ITT: Unpopular but objectively correct vidya opinions

ITT: Unpopular but objectively correct vidya opinions

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I feel like DLC only exist to have an excuse of decrease quality while charging more money.

Ori and the Blind Forest is real bad.

most japanese video games are completely incoherent and people only like them because they're not western games

> Most Western games are completely shit & people only like them because they are brainlet contrarions who aren't capable of understaind Japanese games

I think you meant broken.

ill go one step further and say that japs have no idea how to tell a story. its either overly explained convoluted bullshit or a minimal convoluted bullshit one that retards think is deep cause muh lore

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Name one popular Western game that has a story people care about that doesn't boil down to "Feels bait Shit" or "Bland Father Daughter Shit". Pro Tip: You cannot


Nobody gives a single fuck about any of those games except San Andreas, and people never play the story & just free roam with cheat codes

im and ill say IV is just feels bait shit and SA story does not matter. haven't played RDR 2.

even though i memed it myself ill say NV as well as KOTOR II

>I only watch cartoons and play video games, but I totally know that a country in incapable of telling any sort of story because of them.
That's a bad look user.

name me some shit then user. silence is the only story ive thought was good start to finish thats come from Japan and thats literally only because of the western influence on the writer

Anyone who says "forced politics, diversity, SJWs" is an actual child who you shouldn't listen to

More people remember about FF7's story then any other western piece of shit that you could possibly name

that doesn't make it good, no one gives a shit that your waifu got killed by protoedgelord

Most nes games are horribly dated

only 1 (one) good dmc game exists. the reset are average or worse

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>Only 1 good DMC game exists
It sure isn't pic related

Obviously they do since Aerith's death is universally considered the 2nd most iconic moment in gaming History

the west has no idea how to tell a story. it's always "orange man bad, it was her turn."

I wouldn't go that far but they're dated enough for me to not have any on my 3x3.

Bloodborne sucks ass

RE4 was great for the Resident Evil franchise contrary to faggots who want the same shit all the time in the series, say. It did something different and excelled it to new heights.

What's the first?

Ocarina of time isn't fun

>Play a western game released 20 years ago
>The Nameless One says "I hope Trump never becomes president"
Wtf bros......

Link pulling the Master Sword, it's probably the most iconic moment in media history aside from Ash Ketchum picking his first Pokemon

>shitposters are at it again
Levels of hype are beyond to care about your shitposting, DMC3 is good so deal with it

>universally considered
>g-guys a watched screwattack too!

ok retard, no one still gives a shit

Waifus are bad for games because they encourage pushing fanservice in favor of actually good gameplay.

>b-but they can co-exist
If you had good gameplay, you wouldn't need waifus in the first place. Time spent programming jiggle physics for your anime tits is time that could be spent optimizing framerate or control schemes.

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I'm excited for 5 too you fragile faggot, but 3 is too flawed to be considered a good game

I like Mafia 3, its not terrible, but it does have problems.
Had fun, kinda felt like playing as The Punihser in a few areas.

Now THIS is an excellent bait image and post

last (YOU) of the night mr shitposter

>women are only welcome if they have zero to do with being female, dont talk or show emotion
ok incel

Most games made before 2010 have aged like milk and play like ass.

Also this

Explain how DMC 3 is good and I can easily tell you why it's bullshit
>Before 2010
Nah, but before the early 90s I'd agree

Nobody cares about ScrewAttack, FF7 is factually the 4th most popular game ever behind Zelda, Mario & Pokemon. So obviously the most iconic moment from it would be iconic as well

>video game characters are only welcome if they have zero to do with their gender, dont talk or show emotion



Eh i mean they are certainly not terrible but i cannot force myself to sit through a single nes game more than 5 min.
Snes games has aged way better than both the nes and n64 games.

waifus are good for games because they serve as pleb filters. people who are repulsed by waifus are the type of pleb who would just drag down the quality of the game's community anyway.

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>Digimon poster
How does it always happen

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Steve does not work as a Smash Brothers fighter no matter how much you change him.

>waifus are good for games because they serve as pleb filters.
You're right, because they attract plebs who don't want good games and are the same crowd who advocate for a "skip gameplay" button so they can get to their waifu faster. Ask them to play a game like Gradius or Contra (aka games without waifus) and they'll commit sudoku on the spot.

Most turn based jrpg gameplays are extremely boring.
You just do the same action over and over again.
It requires no skill no strategy.
The only bearable ones are games that try to mix this up: radiant hisoria, chrono trigger etc

Imagine being this retarded
>You just do the same action over and over again
Wow like every game ever

Lawbreakers was fun.

based franchises tend to have based fans - AND lots of waifus to filter out the plebs. it's scientific fact.

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All three Dark Souls games are good.

4SE shits all over 3, nostalgiacuck.

>bloodborne sucks ass

At the time it was good because it wasn't DMC2. That's literally it.

this, honestly. what a fag...

pokemon is hurting the game industry in the same way people were complaining about COD and Battlefield being generic repeating games that never seemed to change.
But now that the anger has shifted over to lootboxes and PC culture, those cowards have disappeared because they don't wanna man up and talk shit on the series that was "muh childhood"

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RDR2 is a bad game and has the worst combat of any game I've played.

3 is pandering, shallow shit

this guy gets it
OoT is a decent game at best and copied nearly everything from the Goemon game that came out a year before it

this. there are a few games that are still fun but most are horrible now.

you do realize that waifufags play games like touhou and guilty gear, right? meanwhile, you're stuck playing casual indie pixelshit like terraria that fits your autistic requirements for games.

Good games allow you to mix things up and try new strats.
These games are brain dead in its gameplay because a) their mechanics are extremely shallow b) they overly rely on grinding to progress.
Most jrpgs game mechanics boils down to rock paper scissors. You play rock when ur against scissors, paper against rock, and etc.
To artificially generate challenge these games will have bosses or stages you just simply cannot proceed regardless your strategy.
So you grind over and over again.
I know its hard to understand why 99% of jrpgs are absolute shit but just try to use your brain a little.

minorities are fine in videogames if their the minority

Anyone who talks about combat on this board is a clueless dunning kruger.

Fallout 3 was always garbage, and not just because Bethesda is popular to hate now.

It's not really unpopular for anybody with more than two braincells.
It's their version of paying for the same game for 30 fucking years, "but it has new waifus and more pokeymanz!"

persona 5 was a shitshow and a mediocre mess with its only redeeming quality being the battle system, which is trivialized by the confidant mechanic, eventually making it boring and a cakewalk

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new vegas is the best fallout and gta IV is the best gta

>they overly rely on grinding to progress.
this hasn't been true for the vast majority of jrpgs since the nes era. if you have to grind in any modern jrpg - outside of rare cases like the disgaea series - you just suck at games. most jrpgs now are designed to avoid grinding.

It's pretty clear you just can't play the games well and have no idea what a good JRPG is. You sound like those faggots on /shmupg/ who are as retarded as you

Breath of the Wild is great until you hit the 20 hour mark.
Nintendo has made so much money on selling WiiU ports, and their fans wonder why they refuse to actually listen to them.
Some SNES and PS1 games have aged very well.
The Xbone interface is fucking terrible.
The fact that so many companies are "re-mastering" older titles and re-selling them has a chance of getting some great titles, even if it is kind of a shady business practice when emulation exists.

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The only good non-meme Fallout game is Fallout 1.

How can you be bad at these games?
Even if you die often and are completely clueless, there are just a limited number of possible actions you can take.
You know the combat is absolute dog shit when jrpgs start ahving the auto combat function.
Imagine needing that function for arpgs or rts.
Absolutrly pathetic.

Exclusivity in games is a practice than any fucking sensible industry would have burned to ashes.
Imagine if any other fucking medium did it by, say, making an album ONLY listenable on either vinyl or CD, and on a specific sound setup, making it so they can't even be uploaded digitally.

Exclusivity AND consoles refusing to acknowledge backwards compatibility as a good thing unless, of course, they find a way to squeeze money out of it like Rare Replay mix together just so that companies will make you pay $60 for the same again only because they put an ENB/SweetFX mod over it. It also makes so that if you don't have a PS2 or PS3 lying around to play the Sly Cooper trilogy or the original R&C games, you're getting fucked without a condom.

Exclusivity is exactly what streaming services do though.

>waifufags play games like touhou and guilty gear, right?
No, they don't. Thgey jerk off to the waifus, but they've never once played the games.

>How can you be bad at these games
If you actually played a JRPG since the 90s you'd see how far the genre has grown. I bet you think FF VII is a modern example, shows how fucked in the head you are

The games industry could use another crash.

Your opinion is subjective and insignificant.

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Mass effect 2 is a fantastic game and besides the ending ME 3 is amazing

The reason AFPS games die immediately has nothing to with "mu skillz r 2hard4u". CS is hard, Starcraft is hard. DOTA and LoL are hard. They die because gittin gud at them is fucking boring as all hell Quake Champions was a step in the right direction by trying to do away with that shit but failed because slavs can't program worth a fuck. Beautiful visuals though

However, CS:GO is fucking trash both from a gameplay and technical side

DUSK is a generic, boring game that is overpriced as fuck. $20 for something that the majority of Quake and Doom mods do better for free is an embarrassment and the dev needs to drop both the price and his "le ebin kewl FPS guy" persona

Metro is more boring and linear than CoD and doesn't hold a candle to the previous gen's campaigns

Sunshine is still the best 3D Mario

PMTTYD is best Paper Mario followed by SPM

Banjo Tooie>Kazooie

Resident Evil 4 is boring and Resident Evil 1 HD becomes an utter chore after you leave the mansion and find Lisa. Backtracking and ridiculous inventory management isn't scary let alone fun

BOTW is a 7/10 game that is only as fun as much as you are willing to dick around.

Apex Legends is mediocre

>How can you be bad at these games?
have you ever seen dsp play a jrpg? yes, it's very possible to be bad at jrpgs.
>Imagine needing that function for arpgs or rts.
rts has auto-resolve. action rpgs like tales have auto battle functions.
maybe try actually playing games instead of shitposting about them.

>attract plebs
>Complains in the past how people are hostile to him and how he doesn't insult/look down on others. Literally insults people.
ACfag never practices what he preaches.

I don't mind other races being represented in video games.

The Last of Us wouldn't be as well received if it wasn't for the cutscenes

Sounds like a huge douche who should fuck off.

as long as their treated as actual characters and not for muh diversity

but they do play those games, acfag. hell, the fact that touhou even exists at all is a testament to the fact that waifufags are the exact type of "hardcore gamerz" you claim they aren't.

How though? The only decent combats are ones where the developers actively try to break the conventional mold.
Can i have some examples of recent turnbase jrpgs with decent gameplay?
Wtf kind of rpgs have auto resolve?
Only dogshit arpgs need auto combat because they know that the players cannot stand their combat system.

I'm starting to see it this way now, slowly. Trying not to fall down the retardation hole of never enjoying video games again because there are brown people in it. But if it's obvious SJW-tumblr blush-nose bullshit then I skip it.


Name what JRPGs you've played

>anons who spam waifu threads 24/7 and talk about how they want to sniff their waifu's farts


>but they do play those games, acfag.
Which is why they do nothing but spam porn threads and call you a faggot if you try to actually discuss the game? Some "hardcore gamerz" you got there.

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Exclusives are anti-consumer by their very nature, and defending exclusivity makes you a billionaires' puppet. The industry would be far better if exclusives didn't exist because then consoles would have to compete on their own merits instead of what dev studios their manufacturers buy.

No, they call you a faggot because you are a massive faggot.

> If Yea Forums cries about Boogeyman when trying to defend their game it's always complete shit
> If Yea Forums defends their game & can only resort to calling people plebs or zoomers when disagreed with, then they are contrarians who never actually played it
> If Yea Forums cries about "Tumblr, Reddit or Normies" when critizing a game that means it's good 95 % of the time

Undertale is alright

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And you say that because I want to discuss games, instead of just talking about waifu shit.

spore was a good game

> If Yea Forums cries about "Tumblr, Reddit or Normies" when critizing a game that means it's good 95 % of the time


The recent ones ive tried are
>person 3
>atelier ayesha plus
>radient historia
I only manage to sit through rh.

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>Which is why they do nothing but spam porn threads
they don't. you just pretend they do for the sake of your deranged shitposting agenda. just like how you pretend that anyone on here liked other m.
>and call you a faggot if you try to actually discuss the game?
you never try to actually discuss any game. you make every thread you enter all about yourself, your autistic crusade against stories and dialogue in games, and how everyone's mean to you.

Shadow f=of the collosus is a terrible fucking video game. The atmposphere is great, but the gameplay is pure ass.
you fight a bakers dozen bosses and then spend 10 minutes or more running from one to another with nothing to do in-between, and the actual combat is "press and hold climb, then mash kill button when over glowy parts."

It sucks.

It's not that good.

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First party ps4 games are trash.

>Person 3
Never heard of that one, sounds similar to the excellent Persona 3 though
Niche title that isn't for everyone, so if you didn't like it fuck off back to CoD
>Radient Historia
Also unfamilar with this one, but Radiant Historia is great
This is pretty bad but the battle system was great for the time, games evolve and it's been 17 years since X came out

Fortnite is the best shooter on the market right now. The building gives a breath of fresh air and a new level of depth to the genre.


This, people lash out at ACFag because they know that the moment he shows up, the thread's over. He's that little brother who demands to play with the big kids, then whines that they aren't playing the way he wants to.

Legend of Zelda exists in a microcosm of a few critics who like the games and nobody else really cares enough to argue the point.

>they don't.
A look into any Xenoblade/Senran/Touhou thread will argue otherwise.

>you make every thread you enter all about yourself
Incorrect. Everyone focuses on me and throws hate at me because I'm not fitting into their approved hugbox. If I make these claims about an SJW game like Uncharted or God of War, everyone pats me on the back because those games don't have waifus and therefore aren't Yea Forums approved. If you say something negative about Neptunia Kagurablade or some other anime game, people explode into a fit. They just can't take criticism, and that's not my fault.

The Witcher 3 is an objectively good game.
Final Fantasy is dead. Trails and Tales have taken on the mantle. Which is good because Trails and Tales games are objectively better now.

exclusives are the only way some games ever get made. in most cases, they're either made by the console manufacturer themselves or funded by them during development.
this is what the pc crowd ignores when they pretend that console exclusives are the same as how epic swoops in at the last minute and moneyhats publishers to make their already-finished games exclusive to their bloatware launcher.

Preorder and Microtransaction are bad business Patrice.

Nier Automata proves story and soundtrack can carry a mediocre/ok game to 9/10 territory

P3P has better combat than FES.
FESbabies only like the game because the AI does most the work for them while they watch netflix.

Americans can't into based Taro

Persona 3 was dog shit because it was boring.
Sat through 8 hours of gameplay because i know a fag who keeps telling me its the best game ever but the combat is so fucking brain dead.
I understand that most of the appeal for these jrpgs come from their plot n characters. I wish they had better gameplay.
Rh was pretty good though. I really liked the game.

This but with undertale

The only good DLCs are the ones that would have been expansion packs if the internet wasn't popular

>A look into any Xenoblade/Senran/Touhou thread will argue otherwise.
you shitposting threads and making games impossible to discuss is not actual evidence for your point.
>Everyone focuses on me and throws hate at me because I'm not fitting into their approved hugbox.
meanwhile, you have no qualms throwing around insults at anyone who likes waifus. you're a hypocrite.

>Can't spell or type correctly
>Calls people fags
Yeah I'm sure you have the attention span for Persona 3 and it's the games fault. Fuck off mutt

you can say that about ghost trick

>back tracking
>back tracking with 3 new characters.
SE just emphasized how unfinished 4 is.

Imagine being mad enough to make this image.

>the combat is so fucking brain dead.
tell me more about how it isn't devil may cry

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>Persona 3
>Planescape Torment
The others I hear all the time but I never hear people in real life talk about those ones

Why do pseudes cling so hard to Chrono trigger? That game blows dick harder than NGE

>you shitposting threads and making games impossible to discuss
Are you actually accusing me of being in 5000+ threads? Are you also accusing me of shitposting (by discussing gameplay), while saying nothing to the porn spammers?

>you have no qualms throwing around insults at anyone who likes waifus. you're a hypocrite.
They want respect, they should be willing to give it in return, and I've been nothing but respectful for the past several years. But even I have my limits. And really, all I did was call them a pleb. It's nothing compared to the insults thrown my way (nigger, faggot, tranny, etc).

>stuck on the same lvls until the next full moon
>the game just tells you the enemy weakness
>enemies look like horse shit and look identical
>dungeon is the same every fucking level
Ah yes please tell me more why its a good game

Post your 3x3 then

>Nobody gives a single fuck about any of those games except San Andreas,

none of those have anything to do with combat

>ACfag's reheated bait excellent by any means

Aside from Metal Gear Chrono Trigger and possibly Deus Ex most people aren't going to hear anybody talk about those games IRL, but the majority of them are legitimately great games in their own right so making a retarded counter image to someone's genuine 3x3 just comes off as autistic. Though I never got into Persona and Paper Mario so I can't comment on those

Most games made after 2010 play like shit and don't have the excuse of being too old to crib off established conventions

>Are you also accusing me of shitposting (by discussing gameplay)
you don't discuss gameplay. you discuss everything but gameplay while baiting with your agendas.
>They want respect, they should be willing to give it in return
respect is earned by contributing, not by shitposting.
>and I've been nothing but respectful for the past several years.
oh wait, you were serious, let me laugh even harder!

Was going to add it but didn't want to piss people off even more

Halo reach was a shit game. Halo ended at 3.

When the game straight up tells you the enemies weakness, all you need is the right demon that has that elemental attack.
So all you have to do for every single fucking encounter is to use the right elemental attacks then do the group attack.
Its so fucking shallow.
SMT gameplay feels the same way except the dungeons and enemy designs are miles above personas dog shit enemy and dungeon design. On top of that there is an option to talk to them which is a breath of fresh air unlike personas dog shit repetitive gameplay.

That's possibly the least unpopular opinion ITT

>and I've been nothing but respectful for the last several years

And Richard Nixon wasn't a crook, and Melee players are known for their exceptional hygiene.

>you don't discuss gameplay. you discuss everything but gameplay while baiting with your agendas.
I discuss everything wrong with the game that impacts the gameplay, like how the games fail to deliver a consistent experience. They have no idea how to merge gameplay and story, so they let the game play itself in a cutscene. A good game will give you all the info you need without dialogue or cinematics. This is something I bring up all the time.

>respect is earned by contributing, not by shitposting.
And accusing people of being resetera trannies isn't shitposting? hmmmm.....

>oh wait, you were serious, let me laugh even harder!
Am I not giving you the benefit of the doubt with a positive discussion? You keep calling me a retard, but I hold my tongue in respect.

Honestly, Yea Forums never stops talking about those games. When you spend more time talking about games on Yea Forums, then you do in real life, then it's all you ever hear about. That's probably where the counterposter got the opinion. And I don't think he's necessarily wrong. A lot of people form their opinions based on the people they interact with the most. And if that happens to be other Yea Forums users, then sure, they start to adopt Yea Forums's opinions.

It's a fair criticism, even if it comes across as mean.

>I discuss everything wrong with the game that impacts the gameplay
that's not the same thing as discussing the gameplay itself, and you never prove that the mere presence of a story and a few lines of dialogue actually impact the gameplay in any particular way. you've taken Yea Forums's justified complaints about certain cutscene-heavy games to an extreme for the sake of shitposting.

The weapon spread is bullshit and the building mechanic, in theory, makes it so whoever has the better strats and layout wins but in reality it turns into a spam-fest and the winner is who gets the higher ground first or who accidentally fucks up in the middle of building. Even Ninja has like a 50% win ratio

BoTW is the most boring Zelda game.

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The Wonderful 101 > Transformers Devastation > Bayonetta > Vanquish > Bayonetta 2

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Nah that belongs to the ocarina. Even nds zelda games are better than these.

Nah, assuming people only like those games (well received ones, and rightfully so) because they interact with people who also love those games and are incapable of forming their own opinion is presumptuous and retarded. Also when's the last time you saw threads on Yea Forums about paper Mario or Chrono trigger?

"You only like these games because they're popular (on Yea Forums)" isn't fair criticism, it's petulant autism on the same level as "you only hate these games because they're popular"

>that's not the same thing as discussing the gameplay itself,
It's a direct impact. Are you seriously going to argue that a game forcing you to stop every 5 seconds to listen to dialogue and cutscenes doesn't impact a game's pacing?

>you've taken Yea Forums's justified complaints about certain cutscene-heavy games
why are they justified there? Conveniently in games that don't have waifus? What's the magical separation between the two? Besides your personal bias.

Banjo-Tooie is superior to Banjo-Kazooie

It's called an unpopular opinion thread for a reason

Ocarina actually has things to do, with fun secrets, and an interesting world to explore.

pvp focused games are the easymode of game development

K tranny

Botw and undertale are above average at best

Why do people still argue with ACfag when they know he's just going to intentionally misrepresent what they're saying? I get that these threads exist to test run bait "opinions" but you'd think by now anons would realize arguing with a bad faith autist is just wasted effort.

Amiga 500 - Atari ST / PS 1 / PS 2 / Skyrim and La Noire / the end.

funny since most devs fuck up pvp systems hard

>It's a direct impact.
no it isn't.
>Are you seriously going to argue that a game forcing you to stop every 5 seconds to listen to dialogue and cutscenes doesn't impact a game's pacing?
that can be a legitimate issue, as shown by pokemon gen 7.
but you whine whenever a game has any story or dialogue at all, even when it's not intrusive. kirby games have deep lore and some dialogue, but they don't hurt the gameplay at all or constantly interrupt the player.

Star Citizen is a good game and will change the industry forever.

Having a big empty open world to explore isnt a good thing and hurts the game more than it help

Are you implying nds zeldas dont?

When I was young, seeing scan lines across your game meant you were sitting too damn close to the TV. 40 years later, I'd rather use a nice clean HQ2x filter on my emulated games instead.

Devastation was a shockingly good game, wish I bought it when it was new, at least I got it before they removed it from steam.

Mega Man Legends? It has some real issues. I'd still argue that the series has fun combat and was a prototype for the Ratchet and Clank games. The dungeon design in all the games is straight shit though, the only interesting things Legends 1 does with its dungeons is the fact that there almost all interconnected.

A large part of the love for the series is pure nostalgia.

That last point is kinda true. The real issue is games like Uncharted or the Last of Us will catch crazy normie praise while being alright games. This causes Yea Forums to go full knee jerk reaction over them.

Same with Half Life 2, it's an alright game but the praise it catches drives people nuts.

Anyone who says "gatekeeping, reactionary, fascist" is an actual defect who you shouldn't listen to

Because they are either too new and have never dealt with him, or they want to be the one who "beat" him.

I enjoyed ME:A
Mostly the Multiplayer.

How do you like anthem

unless the game requires frame perfect inputs, 30fps is perfectly fine.

I like Battleborn

I am a bit proponent of Star Citizen but it's defiantly not an actual game yet. What they do have is really promising and I've put a few hours in, but it was mostly spent looking forward to how the game is expected to improve.

Trying to control others' speech is the definition of reactionary facism you brainlet.

Feel free to respond to my comment in any way you see fit because I'm not a facist dictator.

Haven't tried it, haven't looked into it.

Do you think the guy has nightmares and wake up in cold sweat every night?
Talk about digging yourself a grave.

Yo-kai Watch is an objectively superior series to modern Pokemon, and Yo-kai Watch 4 blows both LGPE and SAS out of the water in both quality and presentation.

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>no it isn't.
You say that, while immediately saying that arguments against western movie games are completely justified. so which is it?

>that can be a legitimate issue, as shown by pokemon gen 7.
You called me a shitposter when I pointed that out, so did you just change your mind?

>but you whine whenever a game has any story or dialogue at all,
When it has 13 hours of cutscenes and 80 hours of dialogue (aka every JRPG in existence) it's kind of a hard problem to avoid.

>kirby games don't interrupt the player
And have I ever hated Kirby for the story? Can you find even one thread where my complaints about kirby were something other than the casual difficulty?

30fps isn't fine for any real time action oriented game made past 6th Feb era.
Yea Forums is the only board that constantly argues for lower technical standards outside of just graphics

He was and still is a lame pick.

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I would happily take shit textures over high and stable fps

>Devastation was a shockingly good game, wish I bought it when it was new, at least I got it before they removed it from steam.
I managed to get a physical copy before the takedown just because I had watched some footage and thought it was rad. After trading in a game I got TFD for $11 and it's legit one of the best games I've ever played. It had Saito directing it, who has been one of the top guys at Clover and Platinum for a while; he directed Revengeance, which is why it has a similar button scheme on the face. Speaking of, I'd probably put it on par with Vanquish in that ranking; they're both great games that are painfully short. Revengeance has a much more memorable story than Vanquish but Vanquish's best in-gameplay moments top MGR's because of how good the boosting feels.

Seriously though, I unironically shill Devastation whenever I can. Nobody makes money off of it anymore and thus nobody will officially push for it, so I will, because I love it. Get a used copy, get a secondhand Steam Key, pirate it, whatever somebody needs to do to play it, I encourage it.


I'd gladly take shit textures as long as it meant high and stable FPS. I don't care about graphics or story or voice acting. give me a game that looks like an atari game, but will give me 1000+ hours of fun, and you've got a sale.

most people think that m8

99% of the people who argue with him are newfags who have never heard of him. Anybody who has interacted with him at least a couple times know that it's a total waste of time and warns anyone who tries to engage in an "argument" with him.

So you concede is a reactionary fascist?

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But many people DO only like things because they're popular. That's a part of human nature. I know it's become cliche to say people are sheep or whatever. But there is some truth to that. People form their tastes based on their peer groups. Or based on those they seek validation from. Acting like this never happens, is just willful ignorance.

Sure, Chrono Trigger doesn't get talked about much, but when it does, it's typically as this untouchable gold standard for RPGs of its era. On top of that, you see CT in a lot of GOAT lists, from various websites, publications, and even Yea Forums's very own polls. So if you wanted to pull a respected game from the SNES days, then it's a safe pick.

Paper Mario actually does see plenty of threads. Mainly because the new games are so controversial. And thus, the narrative is typically how much soul and inspiration went into the older games, compared to the lifelessness of the new games. So again, it's another safe pick.

Resident Evil 2 Remake is actually a remake
Resident Evil Remake is not a remake, it's a fucking texture update with some added content, basically a texture update+DLC packaged as a new game.

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FO3 and NV are both the same game and both pretty terrible, the writing in NV may not be as bad as it is in 3 but it's still atrocious
A lot of videogame classics are fondly remembered because they pushed the genre forward, not because they were particularly good (like MGS1, goldeneye, thief, or system shock)
There is literally nothing wrong with "forced diversity" as long as it's not exclusionary
Smash Ultimate is a deluxe port of 4 and the online is unacceptable for a 2018 release
Raw graphical power may not be too important but art design is one of the most important things for any game

Halo is a good game.
Call of Duty is a good game.
Mass Effect is a good game.
Battle Royale is a good game mode.
DayZ and Arma mods were good when it was trail blazing, but now it's poor in retrospect.
Nintendo is a good company.
Microsoft is a good company.
Sony is a good company.
EA is a bad company.
Blizzard is a good company.
Ubisoft is a good company.
Half Life 3 will never be made.
Valve don't make games anymore.
Gamers are entitled.

I think that's enough to bait most of Yea Forums.

Wait, one more, Yea Forums doesn't play video games and now mainly come to this board for thinly veiled /pol/ threads.

I've never played a big budget Japanese game with a compelling narrative with interesting MCs before so this is pretty true. It's weird because their VNs are proof they can make good story's so this seems to be a conscious decision

Yeah n this is why i miss gba and nds games.
Espacially gba games that have a distinct pixal art style that looks great without needing highend hardwares.

30 fps is unplayable for FPS games, fighters, and fast racing games, but it's pretty much fine for a lot of action adventure games.

Also Super Mario Bros 3 controls bad. Mario holds way too much momentum and it feels like every surface is made of ice. SMW has the best controlling Mario, and is an amazing game despite the poor balance of power ups.

Console shooters should have gone the way of Time Splitters instead of just straight copying PC shooters and gimping the fuck out of them.

Most of Yea Forums shits on CS because they're bad at it. I've seen people posting videos of them playing and playing like shit, then people also misunderstanding WEBMs and thinking it's the games fault when the guy playing was just bad (like that one of the guy shooting the UMP at the guy on cache).

People that prefer the N64 to the PS1 have a limited taste in games and are probably pretty damn casual.

People who shit on consoles released on the 4th, 5th, and 6th console generations have total trash taste in games.

>EA is a bad company.
You're right this does pass for bait on Yea Forums nowadays

Most bad games are "okay" but because people are so extreme about their opinions they end up judging it more than it's fair/needed.
Pic unrelated.

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I don't think comparing a game, that focuses on gameplay to a visual novel, which gets up to 80 hours to build a fucking world and characters could possibly be compared.
Even JRPGs need serviceable combat which is resources taken away from the story team.

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>When it has 13 hours of cutscenes and 80 hours of dialogue (aka every JRPG in existence) it's kind of a hard problem to avoid.
i play a lot of jrpgs because it's my favorite genre. if you find yourself dreading the cutscenes, that typically means you're playing a bad jrpg. pokemon gen 7 is one of those cases because the writing is a shitshow and it focuses on the most annoying characters.
the best jrpgs have compelling stories, well-written characters, and satisfying gameplay loops. the story and gameplay work in tandem to make you care about the game.

There isn't a single action adventure game that wouldn't play better at 60 than 30. SMB3 and SMW are perfect example of a platformer that would play like dogshit at 30fps.

Also people have been shitting on CS before you were born.

console gaming will always keep the industry afloat driving sales and engagement, the combination of brand loyalty, hype, cheap hardware for the masses and hardware level DRM is simply too good for the industry to ever drop it, consoles switching to x86 architecture is what made PC gaming in the 8th gen look more appealing and viable to a lot of people to switch into it because now its easier than ever to port games from consoles to PC, but mustards like to pretend consoles just got worse or PC is winning the race, consoles will always be the core of gaming and while its true that you can experience the ultimate version of multiplats on PC, the later platform will simply NEVER be the main avenue for publishers and developers given how open it is, yes, piracy does affect sales and mustards only pay for their pirated games when they're on sale ~20$ this also applies to emulator, the 2 fastest developed emulators in recent years are CEMU and YUZU and they only reason they get financial support from mustard through patreon is because they desperately want to play Wii U and Switch games on their PCs, reason why developers and publishers will always prefer consoles

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>the best jrpgs have compelling stories, well-written characters, and satisfying gameplay loops.
True, true. However, when I play a JRPG, i usually see things differently.

>a compelling story is rather short and never "in your face". A cutscene only happens when there is absolutely no way it could be translated into gameplay
>a well written character is simple, to the point, and won't bore you with exposition
>good gameplay is something that you can't just grind through, and is something you actively want to see

Resident evil 4 is a bad game.
>controlls are awkward. You can't move while shooting, and tank controlls are in full force
>levels are linear shit. Literally run from one end to the other and only occasionally break this up with a shoot out in a small, mildly open area. Wash, rinse, repeat
>gameplay consists entirely of: run, shoot, melee QTE
>on that note, it's a fucking QTE fest.
>it has puzzles, but they're not meant to be puzzling. Rather, they're put there to slow you down slightly, and rarely require more than basic problem solving skills. The solutions are almost always painfully obvious, or of the mandatory "kill people until one of them drops a key" variety.
>the plot is Bashit insane, fucking stupid. "Camp" doesn't even touch it. It's jap gameshow levels of stupid
>the original release is considered the best, but is a buggy mess, while all modern ports are based on the woefully inferrior PS2 version
>literally all TPS games that came before it were better in every way
>same with survival horror games
>combat is trivial, because the melee QTEs and grenades make you god.
People will argue against this...

Persona 1 is the best Persona

this was actually pretty good

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>piracy does affect sales and reason why developers and publishers will always prefer consoles

2004 Microsoft called they want their halfbaked talking points back

Youre not wrong doe
>gamers are entitled
Its inevitable when most of your consumer base are manchildren.
Just dont buy them if you dont like them you neckbeards

Dark Souls is garbage.

no arguments

ITT: Contrarian shitposts

Heres the only unpopular opinion that matters here: Yea Forums was good and isn't anymore. Resetera has more pull in the industry and has better discussions, even with all the troon bullshit.

Sorry I don't argue with the retarded.

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I asked my friends why do they care about pokemon today
"It was my childhood man!"

Then stay there and never come back please

Great adding more bait to his.

>better discussions
imagine prefering pic related over free speech

Attached: resetera.jpg (993x9000, 1.39M)

Go there then, you won't be missed

Yea Forums is a cesspool, filled with mentally hindered teens who can't fathom how to talk to other human beings. So they come here and just argue and shitpost like the out of control retards they are all day, while their younger siblings are out living life, going on dates, learning to drive, making friends...

Never change Yea Forums

I don't need one at this point, it's tired rhetoric that has already been refuted. The onus is on you to prove that piracy is affecting sales and that PC is non viable. Though I don't expect you to do so since you conflate pirating a game with buying it on sale instead of at release.


>Yea Forums was good and isn't anymore.
>Resetera has more pull in the industry
>and has better discussions

Do you have an arguement?

Funny since when people don't buy it you fags cry that they're overly entitled.
The consumer base are manchildren because this is the only industry where it's acceptable to call your consumer base entitled because they won't eat up your poorly made shit

That explains why you're here arguing and shitposting.

Bloodborne is a bad game

It plays at being a skill based action game, but the character's lack of decent maneuverability, attack output and no real combo or special system leaves you feeling like they intentionally tied your hands behind your back in order to force the game to be harder than it really is.

Case in point, imagine the game with he same controls as onimusha. It becomes totally, and ridiculously lacking of any challenge at all with a half way competent control scheme and block button.

It's also just a boring game to look at, explore or otherwise interact with.

>free speech
Troll or retarded? Try posting anything controversial. Mods and ChinaMoot want inane bullshit because the alternative hurts his wallet.


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I wasn't responding to one.

mustard dont buy games on release date, they simply dont, the big majority of them wait a couple of weeks for the cracks, dont delude yourself, big revenue for new releases is made on consoles, try making a list with all the AAA PC exclusive games coming in 2019, try not to add early access garbage and indie shit, you cant even list 5 because there aren't, consoles have the backing of the AAA industry and PC is seen as a second chance to exploit a game further

>Microsoft is a good company.

Kinda, Microsoft fans are huge faggots and a cancer killing video games. MS popularized console online FPS and all hardcore MS fans just eat that trash up. I'm so glad they died off while Nintendo and Sony have sprung forward, since both Sony and Nintendo have much better consoles.

>Battle Royale is a good game mode.

The element of randomness and the fact that you can do well while doing nothing make it extremely appealing to children and people bad at games. I've first hand seen a classmate play PUBG on his phone and get excited over placing third despite literally doing nothing. They managed to tap into the same formula CoD did by having constant +10 points notices pop up on your screen.

It might not be bad, but it's popular because it allows bad players to feel like they're doing well.

>There isn't a single action adventure game that wouldn't play better at 60 than 30

Never said they'd be better, just that for games like Blood Omen or Monkey Island it wouldn't make a huge difference.

>Also people have been shitting on CS before you were born.

Nah, I'm 30, CS rules and is a very deep shooter. Not as deep as Q3 but deeper than any other pseudo realistic and realistic shooter.

Chrono Cross has better music and art direction than Trigger, a much more complex and engaging story, and a battle system that is at the very least more intricate and unique, even if it's not your cup of tea.
The only reason to dislike Cross is hurt feelings because your poor favowite character didn't get a happily ever after.

lmao what a fucking trip

FF13 has better combat than FF15.

Last good pokémon games were BW2 and nothing will top Platinum


>Chrono Trigger doesn't get talked about much, but when it does, it's typically as this untouchable gold standard for RPGs of its era. On top of that, you see CT in a lot of GOAT lists, from various websites, publications, and even Yea Forums's very own polls.
It's almost as if it's a genuinely well made RPG. Acting like people only like it because it's popular and are seeking validation (on an anonymous imageboard no less) because it's a "safe pick" is not only willful ignorance, but downright retarded. Especially when many people also only DON'T like things because they are popular, it's textbook contrarianism on display on this board every other thread. You're defending a shitpost image that is literally just a reaction to people liking legit good games (well, mostly legit)

Also plenty of threads bitching about newer paper mario games != PMTTYD seeing plenty of threads.

What other industry has a consumer base that spergs out and cries like a little bitch when companies dont do exactly what they want?
>companies openly dismiss consumers
Ah and if only gamers had the dignity to not buy their games after being repeatedly fucked in the ass.

>Try posting anything controversial.
You just did but I don't see your post being deleted. I'm not going to pretend Yea Forums is a free speech zone but you're out of your mind if you think Resetera moderation is anywhere near reasonable.

Devil may cry 3 sucks.

The entire basis of combat is just a set of toys for action fags to play with. You, in a single player game with no audience, show off your mad, curayzee combo making skills, as you knock literal sand bags around who walk up to you, stop and wait to be attacked.
At best, It's a braindead button masher. At worst, It's masturbatory trash.

DMC4 was better, because while easier and unfinished, it gave the A
Player the tools to put enemies down quickly and offered up genuine challenge on occasion.

>Resetera has more pull in the industry

NeoGAF didn't even have pull after multiple studios decided they wanted fuck all to do with them, how would the whiniest minority from that site on their own form possibly have any more pull than the original place?

Thanks for proving my point retard-kun. You literally can't tell the difference between people paying for games on sale instead of on release and outright pirating them. You're a moron.

Ace Combat 4 is boring.

Link to the Past is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of Zelda are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

>Try posting anything controversial
depending of the board you can, now try actually discussing politics in games in resetera, good luck not getting banned after 5 minutes
i can complain here about western devs adding niggers left and right to vydia and not be afraid of getting banned or tracked down by resetera blue checkmarks

Monkey Island isn't an action adventure game.

whatever you said bro, still waiting for that list of exclusives tho

Your post is a contrarian shitpost but I just want to mention Resetera has nowhere near as much pull in the industry as the original NeoGAF did. It's a relic of a bygone era just as much as modern Yea Forums is.

and digimon is also objectively superior too both series but it never caught on the developers kept trying too hard to pander as a lite-pokemon and when that didn't work as a waifumon series which when that also didn't work they just basically gave up.
if they had instead focused on what made digimon unique and removed out all the repetitive and non interesting mechanics and focused more on making a good story/plot for mature audience they'd have struck gold.

>Ah and if only gamers had the dignity to not buy their games after being repeatedly fucked in the ass
We try, but guess who outweighs us? The whales who spend millions on lootboxes and DLC. Just one of them can nullify the positive spending habits of 1000 people.

>moving the goalposts from muh piracy to muh exclusives

Confirming once again you're a mushbrained moron.

Fallout New Vegas is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of 3D Fallout are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

>piracy does affect sales and mustards only pay for their pirated games when they're on sale ~20$ this also applies to emulator,

You're really stupid, you literally just named a strength of PCs, the fact that there's no used games market. Developers still get money from those sales, while console games only see profit from the initial release. Once the game is a month old the market will be flooded with used copies and no one will buy new.

> the big majority of them wait a couple of weeks for the cracks,

Nah, a lot of third worlds do but PC games still reach crazy sales. Games like Siege, TF2, and CSGO have been much more profitable on PC than they have on console. LoL and DOTA2 have also been insanely profitable.

Consoles have their strength in exclusives and more current releases, but PCs still have insane libraries when you factor in everything you can play on them.

PC gaming is overrated, but it's got some real solid perks.

It also has an amazing soundtrack.

>The reason AFPS games die immediately has nothing to with "mu skillz r 2hard4u". CS is hard, Starcraft is hard. DOTA and LoL are hard. They die because gittin gud at them is fucking boring as all hell
i'd like to add to this and say that almost every "hard" game that is heavily played generally has some objective other than "shoot the enemy players" which makes it feel like there's a chance to win and help your team even if you're not good at fighting

Chrono Trigger is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of SNES RPGs are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

Kingdom Hearts sucks

seethe more nigger

Inclusion is a good thing, but in the right place and time.

Demographics used to be a thing. So a dev would decide a target audience and include things in their game that would appeal to said group.

All fine and well. Whatever.

Now, minorities of various kinds (not talking just skin color, btw) are over represented and pandered to, while the cor demographics are totally ignored by many devs, or outright abused (on social media), but then called out for not consumming the product anyway.

Make a game for liberal, tranny humping Mexican, fenimist, chainsaw jugglers if you want. But make it clear that the game is aimed at them, and don't market it to the core demo (18-35 white dudes) who'll just get mad and not buy your shit anyway.

Or, if you want the core demo, put things they like in your games.

You really can not have it both ways.

And again, inclusion is actually good. Everyone deserves to enjoy themselves and have fun. They just need to stop attention whoring and putting others down while doing so.

except i haven't? read again faggot

Planescape Torment is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of CRPGs are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

Are you trying to imply neither deserve their praise?

When the only other 3D Fallout games are 3, 76, and 4 it's really not fucking hard to be the best 3D Fallout.

Final fantasy is a train wreck of a series and hasnt been any good since about 1997.

Dark Souls is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of Action JRPGs are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

Yeah, NV is super jank but all the 3D fallout games have bad combat.

Star Citizen is going to be fucking amazing.

gee i wonder why PC ports comes out months and ever years later, again, devs are dead afraid of piracy on a ecosystem they cant control

They are a company not a charity. Their goal is to generate profit for the share holders.
As long as there is money to be made, they will not change.

MGS is such an overrated dogshit series, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of stealth games are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

not either of those posters, but even though i get what you're saying ignoring someone is different than telling them they don't have a right to speak.

silent hill was never great to begin with. all it did was shift the shit around as it got older- they got rid of the awful camera and fucktarded controls, but then they put in weird story shit and bad levels

I don't want to listen to another second of you vapid cunts prattling about best girl or RPing as some waifu so you can for one second feel like a real cute girl. Off yourself. Waifus enable the cancer that is waifufags and trapfags.

Namco's Tales series is the absolute high point of JRPGs, while FF is pop schlock with no gameplay and DQ is archaic in a bad way and unenjoyable to human players.

Persona 3 is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of Persona are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

Snappy reactive arpg >>>>>>>>>>> slow boring arpg

>hating the gays while doing a keysmash
you're a bottom and you dont even know it yet

Just like any game you want, nigga. It's your opinion, not theirs.

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Deus Ex is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of Deus Ex are purely blinded by nostalgia goggles

Zelda wasn't great and never will be a great franchise ever.
It is pretty mediocre.
Links crossbow training on the wii was kino though

Digital releases have done more harm than good. Sure it's nice to buy a game without having a physical copy lying around and getting regular updates. Developers rely too much on being able to patch a game post launch so they but no effort in quality testing and games are constantly full of bugs or unbalanced.

Thousand Year Door is such an overrated dogshit game, and the only people who champion it as the holy grail of Paper Mario are purely blinded by nostalgia goggle

Cyber Sleuth and its Sequel were way fucking better than I expected them to be

Who in this thread said they don't have a right to speak?

Kingdom Hearts has never been a good series, the writing is simply "nothing personnel kid" level of cringe, no relatable or memorable characters and fucking disjointed story line not even fans fully understand because of how unnecessarily complicated it is

this but unironically

MGSV is a great game

>>>>Developers rely too much on being able to patch a game post launch so they but no effort in quality testing and games are constantly full of bugs or unbalanced.
This. Although I don’t completely blame digital for that but the fact that they don’t polish shit as much hurts games a lot

Try again retard

>Thgey jerk off to the waifus, but they've never once played the games.
Truth being wasted on the ears of the delusional. Secondaries are a common insult for a reason.

almost every single classic old game has aged badly and none of them are fun for anything beyond nostalgia

morrowind, deus ex, OoT, etc

Running out of opinions here, so here's some quickies:

Aria of sorrow is the best Castlevania game ever.

Meteoid Prime 1 is the best Meteoid

The remake of Secret of mana is better than the original, and Links awakening looks to follow suit.

Doom is the best game of all time, because of its staying power. This is entirely due to user made content, but that doesn't matter. Good games are good, no matter who made them.

Golf, bowling and pool are genres that need to make a huge comeback.

Links awakening I the best Zelda

OoT is shit.

Goodnight faggots.

While Yea Forums suffers from template threads and regurgitating posts they've seen the gestalt shit out, it's still miles above that sterilized eggshell factory.

>no effort in quality testing and games are constantly full of bugs or unbalanced.
This happened all the time even before digital releases were common, the only difference is you're forced to buy the rerelease instead of just getting patches for free. A lot of developers are just lazy (or to be more accurate, most publishers cheap out on development over marketing), releasing digitally doesn't change this.


Turn base RPG'S are trash and outdated.

1. Story has a very small place in video games, and that place is called pre-Bethesda Fallout (bar New Vegas).

2. If you think a game should have more/better/any story, then you shouldn't be playing video games. Go read a book, or read comics, or watch tv, or go to an opera, or explore some other avenue where long bland boring predictable stories are rampant and making people's minds go numb everywhere.

3. The GTA series is garbage and has been ever since they upped the graphics with GTA4.

4. GTA3 was garbage.

5. A better future can only exist on a more open source platform, where legal/proprietary faggotry will always struggle to gain a foothold over users. Modern consoles are not that platform. Windows is not that platform.

6. Fortnight is fucking dumb.

7. PVP as a whole is fucking dumb and will always do what it can to destroy whatever game is dumb enough to cash in on it.

8. Anybody who expects perfectly balanced gameplay from PVP doesn't understand human nature. Unfairly buttfucking other people in a fight is how the average person has fun. Removing the buttfucking removes the fun. That's why many games just have classes that counter classes. Everybody gets a chance to unfairly buttfuck somebody else. You're retarded if you haven't figured that out by now.

9. Catering to the multiplayer crowd is always going to be about making a quick buck, rather than making something that will still be fun and playable when everybody has moved on to the next big thing.

10. "Absurdly high difficulty" should not be a selling point. 90% of the games in the 80s and 90s was "absurdly difficult". Just go play those instead. We certainly have enough.

11. Playing retro games doesn't make you autistic.

12. Retro games are usually pretty autistic.

13. DOS games are always autistic.

14. Fighting games stopped being good in the late 90s/early 2000s. This includes smash.

I had more but char limit.

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Standards have really gone downhill, even on Yea Forums. Modern Warfare 2 was considered peak dumb shooter at the time and I see people genuinely nostalgic for it now
Complexity can be good but this frame perfect shit you see in fighting games and the like is just autism
90% of the time anyone talks about shit "objectively" in vidya they're talking out of their ass
Related, just because everything is subjective, that's not a defense. Everyone's allowed to have different opinions, but you're also allowed to say someone's opinion is garbage (just be able to back it up)
People who cry about identity politics in vidya are pathetic on a level I can't even put into words. There's literally no situation where they won't pitch a fit, whether something is a side detail or essential to the character. The most hilarious is when they say games should be "political" in blatant disregard of hundreds of classic vidya stories
Modern multiplayer models (matchmaking+ranked) suck ass. It encourages sweaty tryhard play and boring meta adherence. Give me servers with actual communities any day
Yandere Dev isn't malicious, he's incompetent

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What other industry treats its consumer base like dumb cows to be milk and whines like bithces when consumers don't buy their literally broken trash?
>Ah and if only gamers had the dignity to not buy their games after being repeatedly fucked in the ass.
Which faggots like you still call them entitled for doing, but great job glossing over that fact.

I never liked them and I play legit roguelikes. I can't stand not being able to go my own pace.

offline pve games doesnt say anything about skill, even the greatest retards are able to remember patterns after repeating them over and over.
skill starts at online arena games.

This 1000x
You don’t listen to music missing verses
You don’t read a book missing chapters
You don’t watch a movie missing enjoyable scenes and not complain
But no with games, it’s hard work please understand if you give us MORE MONEY we’ll promise to fix it

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>Standards have really gone downhill, even on Yea Forums. Modern Warfare 2 was considered peak dumb shooter at the time and I see people genuinely nostalgic for it now
This will never not disturb me. No amount of desperate revisionism is going to recondition me.
>hehehe remember leaaan?
Yeah. And I remember threads for the game being a no-go zone that constantly needed deleting.

>1 and 2
I mean, if you're only thinking in terms of the stories typical to those media, yeah, but games have potential for their own brand of storytelling. Plus personally, I want at least some sort of context in what I'm doing. I wouldn't call it essential, but it makes for a better experience
Based and redpilled
That's not unpopular on Yea Forums you fake contrarian
>11, 12, 13
Beyond based

>Their goal is to generate profit for the share holders.
So the stock market for these companies became more important than actual products market, why even make games anymore? Few years ago, one of similar EA analytics said that all games should run on subs because "investors expect that". Im well aware that devs are not charity but when you stop caring at all about your target group and instead care only about investors who expect high shares, which values were calculated based on how well the company is selling their products... why caring about making and selling said products at all? Your shares became better trade goods than whatever you produce. I love how we're constantly told to "Vote with our wallet" if we don't like what these companies are doing, yet there's no bigger more effective way to vote with your wallet by literally investing in the companies which has way more of an impact than just not buying their products. Guess we should allow companies to run ponzi schemes since if they are a publicly traded company you can make money off their profits too by buying stocks or funds.

Shareholders and people like you only understand short-term profit gaining because besides their investment which can be easily sold, you have zero stake in the actual games.

Dark Souls 2 isn't the best souls game but it's still a good game and doesn't deserve to be hated on relentlessly.

Cosmetic DLC is 100% fine cuz gameplay is all that matters in the end

Memorization is a skill dumbass. Also good luck relying on it in games with RNG and procedural generation.

There is nothing inherently wrong with games in stories and I think more devs could take advantage of “telling a story through gameplay/map design” let players soak in an atmosphere and an environment but don’t force them too. It shouldn’t be the focus of the medium but it can fit in.
Anything that makes you sit through exposition while your character just has to stand around/walk slowly can go fuck itself. Just make a movie at that point.

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Music tracks with lyrics have a 100% higher chance to make the OST more memorable and more games should do it

They wont treat us like cattles if we dont act like one right?
These practices didnt emerge out of nowhere.
The only shut business practice is a business practice that doesnt generate profit.
Stop bitching like a little child.
Grow up and get a life.

>If you think a game should have more/better/any story, then you shouldn't be playing video games.
This is a shitty retarded take that completely ignores the concept of genre. Carmack statement is one of the most misinterpreted ones in the history of this industry.

Half Life is fucking shit.

Halo Reach is the best Halo game overall, it had the second best story after Halo 3 and its multiplayer was the best in the series as a near flawless integration of the classic halo formula and the trends of the shooter genre at the time.

hi, English Master's student here
99% of games do not have good writing
I mute most dialogue options and skip cut-scenes at this point
trust me, games that focus on story suffer

>The only shut business practice is a business practice that doesnt generate profit.

And this is why nobody will ever take your dogshit opinions seriously. You;re a dipshit child literally do not give a fuck about games.

what requires more skill:
"beating" a game on hard or
beating a player that beats it on hard aswell

Most everything has bad writing at the end of the day honestly if you scrutinize hard enough

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>dead afraid of piracy on a ecosystem they cant control

If they were dead afraid they wouldn't port the games to begin with. The fact that companies continue to do so just shows that it's financially worth it. It might not make them a ton of money but it's definitely a worth endeavor.

>3. The GTA series is garbage and has been ever since they upped the graphics with GTA4.

Yeah, I never played the GTA games on PS2, I always saw them as "okay" games. I enjoyed VC and SA but they're like 7/10 games, good but not great.

I agree with all of that, minus that OoT is shit. OoT is overrated, all the dungeons are linear outside of the water temple and the water temple itself is shit with a trial and error mini boss. LA and LttP are better designed games.

>a player that beats it on hard aswell

Imagine your favorite game with no cosmetics or any art design. It's just 100% wireframe models, would you still play it?

Punchbag simulators should not be praised

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Gamers are insane, there are more important things than entertainment.

>hur dur companies values are over-evaluated
Thats called a bubble you dumb ass.
Bubbles pop after a certain period of time. There is no such thing as a company that continously produces irredeemable shit yet generates profit.
No im here to laugh at you sad spergs. Having a good time here.

the witcher 3 isn't actually a good game. it has a good story and good dlc, but the gameplay is fucking D O G S H I T

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Shooters are fucking garbage and the epitome of casual garbage for fake "gamers".

You just contradicted your own point.
Beating a game on hard better than another player is a form of skill. Non PVP games can be competitive.

Yeah, bing bing wahoo is just bewildering.

excuse me, but vib-ribbon is a masterpiece

What's insane is going to a board for games to shitpost about how people are insane and wrong for caring about their own hobby.

Video games have not gotten worse, on average they've gotten a lot better. You've just grown jaded and old.

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>No im here to laugh at you sad spergs.
That's sadder than anything ITT. You're so pathetic you need to use a imageboard to validate your unwarranted sense of superiority. I feel sorry for your parents.


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the "competition" in offline games is a joke.
>played streetfighter through with all characters on hard, completet it 100%, im so good at games.
>joins online matchmaking
>this is unfair, i cant move, hurr durr game balancing

>The entire basis of combat is just a set of toys for action fags to play with. You, in a single player game with no audience
What do you need to be a fucking twitch streamer to derive joy from single player games?
>>>>button masher

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Yes. Fuck, we don't even need the 3D. Roguelikes and Dorf Fort work just fine.

Amazing you failed to actually address a single point in my post. You might actually be illiterate

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>you're not allowed to have an opinion unless if it's ironic, work related, or some trivial normalfag shit
God damn. Just fuck off.

Gta games suck in general

Nah I’m 18 and I legitmately enjoy PS2 titles more than current gen for the most part.
That console was fucking stacked with good games though

But is it your favorite game?
Also it's one of the few exceptions where adding cosmetics might ruin it.

Hell we don't even need video. Just play non-video games

>Modern Warfare 2 was considered peak dumb shooter at the time and I see people genuinely nostalgic for it now

CoD4 was a shallow as shit shooter and most of Yea Forums was still balls deep on it. Granted it was a breath of fresh air at the time it was still pretty much proof that 90% of Yea Forums is really casual when it comes to games.

>Give me servers with actual communities any day

I honestly love ranked modes, but servers are superior. Building a community and playing with regulars on custom maps and game modes was the best shit ever, and was a huge reason as to why PC multiplayer was so much better than console.

You're right, it's damn cringy seeing an industry praise shit like Uncharted like it's comparable to even a simple movie script.

>You don’t watch a movie missing enjoyable scenes and not complain

Movies release with DVDs that have bonus scenes all the time my guy.

dark souls 1 is the worst souls game

How so? I just like reading autists sperg out after a day of hard work.
Stay mad spergo

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Street Fighter wouldn't exist without beat em ups you retard.

Face it, gamers are the most irrational consumer base in existence, I guess I hate games because I'm not an impulsive spender that's actually threatened by shitty marketing techniques.

each darksouls game is shit, so i guess you're right.

RDR2 deserved every accolade it received and has the best characters in the medium.

>chrono trigger fans
Are you really that fucking stupid? The story is Saturday morning cartoon tier and everybody knows that. Except for you apparently. Like every JRPG it has some emotional moments, but absolutely nothing about it is "2deep4u". The reason it appeals people is because it's pure quality across the board.

how does this have anything to do with what i wrote?
>offline pve games say nothing about skill, skill starts at online arena games

>hard day of work
96% sure you’re just a lonely neet

>I just like shitposting and ""pretending"" to be retarded with gold like GAMERS ARE ENTITLED ONLY PROFIT MATTERS for (you)s
>lol stay mad xD

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I don’t really get a person who would deprive themselves of a product they would enjoy because they didn’t care for the marketting of it.


Half-Life 2 kinda sucked. Felt more like a tech demo than a game imo. The episodes were overall pretty good though.


What did you expect?
you're here on reddits toilet.

Because I don't enjoy being sold and advertised things from inside a game.

What point did i miss out you retard? As i said these companies are being evaluated by investers more than what they are worth.
These companies worth is at how much money they can generate through their products.
If they perform poorly in sales, their stock value will decrease.
Its called a bubble if they continously do poorly and their value remains the same. Their vusiness is being valued more than what they are worth.
Here i spelled it out for your slow fucking brain. Happy?

Survival horror RE was stagnant and dying. RE4 saved the series and is objectively a great game. 6 is hated on to show how high-brow its haters are and is actually a good action game in its own right.

Your go to example that pve games take no skill is a fighting game that's literally based off a pve genre holy fuck you are dumb.

This board would be leagues better if we weren't infested with detritus like this.

Literally none of that has anything to do with what I said you mushbrained mongoloid.

"waaaah the (((FEEEEEEMALES))) and the (((FAGGOTS))) ruined my bideo games by existing! watch me DEMOLISH (((ANITA SARKEESIAN))) by making a reaction video where I interrupt (((her))) mid-sentence before she provides (((reasoning))) that explains (((her))) views with some inane horse shit. I'm very intelligent."

Anti-SJWs have not only become what they seek to destroy, but they've become an actual fucking problem in society.

Oh. That’s different. I jumped into this conversation without reading the entire exchange. You’re arguing against DLC and lootboxes and stuff?

You're not wrong.

Why so mad?

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Strategy and Tactical RPGs should stop appearing on JRPG lists.

read the dialogue chain again untill you get it, reply after.

Metroid Other M isn't a very bad game. It's competent and even a little fun. Sorry if it ruins you waifu, but that's not really the how we should judge games. I wouldn't care if Samus fucked a dog and shit her suit in Super; Super Metroid would still be one of the best games ever made.

The fuck are you crying about then?
Maybe these companies will listen to you if you made sense.

Take your own advice you inbred retard.

Smash 64 was the only Smash to have a fun aesthetic.

The ME2 ending made perfect sense if you followed the plot.

>Reach is the best Halo game
>COD Ghost had the last good multiplayer

no, it woult only be better if all the pop reddit kids just fuck off.
pic related is a chan board without reddit infestation.

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>I have no argument so I'm just going to pretend what you're saying makes no sense
Tell your dad he should have pulled out.

This isn’t unpopular, just no one gives two shits about aesthetic overall.

There's a very little known secret to making a story instantly good and generating success. I don't want to say it out loud because then it would be massproduced and lose everything that makes it great. All I'll say is that the Fallout series (anything not made by Bethesda) did it right. Most writers don't know this secret and don't even try to think that far ahead. They just see storytelling as a way of tying two plot points together. And while I do agree atmosphere and environment is a great way to tell a story and the story shouldn't hold you down and beat you about the head and neck. But as a whole, without using this little known story telling method, stories will always be told better by shows, comics, books, etc. Games are a little too engaging to support this because the gameplay will overshadow the unique involvement the audience can have with the story. The only way to remedy that would be to make the gameplay less interesting and at that point, you're undermining the medium.

>This is a shitty retarded take that completely ignores the concept of genre. Carmack statement is one of the most misinterpreted ones in the history of this industry.
Please don't assume everybody in the world knows what the fuck you're talking about.

>no clue on what hes talking
>no arguments
>changes the subject to something else
>if plan fails, ad hominem

oh boy, just go to bed.

I fucking hate all of you

Ratchet & Clank 1 had a great story, one of the more popular ps2 games too

The literal entire Halo series

perfect bait 10/10

>resident evil 2 remake is utter shit hue hue

Turn based RPGs are universally a brain dead genre

Mega man 2 has pretty bad stage design

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but the majority of anons you call "mad" who are posting on here are not as mad as you think they are.
They are most likely just bored responding to retarded nonsense before clicking close tab and forgetting about said retarded posts.

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Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. R*ddit and discordfag tourists coming in to shit the place up and avoid vidya at all costs.

>holidays 2018
>nearly every big budget AAA game crashed and burned
>meanwhile this image used to be normal for a holiday season

Uh huh, keep talking user.

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I donno you replied to a post i made to reply to two separate spergs.
One was claiming that game companies stocks are more important than their products and one literally had no arguement other than "no YOU are a manchild".
Which one were you argueing about?

is this a stealth ACfag image

Funny coming from the dipshit who thinks non-pvp games don't take skill and resorted to greentext and ad hominem because he could make a consistent argument.

>They spend thousands on a gaming PC.
>Only use it to play shooters.
I hope you don't know anyone like that.

I can't speak for everyone, but I have never played a 2hu and I spank it to them. I mostly play easy-ish games.

Wow really user? Thats so cool! Tell me more about it!!

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Capitalism is fucking ruining video games. Now, go with me on this - without a profit motive, we wouldn't have to deal with:

>Excessive, gameplay-altering microtransactions
>Popularization of lootboxes
>Series like CoD and FIFA that get a "new game" every year
>Millions of shitty derivatives that try to copy whatever the latest hot game is doing (Battle Royales, Class Shooters, WW2 Games, etc.)
>Games created with passion rather than profit in mind

I could go on.

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Not him and I get the point you're making although treating it as some sort of secret storytelling method that devs will ape just because you posted about it on Yea Forums is retarded but if you don't know what quote he's referencing then you're not in a position to take part in this discussion.

i did, your tiny triggered brain just refuses to understand them.

It's like a 5 out of 10 game, I really appreciate them trying to mash together Ninja Gaiden and Metroid, but they faulted. It's mostly the fault of the shit controller though.

Holy fuck that's like a 10+ year old meme image user.

Aren’t shooters usually some of the only really graphically intensive PC games? You don’t exactly need the top of the line graphics card for Civ.

>repeting yourself after your post was ignored the first time
Wow you're really desperate for this (You) huh? Well here (You) go.

Super Paper Mario is objectively inferior to Paper Mario 64. I rate PM64 higher than TTYD, but that's just my preference. And Sunshine sucks compared to 64 because the Fludd is not a fun mechanic.

There's not more to say about it. Retards acting like they're pretending to be retarded and making people mad when in reality they're just called retarded and forgotten about isn't exactly new.

well, you're not wrong.
thats exactly whats good about them though

holy bait, user!

RDR2 wasn't a fun game and was hampered by it's on rails story.

GTA V is like playing the parts you don't see in a movie as in the proagonist going from place to place and talking shit until you get to the good part(cutscenes) where you can't play

prove me wrong :^)

>hurr 2deep4u
No you didn't. Your peasized shitstain of a brain is incapable of comprehending skill or competition in non player vs player games.

fucking hell people use the word objectively here like normalfags say literally. it is just a fucking way of filling out the sentence without actually meaning a single fucking thing

2 would've been the best Souls game if Tanimura was there from the start and they didn't put it on the PS3/360

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Git gud, fag.

Dawn of War franchise went downhill after Dark Crusade.

popular thing bad, me smart, other people dum

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without a profit motive you probably wouldn't be seeing many games at all, never mind those negative aspects. those issues are not a capitalist problem

i did

I just really liked mafia 2 style and detail so the repetitive nature of mafia 3 combined with the weird grinding hault for story moments felt odd.

Think it's still way over hated just cause people saw a black guy in the game. 6/10

Except you're a sperg who replied to a single user in the post I responded to. >One was claiming that game companies stocks are more important than their products
Which you have failed to address, instead going on an irrelevant tangant about bubbles and proving you are in fact a manchild who can't follow a reply chain.

You don’t really need many games if you’re the sort of person who only wants games being made for art’s sake.

This, however, isn't bait and I fully agree. I played every "must play" jrpg people recommend all the time. Although I was entertained and none of them were actually bad, the story was always trash, but over the top trash that takes itself too serious. Japanese people think having a twist every few seconds and randomly throw in religious symbolics makes it good storytelling. I like the quote from the NGE director who said that End of Evangelion has so much symbolism because it "looks cool", he basically beat tfo every in depth discussion about it.

>The reason AFPS games die immediately has nothing to with "mu skillz r 2hard4u"
>They die because gittin gud at them is fucking boring as all hell

In other words they're too hard. You wouldn't need to git gud if they were easier to play for you.

Yea Forums: the aids is real, the rest is fake

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I told you you dipshit, a value of a stock is based on the companies ability to make money.
Do i really have to repeat myself? Or do you lack basic understand about our economy?

This whole argument started from two posts, neither of which said anyone shouldn't have the right to speak

Chrono Trigger is a great JRPG but anyone who says shit like "its the greatest JRPG of all time" obviously hasnt played very many JRPGs. It's not even really close to the top 20 JRPGs. It most likely was when it was released, but the genre has evolved by quite a bit since then. There are JRPGs out there these days with a far more unique (and superior) story, gameplay, mechanics, etc.

the king of aids

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implying they were ever good

it's not a good game if it doesn't encourage practice

an aidslet in her habitat

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Basically everything Chris Avellone wrote is too good for this medium. It's 20 years since Planescape and there is still no game who even matched it in terms of storytelling.

popular thing good actually, me smart, other Yea Forums dum

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visitors from muttpol

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Yes, objectively. On all merits (gameplay, music, art direction, story) Paper Mario 64 is a better game than Super Paper Mario. Super Paper Mario has bad art direction compared to the pop-up storybook presentation and detailed character sprites of PM64, SPM's music is generic and none of the tunes stick out like PM64's, the 2D to 3D platformer action, while somewhat creative, is dragged down by half-assed RPG elements, whereas the integration of RPG gameplay with light platforming in PM64 works very well, and SPM's story is angsty wankery, while PM64 is a lighthearted romp with just enough story to keep you going.

that's a fair point, but technological development would basically stall completely under communism, too. any motivation to innovate would have to be purely altruistic, which is unrealistic. games are also collaborative, and many aspects of their development are more akin to a craft than an art. it would be very difficult to make games on any scale beyond the smallest, as a result. stagnation would ensue

the masses enjoy the bs

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I fucking love AFPS games, but you're right. There are two problems - everyone still playing is way better than you, and the tutorials *suuuuuck*. Assuming that they're even there. I hate to say it, but if we want a truly successful AFPS game, we need to make skilled movement less skilled. For example, bunnyhopping could be replaced with a jet booster and/or a grappling hook or something. We also need to make aiming at high speeds easier - rockets should travel faster, rails should be thick, etc. Bear in mind, I came up with these specific ideas just off the top of my head, so they probably aren't the specific solutions.

> a value of a stock is based on the companies ability to make money.
Nobody said otherwise you fucking retard
You STILL haven't addressed any of the points made in that post. You're repeating yourself because you're an autistic moron who can't argue worth a shit.

Well they should. It adds so much to the feel of the game.

I don't take an issue with you preferring pm to spm. I personally do have a soft spot for spm, but I think pm is the superior game. I just hate seeing the word objectively getting thrown around on this board

Everyone still playing is way better than you = they're too hard for me to play well in.
>we need to make skilled movement less skilled.
>We also need to make aiming at high speeds easier
Again, literally saying they are too hard. Anything short of autoaim is going to be considered too difficult at high speeds.

plebbit 2.0 meeting at mcdonalds.
chinks and nogs wuz kangz

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All the Uncharted games are boring as fuck with no redeeming qualities. The shooting is awful and does nothing to stand out from other cover shooters that came out around the same time, the climbing is braindead and is literally a waste of time outside of those couple segment in 3 when you have to shoot while climbing. The only thing remotely memorable about the games is the setpieces. The story is always uninspired and derivative. Every game in the series would be better off as a movie. I have no idea how such an uninteresting series got to be so popular.

we're a nation of retards kek

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Wasn’t actually arguing for communism. Just thought I’d present a counter argument for that particular point. I do feel it is fairly disingenuous to say that innovation can only be a product of profit-mindedness or altruism. A lot of innovative stuff has come from people trying shit out because of curiosity, personal pride and other factors. You could even make an argument that games being made solely through private industry can lead to stagnation as people only make “safe bets”.

Not saying we need to overhaul our government. Could be fun to see what a “video game grant” game at a university would end up being.

I mean chinks were emperors

You didn’t look at the OP?

>treating it as some sort of secret storytelling method that devs will ape just because you posted about it on Yea Forums is retarded
Sooner or later, these different industries are going to figure it out and then it will be used all the fucking time by a bunch of hack writers who just want to be 'good enough'. It will be in every fucking thing and it will be played out and what special effect it once had will be milked for its every last drop and will be lost forever. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Retarded or not, I don't want that on my conscience. I want to at least be able to say, "It wasn't me."

>if you don't know what quote he's referencing then you're not in a position to take part in this discussion.
I don't have the grounds to criticize story telling in video games as whole because of what some guy said? A guy who's most successful IPs now belong to Bethesda, a company that blatantly gives so little of a shit about story and lore they'll write letters to the public expressing it *before* the game even comes out? Unless what he said was unintentionally ironic and stupid, then I fail to see the problem.

Wow this is some new unseen levels of autism right here.
There is no such thing as a shit ponzy scheme that works at the end. There are things called scummy business practice but what can you do? We live in a free market and these games make money.
The moment these games stop making money for them they will cease to exist.
There you happy you absolute fucking retard?
I donno what more to say if you cannot understand what im saying here.

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Old school RE tank controls are shit

Fair enough. I personally don't mince my words, but I know many of the faggots here do. And I don't think SPM is even a bad game, but to me it just pales in comparison to the first two. I was and still am disappointed in the direction the franchise went after TTYD.

Fortnite is a really good game

Super mario odyssey was shit

Bloodborne was good, but not GOAT

Dark souls gameplay is boring

The wii u is really, really good. such a gem

If you have more than 3 games on your phone, you should be burned at a stake

Most NES games look like shit

Undertale was okay

Xbox 360 >>>>> ps3

the 3ds sucked ass

every pokemon game is the same

Shit taste, i know

Caesars legion are best for the mojave.

I think we need to see more worker cooperative teams in the industry.

have fun getting banned for typing winnie the pooh

see me after class

I would agree with you, in part. a lot of important innovation doesn't come from profit-mindedness, ie. taxpayer funded research with no clear profit outcomes. and I agree stagnation can come from different sources, including overly focusing on turning a profit. I'd agree with your conclusion that such a grant could be very interesting. I mainly just hate communism, user. I'm not a market purist or anything

Deus Ex
Alpha Centauri
Most classic western video games made for PC, actually.
I think you play too much playstation

Correct, but there are some gems like SMB3
Wrong, it was fairly good
Correct if talking about mainline games, side games can be pretty varied

Xbox 360 > ps3 is an unpopular opinion? apparently I'm such a stealth contrarian that I didn't even know myself

You know there was more to NGE than religious symbolism right? Or were the pwetty crosses too distracting for you to pay attention?

keep scrolling if you don't wanna read some dumb commie kvetching.

firstly, the vast majority of innovation basically comes from engineers fucking around with pre-existing technology. secondly, humans are by and large naturally cooperative. the reason that most "passion project" games (ie, OpenArena) stagnate, I think, is because the devs have real lives and jobs and shit, and don't really have time to work on the games. speaking of jobs, most of them are bullshit. is advertising necessary for our growth, comfort and survival as a species? Luxury dining? Corporate lawyers? Money-counters? No. If we cut industry down to just what we needed to live in relative comfort, we'd all have a lot more time on our hands, which, we could, in theory, devote to these passion projects.


What's China - a hyper-consumerist, hierarchic, capitalist nation got to do with any of this?

I’m not informed enough about the system of government of communism to have a serious opinion. As someone who lived in Norway though, I feel people often misuse the term though. Not in this case, obviously. Completely unrelated to all this. Anyway, glad we can agree on some stuff here.

>Sooner or later, these different industries are going to figure it out
They figured it out years ago, it's practically an open secret at this point. They just don't care because it takes more talent and effort to execute properly than basic traditional storytelling, two things that are discouraged in an industry chasing after short term profits

>I don't have the grounds to criticize story telling in video games as whole because of what some guy said?
No, you don't have the position to take part in a discussion making claims about storytelling if you don't even realize what he was referencing.

>Everyone still playing is way better than you = they're too hard for me to play well in.
yeah :(

I'm not saying that the games would be *better* this way (although I do wish that grappling hooks were more prevalent in the genre) I'm just saying that if we wanted to appeal to the normies, the skill ceiling would have to be lowered.

And I don't know what to say if you cannot understand that nothing in your post actually addresses the point being made originally. Other than you're completely fucking retarded.

Paper Mario is boring.
Infamous 1 was better than 2.
That Lost in Vivo game sucks dick.

Wrong. House is the best of the 3 set factions. A strong but even handed Courier is the best of all.

Putting grappling hooks in games doesn't make them easier to play, in fact it can be a type of skill based movement when done properly.

>if we wanted to appeal to the normies, the skill ceiling would have to be lowered.
You were agreeing with an user who's point was "The reason AFPS games die immediately has nothing to with "mu skillz r 2hard4u"."

How do you feel about JRPGs as a whole?

Kojima was just a pretentious nut.

He had some good ideas, but Konami was the choke chain keeping Kojima in check, and this has never been more obvious now that the choke chain is gone. Sure, Konami was holding him back. That's because giving Kojima complete control would only cause him to make walking simulators and extremely pretentious trailers.

This also applies to Suda51. There were a lot of unseen people there to tell them both, "No don't do that. That's fucking dumb." Those people are the real heroes and victims.

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>There is no such thing as a shit ponzy scheme that works at the end.
That's because a shit scheme is one that inherently doesn't work dumbass. Also the argument was never about whether these games make money or that they can exist without making money, it started over calling gamers """entitled""" for caring more about games than profits.

the reason people think games are dying is because no one is talking or mentioning about the games that don't go noticed to the general press.
or in layman's terms

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don't shill communism to me, because it doesn't have that outcome. it doesn't give people more leisure time, it makes them fucking starve. humans are cooperative by nature, but absolutely not incorruptible. communism assumes the best of people in order to function, necessitating 0 corruption in its government. this is unrealistic and is why every 'true' communist state has failed spectacularly

I'd say that making the process of getting good hard makes the game harder, if in a bad way. Also I find grappling hooks a lot easier than (good) bhopping.

user saying it “looks cool” was to get everyone off his back.
The angels are deeply routed in book of genesis shit tying into the lore of KH.
The episode Asuka makes an off handed complains about being a woman and having periods is the same episode she fights an angel that is a developing angel named after specifically you guessed it CHILD BIRTH

Why is it that, without fail, every time some fucktard is ranting about free markets, they don't show the slightest understanding of what their precious free market is and how it functions?

First off, even if we agreed that we're talking about a free market - and we're not, because free market is a goofy idea that can't exist, property requires government enforcement - the notion of >end of discussion implies that the role of consumers in a free market is to be silent, uninformed and they should just take whatever is given to them with a smile. This kind of corporate asslicker rhetoric alone makes me boil.

Then there's the fact that none of you cretins likely took one economics class or have even the slightest clue of how a theoretical free market works. There is no perfectly rational homo economicus that makes your utopian market work. There is no perfect information for the homo economicus to use in deciding between competing products. There is no infinite competition for the homo economicus to choose from. The fact of the matter is that "free market" is an abstraction on such an obscene level that it only explains the most basic and LOCALIZED business transactions.

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>communist state


The N64 was the beginning of Nintendo's decline (shit hardware, few games most of them 1st party), and the Wii was just a fluke and the exception that reinforces the rule.

I dislike most of them, only ones I like are Bloodborne and botw (if botw even counts as an jrpg)

>This also applies to Suda51
I disagree. TSA was great because it was unrestrained Suda.

see me after class

Visual novels are always gonna be shit on console, because rated E or M, they'll never be rated A

From Wikipedia -

>In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]

ah I studied the Russian revolution for a while, so I'm a little more familiar with it than most. not an expert by any means. I'm Australian and we are somewhat similar to Norway governmentally, based on my understanding. Norway is not socialist and I dislike hearing people refer to it as a socialist paradise

>there was more

Yes, edgy depressed teenagers.

Good commrad

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Understandable about Paper Mario, then. It's less boring than most JRPGs due to the battle system requiring more than constantly mashing the A button, but JRPGs as a whole are a boring genre.
And Zelda games don't count as RPGs aside from Adventure of Link.

communists ironically fail to realise that their ideas are unrealistic to implement

It's only a bad way if the process is hindered by intuitive controls or lack of tutorials. But simply treating a high skill ceiling as a bad thing is idiotic.
Also having grappling hooks doesn't eliminate the use of bhopping or other advanced movement mechanics. You can potentially have both.

>Most NES games look like shit
Most play like shit too.
the NES is a really shit console with only a few good games

Far Cry 4 is the best Far Cry game.


Incredible argument.

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Oh shuks should i watch more rick and morty?

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This, literally every game released after it has more challenge and more interesting design except for some really rare mess ups (some of 5's missions for example). Yet Mobius 1 is memed to hell and back because he took down an entire country of retards who don't shoot back and do cobras randomly during a dogfight.

You can't really judge Death Stranding until you play it.
That said, I somewhat agree with you. Kojima is a nut that was channeled very well by Konami. However, Kojima isn't the one that told his loyal fans to fuck off because pachinko and slot machines are more profitable.

>what was catalonia
>what is indidgenous africa
>what was primitive society

wait shit i forgot marx personally strangled 11 trillion people

yeah, but most normies don't want to spend more than a few minutes getting familiar enough with a game to play it. I'm not saying that this would make the theoretical game *better*, but more accessible.

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So you're arguing for the casualization of games

>yeah, but most normies don't want to spend more than a few minutes getting familiar enough with a game to win consistently

Fixed for you

>tribal cultures with clear hierarchies and concepts of ownership of property
>examples of communism
>commie catalonia lasted not even 5 years
Even funnier.

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Rainbow six Siege is a really really imbalanced buggy game with some of the worst hit detection and lag/netcode issues in an online FPS game yet continues to grow because people see playing it as a way of "sticking it" to games like CS:GO and Battle royale games.

>Konami was the choke chain keeping Kojima in check
Doubtful considering MGS4 and V were under Konami. You'd have a better chance convincing people Fukushima was responsible for making Kojima's games good.


Congratulations user!
You got them good!

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westeners have no idea how to tell a story. its either overly explained convoluted bullshit or a minimal convoluted bullshit one that retards think is deep cause muh lore
except sometimes muh lore can be repleaced with muh themes or muh grey morality

>No, you don't have the position to take part in a discussion making claims about storytelling if you don't even realize what he was referencing.
Are you being serious with this? You know storytelling existed before Carmack was even born, right? Believe it or not, stories have been around for an extremely long time.

I don't know what quote you're talking about, but let's take a look at how much input Carmack should be given on the topic of storytelling.

Doom: A guy shoots demons.
Wolfenstein: A guy shoots nazis.
Rage: A guy shoots wastelanders.
Quake: A guy shoots guys.

Now see, we were having a lovely discussion and then you decided to go this way with it.

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>we need government regulations on game NOW

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Who is correct here?

ahaha yeah Catalonia would've been a great place to live. I would definitely want revolutionary councils controlling my life. it ticked along but it wasn't a great system
>indigenous Africa
>primitive society
yeah fuck I love tribal warfare and living in dirt huts and dying of malaria. at least I won't have access to Yea Forums if I live in some dogshit African tribe, and I won't have to read about people upholding my retarded way of life as a positive example

Oh shit you got em with this one

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>TSA was great
This is literally the first time I have ever seen somebody say that about TSA.

Maybe we're not talking about the same game. You mean Travis Strikes Again, right?

Both are equally correct.

Literally the first result after a 2 second google search.

Imagine being this uninformed and expecting people to take you seriously.

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