I can't imagine anyone who isn't a braindead KH fanboy or underage thinking these are entertaining.
I told you it was rushed and unfinished. Now Nomura has confirmed it. Next time, listen to your elders and stop coping. Hopefully KH3: The Complete Game will be good.
>none of it was necessary
Try going back to vanilla without Dodge Roll.
Both of you are wrong. Gilgamesh wielding 6 different keyblades would be the best boss.
Never said it was supposed to be funny
> KH fans listening to reason
What universe you think you're living in user? This is the same fanbase that thinks power of friendship is a compelling storytelling device.
Find me bitch nigger and I'll fuck your urethra
I used to play vanilla once a year when I was younger. It's not that hard.
>Gilgamesh wielding 6 Ultima Weapons
Why does Aqua make me want to breed so bad?
What does it mean ? Where you going with this Nomura
> Gilgamesh wielding 6 X-Blades
It felt like they were taunting us with Bahamut though. I was really hoping that going there once you hit 47 would give you a triangle prompt to interact and start a fight.
Because you haven't been able to move on from a franchise you liked as a child and can't come to grips with the fact that much better waifus exist in other franchises.
But there's something magical about Aqua that keeps me coming back!
>no mirage arena type of world
Yay I can't wait to pay an additional $40 for shit that should have been included in the game to begin with!
Face My Fears is great without the backwards vocals.
trim your god damn nails you neanderthal
Ah, duh... Kinda lost on that ending anyways, how was kairi there, but not sora? He died rescuing her?
Even then, this is KH. Just do the recompleation boogaloo.
>"KH3 was in development for 13 years"
Looks cooler than that dino heartless
What's so bad about them? They're cute.
Sora overused the power of waking and disappeared. If you were paying attention, you'd know that Sora was warned not to overuse that power.
It may come in the dlc or the free updates, who knows
>Sora overused the power of waking and disappeared
Which is a bullshit cop out like the answer Nomura gave for the time loop in the Graveyard.
it's late go to bed niggers
>using big powerful power has consequences when overused
>"this sounds like a cop out"
Do you have mental problems?
I know.
>Be me
>Be playing heart chess with this faggot
>Beat him like every time before
>He moves his piece after getting checkmate
>Wtf dude, you cant do that, come on you know how to play
>He then just puts the pieces I took back
>Whatever, master told me he was "special"
>He "beats" me
>He then says he doesnt want to play the game ever again and grabs some pieces to play another fucking game he doesnt even bother explaining the rules
>God I cant wait to shank this nigga.
>They're all the Ultima equivalent of Excalipoor.
WHY is it dangerous to use it so much?
>except the mobile game
[laughs in data]
Be jewish
I'm still reeling from this really. I mean damn, give the kid a break. Give US a break, fuck. Now we have to wait for Kingdom Hearts Shibuya/Shinjuku/Verum Rex. I know an E3 announcement is asking for a lot, but I just want off this ride for a while.
I laughed so had at this shit, Eraqus was a piece of shit here
>terra is a strong drinker
Collect the coins, then freeze him with blizzard, then kill him.
Autists like you get hung up on the dumbest shit. It's just a powerful technique that takes away a bunch of your energy or heart energy or whatever when used and when you abuse it it's too much for your body to handle. It's not that fucking complicated. It's a storytelling device, people use them all the fucking time.
Knowing that ven is in the mobile game, it's weird to see him being treated like a kid. He's older than everyone technically.
Yeah nah, think they off offhandedly mentioned that. Sides he didn't use it that much, most were just thrown at his feet.
Still haven't fully wrapped my head around what the fuck happened there. I gave up on trying to understand it.
>KH3's battle system has little to no potential
I seriously find it hard to believe I played the same game as you people
KH3 has so many more interesting mechanics than KH2
You just get lost in the sleep world, that place is fucked.
Basado y rojopilled.
>Sides he didn't use it that much
Literally the entire sequence where he went to the different worlds to save his friends was him using the power of waking. That's why it makes sense that he could get overloaded, he just spammed the shit out of it like an hour ago.
Aqua is so beautiful!
I wonder what they'll add to Crit though. We know the 0.2 Crit mode is in the game files and you can hack it in and get the half like 3/4 mp and damage boosts but apparently that's not good enough for the team
So why did literally no one tell him about this until after he already abused it? Why did no one warn Riku when he got it?
>not learning to block
I understand Sanfransokyo.
But putting the invisible barriers in Twilight Town when the equally massive Port Royal is fully explorable was horseshit.
>protagonist pulls mystical retcon powers out of his ass so his friends don't all die
I believe nomura said they would do more than just mess with the numbers
I imagine Sora just tweeting Aqua to open the fucking barrier during the fight.
Young Xehanort drops hints several times that to use the power of waking takes an equivalent exchange of sorts. Sora used a move that is meant to be used sparingly and only for a few people on almost ten people in the span of a day. Like using adrenaline that would help you lift a car to lift a bus.
I want Aqua to invite me to her room and show me her outfits!
What's KH 3 missing that isn't the equivalent of something that was listed there?
Do fucking not. Andrew is dead to me.
Maybe it was generally assumed that Sora wouldn't or wouldn't have to use it like ten times in the space of a day? He ended up using it pretty excessively, more than you'd generally have expected.
>story needed to be flushed out more it felt rushed
game has exactly 10Hr5min cutscenes how did they not manage to explain the story in 10 hours
It was the paopu fruit
It's not rushed. It's incomplete sure but Nomura never intended to put that content in the base game. It's like saying Red Alter 2 was incomplete just because they always intended for the Yuri's revenge stuff.
I blame his willingness to pander to fans, his starting work on that stupid video game before the comic was even over, and getting overwhelmed by work. Until Act 6, everything was doing okay, some problems here or there, but okay. In Act 6 everything just fucking fell apart completely and it took way longer than even Hussie was expecting.
kh3 story was a disappointment, 13 years and felt like the direction was still lacking and everything was rushed
If Sora died in the secret ending wouldnt his heart become a darkless and his brain becomes a no one? I don't know
Ah yeah, the Lich. I blanked on most of that.
I miss midriff in KH so damn much.
What was the point of the outfit customizations? A distraction? I was thinking it would carry over to 3. Not that I want to put Sora in cat ears... But if you got to play as Kairi or Aqua, hell yeah.
The power of waking was poorly executed in the first place. Why wait till after I've gone through all the damn worlds to have sora save the day in the world of darkness like he was gonna do anyways? Of course he would figure out how to use the damn power on the fly, that's how he operates.
good writing
>kh3 story was a disappointment, 13 years
>13 years
When in the fuck will this retarded meme end?
>13 years meme
Okay this is epic
>he never intended to finish it by the due date
the mad man
The briefcase from pulp fiction
>What was the point of the outfit customizations? A distraction?
Slapped something into the tech demo to give players something to mess around with since they knew KH3 was still quite a ways off and this is all fans had to tide them over.
If this is the case, Xehanort is a reeeeeeal bitch for not giving him a heads up on that shit during his "redemption." A "Sora, yeah, sorry, but Kairi is kind screwed unless you heartwake one more time. Then you'll die, or in up in a place called Shibuya or something."
I just get frazzled when I think 13 years have gone by and Sora and Kairi CAN'T BE HAPPY DAMMIT
I want cute Riku and Naminé moments in the next saga
oh sorry, should I say 15 years? how many years, sorry i can't keep up with your whacky hilarious maymays
I want Aqua to show me her tummy in private.
>Nomura is a big fan of Hades, he will most likely return in future entries
And the collected cries of thousands of idiots that took offense to some of James Woods' tweets ring out across the land.
Gaps in the plot for one. Why did Xemnas make Xion a darkness? Was she even Norted? How did Roxas teleport to the Graveyard? Where did Demyx go? All the plot threads from UX that Nomura's been dangling in front of us like carrots, no I don't care that it's just to set up KH4. If you wanted to do that you leave it till the end of the game, don't introduce fucking plot threads two games ago and in the middle of this one just to say "buy more games goyim" fuck you.
Thanks for the laugh
What did James Woods do?
KH3 is not a followup to KH2. Only casualfags have been waiting 13 years to play KH3. People who actually give a shit about the franchise understand that the game doesn't have to have a fucking number in the title to matter. If anything, it's been a 7 year wait since that's how long it's been since DDD.
They were literally going to war and Sora is a shonen retard. Everyone, especially Yen Sid and Riku, knew him overusing this ill explained asspull bullshit was an inevitability.
im guessing waking a princess of heart takes more toll of your waking powers and sora used it twice on kairi
Chirithy mentions that Sora had found his way in the Final World a few times before, it's implied the tutorial (before II.9) was a dream he had or something, just like KHI's one. It may even be suggesting that those are actually part of the final world. Also note when Sora unlocks a path to new worlds in II matches something he does at the end of the Final World.
redpill me on this
Well one he might not have really died.
Two death is a seperate concept. You only die when your soul is destroyed otherwise you may survive as a heartless or nobody
>it's been 7 years wait
oh sorry, i guess you need a minimum of 10 years to direct a game's story without any rush, my bad mr expert on game story development
Actually Kairi was fine apparently, that's why she was waiting for him in the laser disco tunnel.
This could also be true.
>What if KH4/MoM Saga is just Square Enix Worlds, as hinted in the Secret ending?
Idiots like yourself keep bringing it up and it all ends the same: those of us with SOME level of sanity reminding you that KH is still a Disney series and that they can easily rip the IP out of SE's hands if they feel their brands aren't represented properly.
use thunder
Transphobic tweets.
I just noticed, Chirithy says he will stay in the final world waiting for Ventus, but somehow he appears in land of departure. Sora said he would come back for Chirithy so i guess he saved him during the ending. Maybe he also saved the nameless star, he is stuck or whatever in all this power of waking shit so might as well make use of it
I'm just telling you that you were wrong about the gap between mainline games you dumb retard. Since you didn't understand it to begin with, you're most likely a casual fan anyway, thus making your opinion worthless.
They didn't actually work on 3 back in 2013 remember Nomura's interviews where he didn't like having to show a trailer even in 2013.
>Sora loses all memory
>Sora has no feelings
>People will bitch that it doesn't make sense in KH4
>People will call nomura a shjtty writer
>When all it is is Sora becomes a nobody that looks like himself because he doesn't have anyone elses heart anymore
But nobodies can grow hearts of their own, see Roxas
I have a theory that the "turncoats" situation within the Organization ran deeper than just bringing back the fallen from the dead. I'm under the impression that said turncoats found it fucked up that they had essentially forced Sora to kill himself for Xehanort's plan to come to fruition. For instance, I feel that the card Luxord threw Sora as he died carries far more relevance than we think. I believe it's going to serve as a lifelink and Sora's one momento that will connect him to the land of the living. On the other side of things, I get the feeling MoM (who is there too because he died for real just like Sora did) knows this and is planning to body snatch Sora (like Luxu is implied to have done to survive the eras) as he escapes from The Afterlife.
oh no, a gatekeeper, oh no!
Any chances of the remaining 2D/niche movies getting into the next side-game or are they lost forever in darkness?
>paying for things that used to be free in previous games
Why do you faggots let them do this to you
Chirithy are actually able to enter and leave the world at will. He just didn't want to because Ventus didn't remember him.
>tfw the simulation is falling apart
He seems fine to me desu
Meanwhile Aqua's English VA is a trashy Hollywood SJW thot :c
Oh fuck off, the lack of gatekeepers is why modern fandoms suck so damn much compared to older ones.
>a second Roxas that's even more clueless because he doesn't have Ventus's heart anymore and doesn't have friends
And Olette's English VA is a pure whole Christian girl.
What about Axel etc.?
oh man, then i guess the game is good then becaus it wasn't 13 years but 7 years, damn, then is a 10/10 game after all
Dumb secondary
The opinions of casual fans don't matter no matter what the subject is. A hardcore fan is much more likely to understand the faults of a series or judge it fairly, whereas a casual fan will probably just latch onto whatever they liked as a kid and hold that up as the standard by which the entire franchise should hold up to, among other retarded opinions.
>tfw Riku's plot about what he was doing for a year had to be shared with Roxas in days
>We don't see Riku and Naminé interact as much despite them living together (with Diz too) for a year
I like this idea, especially Luxord's card. He never seemed actually evil, and that card really does hint at further importance.
Also, I hope Crit mode adds that crown on the pin and artwork
Hmm, he may have deleted the Tweets. I remember his account was suspended for a while.
>Meanwhile Aqua's English VA is a trashy Hollywood SJW thot
Funny you should mention that... There are/were allegations of James Woods sexual harassing Willa Holland in one the live-action shows the latter was working on.
>what is Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
>what is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
>what is Birth By Sleep Final Mix
>what is re:Coded
>Make Scala Ad Caelum a full world, with the start location being the same and the end location being the very top of the city.
>Move the boss gauntlet in the keyblade graveyard to sections of Scala Ad Caelum
>Add cutscenes to Scala so certain characters get more than 2 seconds of screentime
>Make Riku fully playable in post game
>Expand on Riku segments in the story.
>For every world completed as Sora you get a section of the dark world as Riku
>Add the Coliseum
>Add the Cavern of Remembrance to Scala
>Add data org battles but theyre in their Xehanort outfits
>Make Land of Departure returnable and put a superboss in there
>Add a Sephiroth fight in the frozen tower
>Add Oathkeeper and Oblivion
>Add actual new abilities in the end levels
okay sure, the game direction is a solid 12/10 the voice acting is a wonderful 10/10 who am i to speak because i dont tattoo myself the keyblade lmao, heh casual fans am i right you guys? lol
based retardposter
Aqua's cosplayers probably make better Aqua wife material!
Oh, that's gross. In any case I don't consider Holland to be the true Aqua!
>Make KH3 KH2 2
more based retardposter
I want every light as a party member with their own keychains, magic, abilities, dialogue, and team attacks.
There is a chance.
Olette's VA already kinda looks like Olette. Same hair color, skin color, and body type. She already has the voice for the perfect immersion too.
Kingdom hearts is only "good" because of the fanbase I think.
not in the sense that it's a good fanbase, at least in a "I'd want to unironically go to a convention with them", but in the "it's interesting to watch them"..
it reminds me of PS2 era games and the Internet of that time, and the era of Peak Deviantart and Newgrounds, a time when irony hadn't infected every single bit of culture.
>though those times fucking sucked for me due to the fore-shocks of the financial crisis
>how did Jiminy know that Sora died the first time
Jiminy is the MoM
For the love of god add more reaction commands and restructure the final fights so you play as the other characters
>Oh, that's gross.
They're allegations, seeing as how the guy still gets work I'm assuming it's baseless junk. Just like the allegations against Vic.
>For every world completed as Sora you get a section of the dark world as Riku
As much as I would like this it'd get very boring without worlds lost to darkness like in 0.2. BBS secret episode was neat for a one time thing but the realm of darkness is actually incredibly bland to look at by itself.
Just leave, you type like a child
Isn't Toy Story technically set in the real world? It's not that big a leap.
>Only thing from Kh2 is Cavern/Data org battles
>somehow kh2 2
They're still real life locations?? Holy shit how fucking retarded are you
That's good for you! I'd prefer an Aqua gf whose voice would be an upgrade from Holland's.
Yeah, I wouldn't hold it against him if there's no proof.
I think DDD should've been a game about Young Xehanort and how he got the Keyblade, his training, and other things like that. Then 3 could be about Sora and Riku trying to become Masters, rescue TAV, Roxas, and Xion, while also trying to defeat the reformed Terranort.
>Playing as Sora, Donald and Goofy in some worlds while playing as Riku and Mickey in others
Would be fucking great. Fuck time travel.
>Isn't Toy Story technically set in the real world?
No, but it is set in the same canonical timeline as the films.
Olette's VA already has the cutest voice. Willa doesn't sadly since she doesn't have good voice direction. I think Invi's voice is similar, but cuter and should be Aqua's new voice.
I just want more Riku honestly. I dont care if they reuse 0.2s area
I like her voice for Aqua, it's really nice.
sure the guy foaming its mouth because i say 13 years instead of 7 years and is making a big fuzz about casuals and hardcore fans is the mature one
DLC can't fix the lackluster story and pacing.
Honestly, it needs a complete overhaul. Like everything is there, but idk...
>Make a sequel a sequel
>This is a bad thing
Okay user.
Question for all: KHIII came out last month, how long until we learn about what the future will hold? We already know through Ultimania that there'll be a game between this one and a possible KHIV, but how long until then and what could that game revolve around?
I dont think Willa gives a shit about voicing the game.
>prove you're a casual
>think anyone cares what you have to say
i don't think that anyone cares but here you are still replying
>some idiots are surprised by a Final Mix with another difficulty mode, more story content and bosses like the usual Sephiroth fight
What a surprise.
What I want to see is what the fuck of bullshit super gummiship boss they will pull since Golden Highwind is a beast and there is barely anything to do in the base game aside of A ranking everything easily.
Or if they will add new heartless bosses for ghost ship and golden ship in Caribean
Sora will be playing the Reaper's Game from TWEWY. See you in 2024.
Earliest we could possibly get news on that front is probably E3. After that hope for Game Awards or something.
I respect your opinion! However this user is right I must find an Aqua gf who would do her best at being Aqua only once in a while so it doesn't get weird!
>Move the boss gauntlet in the keyblade graveyard to sections of Scala Ad Caelum
Coli or mirrage arena
Aqua and Riku extended sections
More story cutscenes
Someone from KHUX as a super boss
Leon so they can use the rough poly model they apparently made.
Andy has a Mickey Mouse watch poster too.
And Square Enix is a company there too
Sometime this year when the new story content DLC comes out. Maybe even sooner if the end of the Ardyn DLC drops some sort of hint as to how FFXV ties into the secret ending.
I won't be doing any of that shit again for Ultima Weapon. Next time I play this game, it will be on Critical mode with Kingdom Key only+any new keyblades.
If DDD was a Xehanort game instead, they could've done worlds they knew they wouldn't do in a real, mainline KH since it'd take place so long ago.
>Hunchback still
>Treasure Planet
And obviously others, but those would be in off the top of my head.
I like talking to retards, it makes me feel better about myself.
World of Chaos/Xemnas dragon double team.
Remember when Willa Holland (Aqua VA) accidentally posted a photo of her being eaten out on Instagram?
>KH3 is unfinished and full of invisible walls and is 90% corridor, stop deflecting.
No, it's finished. It could just use some improvements. Also being 90% corridor is still better than just a flat empty landscape with nothing but trash mobs.
It was fine fag. Pretty much every KH game just backloads all the plot except I guess BBS and U(x)
Not my Aqua!
Bahamut it’s gotta be Bahamut
sure you do, keep coping
Remember when Ashely Boettcher (Olette's VA) posted a religious post and randomly hashtagged Olette in it because she loves to also be known as Olette and is enthusiastic about it?
I imagine if the next game is a large scale production and not some mobile/low budget tie in game, my guess is 6 months after the (first) release of FFVII.
Emperor's New Groove, Yzma helps shape Xehanort's distaste of light.
Tell me more, user
Alright fags Nomura has decided to grace you with minor creative control by picking one crossover fight
You get to make 1 post game boss encounter with the rule being it's gotta be a non-FF non-Twewy Square boss, who do you pick?
Yes I do. Good times.
I want Aqua to take care of me.
I do like her voice too but she simply doesnt give a shit, I dont know why does she do it, dont think its the money since she is probably rich, does disney own her or something?
fuck you, I want my Joshua fight
Yen Sid.
Barry, is that you?
JC Denton
Gonna need those links
Sora vs. Thanos.
That scene where he throws a moon begs for reaction/situation commands
Why couldnt she voice Aqua instead.
The air conditioner from Brave Little Toaster.
>not Johnny Knoxville
The role started before Arrow, so I'm guessing she took the job as "some whatever Disney gig" and didn't actually know about KH.
KH3 is significantly better than FFXV. It's actually a complete game at launch, despite some flaws. FFXV is literally an unfinished game
>took out the opening to make a CGI movie nobody asked for
>took out character backstory to make an anime nobody asked for
>made a multiplayer mode nobody asked for
>made crossover events nobody asked for
>took out ANOTHER character's backstory to make ANOTHER shitty anime nobody asked for
>cancelled the planned DLC for the game
still holding on to it or just grasping at straws? i don't even know who this barry is, you're just being paranoid
Too pure for this world. Aqua was in hell for 10 years so it makes since she'd be voice by an impure girl
Very few VAs actually care about their roles user
KH basically is responsible for Deviantart and terrible fanfiction
Which Publisher has the rights to the non-spiderman Marvel games again?
>Going glass cannon magic build
She isnt gonna be well liked among her actors peers due to the christian stuff.
You can admit it to me, user. It's okay.
>Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Absolutely based and Christpilled. Olette is clearly the best girl.
ok, im not barry
Oh, Square boss, my bad. Nomura himself like Yosuke Matsuda was in 2Butt's game. So I can beat the everloving fuck out of him for disappointing me.
Yeah but at least they fucking try. Jesus christ just compare it to Xigbar or old Xehanort.
This, it's the main reason why Vic got booted by Funi and RT.
Adding content to Scala and spacing out the fights would make them feel less boring imo.
Literally coping
She's a conservative Christian country girl from Texas and a very minor actress that does small stuff
Best girl voices best girl
im not barry, but continue coping my dude
You fags better not fucking do what Yea Forums did years ago.
Her voice is fine though
Instead you'll get Kairi and Namine being captured by MoM and Sora and Riku having to save them. Again. Again.
>muh """persecuted""" religion
>muh victimhood
kek, do you have the screencap?
>get to its last medallion phase
>backs me into a corner and OHKOs me because I don't have double jump or glide yet
This is fair
What did they do? I like her voice, but that is as far as I'd take it. It helps me appreciate Olette's character more.
Didn’t Funimation have to fire the VA for that devil titty anime because he was a criminal or something?
How can you say that when you are Barry?
Olette's VA was a little girl from Aliens in the Attic and voices a little girl on a Netflix tv series. She is a very minor actress in the industry, nothing too big so I don't think they'd boot her.
If you wanna be a baby just use the box, if you dont just fucking block.
She "accidentally" uploaded a photo of her being eaten on Instagram. She also has tit photos too that she posted on Twitter. You can find them easily.
So Aqua is a slut and Olette is a good Christian girl? What are Xion and Kairi then?
Do your own dirty job.
allegations and accusations with no evidence still. so they fired him over some gossips. all because he didn't wanted to sign unofficial yaoi fanarts
How am I supposed to find out?
Aqua's Japanese VA looks significantly less thotty at least. She's too old for me though.
>he didn’t want to sign unofficial yaoi art
Holy shit, they made it sound as if he was a sex offender or some shit. This is like that baker stuff all over again. Can’t he sue them?
Still a cutie for her age
i'm going to fucking lose my mind this literally feels unfair. you get like one second to react to the spinny attack and if you're anywhere near him at all it doesn't matter what your health is you WILL die if you don't block.
Yes! I wish Aqua's English VA were more like Aqua!
Just fucking equip kingdom key you damn retard.
you can always look at a youtube video how others do it..
Why does Invi sound similar to Aqua, but cuter?
And a ribbon or two you inbreed.