Damn, Futaba Sakura looks like that?

Damn, Futaba Sakura looks like that?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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smelly shortstack!


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Shortstack does not just mean "short," fucking moron

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Literally NOT made for the BBC.

She probably smell really bad.

>149 cm (4'11")
Imagine manhandling her tiny body.

What a fucking manlet

Tiny girls with good hips are a 10/10

Are you right about things so infrequently that you have this kind of reaction whenever it happens?

my only problem with girls like this is that their tiny bodies might not be suited for bearing a child.

Why the fuck would you go for the autistic girl

>tfw short
>oh, but at least there are lots of girl shorter than me, I can definitely find love

>all the super short girls want 6'2+ men

what the fuck

Attached: tails.jpg (440x348, 25K)

Based petite neet

Attached: 9061eaa570b87b206e5c99e42b814f6d.png (1011x1054, 796K)

>getting this mad over the dumbest shit

sort your life out

Fucking IMAGINE!

Attached: 1547403944040.jpg (454x470, 111K)

>wanting kids

Tfw 6'3 and love short girls

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Attached: 1445810990325.png (216x233, 10K)

half the girls on this game are autistic

>not having a fetish for impregnating small girls

Gotta attract the pedo audience somehow

Or imagine fucking. Whichever comes first.

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This post was written by a woman.
Not just any woman, but an aging, fat, unattractive woman.

Smelly NEET odor?

i need to buy p5

Hey man, you get older and you start wanting to leave our legacy behind. And by legacy I mean my porn collection.

You get used to it.

Attached: 1549836433078.jpg (1424x1901, 299K)

Having kids is low IQ.

No, really, the fertility rate is inversely correlated with IQ.

I remember hearing her dub voice, super cringe burgers can never sound young

Attached: 1541263433984.jpg (1272x711, 374K)

user I'm in my 30s. Pretty sure my IQ is as low as it can go.

Attached: Best Girl.jpg (1267x1800, 897K)

Why isn’t she 300+ pounds? She literally never leaves her room.


I haven't left my room for any reason besides groceries in the past 8 months and I'm in great shape

Being indoors doesn't make you fat

Her English voice was alright
Aside from that one time where I could've SWORN she said something different from the text

Give it about 2 months and she will press sexual assualt charges against him for holding her like that.

Do you exercise at all? I have to walk 10,000 a day and run a couple times a week to maintain.

Damn... Sae Niijima looks like THAT?

Attached: IMG_3702.png (522x348, 280K)

Just find a (girl) bro

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I do crunches and pushups yeah
But even without them I don't get fat, I just lose my abs


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Damn, shits not fair. I have a friend who can eat like shit and never gain weight.

women will always want three points above their rating at least, you're not going to make it bro.

This. Home gym NEET lifestyle

Attached: IMG_7650.jpg (1280x809, 126K)

That's a curse for gains though.


Attached: HIYAII.jpg (1165x789, 324K)

>that feel when 6'5 and love tall girls

I will NEVER be princess carried and it fucking hurts.

Attached: 1531876796037.png (570x532, 407K)

being a neet is nice and all... only if someone will pay all your bills and shit for life. Otherwise you'll just end up homeless and that's not worth shit.


Attached: Approve7.jpg (1024x945, 63K)

The whole point is you get the government to do that.

Futaba is a miracle of universe.

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Ha, gay.

Oh god, I wanna powerbomb my waifu Futaba into a bed and never let go.

why did they make her uniform skin tight?

What do people see in this meme spewing retard?

Why not? It's cute/hot.

Attached: 1501723843353.jpg (709x1000, 135K)

This is the ideal female form

women always aim 3 leagues above them until they hit the wall at 30 and will settle for anything


Attached: attraction by sex.png (500x632, 43K)

>actually decent looking Futaba cosplay
>its real


Attached: big_1515382928_image.jpg (1280x540, 42K)

Everyone wants a lover who shares their interests.

You bitch!

Is this why girls like ugly bastards so much

You're misreading, it doesn't mean women prefer ugly dudes, it means women think every dude is ugly.

all this means is that men have a generally universal consensus and women do not. the same study that produced these oft-misused graphs also went on to say that based on their messaging data women don't initiate with men regardless of how attractive they rate him, and that as there are far more "below average" men sending messages by volume, there are also far more "below average" men being replied to and finding success on their site.

go back to Yea Forums faggot

>all this means is that men have a generally universal consensus and women do not.
That actually is not even remotely close to what it means. Why did you lie just now?

I'm guessing you are a fat and ugly and picky woman. Here is a cheat: when you're fat and ugly and picky you need to work on your personality, and dismissing the issues men face is a sure way to ensure they will hate you.

wait a minute, that's rape!

>only left room twice in the last year up till now
>still same slender body and muscles I had since 5 years ago when I stopped going to the gym

Good genes, user. Not everyone becomes an whale after eating a cake.

It's exactly what it means in the context of the actual study you flaming retard. Go read the fucking study instead of shitposting out of context bullshit that doesn't even fit your incel narrative.

This. Most of what I eat goes to my boobs.

Nah she enjoys it later so it's fine. And she never technically says no.

It literally isn't. You are committing to your lie, so I am going to stop talking to you now because I find liars disgusting. Don't reply to me again.

It means the opposite of that. Men have a wider variety of what they find attractive. Men have preferences for tomboys, goth chicks, bimbos, MILFs, etc. Not only will different men find wildly different types of women attractive, but often the same man will be equally attracted to different types of woman.

Women all want Chads and they all rate men on how closely they resemble Chad.

Send discord ;3

>reeee us white males are the real victims all women are fat whores reeeee
the autistic incel brigade has arrived. been a nice thread, all, but it's shitposts all the way down from ehre.

Blade Runner is vidya

You are severely autistic, and the only one lying here is you to yourself while you refuse to read the source material for graphs you've purposely misused. Seek professional help.

Man, unfuckable fat women really love to throw "incel" around.
People test insults on themselves first to see how much they hurt. I guess that word has some personal meaning for you.

Attached: I DON'T NEED IT.jpg (1000x2876, 657K)

6'7 here.
I know that feel.
I wish I was a cute little girl Like everybody else here

>women all want chads
t. Incel

every time

Attached: arguing with holes.jpg (520x588, 121K)


Imagine being so delusional that you think that anyone who isn't tripping over themselves to fuck you is mentally ill.

Imagine being a woman.

I've seen this so many times but still don't know her name

>Men have a wider variety of what they find attractive. Men have preferences

The graphs are literally representing the opposite of this. Men agree on a baseline of what is attractive, and their preferences come afterward. Women on the other hand put their "type" preferences, jocks, geeks, businessmen, uniformed authority figures, daddies, etc. before a baseline attractiveness which is why most men are below average to most women; 80% of men are of a different type than any particular average woman desires, thus below average to her.

Honestly I'm not surprised that autistic people on Yea Forums fail to understand the context of their data and can't see past the hard visual numbers of the out-of-context graph. That's literally what autism does to your brain.

Needs to be updated to include 'incel', because in a woman's mind there's nothing more hateful and low than a man who isn't worshiping pussy.


>The graphs are literally representing the opposite of this
They aren't lol. The graphs are very simple and plain to understand. Men rate women on a bell curve of attractiveness, women rate men on a heavily negative bias of attractiveness.

>incels think anyone who disagrees with their autistic logic is a fat woman who's angry that they won't fuck her
the insane levels of cope you autistic retards project. you can't make this shit up lmao.

bullshit im a fat fuck and my gf is a solid 9/10 granted ive been called a "fat chad" but i dont think "chad" is a real thing, i see manlets, uggos and fatties with girls all the time

>this thread

Attached: 1548589361631.jpg (566x500, 135K)

Literally just eat one meal per day and you'll become a skelly in no time

Easiest way to spot an incel? They're literally the only ones who get assblasted and start sperging out when the term "incel" is so much as mentioned.

anytime you call these retards on their shit they just go REEEE ROASTIE dont waste your time on them

Why are women so mentally and physically weak? What causes them to throw a perpetual tantrum at men purely for existing and being better than them?

Attached: u15 women 2.png (1372x2020, 2.87M)

If women had a wide range of preferences like what you're saying, then the graph would be more evenly distributed because more men would fit women's ideal criteria.

The only explanation for a graph like that is if virtually no men fit ANY woman's ideal. Which means all women have the same ideal that's unattainable for men, at least the kind of men who use these apps. That ideal is Chad.

Now get off Yea Forums if you hate dealing with us autists so much. You already got a life on easy mode, so go find some cuck to settle down with already.

Like I said, it's not surprising that severely autistic people have trouble understanding the purpose of the graph and its context within the source material. I don't blame you, as you're incapable of any other response.

Nice post timers

shes so smol

I don't really know what to say to you except that you're just wrong...?
You are frankly just wrong, there is nothing else to discuss. You keep saying baseless, incorrect things over and over. The graph is very easy to understand, you are deluding yourself to avoid the facts.

nice schizophrenia

Attached: auti.jpg (366x165, 11K)

>someone posts a qt cosplayer
>seething females suddenly appear
every time

Attached: sam.gif (400x256, 1.99M)

I'm just here to check on saefag in case he's lurking

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how do i get a gross smelly fujo girlfriend

The entire point is that women DON'T have a wide range of preferences, because they prioritize their personal "type" above any objective measure. Any particular woman has a very small range of preferences, which is why the majority of men are rated below average to her. When you repeat this for every woman, you simply get the same result averaged out over all women: that the majority of men are rated as below average.

It doesn't actually mean that the majority of men are objectively below average. All it means is that the majority of any sample of men are not going to be any particular woman's "type". This is important because "types" can be changed, while objective attractiveness can't.

You are so severely autistic it hurts to read your posts knowing that you aren't even capable of realizing it. Jesus fucking christ please seek professional assistance.

What's going on in this thread?

Attached: cocky.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Hello Yea Forums, I just thought I would let you know this thread was linked in the /r/TwoXChromosomes discord channel

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (425x103, 24K)

>incels are literally the easiest group of people to bait
>theyre so fucking autistic that they interpret people baiting them as EVIL WHITE ROASTIE WOMEN SEETHING that theyre such mavericks and dont want their bbc filled pussies
>incels actually believe this
>incels are unironically intimidated by a non-existent caricature of an "alpha male"
love them tbqh. easiest (You)'s of my life

Attached: 1447360933234.jpg (672x492, 96K)

And again: if that was true then you would see a spike in the highest rating category. That data doesn't show that few men fit a woman's ideals, it shows that no men do.

It would look like an inverted bell curve with men being rated either extremely high or extremely low, no in between. The reason you don't see any high ratings is because no men fit any woman's ideal, and that's only possible if all women have the same ideal.

cool, now the tranny discord brigade can come shitpost with us to bump limit.

I hope these ladies stick around, I love a good hormonal meltdown

Attached: 1391646010688.png (800x1200, 71K)

>and again: if that was true then you would see a spike in the highest rating category.
That doesn't make any sense

>That data doesn't show that few men fit a woman's ideals, it shows that no men do.
It literally shows that only a small percent of men will be rated highly by any particular woman, i.e. her "type" that she rates highly.

>women have higher standards
not really surprising desu

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>still using "I was merely pretending"

Why do they seethe so?

Attached: women.png (1562x404, 212K)

>he actually got triggered by that post

why do women get mad when you present to them the objective fact a man has to work 10x harder to be considered attractive

And that needs to change faggot. Stop being a cocksucker and have kids!

Women get mad about anything that is in any way not beneficial to them. They are literally like children.

sounds like an incel desu

>incels get "baited" by the truth
>retreat into their own fantasy world where everyone else is just pretending

Can't you just talk about how much you want to bang anime girls like normal people?

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Based spyanon

Attached: schopenhauer on women.png (683x984, 465K)

Both sexes are literal children just about different things.

well it just became a best girl(s) thread

>That doesn't make any sense
I know, math is hard, don't worry about it sweetie.

>It literally shows that only a small percent of men will be rated highly by any particular woman, i.e. her "type" that she rates highly.
Yes, and if that type was anything other than Chad, more men would fit that criteria.

You say that women prefer a wide range of men: "jocks, geeks, businessmen, uniformed authority figures, daddies, etc." well that describes a hell of a lot of men. So where are their high ratings?

But they're not real?

Attached: 1549121416581.jpg (615x615, 37K)

why do incels get mad when you present them with the objective fact that all men can "work hard" to be attractive to women while only small percentage of women will ever be considered truly attractive to men.

Oh, right, because they're fucking losers who refuse to actually put in that work and would rather whine about ROASTIES REEEE instead

>ou say that women prefer a wide range of men: "jocks, geeks, businessmen, uniformed authority figures, daddies, etc." well that describes a hell of a lot of men. So where are their high ratings?

Keep in mind you are talking to a woman. Their brains are literally not designed for analytical thinking. She only works on emotions, and she will argue only based on emotional pleas, not facts.

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whoa...damn...what a redpill....

>you can't want something that isn't attainable

Attached: mgs where.jpg (700x525, 231K)

>only small percentage of women will ever be considered truly attractive to men.
Actually, darling, if you take a look at this chart here: You will see that roughly 51% of women are considered attractive by men. However, only 7% of men are considered attractive by women.

Same. I love raising my voice to my gf and degrading her. She seems to love it, too :^)

Because any man who isn't paying attention to a woman is a threat. Why do you think they flock to Yea Forums of all places? Video games are devastating to women because they occupy male time, and it's one of the few hobbies that women just can't seem to fully destroy.


you dont have a gf

Hmm you got a point. We should just obtain Zen and be done with it.

>incels get outed
>start spamming the same old incel memes they've been using for years
a single yike

The more I interact with single women the more I understand why they're single

A vagina is a very, very powerful advantage in the dating market... if you're unable to find a partner even with that advantage, something is badly wrong with you as a person.

>hey guys I'm totally a man teehee don't you hate all these incels?

>tfw 6'1 dating a 5'0 girl
ay manlet

Attached: women.png (982x1060, 142K)

then why are you childless?

go read the actual study, incel.

I did, it confirmed what I said. Anything else?

Attached: confusion.png (500x500, 4K)

>6'3 240 lbs.
>Gf is 4'11 105 lbs.

I thought princess carrying was gay until I started doing it and I finally feel like my life has purpose

>Femme Demon
So is the name indicative of her personality or her appearance?

>completely off topic autistic screeching about incels when they're not even mentioned

you have a legit mental condition.

damn youre right user, im sure women are absolutely SEETHING that you fat self is pent up in your stink dungeon playing anime games rather than staring at them without the balls to make a move. women are FLOCKING here because theyre so mad that highly intelligent and desirable men like you no longer give them attention. makes perfect sense

Why are women all stupid, weak, disloyal, talentless, unfunny, dumb whores that only enjoy killing babies?

I'm glad you're keeping up on the progress for part 6! Can't exactly say how far I am, but am definitely past the halfway mark. Progress has been slow, but I recently made a breakthrough, and it is speeding up. The past few days have been great for progress! I still cannot say when it will be done, but it is in my grasp. I promise to keep you updated!

Attached: IMG_3348.png (512x512, 130K)

Hey, white women.
Don't look at this image.

Attached: OH NO NO NO.png (281x361, 33K)

Yes op

Jesus Christ, imagine obsessing this much over 3DPD
Is this why you're all so miserable all the time?

Attached: futaba wallpaper.png (1600x900, 2.05M)

Women are literally incapable of using logic in a argument. It's not their fault, it's just how they are. But their arrogance and desire to be "one of the guys" just get us both hating one another. If they just accepted that men will always remain superior everyone would be happy. A wise man once said; if the woman is happy, the man is miserable. If the man is happy, both are happy

Attached: Happy_Dictator.png (531x649, 533K)

>gf is 5'3
feels really perfect to me, a height difference as extreme as yours would be too awkward imo

>it confirmed what I said
you literally didn't read the study you lying autist.


Attached: wrong.jpg (315x400, 65K)

A bunch of tranny faggots are reading this thread?

Attached: tranniesleave.jpg (480x480, 44K)

>seething roastie
he's not wrong

It's bad

When she rides me she can't reach my face to kiss me so she buries her face in my chest and it's the cutest shit

>gf is 4'4 70lbs (dwarfism but proportional)
>penis is 9 inches long with 6.5 inch girth

spinner is an understatement

Didnt expect an update saefag but I'm glad you came through, I'm rooting for you. This thread turned into a shit flinging competition but I'm glad you updated us, I'll spread the word if anyone asks later

Women do actually get extremely angry about men preferring anime over them.
I mean, this is just a fact, you can go look up places where women discuss things and see them seething over anime.

Attached: fucking drue.jpg (483x424, 46K)

asian men want them some latinas. who knew?

Is this thread really going to devolve into us making progressively more and more ridiculous claims about our height, our nonexistent girlfriends' height, and our penis sizes?

I was enjoying the roastie ragefest

>This thread turned into a shit flinging competition
blame the incel who posted the okcupid graph.

Thank you very much user! I always try to make sure those asking for updates recieve them

Attached: IMG_3518.jpg (640x923, 129K)


Maybe we could go back to posting anime girls and making discord trannies seethe, too.

Attached: 1479032277705.jpg (777x1200, 325K)

>more delusions to cope
no girl will EVER tell you this lmao

Attached: fugh.jpg (255x114, 5K)

Why did a Persona girl thread derail into a bunch of autistic /r9k/fags shitposting?

Why does it make you angry to know that men have it harder than you? Do you feel like your own dating struggles as an obese, mediocre, awful-personality woman are being invalidated?

>implying it wasn't these niggers

Probably because a bunch of reddit feminists unironically raided the thread?

White women cant compete

See I like being able to kiss while she rides me, and when we hug her head lies right on my chest right under my chin, feels ideal to me but obviously im biased.

every time

But the thread was already whining about women that was posted. I'm asking why.

A guy will never tell you that either, tranny.

You tard

the point the user is trying to get across: women rate most men as below average, but it is not the same men being rated as below average and above average by all of them, but all of them have a different set of men as being rated below and above average. There is overlap, but there is also a wide range of difference depending on what kind of man they prefer.

Read the source material if you want to understand graphs, because contextless graphs are literally worthless.

IRL qt cosplayer got posted, so landwhales gotta seethe

>tfw 7'7
>gf is 3'10
You people don't even know the meaning of pleasure.

keep coping and seething

Uh, looks like what started it is some guy complained that he is a manlet and short girls want tall men. I don't see how this is "whining about women", looks like some manlet just speaking his mind. I don't think we should be infringing on men's ability to speak their minds just because it makes women irrationally angry if something negative about them comes up

can I get an autograph mr skeltal


>tfw 8'9
>gf is 2'3
>19 1/2 inch cock with 10 inch girth
get on my level

they showed up almost half an hour after the graph had already started the flamewar. they only showed up because of the flamewar for that matter. the thread was a peaceful Futaba thread before the graph.

You can't be a feminist if you're a man

based spyposter

>tfw 9'10 and gf 2'0 26lbs
>she gets altitude-induced oxygen loss from riding me, which causes her to experience something like erotic asphyxiation

man feels good

Attached: 1493921660476.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Are you a Doraf?

Attached: 1551004741848.jpg (1000x1412, 565K)

i did
>t. asian man who recently found out he loves latinas

>tfw 35'6"
>gf is 6" (fairy but proportional)
Let's just say she's not the one getting fisted.

whats their goal?

>tfw gf's head is above mine when she's riding me

Attached: 1489689667962.jpg (300x246, 13K)

Asian men want ass because asian girls don't have it.
And latinas are the queens of ass

nah just black

And again: if that was true you would see more men being rated as the highest category because while most men don't fit women's ideal, a lot of them will. And if women really found a wide variety of men attractive, then a wide variety of men would get rated as having highest attractiveness. Instead, virtually no men get rated as such.

I don't know what you roasties are expecting to accomplish here. Go back to the real world and find some cuck to suck dry.

shit, bros

Attached: koikes.png (487x135, 20K)

It's a subreddit for women to basically seethe that men exist.
They're mostly the female versions of incels. They had a selfie thread and purged it because everyone in it was fat and ugly and men were making fun of the pictures.

must suck that your 5 incher wouldnt even be able to kiss her butthole lmao


5 inches is pretty average
Most men under-measure their dicks because they don't know what BPEL is, also

Attached: penis-size-chart.jpg (680x900, 62K)

>Persona thread turns into normalfags bragging about their sexual prowess
Persona 5 killed the series

I just wanted to talk about going on dates with Futaba and playing vidya with her.

>tfw 6.94 million AU tall
>penis 0.90 million AU and 0.6 million AU girth
>gf is 1.24 planck lengths tall (but not dwarf proportions)
>we birth new galaxies when i cum

feels good man

Attached: 1364841879150.png (251x227, 80K)

>Implying raiding threads on Yea Forums does anything besides wastes your own time

Attached: 1539129060873.png (240x240, 132K)

i know im just kidding buddy hope you get some latina ass

Do you think any universities offer course credits for posting on Yea Forums?

Attached: feminist wikipedia editing.png (371x458, 191K)

you're right it was much better when people posted the same 5 Adachi pictures over and over

>Senior in high school
>Glasss and long curly hair
>Work as office aide and deliver shit around the school
>Walk in one class
>Big black girl says "OOH, HE CUTE"
>Walk in another
>3 girls excitedly say hey to me and tell me to have a nice day when I leave
Am I attractive, Yea Forums?

Attached: IMG_3535.jpg (1024x775, 82K)

where would you take her? what vidya would you play?

It literally was, faggot, at least it was related to the fucking game

Yes and?
Bitches and whores get what they deserve

>black girl compliments you

why in the name of satan would those fuckers think we are incels?

Who gives a shit about 3D women, this is a Persona thread

Attached: 1551026235792.gif (316x228, 1.9M)

You aigt white boy

I'd be happy reaching 5 inches but I can't tell how long it is because my dick points straight up and touches my stomach

>self-reported surveys

Do african countries really boost the global average up that much? It seems weird that most of the averages are 4 and a half inches, but it still manages to almost be 6 inches.

They're measured. No male is reporting a 3.8 inch penis.


I fucking hate normalfags. Why aren't they banned on sight? It all comes down to
>muh dick
>you incel
>muh vagina
>see qt girl walking down street

Based black man

Attached: 1543562106319.jpg (384x384, 20K)

you were in a position of perceived authority and/or status, even if in reality it was literally nothing. that's what they found attractive about you.

This is photoshopped right?

Indian men have sightly above average penises and there's shittons of indians.

Do you look like harry potter?

they didn't measure the congolese self-reported survey is what I'm talking about.

You'd think the equal number of chinks would balance it out.


To be fair aiming way out of your league is the way to go.
If I swing for the fences 10 times a day I'm bound to get lucky eventually.

Seethers will seeth. We're here because we like how anonymous discussions work, and we'll still be here after these discord losers find someone else to dump their frustrations on. Until then, let's just point and laugh at their fruitless attempts at spoiling our fun.

You can't spoil that which already festered. You can't kill that which has no life

Attached: Disembarking.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Nope. It's real, came from an okcupid study.

It caused so much asshurt among women that they were forced to delete it.


>you were in a position of perceived authority and/or status
You're joking, right? I'm basically a fucking delivery boy

>Indian men have sightly above average penises
Our sources have determined your statement to be... A LIE.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-28 BBC News - Condoms 'too big' for Indian men.png (480x350, 135K)

>not fucking a big black girl at least once in your life

>imagine being a woman
Sounds like life would be a lot easier if I was


This, if I was a woman I could marry my best friend.

right, but among your peers you were something, anything at all other than a nobody like 98% of high schoolers.

is this persona

Why do women hate other women so much?

>shortstacks and petite tiny chicks
Why'd you want to curse your sons into being uber manlets? Even worse if you romance futaba in this game since you're japanese
No this is off topic shitposting

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>This, if I was a woman I could marry my best friend.
but if you were a woman you wouldn't want to marry your best friend because you wouldn't see him "that way"

women are naturally good creatures
a shame about what's been done to them

im 28 not 17

I love Fuuka!

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>two thousand and nineteen years into the Common Era
>actually wasting your time raiding one of the fastest boards on 4channel
ell em ayy oh

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You aight white boy

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I'm just waiting for the inevitable 404

Hapas and manlets should just stop being short and autistic

OP just wanted a cute Persona 5 thread, look at what you all did

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Girls should stop being faggots then

I think I'm already that disregarding my aide status. People generally know who I am. I'm not at the top of the food chain or anything, but all types of people, Chads, Stacies, Nerds, etc get along with me.

>only small percentage of women will ever be considered truly attractive to men.
>this is what fat bitches actually think

>fastest boards on 4channel
this thread has been up for two hours during prime time famerican hours.

This is because women have almost no libido.

>literally proving his point in your reply

Men ARE ugly and the entire world would be better if it was populated with girls and girls with penises. Sexual Dimorphism is a giant fuck you to every male on earth who gets stuck with a utilitarian hunk of flesh in a world where utilitarian bodies are quickly becoming entirely useless. We no longer need to work in the fields and we no longer need these bodies to provide for our families. What we're left with is a body that is, simply put, less fun than our female counterparts with no benefits

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No? If you're obese you're of course going to be unattractive. That doesn't mean ordinary looking women have anything to worry about.

Dude it'd be like dating a 10 year old it'd be so hot

Why do women seethe so incredibly hard about how much men want to fuck short girls?

fuck off tranny i love being a man

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this but unironically.
small girls are objectively more feminine, cuter, more submissive and all around better in every single way. they are even more fertile, numerous studies have shown high total estrogen content makes women shorter and more fertile
large ogre-like "women" are basically pseudo-men

>Why are women so disgusted so incredibly hard about how much Yea Forums incels want to fuck children?

First off, Futaba isn't just short.

Second, I never said anything is wrong with 10 year olds

>Yea Forums incels
*men, globally

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>implying im fat
>or even incel

that's very epic user

>like 95% of teens are attractive
fuck no lmao but maybe my standards are way too high

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who did it better?

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Holy fuck they're all so short.

being attracted to that doesn't make you a pedo even if she was 12.

user I love having a penis too and don't plan on using shoddy surgery to turn myself into an abomination, but nobody loves looking at you or me. If men could just be females with male genitalia the world would be better.

theyre japs of course they are, joker is only 5'9

fuck you im gorgeous like a LION and my gf loves looking at me, men and women are both beautiful

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is that eggman?

This thread's a fucking dead end and it should've died out long ago. How much on-topic discussion did you think there was gonna be on a single sentence about how a single side character is short?

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jesus christ those are cringey autistic "responses". nobody fucking talks like that

This is definitely a DYEL cope. A man's body can be sculpted and cultivated beyond the beauty of the female form.

You're strong, not attractive

youre a retarded tranny

Post body, DYEL.

>14 is peak attractiveness
I want to call you Muhammad and a pedo, but after entering the workforce and seeing 22yo women that already look 30, I unironically agree with that graph.

Lotta estrogen in our food.

Attached: anime-american exhibits tits.webm (406x720, 2.95M)

>tfw 5.5
I always though I had micro penis until someone tried to suck my dick and could only get it 80% in, I dont know how girls in porn suck those 10 inch dicks desu.

>Still in High School
Isn't past your bedtime little boy?

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you got a source on this nigga?

Yes... but... open at peril to your own soul.

I'm not joking, anonymous.


porn isnt real life, i know people who have been turned down with 7 inch dicks. women do not want their cervixs pounded

You'd expect someone to just dump art if anything

Particularly funny once you realize joker is also a manlet

not really for a jap, considering the average height is like 5'7 5'9 would be on the taller side i imagine

I don't understand why this chart says "pedophilic" in it when it isn't pedophilic at all to find pubescent teenagers attractive.

T. Dicklet in denial

Normalfags call anything below 18 pedophilia.
They genuinely think attraction to infants and attraction to 17 year olds should fall under the same term.

t. virgin


Why is Joker so fucking hot fuck

puberty isn't an on/off switch that gets flipped in a single day.

normal healthy girls may begin puberty as young as 8 or 9 and even much older girls may retain the superficial appearance of prepubescents well into their adolescence.

They hurt her back and she's too lazy to do some daily exercises to get the support they need. Shame really.

5'9 is actually considered tall in Japan. Especially when you consider he is 16.