>one copy of crackdown 3 please
One copy of crackdown 3 please
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw it's even more enjoyable than the OG Crackdown
Why must life be so cruel?
>go bald
>get hair transplant
Why did Hitler have to lose? We wouldn’t have balding or manlets under eugenics, yet I have to suffer being both?
>t. balding fuck
Lol just grow hair lmao
he lost because he was a neurotic retard who decided to open multiple fronts at once and try to brawl half the world simultaneously, do you really need to ask why? in light of that i have serious doubts that he would have capabilities to create a strong and progressive (not in numale sense) society even if he did somehow miraculously manage to take control of entire/most of planet.
>go bald
Who says this?
Majority of people behind your back mostly
Dude did all that silly shit, and yet he still came pretty close to winning.
Really makes u think.
People going bald in their 20s say it to themselves in their head every five minutes, no one else cares.
video games
No one cares except all women and good looking men laughing at you
>10/10 face
>now 5/10
>close to winning
>has only his dick in russia up to moscow before getting pushed back
>parts of europe are still neutral or are under ally/soviet influence
>usa hasnt even been touched
thats what jews want you to believe
big scary hitler who almost killed the christ on earth
dont you dare to siegheil once, thats a satanic invocation
>put onion juice on my head
>hair started to grow back
also just drink more water bro
potion seller
At this point you take a wet razor to it.
who is she
Literally cannot beat God's Nation on Earth the Red White and Blue of Freedom. The second America became involved Hitler was finished because not only was he fighting the greatest nation on earth and The Bomb, Truman himself was in regular communication with archangels.
this is how I look, I'm 30
It's shit starting to go bald at 17
Feels good having Fabio hair at 27
This is exactly what I think in my head when I see a hairlet
Alain de Botton?
No one really cares. Every dude loses hair eventually, or have some other fucked up issues.
>crackdown 3
It came out?
Nigga would look like Agent 47 if he shaved it all off.
>enter massive anxiety period 5 years ago
>life feels like hell 24/7
>feel fucking devastated every day, no energy left for anything, people always asking me "lmao did you just wake up, you look tired"
>suddenly, hair starts falling like I'm fucking sick
>scalp itches and burns always, sometimes bleeds
>develop a bad food habit due to anxiety
>eat garbage
>fast forward today
>still full head of fair but really weakened, hope this is some anxiety reversible shit but deeply know it isn't
Does this work? Got suggested this but was sceptical about it.
if you're balding and young it's probably the most notable thing about your appearance
Reminder literally EVERYONE who is balding and under, like, 38 or so, would look better shaved.
>b-b-b-b-but muh head shape--
Nope. Everyone.
He really had no choice, Russia was a ticking time bomb as both countries hated each other, the eastern front was already lost and beating Russia and capturing their raw materials/oil would have put a chance of winning there. Hitler's real issue was trusting Africa to Mussolini. If Italy never fell there probably would have been a white peace as USA was preoccupied with maintaining Japan and losing, or even stalling, in Africa would have created a mutual enemy in the Comintern.
You can balance out the balding if you have a thick beard. I haven't gone clean shaven since last year.
what's going on here?
I know what this picture is from, and you need to stop.
Maybe if you do an embarrassing comb-over and try to pretend like it's not happening, or if they are dumb teenagers and you look stupidly young to be so bald.
There are so many fucking men out there who go bald (and cool ones too) that nobody cares in real life
>he still came pretty close to winning
Not really, read a book about him. He was a legit moron who would never have lasted anyways. There were already multiple plots to assassinate him because was hated by actually intelligent members of his command because he wouldn't delegate, use common sense, listen to experienced advisers, or learn how to effectively communicate.
It took the US a little over a year to absolutely cuck him, remember.
Bald men that shave their heads and grow beards are the major part of the problem
Just glue it bro
Lmao cringy redneck loser
Just because it's popular with syoboys doesn't mean it's bad. You need something to balance out the baldness unless your face and physique is uber macho like Dwayne Johnson or something. But if you got soft features and are not incredibly fit, a bald head and a clean shaven face looks really bad.
>tfw head is full of hair but don't know how to style it
>bald threads
>manlet threads
I fucking hate this place. I am here to forget my shit existence, retards!
Keep up the cope, balding is always a negative
Nah, for most guys it balances things out like says. It looks a little pathetic if you can't grow a proper beard or are already a little faggot, but if you're decently handsome, have a non-onions body, and know how to dress it's a solid look for most dudes.
Its shooped retards.
How about growing some height and hair? LOL!
Go to an actual barber instead of Great Clips. Keep it high and tight with a little extra on top. Style it how you want, or just go messy if it's not too short.
Good men's hairstyles haven't really changed in like 100 years, don't overthink it.
>Just because it's popular with syoboys doesn't mean it's bad.
It does now, when everyone is so surface level.
>You need something to balance out the baldness unless your face and physique is uber macho like Dwayne Johnson or something
Fuck that I propose men going for lean muscle, more form fitting.
>But if you got soft features and are not incredibly fit, a bald head and a clean shaven face looks really bad.
I don't like it in general. Never have. I've tried it a few time, felt like I look like an alien. I've literally never had trouble with women being interested, and my head was balding since 20.
>Nah, for most guys it balances things
Sure it does. Having a bunch of Mr. Clean motherfuckers walking around really makes it easier to stand out. So I should thank you weak faggots.
>am 6'2
>have a full head of hair that is showing no signs of thinning at 24
>my brother was nearly bald when he was my age
Feels good anons. On the plus side I always wear hats so even if I do go bald it won't look like a desperate attempt to hide my nohair.
>So I should thank you weak faggots.
Whatever you say, Mr. Pussyslayer. When you graduate high school in a few years you won't be so sensitive about how other dudes carry themselves. Good luck.
>Fuck that I propose men going for lean muscle, more form fitting.
What the fuck am I reading
>tfw hair started retreating at like 20
>because he wouldn't delegate, use common sense, listen to experienced advisers, or learn how to effectively communicate.
There were plots against him because he wouldn't surrender, that is his biggest flaw. His strategy in both fronts and Russia was sound. Russia was going to declare when their military stabilized, the Western Front was both impossible and stagnated, USA wasn't and would not be a factor for years, and even when Hitler declared it was because USA was already basically participating in the war and would join after Japan fell. Even his invasion plan of Russia was far better than what the generals wanted. Taking Moscow was what they wanted, just like France, even though taking their Oil fields and ports was the far better strategy which is what Hitler did.
Calling Hitler a moron is legitimately confusing. Hate him if you want he was a political genius and filled his cabinet with various competent men. Instead of playing nepotistic favorites like the WR. The biggest moron in the Axis was Himmler, or Mussolini.
where can i find someone to do this for me
>a thread about balding, hitler, and no videogames
kinda funny since Chris Evans is a bulding cuck too lol.
Answer a: God needs to laugh
Answer b: Genetics are fucking lottery, but a good indicator of whether you'll go bald or not is to pay attention to your mother's side of the family. You'll inherit hair genes from your maternal pep-pep.
yeah but what happens on hot days.
does the glue melt?
is that thermal paste or something?
what if my scalp gets sUPER ITCHY?
all that work just for like 1 maybe 3 afternoons of having hair?
fuck my life
That looks great tbqh
every american is a balding cuck
>tfw receding hairline at 23
At least I'm not a manlet, though
ori and the blind forest is the only game worth playing on that entire list, and you can play it on PC like most of those games
I'm 29 kek but keep shaving for what you think women want
You (or someone else) talked about the Rock aka Dwayne Johnson. The idea is go bald get fit. I think lean muscle looks better than roidfag
This is true, but I've never heard anyone mention this. I wonder why they don't notice.
It wont hold for very long, but rather live a day with hair than an entire life time as a hairlet
Probably because they have lives, user
Comb it backwards with a stylish groove tilted to one side at the front
You mean you don’t want to be as big as The Rock? You got me confused because I don’t think you know what lean muscle means
Moron is probably strong, yeah. I do think he was a bit of an autist in far over his head, he had some obviously weird ways to carry himself. If you ever read about his eating habits and the amount of cavities and other dental work he had towards the end of the war you'll really be scratching your head.
Also, I disagree that he had good strategy on both fronts, at least at the end of the war. He straight up refused to fall back and defend the Rhine because he thought he could make some amazing last stand in the Ardennes based on old German legends and magic. (No really.)
You can probably do it yourself if you do some research. It will be cheaper too.
If you're unironically interested, look up some JewTube channels like HairExperience. He does a good job answering pretty much any question you could have. You just need to get used to the 3 minutes of shilling at the start of each video.
just go full bald and wear baseball caps
is it really that bad? I think it looks 100x worse when people try to hide or fight it.
Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe go fuck yourself
You're telling me that balding men look more ridiculous than men with gauges, tattoos, piercings, gay looking glasses, and man buns?
because no one outside of men who are self conscious really consider his hairline anywhere near balding
onion juice?
honestly he looks better without a wig
Balding is automatically a con, it will and can never be a positive trait no matter what.
For most yeah but it's fine if you are lean with a strong jawline.
Those men are good looking despite being bald, they would be even better looking with hair.
Well they all liked it so I guess you'd have to ask the women I've fucked. But I'm sure life is black and white like you say, and I just imagined all that because I'm bald and should be ignored for all the handsome men of Yea Forums to make way! HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Yeah like I said, he refused to surrender. Although sometimes I switch between if it's Hitler or Hitler's promises to Germany. He very much wanted his dream Germany with all lesser races purged, he had spent almost a decade promising the destruction of Marxism and all Marxists, falling back would have betrayed both of those promises and would have basically guaranteed the recreation of Poland as a buffer state with Germany keeping the Danzig corridor and Russia keeping the Baltics without providing the resources Hitler needed to finish off the Western front. But at the same time the meat grinder at Stalingrad ended the war.
Are you sure?
I would say the only people that care about hair are faggots and fat women
There are many women that like the aggressive look being bald can convey if you have the right face for it.
>not getting a Giant Wig to hide that ugly bald.
You're missing out, buddy.
You sound really insecure and coping, I would too if I was in your shoes
Not him, but I've actually had more success with women after shaving my head.
I think if you can pull it off, being bald can look manly and based. But it's not for everyone.
literally me.
>mane of hair that I have to cut all the time, don’t like having long hair because it’s thick and curly
Good thing I got a trimmer able to do fade cuts
Not too much, I feel like insecurity is a sign of narcissism. That having to have strangers like you and needing their validation is actually a sign of weakness. It's "fuck everyone else" it's more that others have personal preferences and sad teeny bop magazine definitions of what women find attractive aren't exactly realistic.
Plenty of sad lonely fucks with hair. Plenty of bald uggos with kids. I'm just saying, actually try looking at reality and wonder if you need to shape yourself to some sad mold. I really think men look ridiculous these days. And shaved heads especially. I'd rather see patches and the inner growth men receive from not having surface level validation.
Long story short you motherfuckers need God or Vishnu. Just something to get over this surface level. They can sense your desperation and need for validation anyway.
>But at the same time the meat grinder at Stalingrad ended the war.
Yeah that definitely drained his resources and kept him stretched far too thin for too long. That combined with Allied air superiority in the West were just too much. Would have been much different there if Hitler listened to his Luftwaffe commanders about new planes to keep up with the Allies instead of ninety version of the V1.
Oddly enough the same thing happened for the US in the Pacific Theatre. Absolute domination by their air forces.
my hair got kinda thin at my left temple, but hasnt really gotten any worse in a year and half so i dont know; i just wear my hair down now and i look good with bangs so it's ok
Nobody looks better shaved. Hair is an immediate, unquestionable boost to your looks. Shaving is a massive cope however I don't fault them for it.
>You're telling me that balding men look more ridiculous than men with gauges, tattoos, piercings, gay looking glasses, and man buns?
Yes. The only thing worse than a bald man is a bald man wearing glasses.
>(and aging)
what does that mean?
all ive heard about minoxidil is that is some miraculous liquid but you basicaly become a slave of it (if you stop using you go bald again)
Not to worry you or anything but balding can come quickly and ruin your hair in a matter of weeks or months
There's nothing miraculous about minoxidil, it just slows down the process of hair loss significantly. You become a "slave" to it if you want to stop balding because if you stop using it, your hair loss will continue, that's all.
There are some reports of minoxidil making your skin age rapidly and giving you dark circles around your eyes.
I would say a bald manlet is worse than a tall bald man with glasses
>old man that looks like shit and probably can't even get his dick hard
How is that not miraculous? Imagine medicine that would slow down aging as long as you kept taking it
>shave head
>grow a light beard
>drown in pussy
I would kill for this dude’s facial structure. You can easily make that shit work.
Yeah, I tend to forget manlets exist. Being bald, manlet and wearing glasses is the ultimate suicide tier, anyone looking like that should never reproduce.
Yeah you tell 'em dawg
Because the mechanisms of aging and mechanisms of hair loss are markedly different. A cure that would slow down aging really is something out of science fiction, while we are already on the cusp of being successfully treat hair loss and facilitate regrowth by using host cells.
Easy sacrifices for having hair.
Minoxidil does not slow down the rate of hair loss. The only thing that can do that is blocking the DHT that causes hair loss - see: finasteride. Minoxidil just causes hair regrowth while you're using it, but lots of people are non-responders too.
Would you rather go bald and age slower or head full of hair and age faster?
Well then I really don't know what to say to you as you have the worst taste I've ever seen on this board, and I was in those RDR2 threads.
>slow down aging
Minox can age the fuck out of your skin
I'm a skinny manlet and my hair is my only asset. The latter.
I'm going to literally have more kids than you. But at least you'll have hair. Probably not anywhere on your body, but I guess being a tranny is always an option for the sad and lonely right?
The latter, because once you're in your 30's it's over anyway.
No one makes fun of bald people what the fuck.
Having hair and aging faster 100%.
Would rather live a day as a lion than years as a worm
>bragging about having kids
weird flex
>See, what hairlets don't understand is that women are naturally averse to the bald.
>Probably not anywhere on your body
My legs alone probably have more hair than the entirety of your head, onions boy. Nice try inb4ing a tranny trying to projecting your own faults. As for you breeding more genetic dead ends, well done, making more school shooters I guess? I'm sure they'll be happy their ugly failure of a father passed down his hideous genes.
Good job bringing more abominations into the world, great parent indeed.
Also that projecting is cute little dude.
It's bragging rights these days, with how many low test, no ball faggots there are
Whats wrong with his: eyes, nose, lips and ears.
He doesnt look human honestly.
I did fin for 5 moths, but had to get off of it be because I lost a lot of sensitivity in my dick along with erections and libido. It's been about a week and the latter two have come back, but I'm not sure if the first one ever will. It's odd because I feel noticeably less in my dick, but still cum in the same amount of time so I'm not sure if it's just psychosomatic or something.
Shits annoying
Women do. And men. And children. People in general.
Teens, children, self identified escorts, and so on.
Though, that doesn't mean people won't look past it, they just won't be childish about a condition you can't control.
Maybe because you're ugly user, but I was bald for a while and no one said anything to me ever. Of course I can grow hair like a normal person, but bald people don't get made fun of unless they look fucking freaky bald.
Damn dude, you really need to learn how to cope. It's okay, women are going to be so desperate in the next ten years, you'll find one. At least one. Maybe
You do realize that baldness is carried predominantly through the mother's side, right?
>But you still have a gen--
So then nobody should ever reproduce unless they're literally a perfect lab grown specimen with zero faults. Guess it's time for you to off yourself as well
He's wearing makeup and his facial hair is groomed in a way that makes his facial features appear more exaggerated.
I hate to bring up the dreaded S-word, since it's become such a stupid meme, but that's most likely partially responsible. In small quantities it's fine, but consumed in huge doses it fucks with your appearance, like light estrogen. His body is trying to become feminine but he still has the bone structure of a male.
not really lol
>bragging about losing 20 years of your life and selfishly and thoughtlessly bringing another life onto a planet that doesnt need it, nor will be guaranteed a good life
Ah yes being a redneck with a flock of subhuman manlet spawn running about sure is bragging rights you absolute retard
>you'll find one. At least one. Maybe
I'm just happy to know that I bothered you that much to get a (You). I'm sure your balls won't go to waste bro. I mean the kleenex is a poor substitute, but it'll do right?
>Incels take the bait
Every time.
>bragging about losing 20 years of your life and selfishly and thoughtlessly bringing another life onto a planet that doesnt need it, nor will be guaranteed a good life
Holy shit, I didn't mean to trigger you THAT badly
>I made little shits haha i'm bragging
LOL okay bud, FUCK your kids.
Sometimes I forget how hyperbolic you lookism faggots can be.
This mannequin looks really human.
Fucking yowch. I knew a dude in college who thought he could get away with the human equivalent of a seismometer. It looked terrible no matter what angle you looked at it. Just fucking shave it, man.
More kids than you, Zephyr or whatever dumb name your "genderfluid" parents gave you
>nobody should ever reproduce unless they're literally a perfect lab grown specimen with zero faults
No, but they should at least not possess glaring faults. Just because majority no longer treat shit eyesight or being short and weak and balding in 20's as something abnormal because it has become so widespread doesn't mean it's impossible to root out or should be accepted. Beautiful, healthy people will have beautiful, healthy offspring, it's not rocket science.
How can you not feel shame?
>manlets quickly think that those against them are virgins
Projecting much? I’m not as pathetic as you and about to prove how superior I am to you, which I am, on an anonymous site. Your insecurity says it all
Balding doesn't really have any actual negative effects outside of aesthetics.
>FUCK your kids.
Glad you finally outed yourself as a pedophile. You stay the fuck away from my kids you fag.
Just...go bald my dude
*gets cucked by Mr. Clean*
>I’m not as pathetic as you and about to prove how superior I am to you
You literally think having or not having hair is a life-ending thing
No one wants to fuck your ugly ass kids user.
>tfw not balding because i don't have shit genes
>eyesight or being short and weak and balding in 20's
You're comparing two health issues with something that is entirely cosmetic in most cases.
It’s borderline hilarious that you think creating more shit genes subhumans like yourself is an achievement. Brain rot at it’s finest.
Same. Are balding people literally defective? If you think about it, they show signs of dying SUPER fucking early.
So you'd fuck them if they were attractive?
The only thing I can think of is that sun burns early on pretty much ensure you'll look like a molting thinman. Otherwise, I've walked through sleet with no hat and my dome felt just fine. People get so concerned with me when I'm out and about without a toque on or something. The crisp cold air feels great.
No, you're an incel.
Shave it, sure, but nobody says you have to shave it to the skin like a chemo patient. 90% of white guys who do that just do it because they're balding so they're not fooling anyone anyway. The Bruce Willis balding look is fine and has been fine forever. I'm not implying that it compares to still having hair though
In a post modern world when all difficulties of life have been solved by technology and its citizens literally don't have anything to worry about (for the most part) other than how to spend their free time, cosmetic issues are the new health issues.
>makes you more vulnerable to sunburn and cold temperatures
>makes your head more prone to cuts and scrapes
>looks ugly to boot
This is the ultimate cope now.
Hmmm....let me consult my lawyer first.
ive got insanely thick hair but making fun of baldies or something someone cant help is lowly and pathetic, i feel really bad for baldies and manlets and uggos
>mfw hair getting thicker with the vitamins i have been taking
remember to take your vitamins kids
Actually I’m tall, fit and handsome. Also I got hair on my head and pick and choose girls like a motherfucking buffet.
Keep up the coping teeny weeny bald manlet
Yes your hair is the defining gene and trait that should be passed on. Because the person having kids is the loser. Yes, that makes sense.
a whore
>he brags about having generic third world brown/black hair
It's like bragging to a homeless man that you're loaded on anthrax laced bills. Why bother? Soft and fair or I don't care.
I don't think so, but I have a couple of autistic reasons. In crackdown 1 me and a friend would shoot the tires of cars driving around the highway. Why? Cause they go fucking bonkers and start flipping all over the place when that happens, then they explode and cause a chain reaction to nearby cars.
Shooting the tires in Crackdown 3 doesn't do anything, which fucking sucks
>I'm not implying that it compares to still having hair though
What most people need to realize is that this factor doesn't matter. Chances are you look far better with hair, but you don't have that choice anymore. Now it's between balding and just being bald.
If you can't do anything to fight it at your current stage, you're worrying about something you no longer can control.
Shit genes come in packages. Beautiful people on average are much healthier, their beauty a consequence of their health and proper development during pregnancy and later formative years of infancy.
Skinheads are top /fa/shion.
What are you taking? My hair's been looking healthier and thicker since I started supplementing zinc and biotin.
Massive incel cope
we're all gonna make it, friend
>no signs of receding hair yet
>but was born with a shitty hairline instead
>Actually I’m tall, fit and handsome.
>Also I got hair on my head and pick and choose girls like a motherfucking buffet.
And you post on Yea Forums! About having hair and being handsome! I mean, that's how you know you're telling the truth
he has a great face and jawline
should just fucking shave that shit off
Bragging about spawning ugly ass kids like yourself on Yea Forums is pathetic as fuck.
I’m too young to pass on my god tier Aryan genes and force thots to shallow the nope pill.
But there are tons of hot short glasses wearing women. Also, astigmatism are environmental nowadays due to screens.
>hair thinning a bit
>bad teeth
>super skinny
>bad spine
>not very good facial aesthetics
>took ancestry genetic test and tested positive for both sets of alzheimers alleles
>both of my grand parents on my mother's side got dementia around 70
>cousin died of lung cancer just recently at 52
>parents smoked when they were having me
>"user, why dont you want kids? you should try to get a gf at least!"
gee i fucking wonder why dad
You have worse genes than blacks.
Crackdown 3 is great it's jut really short, like maybe 8 hours.
Cope ugly balding manlet
>one copy of sea of thieves please
>I’m too young to pass on my god tier Aryan genes
Half breed confirmed
You wouldn’t survive under the nazi regime you dumb fuck
what does cope mean
reported for off-topic.
vitamin a e d and zinc and coconut oil for my hair type trying to make my hair look like this
Being short and having little hair shouldn't be enough to detour you from trying, but I'd probably hold out on that alzheimers bit unless the miracle that is CRISPR saves our undeserving genes.
I’m not an American mutt you shitstain.
>implying he looks anything like that
post your hairline
You're making the argument around the premise of being bald. If that user has dozens of health issues, that would be something more to consider.
>Beautiful people on average are much healthier, their beauty
And yet plenty of them have their own health issues and shit they deal with in their own lives. More than you probably realize because not everyone is open about it
You have to be American to be mixed race? What?
This game sounds like Dead Rising 4, fucking garbage.
Ask the baldies and manlets, they know all about it lmao
It means not having a comeback so you just say COPE while stroking your beautiful locks of irresistible hair. God women are so dumb and easy, all they do is see hair and get wet like a water hose.
It's a buzzword anons use whenever someone acknowledges their shortcomings and tries to do something about it. The truth is, everyone copes about something.
I’m mixed Norwegian/Danish/German.
will never happen when the largest global powers are genetic puritans with fundamentalist christian values that are than willing to throw away the miracle of stem cell research without a second thought
meaningless buzzword
It means they're vapid discordfags or literally underageb&.
i just like side cuts
>having to fuck an onahole everynight
>at least I'm not a bald manlet
>there are tons of hot short glasses wearing women
No there aren't.
>Also, astigmatism are environmental nowadays
All the more power to you then, man.
So? I'm welsh, irish, german, canadian, french (same thing), and probably some other part of Britain.
I have to cope with being tall and handsome, it’s rather tiring when everyone expects more and look up to you.
ultra butch lesbian?
>No there aren't.
Well okay then
yeah a faggot
Being bald is already a health issue, so refer to what I've said before. Yeah, sure, healthy people can get sick too and have chronic ailments, but the odds are much smaller and they will bear them better than people that are already compromised. There is no rational argument in favor of inferiority.
There literally are dude. Do you even smol?
Polluted with shit genes from weaklings? Congrats
That fanny pack really brings that whole ensemble together. What the fuck
That's what happens when your body has to much testosterones
Bro I know, I have to cope with having a thick, rock hard cock. It's like women can sense the need to breed, you know bro?
what's wrong with glasses? the right pair of glasses makes anyone look good
Computer Vision Syndrome
That's the problem, you idiots find these things cute, fuck them and then they shit out dwarves with downs.
Don’t know what an onahole is, some weeb shit?
Most people would rather die than being bald manlets, cope.
Those "weaklings" fought in world wars, bucko. And lived, and had kids, and raised families. Maybe you should shit on your own ancestors for being so weak willed that the end result of generations of passing on genes ended with your faggot ass
>another incel thread
>dad is 5'7
>mom is barely 5'4
>brother and i are both somehow 5'11
genes are weird
Look around you, a lot of children look at smartphone screens and myopia is at epidemic levels. What the fuck is with it and retards when it comes to environmental effects that makes them turn their brains off?
Cute things are cute. What do you want, a Nobel Prize? Bomb more Afghan kids then, loser
He really didn't look bad before but I guess it's a self esteem issue
eugenics doesn't work, it's a flawed theory. The more "pure" a genepool, the more genetic maladies you'll see in a population. Look at pure-bred dogs and all the fucked up problems they have.
A diverse genepool is a healthy genepool. The healthiest dogs are mutts.
No, that's what happens when your body is vulnerable to DHT, healthy men with high testosterone do not necessarily suffer from hair loss. Extreme vulnerability to DHT is a heritable disorder.
Yeah I damn well know, especially when the whores tell all their friends and they want a taste of my huge cock too.
You should feel welcome here then.
>but I've never heard anyone mention this.
Because no one cares
>Most people would rather die than being bald manlets, cope.
Then why are there bald manlets still? Do you understand that reality literally disproves your entire belief system? I think you are the one that needs to "cope", son
why do all off-topic threads except /r9k/ ones get deleted?
>incel responds to me
Why do balding men wear this hat?
incovenient trips of truth
It's called healthy wombs with proper dieting, then being raised right. My brother is about 6 inches taller than me, and it's likely because I had to take medication that turned out to stunt growth, but to tell the truth I didn't eat my fish or veggies. He's taller than both my parents.
Shit frames for fags
>bragging about ancestors being in world wars where all stupid weak manlets were used as cannon fodder
You aren’t very bright huh?
Because they aren't really all that harmful compared to other offtopic posting which either devolves into:
Pissed off Jannies