One copy of melee, please

>One copy of melee, please.

Attached: 1547283999227.jpg (1080x1246, 100K)

It's 2019, and this is a kebab store.

Here you go bro.
Fresh from the dumpster behind Evo.

Attached: Dronning_Gunhild_(moselig).jpg (1200x1600, 406K)

Why, yes? I'm buying it for my girlfriend's husband.
He sure loves to wavedash at it while I "wave it" at his wife, if you know what I mean.

>pic unrelated

what does the real photoshop chad even look like

>why yes, I am on a "stinky day"

Damn, SMelees look like THAT?



>One pre-order of half life 3, please.

Attached: 883ce72y.jpg (1618x1809, 99K)

>One copy of UNIST, please.

Attached: 834.png (687x768, 229K)

>One copy of melty blood please, and one arcueid plushie

Attached: KoAvFZk.png (859x960, 327K)



Attached: 1551324113602.jpg (449x550, 30K)

Would be netter wkth orhrc bottpm pics2

are you ok

>You looking forward to the new Umihara Kawase game?

Attached: 1539742593715.jpg (832x1000, 51K)

pretty gay to have naked dudes saved on your hd.

It'll come out any time now...

Attached: 1542108637906.jpg (630x399, 64K)

it's for shitposting on /int/ these are often used there.

Attached: ea0.jpg (640x648, 65K)

>Yeah bro, I'm not sure about the open-world format but I still want to try it.

Attached: 13736078_312131882473646_1131281077_n-750x522.jpg (750x522, 52K)

What the hell? A new one's coming out?

I hope I can play it on my Nintendo Switch™.

Attached: 1522306718278.jpg (300x300, 15K)

who is this guy and why is his jaw so square

some model
because he got surgery

Just imagine you look like that. I know it's fake.
Just imagine. You'll get everyone.

Hopefully it still has the spirit of the series. Sayonara was a bit of a step down but it was still fun and had the traditional mode available.

Have you guys pre-ordered DMC 5 yet?

Attached: 1454478188945.jpg (900x900, 148K)

It's some Scandinavian woman's boyfriend who she photoshops to absolute fuck for some weird art project. The guy looks relatively normal otherwise.

Not too bad, but different nonetheless

Attached: Newjackettoo.png (1027x384, 501K)

Some impressive skills though

>why yes, I do main a heavy! How could you tell?

Attached: chad.jpg (560x602, 49K)

One copy of BoTW, please.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>One copy of Metroid Fusion, please.

Attached: giga sam.jpg (1080x1331, 161K)

I question putting in the effort for this shitty thread but I was amused nonetheless 8/10


Attached: JPEG_20181005_012147.jpg (1024x575, 162K)

One copy of Arcueids fat sweaty tits please

Attached: __arcueid_brunestud_tsukihime_drawn_by_asuka_aqua_space__c343ac1507b105287dbe2f64e7e16433.png (606x800, 485K)


I have never seen a more Chad human being. Seriously, what the fuck is that thing?

Attached: 1551151186009.jpg (663x579, 39K)

Chad S rank

One copy of Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge, please.

Attached: 1549590691641.png (1080x1331, 938K)

Sir, we haven't sold Gamecube games here in years.


Attached: Neue Bitmap.png (2614x1510, 450K)

>You're asking if I have the Final Fight CPS set up at my place? Yes, why? You up for a round?

Attached: 32f.jpg (680x794, 33K)

>Bro, you comin' to the brap and vore convention with us?

Attached: 1550952875697.jpg (750x750, 131K)

Yeah sure but I don't usually go out so I might be a little nervous *chuckles

Attached: orhan-gencebay2.jpg (350x480, 51K)

I am more of a feet guy.

Attached: orhan-gencebay.jpg (300x300, 64K)

audible kek

>One copy of Antinomy of Common Flowers please

Attached: 1551403045738.jpg (1080x1344, 75K)

One copy of A Dog's Life, please.

Attached: 1404075119330.jpg (400x543, 231K)

What does a girl chad look like

Some girls like pretty boys though

Stacies look like this usually

Attached: 1548132671190.png (1080x1233, 1.6M)

Based and metroidpilled.

>Alright your total comes to 497.99 plus tax and i would be thankful if you tipped me aswell

>two copies of me please

>One copy of Zoo Tycoon, please.

Attached: 1544616395861.png (988x1190, 462K)


Attached: kitamura_1.png (1060x566, 135K)

Attached: 1537404315578.png (956x532, 885K)

Chad would not play shovelware games

You, and your friends, OUT!! NOW!!!

Attached: [email protected] (1060x803, 89K)

>Don’t insult my favourite game, Together Vr, ever again

Attached: 5BA96781-EF33-45D0-81B9-7BD1BC814436.jpg (750x832, 168K)

One copy of Bad Rats plz

Attached: download (2).jpg (256x256, 56K)


>doesn't even bother changing herself at all
behold the most shallow human being alive

>three copies of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal thanks.. Sony did what now?.. I find the censoring of this cinématographique series highly offensive.

Attached: 7810BD58-0C8D-4CFC-8083-7EA83936364F.jpg (1334x1600, 254K)

>Why yes I am looking forward to the next Yasumi Matsuno game, how could you tell?

oog boog eek ook (one copy of Donkey Kong 64 please)

Attached: 2621B14D00000578-0-image-a-10_1424987648167.jpg (962x539, 139K)

That's literally what he was saying when they took the picture. I can read lips.

>head angle
>looks like a small tattoo on her neck
>different jacket
She changed a lot, but definitely not on the level of gigachad.

Attached: 1544320036726.png (500x500, 94K)

Attached: 95b5db93d04cadf6752702b88baa6b63.jpg (500x750, 48K)

Would you rather hang out with Chad or Mew2King?

>wanna play some Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army, cracka?

Attached: C3567B3C-8276-4C42-B61C-67A5F6564E78.jpg (392x429, 32K)

You aren't fucking doing it right you moron.

You always use the FULL GAME TITLE with proper capitalization, maybe add a little snarky comment at the end like "no ma'am, I won't be needing a bag." Or something like that.

Back to shitposting school with you.


Attached: 1519291990813.png (2420x1288, 253K)

One copy of Bloodborne, please.

Attached: 1538829928698.png (859x960, 216K)

Why are incels so obsessed with asians when they've never interacted with one before

Attached: 3553817A-4D53-4875-A728-CA64BE3962C4.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Because they look like children.

>will never pollute this blonde goddess with my weak mongrel genes

>black eyebrows
She's a mutt

Maybe it's because you got poor hygiene, don't work out and got an awful personality from /pol/ brainwashing.

Just be yourself and go ask her out

Attached: 5C7CE73A-69DD-45A9-A660-B3DCABAEEFE7.jpg (1080x1349, 128K)

Behold the most blind user alive.

why even bother when I have have shitty mixed mutt genes

Because you should not let that stop you.
When you can get any woman you want you start to see very disturbing repeating patterns in their behavior that begins to make you question how "human" they actually are. That is undeniable. I started noticing it really early and eventually getting women was like watching the same movie again and again. They all were attracted to the same thing and relationships with them all unfolded in broad strokes identically. Women are a lot more like dolphins, chimpanzees, intelligent birds, or well scripted basic A.I. than they are what we traditionally believe to be "human." You shouldn't hate them though because at the end of the day you didn't design them, killing them won't fix them, and you're not an all-seeing all-knowing God so deciding that they need to be fixed in the first place isn't your call to make. You just accept that a lot of what you were told about romantic love and women being equals is just bullshit and you treat them like exotic pets. You wouldn't have a conversation with your dog and expect it to provide you with meaningful and life affirming insight that you can trust and the same is true for women.

Attached: merry.jpg (720x888, 334K)

To think that there are people in this site that really think that asian girls are like that.

How in love can you end up like this?
And don't just say just genetics. People don't come out all muscled-up or having big asses and boobs straight out of the vagoo. People will say just exercise but this is a level beyond normal exercise.

Attached: EF33EDE4-FE51-4A39-8967-B2356F02191D.png (360x360, 217K)


lol hes a photoshopped creation
hes a real guy but doesnt look half as outlandish irl


Forgot one thing on the asian side

>massive gold digger and bitch