fuck off jannies, this is video games you cocksuckers
Chinese players are getting banned from Overwatch for daring to say Winnie the Pooh
How can this be used to fuck Blizzard? They're kowtowing to a foreign tyrant.
fuck off jannies, this is video games you cocksuckers
Chinese players are getting banned from Overwatch for daring to say Winnie the Pooh
How can this be used to fuck Blizzard? They're kowtowing to a foreign tyrant.
Other urls found in this thread:
Censorship is fine, cuck.
I'm gonna say the 维 word.
t. bugman
>type word
>get banned
>lose 401 yuan
>some baizuo on a japanese imageboard says this is ok because of non-legally binding tos
oh no no no
China doesn't exist you libtard
so blizzard made a deal with the chinese government to ban players for saying those words? wtf
You need to have the actual text, retard
if this is such a problem theyre welcome to gather up enmasse in beijing and fight the ccp
oh wait lol
Blizzard has no balls, holy fuck
I hope they burn to hell
Google got exposed for making a censored version of search engine for China. These companies need to feel the pressure for doing things like this. It's only a matter of time before western governments start trying this shit.
This board really is ruled by the gooks.
silly willy nilly all stuffed with fluff
>america bow down to american corporations
>american corporations bow down to the chinese goverment
Obviously the next step is banning Winnie the Pooh on the USA.
This is so fucking pathetic what happened to Yea Forums, moot would never allow this sucking up to chinas dick shit
I mean Hiro did the same thing with Yea Forums
It's kind of sad that a Japanese man is kowtowing to China like this.
Told you faggots China was superior.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Bunch of slanty-eyed cunts.
I love being American.
>Type Word
>Hunny Stolen
Oh Bother...
Why is Winnie the Pooh offensive to chinese?
lick my taint you gook fucks
so i can harass here jews, nazis, jesus, muslims, nigers, but not chinese?
Holy shit it's 1984
Actually, you're supposed to post about video games.
on Yea Forums?
Happened to me too. Fuck chinks
because it was used as meme to make fun of their retard leader who cant take a joke.
yea its a stupid free working moderator whos a fucking chink
What kind of shitty foreign dictator gets mad over being compared to this shit?
I don't see Trump getting mad over this. Hey, Yea Forums fuck you no he doesn't. SNL runs free. Jokes are made.
Not in china land.
Yea Forums is to first shitpost, second to call niggers and last to talk about games.
private server =/= government service
haha, they should vote for a different leader he seems like a real jerk
He's not he's just offensive to their Prime Minister because of memes about him looking like Pooh.
This picture, I am not joking, China is a fucking joke. Trump gets shit from him lashing out and saying their will be retribution, but imagine him banning the word orange. Chinese people are too cucked to do anything about it.
This is actually the only good thing that has been done to Overwatch post-launch (besides Ana). Those slit-eyed insects taint every game they touch with their cheats and retardation and are the only reason anybody ever wants region locks. Someone post the webm of that crazy chink beating an infant to a pulp in broad daylight with people walking by.
Mods, ban these fucks now!
because dictators are retards, if they dont have 100% control over every single person in the country they lose their shit.
>this HERO will be banned
More, the chinese government made it a requirement for blizzard to operate in china.
oh no no no no
Brave user
Herro? Hiro, the Firthy Western dags posting it again. Turn it all off.
Fucking Chinks
Anything going on twitter or is this just forum rage right now?
Literally the simpsons
To the janitors: the chinese text that you keep filtering is an attempt by Yea Forums anons to aid the chinese government and keep Yea Forums safe. We are ensuring that any chinese citizens who view this pasta are then prevented from accessing the site because it triggers the great firewall. We are keeping the chinese government happy. Without us, the Chinese government would take legal action against Yea Forums itself! You don't want that! Let us post the pasta and do our part.
how do I ban evade
I'm very slow when it comes to tech stuff
reset your router
if your ISP allows IP refresh then you're done
if not, then come back in three days
What the fuck are chinese made of
You need to have an ISP which gives a dynamic IP and reset your router. But evading bans is wrong.
holy FUCK
hard exoskeletons and a soft centre. Insects don't have souls, which is why they don't have souls either. Their resemblance to insects is uncanny
Those people on the right just getting as far away as possible haha fuck the burning guy
It is a private company.
Just don't ban what I like
Missed it, what was it?
Well the truck is going to explode.
someone deleting their own post to pretend a mod did it
you didn't even see it right retard
>everyone in frame literally stares as he burns
Daily reminder Americans embargoed and died to stop Japan from conquering China for WW2
Looks like Xi needs a Tigger warning.
okay holy shit what the fuck
What's the problem, Chinese are removing themselves from videogames. Chinese players are always garbage.
shut up
i dont give a fuck youtube.com
天安门: Tiananmen (simplified characters)
坦克: tank
liu四: phonetic for 6-4
六四: 6-4
学潮: campus upheaval
ⅥⅣ: Roman numerals for 6-4
IIXVIIIIX: Roman numbers for 1-9-8-9
Jun 4th
陆肆: sounds like “liu si,” homophone for June 4
天安門: Tiananmen (traditional characters)
五月三十五: May 35, aka June 4
瓶反鹿死: Redress June Fourth
six四: 6-4
six four
TAM: abbreviation for Tiananmen
王维林: Wang Weilin, alleged “tank man”
春夏之交: Between spring and summer
>Dude what's the problem with American multinational companies worth billions of dollars bowing down and censoring people on the behest of foreign governments
WILL YOU GUYS JUST STOP? I've already been reported to the chinese secret police for this thread, and I've lost 500 million dollars in ad revenue!
>ameriburger players are banned for typing nigger in chat
Moar, I love "fuck china" threads.
Are they only banning chinese players?
Guys, Taiwan #1, right? You still like Taiwan, we love you.
>LITERALLY snorting rhino horn like cocaine and injecting bear vomit like heroin thinking it'll make your dick bigger
Imagine being Chinese
>Imagine being Chinese
I can't because I'm actually allowed to have free thought.
>doesn't have working breaks
>doesn't even try to avoid the truck
Deserved it
>this triggers the bugmen
>say nigger
>get banned
It's no different in the US. There's no freedom.
There's nothing wrong with them doing what the foreign goverment wants them to do to stay in business in that country. Shit like getting your game rated by different rating boards is also something you have to do if you want to sell physical copies in different countries
This whole thing is just something we can laugh at while the chinks have to actually do something if they want it changed
>Say nigger
>Get banned from game
>Say "winnie the pooh"
>Get banned from game
>Social score drops
>Get visited by the government in the night
So how can we get Blizzard to comment on this?
Tiananmen Square Massacre
There is nothing to say, they do it or china ban their game.
if any of them help him, they get saddled with any and all of his health care costs that came with whatever they were saving him from. It's part of china's health care laws and exactly why you can see someone in China literally dying in the middle of the street and people won't even look at them.
>actually texted one of these banned chinese words to some faggot at PUBG on PS4
>dude disconnected and didn't see him come back
>now fucking afraid I might get the ban too
this was a week ago.
>tfw am Chinese but my grandparents emigrated before the commies took over
They won't and they don't care. They'd sooner drop support for English speaking countries than drop China. It's why Diablo Immortal is coming out - China fucking loves it. They make games for China.
Trade with China should be banned on principal. Corporations won't suck their dick if they can't get their money. Shame about those rare earth metals, really.
The most fucked up one is the bitch giving birth in the middle of a street and can't even get someone to give her a cardboard box to set the baby in.
>post Tienanmen Square Massacre copypasta in dota chess and the three Chinese named steam users disconnect immediately
what are some games with this aesthetics?
fucking mod happened to me as well. mods are fucking chinks
>Have chink name. See copypasta.
>Hey, why didn't you disconnect?
>I'm Taiwanese. Taiwan is NOT China.
>Play continues.
Based Taiwanese bro, keep fighting the good fight.
is this true holy fucking shit
Guys I don't give a FUCK about my Overwatch account.
Is it possible to connect to the Chinese servers and trick these bugpeople into typing the FORBIDDEN WORDS with an American account?
I can't remember if it's region locked, but it might be worth downloading this turd of a game to get people banned.
>There's nothing wrong with them doing what the foreign goverment wants them to do to stay in business in that country
Where do we draw the line though? What if it's a human rights gray area, or something that goes against the CORE PRINCIPALS of our country's laws?
How long until that government asks that company to enforce those same rules on OUR country?
Underrated post
imagine if you insulted President Trump by calling him orange, and then actually got arrested for it, and then going forward talking about the color orange was enough to get you banned by private businesses or cited by authorities. All public displays of the color orange are forcibly removed by civil authorities, oranges are outlawed, all traffic cones are mandated to blue,
Yes it's like a twilight zone episode that actually became real life.
Unplug your router, wait a min, plug it back in
Imagine being this much of faggot that you get upset from being banned over a fake copypasta. Have fun thinking Chinks actually browse this shithole of a board.
What is fake about the great chinese firewall?
What's fake about it? It's just a copypasta made up of stuff banned in China because the CCP is worried it might cause a bit of kerfuffle if not an actual uprising against party oppression.
>post circlejerk with an Asian image
nice try, Xian Xiao Long Bao
Chinks are way too fucking stupid and don't understand English well enough to keep up with an English slang heavy board like this.
And any chink that does browse here, either isn't in China or is using tools to get around blocks so the Tiananmen square memes don't actually do anything.
But it's still an entertaining meme none the less to stir up anti-chink sentiment. Fuck chinks. The biggest mistake the US ever made was not listening to MacArthur and not leveling every Chinese city in the Korean War.
They will stop bending over when it starts affecting their global sales too much
Soon you will have social justice credit and visits by the tranny gestapo.
Even if they are getting past the firewall and stumble upon the pasta, it offers good redpills for them. I see a net positive all around. At any rate, I appreciate your sentiment on the yellow face slant eyed menace. I'd rather deal with Japs than chinese any day.
I had a chink on /int/ make a poor application for browsing Yea Forums, so I know at least one legit chinanon
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达
>Daily China redpill: 能骗就骗 - Neng pian, jiu pian
>A common phrase in China when used in regards to foreigners. Translates to "If you are given the opportunity to lie to or scam someone, do it."
What I love the most about our current era, is that people fought to hard to abolish censorship of all kind in the 70s and their descendant are now all bootlickers that happily enforce censorship or all kind, thinking they're on a righteous crusade.
Why don't you have a link to the banned post? Any time I've been banned recently, I at least got to see what I posted that triggered the mods to ban me.
is there any actual proof of the tienanmen square copypasta working? it sounds too good to be true
Chinese really are just Asian jews, fuck
Anons get banned for using it now, that’s some pretty solid proof
>there are STILL people on this board and earth that think "muh /pol/" is the "problem" and that we wouldn't be 1000x better off if the glorious Deutschland and Nippon Empires had won WW2
Meanwhile people running around knowing that the shit of society are the kikes, bugs, mudslimes, and slavs with their hands over their eyes shouting "lalalalalalala".
>Chinks actually browse this shithole of a board.
canada and australia are 20% chinese. america has several millions of these smelly chinks. kill yourself you gutter oil drinking slant eye chinky chong.
We wouldn’t have the peaceful and efficient japan we have today or the anime, so consider that
What did I miss here?
Incentive: files.catbox.moe
Fucking gross
Do chink vehicles not have brakes?
haha yeah dude just wait for his term to run ou-
oh wait
This is just asking to get banned or post deleted. I mean, everyone, including mods, get what you're trying to do but it's just spamming the board at this point. Yes these words get chinese people in trouble. We're in an american site hosted on american soil. Nothing will happen.
You're alright
Why harass nigerians?
> tfw Trump and the Republican party pull this same shit in amurikkka
The sad thing is they're all so batshit stupid, have already gotten away with so much, and have shown that our government and its "checks and balances" are all a joke that this wouldn't even be that implausible.
Based Blizzard
They literally make everything worse
>t. pooh
There wouldn't be all of that if Germans didn't chimp out like usual.
Nips did nothing wrong but Germany is a laughing stock and cancer for the centuries to come.
if they tried it there would be absolute hell to pay but honestly it is kinda weird how plausiblr it is
especially after his own lawyer says hes afraid donald trump wouldnt relinquish his power after the 2020 election
If the Great Firewall detects any of those words it drops connection and notifies the thought police, it does work but only for players actually inside the Great Firewall. I'm not a fan of using it in games because there's a good chance you might actually be sending people to Xinjiang "re-education" camps, a place where Chinese people are routinely and permanently "disappeared". I don't see what's so good about that, come on now.
That's just because mods don't want to chase away potential advertisers, or maybe because it's considered foreign language spam and treated as such.
What do you think half of the PC master race people here are?
well they were pretty fucking crazy and going around slaughtering people in china
who couldve known things would switch like this today
You clearly don't realize how amazing Germany's efforts were despite the overwhelming odds and the limited resources they had.
To make a vidya analogy that your brainlet self can understand imagine you playing quake in a 1 vs 10 pro players (teamed). You would absolutely get your ass handed to you in like 30 seconds with a end score of 0 kills for you, and matching setting 10 kills for the other team.
Meanwhile, what happened in WW2, with the same analogy would be Germany 9, Allies 10. Sure allies technically won, but just barely and only because they had way more people on their team, and yet it still ended up being a good game to watch and not a steamroll like what would happen to your faggot ass.
nobody is ever going to advertise on fucking 4channel.org they need to get their head out of their asses
someone put it on a pastebin so everyone can pasta this
>banned from Overwatch
Good, the less people playing that shit game the better.
then instead of whining login and get some chinks banned user
or 2 vs 15 with one guy being hitler and the other the rest of the german military. hitler joins the game 1 minute late and keeps friendly firing the military while yelling in public chat
Germans are the niggers of Europe through history,
They put great effort into ruining everything.
If not for them America wouldn't be a super power like it is today and empires would still stand.
If you support Germans you support America.
Fortnite fan?
They do but they don't do any maintenance on those old ass vehicles so the breaks wear out
You all good, best China.
I know right, Hiro acts like /pol/ is the reason this site isn't advertiser friendly when we have anons making loli threads everyday on Yea Forums. Fucking Yea Forums is a pedophile hotspot with obnoxious ass cunny threads. I think /fa/ might be the most sfw board on here.
Ubisoft does.
I'm already banned
Why would I hate on Overwatch just to play an even shittier game?
the entire website is compromised, hed be better off making a whole *ACTUAL* seperate website and trying to get advertisers on there. away from the Yea Forums stigma
I got banned from ALL boards for posting these. I don't get banned for posting "nigger" but I get banned for this. I think the mods are on the Chinks' payroll.
How would I know your sentiment toward that game unless I asked? What's your idea of a good game?
>wouldn't relinquish his power
Nigger, the secret service would kick his ass out. Do you seriously belive Trump could become a dictator? Seriously? Are you fucking stupid? The guy would literally get shot. What would he do, Keep the nuclear button hostage? He would be killed, and no one would riot.
>What's your idea of a good game?
Back when I was at boarding school my mates and I would masturbate together and the first one to orgasm would get called a bender until the next day when we would start over again. It was quite fun.
no i dont think he would be successful, i just think its possible he would pull something and act retarded. possibly make some threatening tweets and lock himself in the oval office
i agree that he wouldnt last the night if he dud that though
goddamn, i just laughed for 10 fucking minutes.
>bumps into the truck at MAYBE 20 MPH
>immediately bursts into flames
>being this gullible
Hiroshima has always been lying through his teeth and avoids answering uncomfortable by saying he does not understand them. Hiro is big in debt and there's a lot of profit to be made in bowing to the bugmen overlords. The site split is just an excuse to make Yea Forums into two separate domains, one with nsfw that stays in usa and another sfw sites, which are us, that gets discreetly handed to pooh and no one bats an eye.
>where proof
increased moderation and sudden chinese biased censorship, before the split the censoring were from trannies because all the deleted posts were mostly anti sjw stuff but now it's a governing body that's controlling the site
Damn. Hiro got bought out by Tencent but the American freedom is still to strong to completely censor
interesting theory and honestly china is so fucky that it doesnt sound impossible
i am inclined to believe you
If he did that shit I would die laughing. Every single president left gracefully and he can run again. He would have to be pants on head retarded to try and pull that. A literal drooling retard. He would go straight to federal prison on treason. It would be the most unprecedentedly treasonous act in american history and sink the Republican party for atleast a century. If not that, shot. But the lulz would be magnificent.
You know it makes sense with how much blatant Epic Store shilling has been allowed to happen on this board.
In China there's no difference.
>Every single president left gracefully
it really seems like people are only getting banned for the spam with all the Chinese characters, not literally just mentioning Tiananmen Square
There are several posts like that left in the thread
this presidency is so batshit insane i would react the same way if it really happened. i can picture it too
imagine he records swat banging on the door and uploads it to twitter with the caption "NASTY police trying to take away MY freedom before the election has even BEEN COUNTED YET"
it most likely wont happen but the thought of it is hilarious
Obongo shook the guys hand. He left unhappy, like other presidents. But he served both terms. Pretty gracefully all things considered.
because that text really bothers the faggot tranny chink mods, like "so_y" did before they filtered it
and then kept filtering permutations for months afterwards
we have subversive leftist tranny mods who think they're playing cultural engineers with this site if you hadnt realized yet
Is it real about the president himself censoring Winnie the pooh everywhere because of a meme?
you know that onigger is running shadow ops to fuck with Trump via the DS controlled media? amongst other channels
netflix is one of the big examples
Yeah but back in reality he left gracefully.
please elaborate
>Winnie the Pooh is on a Blizzard instaban filter
sounds like the chinese should blame their authoritarian tyrannical Big Brother instead of Blizzard. Blizzard sucks cock for being a globalist corporation going along with the brutal and illegitimate occupying chinese regime in Beijing, though. Free Tibet!
yeah I'm pretty sure it is
they censor everything else so why not pooh too
That text block is literally the textbook definition of spam though
"Dsfargeg" and "hows it going gameboys" threads have been bannable for several years now, the China theory has basically 0 evidence going for it
Blizzard are geniuses for taking advantage of a middle-class that loves microtransactions and is larger than the entire US.
>Every single president left gracefully
I remember clinton doing some petty shit like mixing papers and fucking up keyboards
>a super power
user the reason the spamming started was because mods and jannies were quietly removing anti chink posts and banning users
Yeah remember when he told illegals to get out and vote? Because I sure do
That is shitty, what I really meant by "gracefully" was they left legally and on the day stated like a citizen should.
yeah because tranny jannies cant handle bants. its a well known fact but now they're shilling for the chinks too.
China is such a fucking parody of functioning society
>A citizen
japan is pretty awesome the way it is today.
if japan won we would still have a giant asian super power that does inhumane shit but there would be a lot more rape
also this funny website wouldn't exist and neither would we
See here's the thing even if that were 100% true he still relinquished his presidency abiding by the law.
>this much failed empire cope
If you're an American and "kikes, bugs, mudslimes, and slavs" are your biggest worry then things are going terrific.
>Be Xi Jinping
>Be one of the most powerful men in the world with almost zero oversight over your activities
>Still be utterly insecure over your pudginess that a cartoon bear triggers you
>Shit talking chinese history
stupid eurocentrist losers, how can you look down upon such great events as
>General Wang Dong's penetrative thrust at the Cu Chi Pass
>Vice Admiral Ti Ni Diq's use of the Wu-shu wave technique at Bang Ding beach
>Captain Li Ti Ri Li Hu's buzzsaw blade technique that killed hundreds of thousands of Yo Yo "Po Pu Ri" Polearm warriors
>General Tso's last stand at Pu Pu Plateau
>Chairman Mao's decisive campaign against the hordes of the Sparrow Confederacy
>Yo Yo Ma's orchestration of the ambush at Royal Albert Hall
>Wan Big Qunt and his men bravely eating millions of civilians during the Siege of Qum Ming
>Tank Man's valiant defeat at Tianmen square
>Suq Mi Pi Wi's daring escape from the escalator at the Beijing Shopping Mall
>general tso
that guy made some great chicken
criminally underrated
I fucking hate chinks. they need to die. liars and cheats. why can't they just stay on their own shit hole.
Phoneposting works too.
Just turn off your data, then turn it back on and you'll have a new IP.
Wehrboo leave
they all do that petty shit, especially when transitioning between parties
rumor was bush's people removed the "o" button from all the keyboards when obama came in. but they still had a lawful, peaceful transition of power.
>never won a war against a foreign power
Reminder that China will eventually replace the U.S. as the world's superpower and liberals made it happen.
You are right. Same shit in /pol where he basically sold mods positions to shariablue and ctr faggots. Niggers and trannishits are running the show. Hiroshit deserve violent death for what he did. He plays THE HURRDURR RETARD NO SPEAK ENGLISH to avoid any answer, and soon there will be email login accounts forced everywhere.
Also trannishit and kikes and niggershits and mudshits deserve extermination
based and redpilled.
Trannies are mentally ill
Sometimes I miss m00t. I wonder what he's up to these days.
all those Tiggered people
>live in university town where they're crawling everywhere
It sucks bro. Rich chinks send their kids to our schools who proceed to cheat and siphon away scholarships and funds that could have gone to local students, and then they unload their ill-begotten fortunes in American real estate, driving up property prices and rent until you can't afford to live in your own hometown. And any knowledge or wealth that is generated in the process goes back to a hostile state to support their government bent on subversion and domination. Every politician and official that allows them to train their future leaders and launder money with our resources should be hung for treason.
didn't even try to turn to avoid it, what a fucking retard
>>sharing my experience with chinks
>my US boss got booted of my project by his chink boss.
>chink boss is in US
>then his chink boss proceeds replace my boss with his chink lackey for mainland China
>made my life a stress and a living hell
>I quit my job as I can't stand working with them
it's not fair bros... I hope they get their just desserts
I'm taking my ball and going home.
As in cunnilingus?
yes actually
how insecure can you be
Beat the living shit outta the chink
it's stupid-ass pedoposting
you should go to /k/ sometime and go to literally any naval thread. I used to think like you but it's literally mindblowing, you can get deja vu in these threads.
>not shitposting with cunnilingus imagery
You got my hopes up. Fuck you.
>Working for a Chinese-owned company
You were part of the problem. At least you quit.
I work for a US based company user
Fuck yeah, been to Taiwan several times and absolutely loved it. Great food too, tofu soup with fried bread for breakfast is my shit.
It's not like there's a shortage of chinks to work for them instead, genius
>tfw you read about chinese bile bears
When did you realize that China is the greatest enemy to Western civilization, anons?
Why are inferior dog eaters so afraid of the 4th of June incident?
Taiwan is literally the real China though
Censorship needs a world wide ban and anyone trying to go against the ban should be shot on spot.
Nothing good comes out of censorship, but 'they' want you to think otherwise.
Daily reminder that chinks are eternal slave.
No!!!! My social credits!!!!
i feel bad that i laughed but that was like a fucking cartoon clip
how the fuck did he catch fire
Would it be considered morally wrong to kill a Chinese person considering China themselves don't value their lives?
tiananmen square protests
This has happened to me too
I'm pretty sure most chinese living in there want nothing to do with their "motherland".
You're 100% wrong. In Leafland they get flustered over the slightest bit of banter directed towards their dog-eating """"paradise.""" Must be that they're all born with a fucking microchip inside them.
You'd be surprised how loyal they are to their country.
I can't imagine how utterly brainwashed and retarded you'd be to have to think this.
This. I find this funny if chinks love their country so much why won't they go back?
You know absolutely nothing, nigger. In Hongcouver, which is where I live, these parasites stick together and they most certainly don't speak English or participate in Canadian lifestyle.
They actually do, and not before they fucked up the economy by buying up all the shit like properties too.
Correct. It's why real estate in Canada is a fucking nightmare now.
we run this site. fuck america
never seen those threads whenever I check it.
Not against the sentiment but wanting to ban banning things isn't going to help.
I spammed the tianamen square stuff and got banned for 3 days.
I dont see a problem. Say "nigger" or "gay" in western Overwatch and get banned too.
Thats why they have their own chink towns right?
>shadow ops to fuck with Trump
Sounds fun, sign me the fuck up.
Toxic assholes got what they deserved
underrated post, may your social credit score multiply and blossom
This will never happen in the good America
For me having an American company censoring Chinese from talking about Chinese politics in Chinese is like saying having a white person walk up to a black person in a black neighborhood and tell him he can‘t use the N word.
the chinese cheat, they deserve their bans in all games.
China (or as I like to refer to it, Taiwan's biggest colony) is a fine nation.
>reported every bugmen that killed me in pubg
>every single report came back positive with a permaban issued
Really activated my almonds
Reminder that other asians all despise Chinese.
we need an actual nuclear war to secure the future of this planet
Steam game
Can someone translate the pic, i don't speak treacherous leftist.
The next major war between superpowers will probably end all life on the planet forever. The public has no idea how fucking deadly nuclear weapons are.
>The same cold-hearted genius also figured that after a given SLAM had dropped all its H-bombs it could still do damage by leisurely flying a criss-cross pattern over Soviet territory, irradiating the croplands and people with deadly radiation from the totally unshielded reactor (sowing the ground with salt, radioactive-style). This also meant that the SLAM designers didn't have to worry about preventing radioactive fission fragments from escaping out the exhaust, since it would give you bonus enemy fatalities out of each gram of fission fuel. Which means they didn't bother putting any cladding on the nuclear fuel elements, they are in direct contact with the air.
>And if the Soviets managed to shoot down a SLAM, it would auger into the ground at Mach 3, pulverizing the entire reactor and spreading a plume of radioactive fallout rendering the impact region uninhabitable for about the next ten-thousand years. If they fail to shoot it down, it is programmed to crash anyway. Only after it has finished its sterilization criss-cross. The hot reactor elements will mix with the white hot vaporized forward vehicle structure to create a very fine smoke of radioactive uranium oxides. That is, of a fineness to extend the length of the fallout plume. As Scott Lowther puts it: "It'd make Chernobyl look like Three Mile Island."
>I got the same ballpark as Peter. The neutron dose of a fly-over is about 1,700 R (16 Gy and 163 Sv) but the gamma dose is 254,000 R (2,440 Gy and 2,440 Sv). This is a death rocket that kills pretty much everybody within a 3/4 of a mile (1,200 meter) radius of its flight path.
Hiro is an honorary chankoro
Is this like Tiananmen+nigger?
I don't give a shit, blast the fucking planet if that's what it takes
There was a meme in China that their dictator Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh. As a result, he censored all mentions of Winnie the Pooh in the country's media and Internet.
Clear browser cache and cookies
Unplug router for 1-2 minutes* OR turn off phone data/toggle airplane mode and wait 1-2 minutes
Recieve new IP**
Proceed to mock mods/jannies
*only works if your ISP does dynamic IP or if the IP lease isn't set retardedly high (in which case you will get the same dynamic IP)
**new IP might be banned if your area has a lot of shitposters, IP WILL be banned if you live in Canada especially if you live anywhere near B*rneyfag
>"hi guys, im 14!"
Gentlemen, if I don't have 5 quintillion Yuan and a pair of debateably legal hookers delivered to my apartment within the hour, I will have to say the 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 word.
You mods, jannies, and chinks better reply soon, unless you want to hear that sweet sucking sound as all your ad revenue dissipates.
did he think he would drive over it like Wile Coyote
Why can't they just have chink only server?
>The same place that views Peppa Pig as a symbol of rebellion
I wont be surprised if Winnie the Pooh is a similar case in china and the gov made Blizzard censor shit like that.
But it is Blizzard, and we all know how well they're doing
>one of his last acts as president was to say HILLARY DID NOTHING WRONG FUCK DRUMPF
obama literally ruined his entire service with his behaviour in the last couple of weeks. even took to national tv to say DONALD TRUMP WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT
>there's a good chance you might actually be sending people to Xinjiang "re-education" camps, a place where Chinese people are routinely and permanently "disappeared"
You say this like it's a bad thing
It's called 'pest control' and it's a public service you should be proud of doing
This doesn't work. You need to clone your router's MAC address. This sounds technical, but actually all you do is go to your router's administrator web page (usually and look for an option called "clone" or "spoof" mac address. Then type some random MAC address in, it doesn't matter. Unplug router and modem for a few seconds, plug back in.
This won't work if you have shitty ISP hardware that can't do MAC address cloning. You need your own router
Why don't they even try to swerve? I almost got hit by an old lady today and saved myself by turning out
Soon we can finally play classic wow without chink farmers, and cuckmods that don't want to ban them because das lacist.
Anyone got free time to photoshop Pooh chilling with Tibetans?
plenty of companies advertise here
you didn't think passes paid Yea Forums's bills alone did you?
The 4channel split is a load of bullshit, the porn and shit has never stopped any company from """stealth""" marketing their stuff here. Yea Forums has had obvious shill problems for years, same with /g/ and many other boards. And the plain truth is that most sysops and admins of internet forums not only know about it but allow it to happen in exchange for pay because they know it's gonna happen whether they consent to it or not, might as well get paid for it and not have to play whac a mole with companies who have infinite IP addresses and commercial grade 'personality management' software to spam your board with.
Hiro is a known, proven conman and anyone who believes anything that comes out of his mouth at face value is a fucking moron, period.
Is this doll good enough to gift a cute Tibetan gf?
This fucking post
I can already hear the police coming up the stairs, thanks a lot faggot
Taiwanese are rightful owners of Chinese clay
Redpill me on Winnie the "cinksect bane" Pooh
they have the reaction time and eyesight of a headshot victim. remember, the chink mutts are the result of thousands of years of invasions and mass rapes, anyone who fought back were killed, only the servile and inferior got to reproduce.
There won't be nuclear war.
The Jew knows that global nuclear war means all their hard work making their asinine prophecy of Jewish supremacy come true goes to waste. Nuclear war happens and the only thing they will be kings of is mountains of radioactive ashes, and their gentile slave mutt race will be part of them. All their wealth and power becomes worthless.
And nukes don't even exist, at least, not like we think. All the times we've tested nuclear weapons have been special cases, weapons that were specially prepared solely as a means of creating the illusion of having these super powerful weapons. The reality is that all of the world's nuclear arsenals aren't real nukes and are incapable of nuclear fission, and all of our knowledge of making supposed nuclear weapons has been deliberately poisoned such that any nuclear payloads we do make can't achieve fission.
Do you really think our Jewish masters would give their future gentile slaves access to the most powerful weapons that have ever existed (that we know of)? Weapons that they could easily use against the Jew menace should they ever wake up and realize who the real threat to humanity is? Nonsense. They've fooled all of us into thinking that nuclear war is a button press away but when, if, it ever escalates to that point, they are all going to have a rude awakening when their supposed arsenal fails to detonate and crashes harmlessly into the ground or the ocean.
The entire concept of deterrence relies on every nation knowing that other nations have nukes. If only they knew none of that had any real power over each other.
What was it?
The pasta?
>who think they're playing cultural engineers
They're doing a really shit job at it then
posted it in wow private server and got blank whispers
Free Tibet
>they have the reaction time and eyesight of a headshot victim
Not true. I see a lot of Chinese with great reactions.
Sad mods are cucks. Going to post Tibetan cuties and type Winnie the Pooh in passive protest to piss off China.
We wouldn’t have to bow down to authoritarian dictatorships with big consumer bases if it wasn’t for unrestrained American style capitalism discarding morals in the pursuit of profit at all costs
They wouldn’t even be a problem and would still be a bunch of starving ricegooks if American capitalists hadn’t set a precedent of moving everything you can to Asia to try and make shareholders and investors even happier
And don’t say its globalism or da joos, both are a by-product of American style capitalism
Nice bait
>it wasn’t for unrestrained American style capitalism discarding morals in the pursuit of profit at all costs
The thing is that Americans still have morals, or at least regulatory bodies that stop them from literally putting poison in baby formula as filler.
Why do canuck let them get away with it?
We are actually putting in speculation taxes and things to block it, vancouver prices are already falling.
Cheeky chink.
hiro dancing for chinese pigs
Because everyone is falling for globalism. They don't care where the money comes from, decades of relative peace have left them all senile, and they can't even sense the impending takeover.
Governments haven't run the world in years, corporations pull all the strings and we're going to end up with a full on capitalist slave society because of it.
Isn't the same thing happening in Australia too? I often heard people calling Australia a Chinese colony.
take your pills faggot holy fuck
You're literally Amerimutt slaves. You had it coming in WW2 to betray your allies for American support. Fucking island chinks
Imagine being so naive that it's totally not a conisidence that there is even an auto ban in place and mods strike down much harsher on this and usually let go other things for much longer time, sometimes takes them 6 montsh to wordfilter certain things but never instantly autoban.
If you seriously think nothing is up and it is not suspicious at all, you are a fucking child.
You know it's true. Why would the Jew allow their lessers, whom they have total control of, to shit up everything they've worked towards over petty squabbles between gentile nations that the Jew likely instigated between them?
It makes more sense to have the pawns believe they have this power of life and death over each other's heads rather than actually give it to them. All of the nuclear detonations post WW2 have been carefully controlled tests. We've never actually seen our nuclear arsenals, even a single missile, used in the modern age.
hiro bows to bugmen and winnie teh pooh
>it was American style capitalism fault
imagine defend subuman chinks
you are not funny dude
we literally have a chinese janny btw
Janny nigger shows up and cleans it up (for free)
hang the poo
burn the gov
chimp the fuck out
just like red
hot dog
ok i keked
Just bad dictators. There have been many good ones too, like Julius Caesar or Adolf.
All this bad driving happens in China because their driving school is only an exam about traffic laws. They do that and get a driver's license, without having ever drove a car before.
Just uttering the name if you're a soulless communist is said to make you internet die and be found days later chokeraped on hunny.
>*blocks your path*
Fun facts.
90% of the fresh water used by Pakistan, India and to a lesser extent China comes from Snowpack melt and glacier melt from the Himalayas.
Due to climate change, the Himalayas have been getting less and less snowpack every years and the glaciers will be gone in roughly five years.
Pakistan and India HATE each other.
All three have nuclear weapons.
Whats gonna happen when the water runs out boys?
Oh another thing
Assuming ONLY Pakistan and and India launch nukes and only at each other. It will still kick up enough dust to cause a Nuclear Autumn. Not as bad as a full nuclear winter. But it will fuck with growing seasons hard enough to cause massive famines that will kill roughly 300 million people.
good can kill each other
Holy shit these guys were unironically "I'm finna about to say the P word" posting. Real life kino.
Lefties act as if the West is the most evil place on earth. But the truth is that Western civilisation is the ONLY culture on the entire planet that embraces self criticism.
Not that it matters, as we have
1.Roughly 60 years before all topsoil is depleted globally, due to inefficient farming methods raping the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.
2. Insect and PHYTOPLANKTON biomass in complete freefall. Both dropping 90% since 1960. That's not a fucking typo. (phytoplankton, btw, makes 70% of the oxygen you breath lmao.)
Here's a better question, why not roll off your damn bike?
They're just skin bags full of paraffin, they go up in flames if the wind blows on them wrong.
And the best part is that it's OBJECTIVELY too late to fix or stop anything. Thirty years ago we might of been able to fix things. But now we got
1.10 years till the famines really kick in
2. about 25 till the first world countries start to really feel the pressure
3.About 100-150 till total human extinction
4. about 1000 till earth is just Literally venus.
And tell us, Mr. Scientist user, where would the first famines "really kick in"?
Did he died?
no one die in gif
Look at this dude that doesnt know you can convert seawater into drinkable water.
Also, youre pulling words outta your ass fucking chink
i'm sorry what
you've just said that there's no problem with corporations becoming government puppets
fucking delusional
I am not OP, but the reason as to why not many countries use the process of desalination (the process of removing salt from water) is simply because it is expensive. According to the website linked below, countries that really heavily on desalination only make less than one percent of drinkable water on Earth
I was waiting for the pedestrian to fall into the hole too. Such a disappointment.
Here is also another scientific article as to why desalination is not used as much.
use plain mod and then revert back
Get fucked bugmen
>did he think
Probably not.
>Herro, Hiro. Prease take seat
It actually work.
Fucking LOL got a copypasta I can dump on insectoids to rid them of the netscape?
>m-muh free speech
blizzard can do whatever they want nigger
Date posted and date last online don't match up.
Sorry mate.
?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? Free Tibet ??????? The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 ?????? The Tiananmen Square Massacre ????? The Anti-Rightist Struggle ????? The Great Leap Forward ????? The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ?? Human Rights ?? Democratization ?? Freedom ?? Independence ??? Multi-party system ?? ?? Taiwan Formosa ???? Republic of China ?? ??? ??? Tibet ???? Dalai Lama ??? Falun Dafa ???????? The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region ?????? Nobel Peace Prize ??? Liu Xiaobo ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Free Tibet ?????????
>last online 226 days ago
>message posted 80 days ago
hurr durr
Pastebin it, just shows ??? marks.
Reminds me of that time when you would get banned on R6S for saying "kniga".
maybe I got banned while being offline ?
he was offline for 140 days before the message
you are retarded
nothing suggests that he was banned
amazing how they ban you from all boards aswell
post boobs and you are just banned on that board
fucking chink niggers
>This thread
So are these jannies actually fucking chinks or what? It would explain a lot of things, fuck off you bugs.
Nalle Puh?
>"But we're the good guys, it's about tolerance and respect!" Blizzard will inevitably shout as they ban people because that group said some words a crazed dictator didn't like
Wtf happened to Yea Forums
trannies don't know how to hold a gun, i have over a dozen of them.
>Most studies predict that, after an initial period of augmented river flow due to glacial melt, the rivers will begin to dry up for part of the year from 2050 or 2060, putting at risk the food security of a significant portion of humanity.
And what makes you think Trump wouldn’t you blithering retard?
And that assuming he even loses the 2020 election, which he mostl likely won’t.
Once a beta, always a beta. What else could you expect from commie scum?
We are owned by the chinese, spoiler alter, so are reddit, twitter and facebook, thing is those 3 do not afford the chinese nearly as much power yet. also chinese people are effectively sucidial life is extremely cheap there, they can and will watch someone die then rifle through their pockets for anything of value and leave the corpse there. Saw a video of a child getting run over and nobody reacted the other cars just kept rolling over the child's body til it's fucking feet and arms came off and again, nobody fucking reacted. They just do not care
If they want to sell shit in China that's what they have to do
who the fuck cares if they want to sell shit
it should be a crime to bend the knee to a government like that
>injecting political bullshit into video games
And people wonder why nobody likes AAA video game companies
>Japan wasnt allies with Germany
>Italy wasnt allies with Germany (even if they were shit they still fought)
Hell Germany would have probably won if hitler didnt go full retard and attack Russia just before fucking winter, dumb ass should have paid more attention to how badly it went for Napoleon.
>say *igger
>money stolen
China isn't alone
So the US should ban their corporations from selling anything outside of the US then?
Poor baby.
forced organ harvesting Fal00n G0ng
lol the above phrase without the 0 banned me.
>phytoplankton, btw, makes 70% of the oxygen you breath lmao
The overwhelming vast majority of the oxygen that phytoplankton produce is consumed by organisms within the ocean or by other means fails to make it out of the ocean and into the air that we breath. Plants on the surface are far more efficient oxygen dumpsters
If you do it enough they block your ISP. I got everyone in Australia on Telstra cable banned from posting on Yea Forums
I bet you actually believe this since you are clearly living in your own little world
>"The chinese are taking over! I know, I'll spam nonsense!"
>spam nonsense
>get banned for spamming
This is actually somehow more stupid than the scientology shit and is going to kill this place in the end, isn't it?
>immediately goes full on flat earther
It's like a parody
My country is turned to communist. Slowly but surely
Pls help
Isn't Australia getting flooded with chinks? I heard they also drive up prices in housing and shit?
>they ban you from all boards aswell
I've been here a long time and I don't think I've ever seen a single-board ban.
are you parodying yourself here?
The whole world is getting flooded with them. They're a swarm of locusts.
hard to blame them for wanting to get out of the hellhole that is their country
Jesus christ, is it actually happening?
its insta-flagged for removal and the good jannies come and lick it up before anyone slanteyed can see it
rare earth metals exist elsewhere but no other country is greedy enough to poison their land, air, and water to process them.
Excellent, the planet has too many people already, especially chinks.
b-but the media are saying Poland is fascist
you're just deluded and a 100iq retard
all those things will be implemented in society
It also has to do with costs. America is fine with poisoning their land for fracking, but if the oil price is low the process is not efficient enough. In other countries we have to dig too deep.
Winnie the Pooh supports democracy and the Falun Gong. Time to free the occupied Republic of China and free Tibet.
it's autoban because people are spamming large blocks of chink text in any tangentially related thread to own the chink boogeyman, and it's become a problem faster than most other things.
the thing that cuts people's internet for seeing that, the great firewall, blocks Yea Forums to begin with. if you are on Yea Forums and able to see such a message at all, you won't be affected by it, simple as. it's not unga bunga chink conspiracy da chinks got us.
the bans for chink pasta are 100% because of it being annoying spam and not because hiroyukistein has given in to china, you simpleton.
Fuck janice
Use a vpn
I was banned a couple weeks ago for posting literally three moon symbols about the tiananmen massacre accompanied by english text.
>turn off phone data/toggle airplane mode and wait 1-2 minutes
just turning phone data off and on works
why doesn’t he buy Yea Forums, at least he can spend his time shitposting here instead of being bored at home
It was Clinton -> Dubya and the "W" keys
my phone says I'm ban evading even if i close all tabs and clear cookies
Operation Ajax 9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre
The Guatanamo Bay Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Operation Northwoods Iran Contra
American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MK Ultra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Cointelpro The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa USS Liberty incident Timber Syacrome
Curious if Hong Kong also affected by this. Anyone can confirm ?
I don't live in Europistan
Lol chinks are so fucking stupid.
Probably not, it’s still like a different country despite being part of China.
Nice, but i dont know how long this will last since Communism started to plague some countries again like my counties
天安门广场 1989
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Free Tibet 自由西藏
Tiawan is an independent country
Use these wards to keep yourself safe
>still supporting Blizzard.
You're supporting a husk of a company that died years ago. Bioware, Rare, Rockstar, all the same.
Less so nowdays. Officially they welcome free speech and so forth but they bar critics of the CCP from getting visas there and do a lot of secret police "arrests" behind the scenes.
Give it a few more years and it will be like Macau, technically separate but but no actual legal differences in practice and with complete oversight from the mainland.
>all you have to do is attach a certain word, phrase or concept to one of the party leaders and then meme the fuck out of it and the government will ban it
imagine how easy it could be to abuse that.
>>doesn't even try to avoid the truck
it looks like something straight out of Road Runner
>meep meep
user, take a moment to really, truly, consider the amount of fucking bullshit you'd have to deal with as the owner of 4chins.
ESPECIALLY if you bought it out of some essentially well-meaning notion of wanting to preserve the last outpost of the old internet (and one of the few actually diverse sites on the modern internet) or something.
Hiro just does not give a fuck; it's all white piggu squeals to him.
diaspora tends to be cancer that tries to compensate for the fact that they'll never truly belong by being super patriotic
even the guy at work whose parents fled from the Iranian government back then gets pissed if you criticize Iran in any way. he never even spent a single second of his life there.
>Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands
Come and take them back then with your "army". America was preventing Iran from blowing up the world when China was just some bug eating shithole. If China had any respect for it's workforce you'd all still be poor, good thing you're all expendable huh
Have you seen the images where Tiananmen protesters were ran over by tanks so that the remains could more easily be hosed down the sewers? Pretty gruesome.
tiananmen and other locations where there was a cultural revolution and protests on the streets in china in 1989 where the single party system ordered the brutal end to them was a fucked up place
This is how World War III is going to start. The weak letting in the depraved and corrupt because of tolerance to harmful ideas just because they're from a foreign country.
we learn about this in school china user. this is the glory of american imperialism, you want a coke with your general tso chicken?
You did this website a huge favor and I'm so fucking proud of you user
the bugman equivalent to German engineering and efficiency
one of the jannies is a chink
Should have just accepted our opium so you could have avoided this "100 years of humiliation" chip on your shoulder :^)
ive fuckin been sayin this.
shoulda took em out when we had em all weak.
That happened to me for just slapping two Chinese characters onto the end of a regular post in English
why are the chinks so retarded
I recently visited Hong Kong and was surprised to hear bugman Putonghua on the subway announcements. I last visited in 2003 and it was just English and Cantonese, kinda sad it will just become generic Chinese city number 46123 in the near future.
maybe if the US didn't get involved. Germany had no real chance of winning WW2. You can't fight the whole world, you'll run out of people, money and supplies eventually.
Anyone else find it worrying that companies are going out of their way to bend over for chink overlords? The insect people shouldn't even be allowed on the same connection as us, what happened to their great firewall?
fucking kek
I haven't. Please share this as it doesn't sound true. I didn't think anyone died at the protests. If people did die, why don't we have proper estimates? Surely the families would have spoken out and said how their children are suddenly missing after the incident.
Tiananmen Square
Deleted post incoming
>I didn't think anyone died at the protests
>Surely families would have spoken out
user, I don't think you realise how communism works, the 'go to gulag for wrongthink/act' is not just a trite normie meme
Based mods banning history
how many points did you get for this one comrade
>visits by the tranny gestapo.
>he said it
What a bunch of hypocritical megacunts, bowing to the chink insectoids capable of killing theirs own civilians by running tanks on them and then having the balls to shove disgusting "progressive" propaganda down everyone's throat.
I never cared about blizzshit but now I'm mad.
..explain this webm please
>Chinese government has numbered the civilian dead at between 200 and 300.
>In 2014, however, it was reported that a confidential US government file quoted a Chinese military source as saying the Communist regime’s own internal assessment believed 10,454 people had been killed – a figure that would fit Sir Alan’s initial estimate.
So tell me why there was no action taken against China by Western nations for this?
Horse broke his neck.
Stupid horse broke its neck.
Why do you boil doggo alive?
lmao Activision Blizzard just solidified it's position as worst gaming company in the US.
Of course nobody is going to cover this because they're too busy pissing their pants over THQNordic daring to do an Amazon cripplechan.
Brit living in China here.
Chinks that own PCs play MOBA games and MMOs. They don't care about forums because they'll access Weibo on their phone.
Chinese iPhones have their own App store which doesn't allow for VPNs.
They Chinkbreak their phones for VPNs so they can go on porn and check Western stuff as most are envious to see what the West has to offer.
>game doesn't update in real time
tiggas iffy uh
winnies got the stiffy uh
Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and Christopher Robin are all characters from which series?
Keep using this shitty argument chinkstain.
What is this thread about? And what is that tianamen square stuff?
SEAgers here, I played a lot of chink imported online games and bought virtual items with my dad's bux, but later on all the players left because they were blindly draining their fanbase for cash. Now the game is full of bots and those who like spending money for no good reason.
An example of a game that I played: youtube.com
Owl and Friends.
people WANT chinese people in their video games? no one likes them. They're actually the fucking worst.
You said Tigger? END OF RINE
I need a chink NPC meme pic now
It took a while before I knew he was taking the piss
Pinnie the Wu
>using the slippy slopey argument
>Germany would have probably won if hitler didnt go full retard and attack Russia just before fucking winter
read a fucking history book
The attack on Russia began on the day of summer solstice.
>post on Yea Forums "are traps gay?"
>thread deleted and banned
>go to bed
>woke up during the night by strong hands
>oh shit it's the tranny gestapo
>told I commited an offense under the incitement to hatred act
>ordered to strip, lie on belly and spread
>intense pain as the cock enters my ass for my re-education
>my lesson finally ends and I'm left leaking on the bed
>told next time the punishment will be double as long
Going to post are traps gay again tonight for some more re-education
It doesn't do shit. You fucking zoomers should try leaving the country for once. I report you fucks every time just like I did for Accelerator. Fuck China and fuck you /pol/tards.
why is winnie constantly meme'd when talking about the Chinks?
What is this? Why is it happening? can't find anything about it on the internet
>thinking slopes don't slip
I'd say it was ok: youtube.com
>shittin on based slavs
nah brah
>implying nature won't fix itself even if humans don't go extinct
Animals and plants survived the Permian extinction, we are nowhere near those levels of deaths.
>he believes the lies
probably because it was spam
I've been trying to find chinese footage of KH3 specifically the pooh world but I can't find any
Japan is our friend till the end. I feel bad we had to bomb them but it really helped them out in the long run.