why is she blowing up all of a sudden Yea Forums
Why is she blowing up all of a sudden Yea Forums
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Heather was always a prime waifu. Nothing wrong with some daily reminder threads now and then.
What? She has always been the best waifu. Also this picture is terrible version of her. Silent hill 3 looks INCREDIBLE for when it was released and the blond depressed badass silent hill waifu will always be number 1
Who's up?
she has that neanderthal admixture face but in a good way
heather thread?
Someone needs to kidnap the CEO's daughter of Konami and ask them to remake silent Hill 1-2-3-4 using mgsV engine or she dies.
How do Silent Hill protagonists just seem to accept all the shit they're going through perfectly fine?
>Harry must find his lost daughter
>James must find his wife
>Heather must find his dad
Motivation is what keeps them going.
You're thinking of James. He accepted it, because he already had a few loose screws. In the first game he was scared, but was determined to find his daughter. In 3, Heather already knew what was kind of going on. In 4, he really had no choice. The rest are trash and who cares.
>why is she blowing up all of a sudden Yea Forums
A muslim terror attack
we would love a game where you just run and scream for a couple hours and then faint
oof nobody blows up heather and gets away with it
That would be the dream.
I'm just asking for a little more emotion. Don't be a dickhead
dat smile
god I just want to fucking hug her
I'm gonna do so many terrible consensual things to heather when she turns 18 anons.
she was 17 in the game
the game was released in 2003
she's 33 now
ah man do you have the figurine? thats going to be my graduation present to myself. that or PH, his is pretty good if i recall correctly.
Fuck off Heather bandwagoneers, don't ruin her like you ruin everything else
Why is she dressed like a moron.
you dont always have to play with the sailor moon outfit. but it has its place.
>no fucked up teeth
eat my ass, OP
because they're all fucking lunatics
James was a looney who had already subconsciously accepted everything, Heather was always aware of the town's power on some level so it seemed more natural to her, and Harry's just a fucking brick who doesn't give a shit. Dude showed more concern about there being a wheelchair in an elementary school than about the literal nightmare dimension he got sucked into
no matter where you pause this video its obvious just how beautifully modeled heather is.
Harry and Henry are just really dense, James is fucking insane and Heather actually freaks out a lot.
Haha Douglas really served no purpose whatsoever did he
>there will never be a Silent Hill in modern times with Adult Heather.
Actual answer: because Silent Hill is meant to evoke the feeling of being in a nightmare. When you're in a dream you don't question the logic of it; it makes sense intuitively because it's all coming from your own mind. It's only when you think back on it afterwards that you realize how bizarre it was
Heather has always been my Silent Hill waifu. My wife saw one of my posts stating such; she was not pleased for my enthusiasm for Heather.
itt: I was way into Heather before most of you existed. I don't care how old you are. Being one of the first people to like something makes me better for some reason. Get rekt.
wait a minute
I want that
>heather will never ask you if it's not you who really feels alone
Damn Arino, savage.
I miss so much walking up to random shit and hitting the investigate button, it's a crime they removed that and I kept doing it in REmake 2 on instinct
lol get in line, my relation to heather was more personal.
>why is she blowing up all of a sudden Yea Forums
Get the fuck out newfag
Well, to be fair my only relation was that she was cute, had a nice voice, was the heroine and had that dirty girl kinda vibe to her.
Blowing up where? I've seen more threads about Ao Oni than I have Silent Hill in this past week.
Games used to tell alot of shit with the small flavor text, shame newgames are made asuming people are reatrds that cant read because "Lol its just a game XD"
ahh nevermind, I was meaning eileen from 4.
man, the soundtrack was cute and it was cool that the lady singer toured with akira.
but jesus the worst thing ever was having dialogue with voiced songs.
the denseness of henry didn't affect me so much.
Honestly, I'm fine with both. I'm the in-between that likes say, classic Resident Evil and Resident 4 equally. I think they both have their place and I'm fine with either direction.
I will admit that I do kind of miss the mystery of checking everything to see just what exactly would give you some random flavor text. Modern games kinda bypass the random walking around everything in a room mashing X over every inch.
Well, they have a helping hand.
This is something I love in DMC1. Makes exploring the castle feel so eerie and mysterious.
Room of Angel was great but I hated SH4. I died to the first pack of dogs and never went back to that retarded charged attack system. I kind of regret it now. My wife played it and liked it.
She better have liked it. I bought it for her cause she sent me titty pictures.
More like Harry is just a fucking badass.
But those dogs are so fucking easy to kill.
If this is actually the truth then kudos to the team. Playing those games at night actually made me feel like in a fever dream sometimes
I know but I kept trying to attack and it'd just end up charging up the attack and I'd get hit then I rage quit. I'm usually at the very least adequate at games, but for some reason this was the one game I wasn't willing to give another chance to.
1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1 and 2 are masterpieces, three is a shitty game and you have shitty taste if you disagree
>RE fans are living in a golden age where the new devs are putting interesting twists on a faithful understanding of the original vision
>SH remains in fucking hell and will, at best, get another shitty spinoff made by hacks
it's not fair
3 is just a shitty rehash of 1 with worse (and fewer) characters. the aesthetics, monsters, environments, basically all the art and sounds are fantastic - but the plot is easily the worst of the first four and one of the worst of the entire series.
Every time I see a SH thread it ruins my day. Fuck Konami
I always tell people that Silent Hill 3's graphics hold up to this day, shit is ridiculous
>3 has worse characters than 1
stupid kid got himself shot making a shitpost
>ywn admit to a girl that you're afraid
It makes you lament the fate of Konami. And the fact that they handed off the franchise to Western hobos in a train with windows 95 and just stopped giving a fuck.
I don't even remember the charge mechanic, must have been a while since I've played it. Was it like you hold the attack button to charge?
Reminder that Hulett apologism is not welcome here, nor are the nepotistic frauds who propagate it
I don't want to shit on 1 because its the first one, but its clearly the worst of the 3. 3 is the most scary, with better puzzle and level design. I didn't counted how many monsters there are in each game but all monsters from 3 are very different from each other. The plot is just a continuation of 1 but the characters are way more memorable, not as much as 2 but better than 1. The only characters I remember from 1 are harry and the hot nurse.
>kinda bypass the random walking around everything in a room mashing X over every inch
That was optional, you usually are pointed to locations of interest with the decuments you found arround (i still cant believe how they went full Bioshock with the very first puzzle of the game). Also SH2 has one brilliant moment just using the flavor text, that would not be posible nowdays.
Since I hacked my Vita I decided to try Book of Memories, thinking it might be a decent diablo-type game.
Ask me how it was. Go ahead, ask.
how was it user, I actually own that to and never got around to playing
how it went user? did you have fun?
As I much as I do appreciate flavor text I think they were a little under utilized in SH. 95% of them are generic "I don't need [object]". I can only think of a couple occasions where they were actually used for a character moment with James. They expanded on it with Heather but even then on a recent playthough I found they were overwhelmingly generic "I don't need this now".
so maybe i'm misremembering because it's been a long time but how the fuck did douglas get injured?
>confronts Claudia
>claudia has no weapon or monsters with her
>points gun at claudia, fade to black
>come back and Douglas is wounded
did he fucking shoot himself somehow??
Is this real? What the fuck? Chris is illiterate?
>Claudia is just a different Dahlia
>Vincent is just a different Kaufman
>Douglas is just a different Cybil
>tons of levels are empty and padded with little to no character interaction
>the plot comes to a complete halt when harry dies and nothing important happens for the >entire second half of the game
the downgrade from 2 to 3 is embarrassing, evne if 3 is better than 1 there's no excuse for going from a game that completely reinvented everything to a game that completely reused everything
>don't forget that the entire overworld and two-thirds of the hospital in 3 are literally copied and pasted from the SH2 game files since they're both in the same engine
>also don't forget that the overworld part is so short it is an embarrassment to the entire franchise
Perhaps you, like me, were bored one day and decided to give it a shot. You thought about how abhorrent the concept was, but thought a neat little SH-themed hack-and-slash on a portable might be a fun romp.
Well, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
It's not.
They never really show it, who knows. I'd assume claudia just has a monster show up or something
She certainly had one for Harry.
I'm so sorry user, even worse is that I might still try it out at some point, although that will be very far into the future. Even just looking at it I couldn't imagine how it could be fun to dick around with
Shut your mouth you stinking bitch!
Recently played 1-3 again after years and I have to say that 2 was far and away superior. There's something about the insidious malevolence of the town that elevates the entire experience over 1 and 3's cackling cult villains. I know it's annoying when random faggots act like a one of sidestory completely eclipses the main thrust of the series, but damn if it isn't true.
I really need to replay 2, it's been awhile. I just finished up a replay of 3 and I still love it. I think 3's art direction and sound design are more interesting but I think 2 overall is a better game.
He can't read music. He's standing in front of a piano. Even if you haven't played the game at least learn how2context my guy. I can only imagine how confusing politics must be without that skill.
sil3nt hill r3make - two
so what if the characters were similar to the ones in 1, they're better developed.
>tons of levels are empty and padded with little to no character interaction
the only empty level i can think of in 3 is the sewer, and its called pacing, 1 and 2 had it too when walking on silent hill.
>the downgrade from 2 to 3 is embarrassing
i agree that 2's plot is way better than 3, but you can't expect each next game to be their new masterpiece
>don't forget that the entire overworld and two-thirds of the hospital in 3 are literally copied and pasted from the SH2 game files
so what, majora's mask takes a bunch of stuff from ocarina of time and its a better game
>also don't forget that the overworld part is so short it is an embarrassment to the entire franchise
we're talking about a horror game or an rpg? if you think a bigger overworld would make the game better go play downpour
3 was a great experience for about 2/3rds of its run time, then it went full hack after Harry's death.
I actually really liked all the areas in the later half of the game. What didn't you like specifically?
>the only empty level
One huge missed opportunity was the laybrinth with the closing gates. The game really could have used some sort of Matador style chase sequence to add a little more oomph.
I think he meant otherworld user. Also that posting style is literal cancer please fucking stop.
You own the game, you might as well give it a shot. Allow me to lower your expectations so maybe you'll enjoy it.
-it's kind of fucking boring
-the combat is brainless, just mash attack and then block when the enemy does their fairly coreographed attack
-it's got str/dex/int/wil/etc like any other hack-and-slash but there's no magic. Stuff like Int affects guns instead. What I've played so far hasn't given me a good sense of how to effectively build my character.
-there's no subtitles, as far as I can tell. Not that the story is terribly interesting but if you're like me and would at least like to hear what's being said, you'll have trouble if you're also like me in that you like to play portables while watching/listening to TV.
-to advance past a floor, you'll look for what are essentially pieces for a puzzle you'll later have to solve at the end of said floor.
-there's some light/dark system that I don't understand in the fucking slightest.
>so what if the characters were similar to the ones in 1, they're better developed.
true but 1 was just some ps1 game
the characters in 3 are so pitifully undeveloped compared to the ones in 2 that it just makes you realize how little effort went into the game
also the subway, sewer, construction site, office building (SHORT, POINTLESS CUTSCENE WITH VINCENT), otherworld office building, and then you finally get back to some plot. the only character you interacted with in the hospital was behind a door, the only character interaction in the amusement park was douglass somehow shooting himself in the leg like a retard...
of all the survival horror waifufags out there, I gotta say
from worst to best it goes heatherfags > vothfags > rebeccafags
y'all niggas gotta tone it down, why can't you just be normal degenerates and want to fuck sherry birkin or something
The Hospital and overworld were a copy/paste job but I can almost forgive that, it is after all the same town. Really just how closely it followed 1's plot. I can understand wanting to follow up on Allessa/Cheryl but doing another god rebirth plot with another crazy occult lady, felt lazy.
anons it's a fact that 1>3>4>2
thanks for the info user, yeah I can't say my expectations were decent to begin with. I'm basically going in expecting a train wreck.
Yeah that's fair enough. I do think the overall story of 3 isn't all that interesting or original. The only real decent things about the plot are some of the characters and even then Heather is one of the only good characters in the entire game. Douglas and Vincent are fine but they're not really fleshed out and Claudia is boring as fuck. Aside from that I think the actual areas of the amusement park and chapel are pretty great though.
No nipples shame.
honestly, SH2 was a really weak game
maybe because the first time I actually COMPLETED the game was almost 20 years after it came out, with all that HYPE and jerking off it received as being THE BEST GAME EVER, but even when I played it as a 10 year old it just didn't impress me like silent hill 1 did
the entire time I played through it I just kept thinking, "what, that's it?"
what exactly is it that makes people fellate the game so much? its story? RE2 had a better story than it. the spookiness? SH1 and 4 were genuinely scarier. the DEEP METAPHORS AND ALLEGORIES bit? silent hill 1 did it better, silent hill 3 did it better, and rule of rose did it best
what is there to SH2 that people like?
>the characters in 3 are so pitifully undeveloped compared to the ones in 2
yes, i agree that 2's plot is better than 3, stop using this as an argument.
>that it just makes you realize how little effort went into the game
you wanted a 30 minute cutscene explaining Douglas secret dark past? he's just the fucking detective, in 2 everyone is in silent hill for a reason, in 3 not.
>true but 1 was just some ps1 game
>just some ps1 game
so you admit its the worst of the trilogy then
>also the subway, sewer, construction site, office building (SHORT, POINTLESS CUTSCENE WITH VINCENT), otherworld office building, and then you finally get back to some plot
if with that you mean the plot takes time to start i agree, but the plot is just one part of it, you still have all those levels to play, if you think its a waste of time you can just watch the cutscenes on youtube
>the only character you interacted with
if you just want to interact with characters so bad why don't you go play a visual novel?
wtf i can't greentext anymore?
>setting such a high bar in your own mind for Silent Hill 2 that the game obviously wouldn't be able to live up to
You dumb nigger, it's all your own fault.
It's the sort of gratuitous sequel fans would come up with, and what Kojima delivered with 4
>abused character from first game
>is now a badass heroine that's back with vengeance
I guess I have to give it some credit for denying a fan service scene with Harry.
when I didn't even have a high bar for it back when I was 10 years old that shit was just boring
this is the game I'm supposed to fellate like its the second coming of fucking citizen kane?
What stupid countries/states have 18 as their AoC? That is stupid high.
The historical society descent in 2 is the highpoint of the series.
Why does Yea Forums want to fuck Heather? Her game is good, but she ugly
I heard it in his atrocious sounding voice.
God I loved that shit.
because she reminds us of us in that she's a weird looking mess
if you think shes ugly ya got no taste
Hulett's only crime was not jumping ship sooner, and fooling himself into believing Konami cares about their IP's quality. Twin Perfect are a bunch of whiny, pretentious faggots.
i wish heather got more attention like that.
Speaking of soundtrack- composer, Akira Yamaoka is working on Silent Hill's spiritual successor that should be revealed this year. What about original franchise? Konami want to continue series, but sadly with USA or European studios.
She's cute even after her backstreet abortion.
don't be mean about heather!
i thought it's well known that akira blew the money konami gave him for the third on cocaine parties (probably the fourth as well).
he is insightful but can't be let alone managing a team.
hence, that's why the third feels like a redux of the first.
i'm not sure about the context of the fourth. you can tell there was a very good brainstorming phase (unlike the 3rd), with the ghosts and plot.
that the third was good in the end as mostly because the little things the creators added as it went along.
unlike the fourth, where the little things were messy - the backpedalling and item organization that forced you to return to the start of the level.
heather was a cool protagonist.