Apologize to Capcom

Fucking Apologize

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Sorry for thinking you were good.

you first, for SF V

World sucks dick

For what? Making 3 TERRIBLE fighting games in a row and handing over 2D to arcsys? No. i won't.

I'm sorry that your intern's bad at spamming his shill threads.

a couple good (not great, good) games doesn't erase a decade of bullshit user

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>ruined dmc
>ruined mh
>ruined their entire fighting game division

Bring back Megaman Legends and I will

>Oh noooo, Nero has short hair now! The entire series is ruined forever!

>Mega Man 11
>Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
Bad port and collection

>Oh noooo, Dante doesn't have white hair now! The entire series is ruined forever!

>ruined mh
>by making it bigger and better than ever before

Only after they apologize for cancelling the SFV Linux port.

And for SFV being shit in the first place

Fine im sorry, im glad you found money and have made like 3 kick ass games.

Make Dragons Dogma 2 in the RE engine and ill operate the capcom glory hole

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only retarded zoomers have issues with capcom

We're still early in the redemption arc they can still revert to their old ways. Let's not get too comfortable.

No way. Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks.

Megaman Legends 3
Dragons Dogma 2

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Only retarded zoomers trust Capcom

dumb zoomer

Legends 3 won't be happening for a long time, not until the new team cranks a few more games out.

SFV: Trash
RE2: Above Average
DMC5: Demo was 10/10, but waiting for main game
MHW: Average, waiting for Iceborne to fix it's problems
MM11: Eh

Let's not celebrate too early, user.

dumb zoomer

Where the fuck is Power Stone HD collection with online multiplayer? Fucking kikes re-release everything except Power Stone

Thank you Godcom for making awesome games

I was always a fan of your company

>bigger and better
In regards to what? It's literally smaller than the previous game if you measure size by content.

Use your brain you can figure it out

If you mean by sales, then you're a fucking retard for even remotely implying that it correlates to quality. If you mean otherwise, you're also a retard.


Its ok keep living in the 3ds era while everyone else enjoys the new and improved mh
You dont have a voice

>oh nooooo they're Nero's still the same fucking character and wasn't changed to be a whining methhead

Guess I'll have to, seeing how your brain cannot be used to explain your vague blathering.

>after the shit they did with legends 3
>after the shit they did with zx 3
no I will not fellate for them a mediocre remake of a decade + old game.

Asshurt nostalgiafags are hilarious

fuck off, crapcom needs to apologize to us.

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Only their fighting games remain in shambles

>another worldsperm trying to shill his shit game with trailer buzzwords
dont even bother responding to that kind of autism

It ain't gonna happen. There's almost no way that the executives trust the new team enough to make Legends 3. Remember, Capcom doesn't really have any faith in Legends at all. The new team has to prove themselves to be capable of delivering a stream of hits. Only then would they be allowed to make what's essentially little more than a passion project.

They ruined MH and get praised for bad game. No.

I will when their fighting division unfucks itself.

I honestly can't believe this redemption arc. First the best RE game since REmake and 3, and that DMC5 trailer they dropped today...holy fuck bros. I hated these guys but now I'm so glad they're back.

Thank you for porting every game to every console

don't forget:
>shutting down shanghai exe
>building dmc5 around pay-to-win microtransactions
>putting ads all over sfv
but they made a remake that would be called "soulless" if it was any other company besides capcom (or nintendo), so all is forgiven, i guess.


>FGC faggots SEETHING that they aren't the center of Capcom's world anymore

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Remember when Capcom blamed the fans and community for Legends 3 cancellation?

Legends 3 was nothing but a time bomb Inafune greenlit without talking to anyone else in the company about it to help shill his new company.

rehashed content put into one game doesn't equal to content dickhead. Every new monster hunter generation start with a lower amount of monster. Of course your zoomer brain wouldn't know that.

that's the shill spin, now here's the truth: legends 3 was kino in the making, got cancelled for no reason and crapcom blamed the fans.

That was a dick move.

That said, it really did show just how little faith they had in the project to begin with. They hadn't actually greenlit anything yet at the time. If fan support had been truly overwhelming, the prospects of profit would have outweighed whatever asshurt they had from Inafune's departure. Legends 3 was always on shaky ground, and Capcom has never actually hidden the negative amounts of faith they had in it. Honestly, it's probably something we should have all expected and prepared for. They were practically screaming,
>"Well, we really don't think it's going to work. But we're willing to give Inafune and his team a shot, even though we're absolutely sure it's gonna tank. I mean, we really, REALLY don't think this is going to happen at all, just laying it out there."

So when Inafune, literally the only upper ranked guy in Capcom who had any interest in the project, left, the rest were just like
>"I mean, with him gone, it's not like anyone else is going to take his place, so let's just shitcan it. It was never gonna succeed to begin with."

I'm not saying they should be forgiven, I'm just saying that, in hindsight, they made it absolutely abundantly clear that they never, ever expected anything out of the project from the start.

lol why?

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Why should I? I never jumped on the Capcom hate bandwagon.

>remake 2 is okay, but worse than the original in almost every way
>RE7 isn't even a Resident Evil game, but at least its an okay horror game
>killed MonHun
>killed DMC
>killed SF
They should apologize to me if anything.

>legends 3 was kino in the making
The results of the Waifu Wars proved otherwise. It was a disaster in the making. Capcom was the only one brave enough to kill it before it evolved into an unstoppable being.

What the fuck? I get that better is very subjective, but it's a fact that World is not fucking bigger then anything, but Tri. And fuck even Tri ended up better, because what little content it had was actually, you know, fun.

>after the shit they did with zx 3
What did they do with ZX 3? Because as far as I see, they didn't do shit and the fans sure as hell didn't buy it either.

>Killed monhun
>Killed DMC


Bigger in terms of playerbase you daft cunt

DMC was always shit

is that why they cancelled the fucking demo because they knew it was too good and fans would be in an uproar?

>no dragon's dogma 2
fuck you

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If they just worked on single-player games and stopped making terrible Street Fighter games for the sake of esports money, they'd be a much more focused and composed company.

They did ok with RE7, RE2 Remake and now DMCV, plus a rumored Dragon's Dogma 2. They should only return to making fighting games when they are ready and have teams passionate enough to work on them, not just for the sake of esport garbage and zoomer trash. Every shit practice they had originated with their fighting games, including on-disc DLC and selling 55% of a roster through DLC alone. It was all their fighting games and the cancer spread to other games.

No, I want 2d fighting back.

>product making company supposed to pander to us to get our money is doing marginally better but still comparably shit to 2005

fucking NIGGER

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SFV is good though.

>more people like it so it must be better!

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Why are you demanding an apology for their apology?

hey come on, don't shit on the "if more people do X then X is better" logic like that. user needs that logic to explain why his mother is actually a good mother.

No its better because the gameplay is better in every way
The sales just reflect that
Its ok to be upset, the rest of the world will keep on moving while you sit there and cry about the good old days

>more people like it so I have to hate it!

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Legends 3 on the Switch. That's my condition for apologizing. It's a necessary step in their redemption arc.

Yeah bro, I love this new gameplay. Since I'm a working father and cannot dedicate that much time to playing I really appreciate the changes that Capcom have made to make the game more accessible for someone like me!

>easier is better

How does it feel gramps?

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>on the söytch
Fuck off
PC or dropped

Easier and more accessible.

Can't wait until Iceborne adds a backstab to my favourite weapon, the katana!

Not until you bring every dead series back

Wheres your solo Behemoth proof

Careful what you wish for on that.

Look how Bionic Commando turned out

Only a deluded capcom fuck would try to turn around and say "making bad games is a good thing because of X"

You think I'm saying that with good intentions?

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Behemoth is literally the only challenging monster in the game and to latch onto it as if it's representative of the whole is disingenuous.

Hey man, the BC reboot was good.

Granted the new edgy story was dogshit.


>Refuse to at least port dd mmo just endless remasters
>kill dead rising series
nope fuck capcom
megaman fans are battered housewives at this point

Bull fuckin' honkey. Literally only the Behemoth. If you're genuinely so dogshit that you're having trouble with the elder dragons and deviljho then I can understand why you'd latch on to this game.

All of those except Behemoth are tedious rather than difficult, and you listed Behemoth twice.

Aside from Alateron are you implying theres anything in the other games harder than Lunastra? Lol

Yeah, like the... Lunastra.


Not that you would know, but it was a better fight back in 3.

*tail spins you*
*damage sponges your shitzone attacks*

Not until they put out SFVI and it's actually good.

Pick any 140 GQ, super deviant, or G-rank hyper.

Why the fuck are we arguing like difficulty on its own is a reliable indicator of quality? Get real.

Lunastra was fucking reskinned Teostra in the old games
Thanks for confirming you havent even played anything before Generations
World is easier in the campaign I agree and the end game lacks content
But you're fucking delusional if you think World is marginally easier than any other MH game
Its just less punishing in that it lets you switch loadouts during a hunt, which you could argue makes it easier, but I'd rather have that than going on a hunt and getting fucked over because some jobber on your team ran out of items or brought the wrong weapon

MHF was my first MH but ok
Its pretty much the exact same fight

Pick one as an example

Thank you Capcom for making Street Fighter V such a colossal failure that it gave other fighting games the opportunity to shine.

>Its pretty much the exact same fight
So you don't actually play the games. Good to know.

Because MH purists are autistic on the level of Soulsfags
They unironically think it takes skill to play mh

sfv is still the best and most watched fighting game vappa

Are you kids pretending to be stupid or what
World Lunastra is VERY different from Freedom

i dont think they realize with steam now how games and social media shit how you can make any game that looks decent sell

Explain how Deviljho is different in World
He literally has the same moveset so I'm interested how you think its different

You were talking about Jho, fucking brainlet.

I'm sorry Capcom but I'm pirating dmc5

super Boltreaver Astalos

Yeah except not only is it less punishing in terms of switching out items:
-the area design enables you to play like a retard, not having to plan your attack pattern carefully and think quickly
-speaking of planning, being able to run while healing completely takes away the risk
-you're given more movement options that make it easier to get around more effectively but they didn't balance the monsters around this so placement matters far less
-they give you more tools and mechanics to work with but againj don't balance to monsters to match that so said tools and mechanics just make it easier

It's plain to see how the game was made easier unless it's your first game in the series. All these gameplay changes and area design would be fine if they designed the monsters to work with the new shit but they didn't, and it shows, hard. The very soul of Monster Hunter is being in tight, tense situations and having to make careful decisions on the fly. MHW nearly removed this.

He doesn't chain attacks. His body is lower to the ground. He does his retaliatory attack regardless of where you hit him, and his enrage mechanic is tied to it. He barely goes for meat. Animations are different, but that goes without saying.

mhxx is cheating
deviants are retarded super bosses that kill you in one hit
pick one from a mainline game not that frontier tier bs

I think you just hate games improving over time
All of those things are improvements
Open map is way better than zones, no more teleporting monsters and loading times
Running while healing comes at a cost, you heal over time instead of instantly
Also are you unironocally defending the superman pose?
More movement options is great, out with the clunky controls in with intuitive controls. Thats a good thing.
I agree with your last point, but they clearly learned that with the dlc monsters who are way harder than anything in vanilla
Its still not that much easier than any other MH, you've just gotten better at playing them. Hating popular things doesnt make you an interesting person nor does it make me think you're a "hardcore gamer" so pls.

>still haven't localized DDO
>still ruined Lost Planet

No apologies yet. Not for a long while.

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>More movement options is great, out with the clunky controls in with intuitive controls. Thats a good thing.
Yeah let's remove the defining aspect from MH's combat and turn it into a generic action game.

There is only one thing that would end my eternal hatred and earn my forgiveness.

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You're retarded

And you're a vapid soulsfag. Keep telling yourself that argumentum ad populum isn't a fallacy.

Not until we get a battle network battle royale I won’t

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They would be improvements, except they failed to balance the game around them so the experience falls apart. Like I literally just fucking said but you somehow failed to pick up on.

And no, I'm not hardcore. I've never been particularly good at video games.

>yet another Capcom/MH thread devolves into console wars
I wonder when this shit will stop, even Tri wasn't this bad when the Wii shitflinging was at its peak, maybe its just the influx of shitposters and the degradation of this place in general

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Nobody is even consolewarring, you piss-for-brains.

are you blind?

>maybe its just the influx of shitposters and the degradation of this place in general
I'd say so, considering Tri came out ten years ago.

fuck off then. Pick any 100 GQ from 4 or 140 GQ from 4U. Any of them are tougher.
>frontier tier bs
and World's obsession with making monsters "difficult" by having them spam AoE's(including one with a map-wide OHKO) isn't frontiershit?

No, but you're retarded if you mistake comparing two games based on their merits for consolewarring.

>based on their merits
and you're one of them


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It always amuses me when westernfags talk about how "hardcore" MonHun is when the games are all made for literal Japanese children

seriously, it's almost funny to watch, like pokefags whenever nintendo does some shit to "dumb down" the game

Who said it was hardcore?

Stop replying to yourself. MH not being terribly hard doesn't mean MHW isn't cosiderably easier.

imagine being this much of a paranoid console warrior

Guys i don't hate street fighter 2.

your extremoth proofs?

Back to pretending Behemoth is representative of the entire game, huh?

proofs? if it's so easy you must have been able to do it no problem, how about ancient leshen at least?

>killed DD2 for DMC5

Fuck capcom

Too bad the term projecting has been memed to death, because that is exactly what you seem to be doing.

I wouldn't know, I'm not limited to a single platform so I don't have to pretend that MHW is the second coming because it's not on the competitor's platform.

Well, make sure to rebuy it the next 5 times they rerelease it then.


how about AT Luna or Xeno? Or do you not actually own the game and that's why you can't prove that you've actually done any of the hunts?

DD2 is obviously coming afterwards, dumbass.

Singlehandedly destroyed all the work done by SF4 and the grassroots community that made 2010-2015 so remarkable.

no, I won't apologize, but I will acknowledge that they are actually doing a damn good job of coming back from the brink of being a hopeless company.

He doesn’t do the dance move

Are you joking? Monsters having high attack power is pointless when they're so slow that they can never actually hit. And adding more health to it doesn't change that. Xenojiva is an extremely boring monster to fight.

Fuck you.

AT Xeno falseflagger-kun

>Lost Planet 2 still needs GFWL
>Lost Planet 3 exists

Yeah, what of it?

To be fair, you have to be retarded to trust a company at all. Being loyal to a product is retarded. Praise what was done well, critique what was done wrong, and ignore all that try to silence the latter; the best way to live.

surely you have any sort of proof that you've beaten any of the monsters I've named since they're all so easy, just one

>Oh noooo, Dante doesn't have white hair now! The entire series is ruined forever!
today, I will remind them.

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sure, as soon as we get a new MMBN game. preferably with the trademark plan-9-from-outer-space tier writing quality.

>people honestly think AT Xeno is a good fight

I sre do love AOE spam like every other goddamn endgame fight in MHW. Get this Frontiershit outta my mainline series.

No, I uninstalled the game a while ago.

Fuck you and all your console faggotry garbage games Capcom

so you don't actually have the game, thanks for clarifying that you're just a console warrior who can't play it

Spoonfeed me on why I should hate Capcom. Never cared for game drama.

do you only own a nintendo console?
you hate capcom
do you have anything other than a nintendo console or are an idort
you love them

Aimply google Megaman Legends 3

I do.

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for roughly a decade they were putting out pretty bad or at least worse games in many long loved series'
they're starting to shape up though.

meant for And no, I'm not going to re-install the entire game just to prove to you that I did something, because that would be silly.

and yet you obviously haven't even played through half of the game by those cheevos, if the game was so easy then why do you not have more done? you can't even show me that you've beaten anything post-game yet shit on the game, also
>owning VNs on steam
you're beyond help

They better lower the prices for the RE games on switch

Sure bro, whatever you say. Since you're so desperate that you've decided to go red herring style I guess there's not much more I can say. I provided my arguments, I explained what was wrong with the game, you've provided nothing but unbacked contradiction and fallacies. If you don't want to actually address my points then we're done here.

you have no points because you haven't actually encountered any of the shit you've argued, you're just spouting shit for the hell of it, so go back to whatever garbage thread you feel like shitposting about next and stay there so MH doesn't get ruined any more than it already has been

where's dino crisis, mml3, lost planet 2 HD, outbreak HD, modern sourcenext releases, onimusha collection, a new onimusha, outbreak 3, erasure of ORC, LP3, and umbrella corps from history, god hand HD, asura's wrath HD

>capcom thread
>boomers come in droves to repeat their garbage opinion on monster hunter

Reminder if actively enjoy any MH besides 4U or World, your opinion is garbage and doesn’t matter. Old MH is and always has been a fucking slough

I just realized i have more than 20 Capgod games just on my xbox

What was the first Capcom thing you guys played? How about your favorite Capcom franchise?

But MHGU is more action-y and fun than MH4U. It's more like MH:World in that sense

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They're moving in the right direction but they need to murder whichever COO that keeps putting awful DLC in every game

>first Capcom game
>favorite Capcom franchise

Fuck off crapcom everything you make is shit RE2 remake is HORRIBLE SHIT SHOW ORIGINAL IS BETTER FUCK OFF!

super street fighter 2
probably resident evil

probably RE1 at a friend's house.
DMC, which I also played for the first time at the same friend's house.
I got introduced to games through people outside of my household, and the first console I had myself was a game gear and then a little while later a n64

Apologize to me for "unmissable" announcement first.

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>What was the first Capcom thing you guys played?
Street Fighter 2, at a Pizza Hut.
>How about your favorite Capcom franchise?
Tie between Street Fighter and Darkstalkers

why should i apologize
their old fighting games are punching me in the dick again

Resident Evil 1 on a friends PS1.

As for favorite franchise it's a complete coinflip between Monster Hunter and Resident Evil.

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I'm sorry you have the memory of a goldfish.

Mega Man X
Mega Man

>goes from being the greatest fighting game makers in existence to one of the weakest
>goes from having some of the greatest concept and sprite artists on the planet to becoming a fucking joke
>killed off MvC
>refuses to renew their licenses on all of those god tier licenses games they made in their golden years
>the half-assed emulation jobs that they keep having Digital Eclipse do instead of it being in-house
Fuck them still.

>no MvC4 because Infinite bombed hard
>refusal to renew any of their licenses for anything they make
>holding entire franchises ransom if they don't sell gangbusters
>threatened to pull their entire Switch support if Ultra Street Fighter IV, a 25 year old game at that point selling for $40, didn't sell really well
>"Darkstalkers is not dead"
>Capcom vs. SNK 3 NEVER EVER
>can be arsed to put D&D and the Disney Afternoon Collection on Steam but literally NONE of their other licensed games
>refuses to make another Power Stone or port the Power Stone Collection from the PSP

Why in the hell would I ever apologize to that fallen company?

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Street Fighter II: Championship Edition
Marvel vs. Capcom. It's one of my favorite franchises of all time.

>shuts down the DmCucks everytime
