
Let's have a Digimon thread.

I enjoyed Next Order more than I thought I would. It still lacked in charm and environmental design compared to DW1 but Order Points and timing my cheers and defenses was way more engaging than the past passive combat systems. Seeing the city change and grow blew re:Digitize completely out of the water. Trying to decide now if diving into the postgame is worth it.
I'm keeping my expectations for Survive in check, but my hopes for Digimon games are just a little bit higher now.

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Survive looks interesting to me. I like the style they're going for, so I'm at the least keeping an eye on it.
Granted I've never played any other Digimon games aside from Rumble Arena. Should I try any of them?

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I usually hate VN like stuff in games, but I must admit that Survive's narrative bits look nice. I just hope the game's pace is not glacial, since movement during battles appeared slow.

The three that I've played that stood out to me were World 1 on PS1, Cyber Sleuth, and Next Order. World 1 and Next Order are really niche in that they're pet simulators more than traditional RPGs where you'll be raising your Digimon as often as you'll be making progress. Not for everyone, but if this appeals then try World 1 for atmosphere and soul and Next Order for a slightly more functional video game.
Cyber Sleuth is a more typical JRPG resembling SMT lite. Combat's good, filling out the Pokedex is great, but the script is one of the worst I've ever suffered through. Some people here seem to really like it though and it's seen as one of the best modern Digimon games.

digimon world 1 is legit one of my favorite games ever

I wanted to like Next Order more than I did but it seems 18 years wasn't enough time to find a way to make having your digimon die of old age in the middle of an important story beat not feel like a punishing grind so you can get back to what you wanted to do in the first place. I'd like to see more even more efficient training option unlocks, a bigger power boost between generations, and a tougher enemy progression to help each death feel more like a rewarding step towards advancement rather than a time-out from the fun to do chores for an hour or two.

Cyber Sleuth was pretty fun but the story is garbage, HM is more of the same but what if the protag was kind of a loser.

definitely check out cyber sleuth (get a ohysical copy, though, since it's no longer available digitally) and hacker's memory. they're both really good.

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Were you overusing the gym training? Using attacks learned in a previous generation to kill tough enemies at low stages of life led to explosive stat growth. My third generation had my Megas dying at ~1800 stats and my fourth generation beat the story at ~4400 stats.

I'll definitely have to check out Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory once I finish my backlog. I meant to ages ago but just never had the chance. They look fun as hell!

>no longer available digitally
That's bizarre, do you know why?

bamco has gone full retard with a lot of their games recently, delisting them for no apparent reason. cyber sleuth just happened to be one of them.

New to Digimon, I've seen Adventure and I'm playing through Cyber Sleuth. I've heard Adventure 02 is really bad although not as bad as Xros Wars, is it worth watching?

Tamers is the best season. But might as well watch s2 based ken.

02 is pretty meh and suffers from the same incoherent writing that later plagued tri. but then it's followed by the best season in the franchise and one of the greatest anime series ever made.

Should I watch Tamers dubbed or subbed? I've got dub nostalgia from catching sporadic episodes as a kid but I know that the dub also mangled season 1 to high hell.

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you should watch every season subbed.

Dubbed has some cringe moments, but the VAs really aren't all that bad. Can't speak too much for the subbed version but I'm sure it's fine. Really just go with what you'd prefer, dubbed Impmon/Beelzebumon is a joy though imo.

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When are they gonna give more info on survive? Reeee
I want a bad route with the skull Greymon evolution tree

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Fuck yeah, digimon!
My partner is Keramon.

Its ok but gets really really fucking boring towards the end.
It has the same pitfalls as other turn based jrpgs: have to grind and combat feels real repetitive
On top of that most of the dungeons are so boring and stale.

>Tfw I still haven’t beat Ebemon yet
I should really go back and finish.

There was supposedly something in the V-Jump for April that Survive is undergoing some significant gameplay reworks. They didn't say anything about delays but I wouldn't be surprised if release is still far off.
On one hand the devs feeling overhauls were necessary makes me uneasy but on the other the gameplay in the trailer looked painfully slow-paced.

Oh god that doesn't sound so good

It explains why there's been radio silence though, they didn't want to give us details subject to change.

I did beat him.
I played slueth until the point where u get warped at the top of a building to some digiworld.
I donno all the side quests and almost 90% of the dungeons took place in this boring looking digital world or subway statioms.
I just wish there were more variety in the environment.

Grinding is a real pain in the ass in the Story games due to how meticulous it is. In order to get certain Digimon you want, you need to grind individual stats. And there's multiple species, so you have to do it several times. Evolving, de-evolving, grinding bonds, it's all a chore.

Yeah, I agree, the repeating scenery got really stale it got to the point where after beating Crusadermon and Eater Yuuko I just stopped once I reached Ebemon.

cs and hm make it really easy with platnumes and tactician usbs. the ds games have disgaea-tier grinding, though.

Those only let you grind levels. Even if you max out a LadyDevimon's level, for instance, it's not enough to evolve it into Lilithmon. You have to grind individual stats to get certain Digimon you want.

You really shouldn't need that kind of stuff to get through a game. Especially when the difficulty was so unstable that I never really knew when to stop the grind for a fair challenge. Even with Disgaea, grinding is never necessary in the main story.

A fundamental issue with Digimon is that the core draw of the game is the monsters. Evolving these monsters and getting the mons you want is the true "prize" of the game so to speak. Cyber Sleuth, while not nearly to Pokemon levels, has tons of monsters, and many players are liable to wanna get more than one. Indeed, the game actually encourages you to have eleven Digimon on you, given that it's the maximum amount you can carry. And most players are gonna wanna have eleven Ultimate-level Digimon, and the most popular Ultimate-level Digimon have absurd stat requirements. Because Digimon is fundamentally a game built around collection, ways to make that experience smoother are naturally gonna be built into the game.

The grind is important, not because we want to get to the end of the story, but because we want to get the Digimon that we like.

>trying to farm for usbs
Its not fun. But the game is designed in a way that doesnt allow you to proceed after a certain point without an s tier digimon.
So getting these are a pain n grinding even with these are just not fun.

that's what personality patches and the digifarm are for. it's not a bad thing that the game makes you earn certain evolutions by using its other mechanics.

It's annoying and meticulous, because Digifarm requires you to reset its setup for each Digimon, and oftentimes you can't even put multiple Digimon into a Digifarm because it's not built for what you want for them. It also involves a lot of waiting.

on the flipside, though, a lot of the popular mons have broken piercing attacks that trivialize the game's combat. making the required stats high is a fair trade-off.
people are severely overexaggerating how hard it is to meet the requirements. i already had three megas by, like, chapter 5 in hacker's memory and didn't even grind that much. the problem in that game wasn't grinding or stat requirements, it was how stingy they were with memory ups compared to the first game.

That's not an excuse to make me de-level or grind out stat requirements to get through the game though. Maybe for a select few special Digimon but not everyday ones. Other monster games deliver on the joy of collection through simply playing the game.
I think a core of Cyber Sleuth's problem is that the difficulty was unbalanced. Normal mode was baby easy so I didn't want to play on that, but Hard mode demanded my best effort. It needed a difficulty option right in the middle.

you're supposed to de-level and re-level on a regular basis anyway by moving up and down the different evolution lines and building up a diverse movepool.

It's not hard. It's a slog. It's an obnoxious, boring slog. Digifarm is fundamentally built around WAITING. Again, the problem isn't the difficulty; it's not hard at all. It's just overly meticulous. Even if you know exactly what to do and how to do it, it's still a boring slog to grind the Digimon you want.

And this is honestly annoying.

But why do you have to do that when other games can achieve monster collection and moveset diversity without the grind?

Almost done with Cyber Sleuth before I head to Hacker's Memory.
>watching half of the post game royal knights get slaughtered via Lillithmon, Belphemon Rage Mode, and Wargreymon and their defense piercing moves+acceleration boost

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>all those missions that send you to Kowloon
That music track is ingrained in my head now.

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because that's part of what makes digimon digimon. evolutions aren't permanent, you can move up and down, and the story games' evolution system is how they've translated that to a pokemon/smt-style formula.
under kowloon's music was kino.