How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

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I mean, it sucks, but it's to be expected, given the amount of attention it's gotten from the media.
That being said, this is Yea Forums.

it's the largest board

It does annoy me quite a bit, can't be good for our reputation.

>all the newfags go to /pol/

let them stay there

Google is a newfag

Why are you posting about an unrelated website on 4channel?

Its not like this place is any different

its the largest board

4chans reputation was never good. Ten years ago we were a far-left hacker collective peddling CP, and now we're a far-right or alt-right or fuck knows "hate group" saying bad words about negroes and women. Good god.


Make me :^)

To be fair, you're not helping our case by calling black people negroes.
Obviously not the worst thing racists call them, but it's not a word people like.

>/pol/ is the normiest board

My first result was /news/ for whatever reason.
Fun fact: Google order the results based on your previous searches.

Did you faggots forgot Yea Forums is recently the No.1 most popular board? /pol/ lost that spot months ago

A good place to send anyone unfamiliar with the site because if they cant stomach /pol/ they wont last long on Yea Forums in general

No it doesn’t because I literally never use /pol/.

/pol/ is literally just the new Yea Forums. It’s the board for retards to be retarded.

Nigger nigger faggot faggot nigger butthole aids

Fuck off Moot and stay in your cuck circle at google.

Good. Let the tourists and migrants find /pol/ and stay there, or fuck off again. They can be our Calais.

Trying too hard.


Why are you obsessed with /pol/?

Because it is no exaggeration to say that it has ruined this site.

Spic uhh chink jap coon. I'm running out of slurs here

Would you prefer niggers?

It forces newfags to grow a second skin or quite simply fuck off you can tell how many reddit niggers now browse this place, forcing them to understand that people don't think or respond the same way is a good thing.

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>caring about Yea Forums(nel)'s ""reputation"""
Is this bait? Are people genuinely concerned about this?

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Eh I don't really care. I just come here cause I'm bores and some good video game threads pop up here and there.
Also it's a good place to get news on video games since this place steals most of it's content from reddit and twitter

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Bitch don't be talkin bout grin grin

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Is that the new Pokemon starter?