What do you care most about when selecting a character?

What do you care most about when selecting a character?

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Whose the most fun to play

me in the middle

Average Jane>Slutty McSPEED>Tankutie>P2W>Ms.NOMELEE(OR FUN)ALLOWED

knight > average > speedy > mage > paying money

How fun they are (how powerful they are can play into this, the weak characters can just be boring because of how weak they are).

The brown girl.

I'm vapid as fuck, so I'll just pick whoever looks the coolest

General Gameplan>Style>Cheapness>Pimping out>Tier>Tiddies

Purple Knight is best visually, but fuck low speed gameplay.

Far right is based

whether or not I personally like them

>knight that high
>even though it has shit speed
>actually wanting to slog around the game at 1 mph and dying of old age before you get to the next level/area

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dexterity, agility and defense

I'm gonna go with Knight

What if it doesn't affect movement speed, just combat?

It's about looking good.

I'll pick whichever is the least popular and constantly regret not picking the middle

Convince me Mage isn’t the worst. Average has solid all around stats. Knight sucks at moving but lives for a long time and can dish damage back. Pixie has average strength, slightly below average range but enough speed to get the first hit anyways. Mage is neither durable or fast. If she can’t snipe she’s useless.
P2W > the other 3 are equal > Mage


I think that just means Mage is the most situational.

Best girl (male)

>Everyone wants to be special snowflake and not pick tiddy like they know everyone else will want to, so they put it at the bottom of their list out of spite because gotta be contrarian even when among the contrarians
Just admit it already it's a fucking anonymous board