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Other urls found in this thread:


Hey, Leon.
You know the drill, white boy.

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>ITT: OP cannot use a catalog

so what is leon doing right now?

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In the modern canon? Still working for the CIA, albeit he's an alcoholic riddled with PTSD due to all the horrible stuff he's seen.

>ctrl+f "RE thread" 0 results
>ctrl + f "Resident Evil thread" 0 results
>click "new thread"

Residing in a safe-house at an unknown location all for the sake of running away from Chris' obsession of Leon impregnating Claire and continuing the Redfield bloodline.

Having steamy shower sex with his soon-to-be wife, Claire Redfield.

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>“I’d ordered shoes,” Leon said. “Asics Gel Cumulus 20s— running shoes. They came in a box, just a random fucking box, looked completely normal and passed all the regular paranoid screening that the DSO does for all my mail. I remember being excited. Eager. I was thinking about trying them out the next morning, even considering breaking routine and going for a run that night instead, just to get a feel for them, wear them down. I open up the box, push aside packing peanuts that probably shouldn’t have been there if it really were a pair of shoes, grazed something like skin with my fingertips, and there were Sherry’s eyes, staring back up at me. They were— not as blue as I remembered them being. Colder. Less. And her hair was shorter. And her lips were pale and she wasn’t yelling at me about my drinking problem or laughing at my stupid lines. And then I— I lifted her from the box and there was dried blood at the bottom of her neck where there was bone and muscle and I—”

what the fuck

It's a fanfic about Leon trying to get himself killed because Sherry is dead.

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Next game drunk driving simulator

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I just want Leon/Chris bro-op adventures

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that's nuLeon, drunkLeon is in a shitty bar thinking about his first and only time with Ada.

RE8 will be like Condemmed 2, where Leon needs to drink periodically or the DT shakes ruin his aim

You're right.
How sad for him. I'm glad at least one version of Leon is doing well though. I want Nu-Leon and Novels Leon to meet up and high-five as they climax inside their respective versions of Claire

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it's kinda amazing that it took a completely ridiculous and great spinoff film to finally do it

And to this day Claire and Jill still haven't interacted, or Jill and Leon

Drinking puzzle.

It truly is.

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>tfw it will never be the 90s again

I wanna go back bros

Why can't she be real bros
Jordan's not the same

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I'm sure the future is full of great things, guys!

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not with that attitude.

How disappointed would the 90s characters be with how everything turned out?

Reposting because one redpill a day keeps the uninformed away


Okay, so apparently, newtimelinefags got BTFO and kinda validated at the same time.
RE2:R is NOT canon. At least not to the events of 3/CV/4/5/6/7. It's a revisiting/reimagination of the original, NOT a remake. The CURRENT games (including 7 and futurely 8, i'd guess) are based on what happened in the ORIGINAL RE2.
At the same time, the fact that it's not canon to the current events gives the "new timeline" some validation, because RE3:R would follow up on it, and then maybe wrap it up so things don't go further from there (Sherry being possibly free of the G-Virus, making RE6 impossible, is an example of that). That "new" continuity wouldn't be canon, but it would be an alternate retelling of the events that led into RE4/5/6/7/futurely 8. You can make that your headcanon if you're an autistic shipfag.
They also make it clear that they don't mind retconning shit as long as it's entertaining.

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I wonder if Claire's body was handmade or scanned from someone else. It's too perfect and nothing like Jordan's.

this is your new president, say something nice about him

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good enough i guess

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Has to be scanned, handmade can't look that real with all the defined muscles and bone structures. Like her knees look way too realistic to have been crafted manually. They probably sculpted it to make it look better after the scanning though

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I wish you could make her lose the holster and fanny pack

He has cool shades

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Screw Claire to piss off Leon so he can see how important she is lol.

I just watched Vendetta, when did Rebecca's boobs get bigger?

It's the best you could get. It's an actual different canon that Capcom will just be tsundere about while releasing games that complement it's story. In reality, it's the same as a new timeline, but they don't wanna really officially consider that. As long as RE3 Remake follows up on RE2 Remake it's a win for Clairefags.

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it's probably just a pushup dress


How's their life as a family?

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Quite while from what I've heard. Claire has helped Leon get over his alcoholism, and Leon provided Claire with the emotional support she's been needing for quite a while. It was a rocky start but things are going well and I believe Sherry would think so, as well.

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Absolutely based

If The 4th Survivor is canon and doesnt have any difficulty settings. Does that mean Hunk's difficulty is the canon difficulty?

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Dead thread. This fucking sucks.

It's like I'm really in a general on /vg/ !
How come there is no DMC + RE general thread over there anyway? There definitely are enough obsessed fans and waifufags, and both series are active as hell.

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Yay I did it.
Now to find the last 4 missing files.

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I came here for Chris posting and memes...I'm disappointed.

Whatever happened afterwards in this scene? Does the White House get eventually overrun by the infected? Because I remember there being giant Lickers and a million zombies just outside the fortified walls.

It's honestly one of the best RE fanfics I've read although it's only half finished

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There is no canon difficulty because the specifics of the player-controlled normal gameplay for the most part isn't canon. The characters never get infected because canonically they never get bit - that's just you fucking up as the gamer. The "real" Leon and Claire would be perfect at surviving and always avoid being bit / sliced / grabbed / punched etc

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Why does Leon have the same emo haircut after all of these years? Like in RE2 and RE4 it makes sense because he's a cute twink in both, but why in RE6 where he's 40 years old?

Which characters should crossover with Dead By Daylight?

It's a symbol of how he wishes time would go back to how it was in the 90s.

the events of the white house battle are entirely offscreen in a novel

Hairstyle is just a defining part of one's look. Tons of series alter their characters faces between games as the tech gets better, but they almost never change the hair

>Got to sewers
>Gave up
Game immediately started to suck.

An exception is Chris but Chris got changed a lot in general.

Claire is amazing

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>played REmake 2 to death
>replayed RE3, trying to go for that A rank, already bought infinite ammo from Mercenaries
>played Revelations 2, it was shit except for Barry, no interest in REv 1 because it looks even worse
>RE2 wasnt ever my favorite, and already replayed it
>already beat RE1 a shitload of times
Might as well bite into the shitnuggets of RE0 and CV.

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How do Super Tyrants manage to catch inextinguishable fire on their mutated arms? Is it one of their superpowers they get after being freed from their metal coats?

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Your only option is Nemesis and Jill.

Have you played REmake 1 yet? If by beat RE1 a shitload of times you're talking about the original, give the REmake a go. It's a great update to a great classic, REmake for 1 is by far the definitive way to play it. Just do a quick runthrough at least once to check out the blessed, righteous upgrade it got that it deserved. Just remember to grab the mod that changes the UI/font to the gamecube version for top tier comfiness.

CV is really fun for the first half honestly
antarctica is when it shits the bed

That would work pretty well actually.

>you will never probe becca's tight, warm, 18 year old hole with your cock
tell me why I even bother waking up every morning. how could capcom have the heart to make a waifu so perfect, knowing that she'd never exist irl and that that fact would haunt players for the rest of their lives?

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she's great, every bit of her

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T-Veronica virus gave its mutations flammable blood and in itself a modified T-virus. Its plausible as a random mutation.
I have played REmake 1 jill on (((console))) but RE1 was my very first, and while I do like the graphical upgrade, I disagree with some of the aesthetic choices, and crimsonheads are sorta tedious.
Ive played the original too damn much and the REmake mansion just doesnt ooze the same charm to me- and while i know its a stupid nitpick, its really what bothers me about it. the mansion is too damn rundown imho. Everything looks like its been rotting for 20 years, but the outbreak happens within the last month or so before STARs arrives. it just gives the mansion a generic haunted house feel for me.
otherwise, its pretty great.
I cant translate how nemesis would work into DbD mechanics because im not too familiar with them. Nemesis could have something or other where he builds up his mutations that give him his tentacles and shit. can infect survivors with the t-virus and then they get an outbreak style infection timer before they succumb or something. i feel like the rocket launcher would be too OP.


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>not nu-claire

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>has had multiple bfs, isn't a virgin
>rides a motorcycle (clear sign of promiscuity)
>not that attractive
>doesn't have short hair, doesn't look white
lmao enjoy having kids with a mutt slut with the face of a butt

Fuck I love blue eyes man.

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>“I’d ordered shoes,” Leon said. “Asics Gel Cumulus 20s— running shoes
This sounded like something out of American Psycho.

oh no it's you.

Who? You realize that there's more than one person that sees Claire for the thot she is. You've fallen for her womanly tricks, a skill she's honed on the dozens of men she's seduced in the years leading up to the events of RE2.

is there any way to fix the shading / shadows in this game on PC? For lighting / shading, even at max shadow quality I can still see little grids of shading on my character outlining the polygons that make up their model (especially from dim / distant lights), and dark shadows from like Claire's hair cast onto her body look like scraggly messes. Lighting from a distant light source that gets dimmer with distance causes the walls and map to have striped shadows that look like window blinds, getting darker with each stripe up.

At least the camera-light on the gameplay cam is very close and bright so you dont see those gradient stripes or squares on your character unless its from an external light source

Well that's true, that goblina thing really doesn't look like Jordan.

>“… I don’t remember anything after that,” Leon confessed. “I only know what happened after because they told me. I failed my routine check ins, didn’t respond to Hannigan when I was supposed to, so they sent people to check on me four days after I went dark. They said they found me sitting on the floor, holding Sherry’s head.” Leon paused. “I overheard Hannigan talking to the doctors while I was getting shot up with all kinds of shit to bring me back to life. Apparently, the people who found me chose to describe what I looked like as— as a man trying to hold his child. One last time. Hoping that maybe I could bring the warmth back. Hoping that I could bring her back.”

I'm still holding out hope she's fine

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>unload magnum bullets, shotgun shells, large handgun ammo, and matilda shots into Mr X's skull 100 of times
>also knife the shit out of him and blow him the fuck up with grenades
>doesn't die but instead kneels
>final boss battle with Mr X
>shoot him once with a rocket launcher
>dies despite being stronger and mutilated

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People used to keep trying to argue her eyes were too dull and lifeless. I'm pretty sure that was just the lighting / room-specific-color-grading in particular rooms that gave them that impression

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S-shut up!

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Stupid livestock.

Hey boys! Have you been good for mommy and played Resident Evil 2 today?

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Claire is adorable.

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She is so cute it hurts

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Her eyes aren't and never were the problem. It's those stupid cheeks and mouth. She looks straight up mentally challenged in some scenes. I played through her entire campaign and never got used to her face, that's how bad it is.

You guys have awful taste in women.

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Think what you want, I think she's very cute and I love her.

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What the fuck is the deal with this alpha beta omega furshit fanfics? Is it just an excuse to have butt babies which is not only retarded but gross as fuck? I’ve seen ones where a girl is an alpha and has a dick, so it’s not exclusively gay shit, why? The characters are nothing like canon so why not just use oc characters?

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It originated in Supernatural actor fanfic and blew up from there to the point it has infected Japanese BL manga. But yeah women can have hyena parts and impregnate too in some of them. The damn T-virus has shit on it.

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Fair enough, user. I just wish you and people like you would keep your ugly girl fetish out of our games. Claire Redfield should've been hot as hell in RE2R and instead we got whatever the hell that was supposed to be.

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I don't have an ugly fetish. I think she is beautiful.

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Supernatural has such a disgusting fanbase, it fucking revolves around brothers fucking eachother, fujos are a blight

Her cheekbones look like they're trying to escape her face and due to her massive overbite she can't close her fucking mouth.

Omegaverse is nuts but love is beautiful

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You seem pretty picky m8

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yes mommy I played Claire B on hardcore just for you

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Is Leon literally a CIA nigger or is it some other agency?

Maybe I am, but she's a fictional character so I have every right to be. I want my sexy, unrealistically perfect Claire Redfield back.


Good boy, mommy is so proud of her favorite son. Come sit on mommy's lap and tell me what rank you received.

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>leon the twink with his gay hair gets all the straight shipping
>chris the badass action hero gets all the gay shipping because wesker is a faggot and fujos can’t understand family
Fucking bullshit

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Chris is fairly popular with the bara crowd.

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Looks like a very beautiful and sweet woman to me.

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It's her smile. She looks like a psycho clown.

>It's her smile.
This. As soon as she smiles, it looks like she's about to rape/breed.

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kek, it does

She was never unrealistically perfect. Beautiful yes but not unrealistically so

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Turn your FOV down to minimum instead of maximum (this isn't an FPS) and it wont stretch and distort her face towards the edge of the screen whenever she's near it
And accept the fact the the overhead lighting in the game will often make unnecessary pitch-black shadows around her lips, eyes and nose that make her look like a clown. It's just the lighting engine is fucked . Her face is very pretty in the screenshots ITT and in the model viewer, because she is well illuminated there

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If you're using that awful PS1 CGI as part of your argument then you really need to try harder. She looks great in Code Veronica and Darkside Chronicles, as well as promotional CG for the original RE2.

I want to cuddle with Claire.

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I love Jill, she's perfect.
>ywn know Jill
>ywn date Jill

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oh jill

this house is dangerous

there are terrible demons

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I've had oneitis for her for 15+ years.

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>a girl will never look at you like this
feels bad

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That's from an porn animator.
She has a cute smile in the fence scene. It only ever looks weird when she smiles on the train at the end because teeth seem to reflect light from sources that could never reach them and thus they kind of glow. Teeth in general look kind of strange in this game

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there is literally nothing wrong with Claire and you touchless trogs should not be picky

How many of you would be down for a reREmake in the style of RE2make?

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God please no.

post hardcore resident evil porn.

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ehh, no thanks

It's necessary.

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utterly based and deadpilled

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Going to ban anyone that posts spoiler images starting now.

Yea Forums IS MY CREATION!!!!!

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what sounds do these things make

i could do without tbqh

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Post your times, faggots
I screwed up a few times, otherwise I could have shaved a solid 5 minutes off

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based and birkinpilled

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>*injects himself with autism*

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i think he had it before, there was a notable incident where he cooked a pot roast or something and annette wanted some and he started screamign about it being his creation

I bet Annette fucked the chink scientist behind's Birkin's back. What a cuckold.

look at this reflection yo

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In another timeline, Annette fucks and is impregnated by the handsome rookie cop named Leon and Sherry finally gets a good father figure in her life and not a screaming wiener

Big black cocko.

she was probably getting saturated whenever wesker visited on umbrella business

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>when William is fighting for control of his own body, he’s desperately trying to pull G’s eyeball open so you can shoot it

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>he saved Sherry from the Tyrant

Sliced that fucker to pieces. Either that one wasn't as sturdy as the one Leon fights, or Birken's claws are sharp as dicks because he tore through that coat with 0 effort

Are you telling me they have real time mirrors in their eyes?

Why does reddit call the tyrant 'Mr. X'?

Muhhh DMX meme.

He's called that in the books.

Everyone calls him Mr. X, even magazines back when the original game first released. That's how it stuck.

I think in the original they explain that the trench coat suppresses the tyrant's growth.

>look up hentai mangas for RE
>its all guro/vore

I mean I guess it is the perfect series for it, I suppose

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How can that shub-niggurath looking thing be fast?


>Alright, I had my fun casual playthroughs, let's do Hardcore and do it quick
>Start with Claire B

This may have been a mistake.

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I know that it's a power limiter, but this one seems to also have some defensive capabilities, seeing how it ricochets anything shot at it. Nothing Leon or Claire have can pierce it, but Birkin just rips it to shreds along with the majority of the Tyrants chest

Bad Writing

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Another element of it. Birkin does middling damage to Leon and Clair when he swipes them in G1, but oneshots a Tyrant
Come on son

Claire is for love.

>The characters never get infected because canonically they never get bit - that's just you fucking up as the gamer.
That's not necessarily true. You're not 100% totally fucked if you get infected by the t-virus. UBCS were issued antiviral drugs and it's possible for it to be treated. See: Jill. It normally takes about four days to a week for the virus to do permanent damage.

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god REmake 3 just can't come out soon enough
I think I'm burnt out on REmake 2, did too many speedruns back to back and dumped way more hours than I'd like to admit into this game every day over the last few weeks. Still need something to scratch that RE itch but it just can't be RE2 anymore. How are the newer (RE5-7) games? I've yet to play any of them, all of my RE experience comes from the first 4 games + REmake 1/2.

It took 4 years for REmake2 to release after it was announced, don't hold your breath son

RE5 and 6 are good third-person shooters and if you really, really can't get enough RE than they should be fine. 7 is more or less a first-person, somewhat more cinematic version of the classic games.

They could easily reuse the engine and a lot of assets for REmake 3 though. Total dev time wouldn't have to be that long.

If you want something more akin to this I'd go with 7, it felt a bit different from the rest of a series but considering 5 and 6 that isn't a bad thing. The Evil Within is also out there if you haven't played those, 2's formula was somewhat akin to RE2 Remake with lots of exploration in the beginning and more linearity in the end.

I'd pipe Redfield's sister fellas

But how much of that time was spent crafting the basic building gameplay and mechanic building blocks for REmake 2? Even if it's not coming for a while, I imagine REmake 3 will take nowhere near as much time to finish. They already have a proven, working engine, the gameplay and mechanics would be the exact same so they wouldn't waste any real time developing or testing that either. All the real work would just be artists updating RE3's maps and models in the new art-style. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out in 1.5-2 years instead of 4.

Are 5 and 6 more action shooter than RE gameplay? If they're still good games I'll check them out regardless.

They already did reuse the engine from 7, but yeah it would probably be faster than 4 years but I'd at least expect a dev time of 2 years as there goes a lot of work into actors, voice, textures and other stuff. More than likely RE8 is on its way and Capcom wouldn't want to release a remake of 3 too close to that. If I'd guess I'd say
>RE8 - Early 2021
>RE3 Remake - Early 2022

For comparison there were 2 years between RE1 and RE2, and then 1 year between RE2 and RE3. Once the core engine and gameplay is developed there really isn't that much work left to be done.

They're action shooters at their core, yeah. They have good Mercs modes as well.

Sure but they didn't scan in real life objects and actors then, and it takes tons of more work to do stuff today than the late 90s.

Oh yeah for sure, just meant it as an analogy, once the groundwork has been laid all that's left is art design and layout. The fact that they're not coming up with an entirely new story, nor entirely new locations or characters, is in their favor too. They have a classic story on their hands without any need to worry about how it's going to be received if they more or less leave it as is.

Didn't 7 have fairly different gameplay from 2 though? A lot of that time was probably figuring out how to update certain elements or mechanics from the classic RE games to fit in a modern one.

>tfw won't be alive in 2022.
Hopefully I can make it to Animal Crossing.

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>Sure but they didn't scan in real life objects and actors then
You'd actually be very pleasantly surprised user, scanning real life objects for video game use has been used back as far as Doom in 1993. All of the guns are straight up scans/photographs of toy guns devs at ID owned. Some of the enemies/enemy animations were scanned from clay models. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing was happening in the RE games, especially for backgrounds.

7 plays different than 2 in the sense that it's first person, and normal goon enemies that you manage to kill stays dead. It does feel like 2 in the sense that you have some unkillable stuff chasing you while trying to explore on multiple occasions and it's the first RE in a long time that did the classic RE formula. RE7 has basically the same inventory system as 2 and you will see a lot of familiar design choices.

pic related

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Almost same, can't get over her since I first played RE3.

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Jiggle physics should be mandatory...females in games looks like plastic dolls without. Nu-Lara suffer the same problem.

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Yes please, with both OTS and FP cameras available.

That is actually cool as hell. I wonder how they will handle a remake of 3 though. Will they add dodging? Choices? Extra playable characters?

Thats definitely happening after RE3make

Its not cuckold when the dick is tiny.

Would be a dream come true. I'd love it in a more 90s tone as the first, not necessarily as dark and dour and 2000s-angsty as REmake.

At the risk of sounding like a boomer or a classicfag, REmake doesn't need a remake. It's a perfect video game as of the Remaster that fixed what little lingering issues remained.

I loved REmake 2 btw.


Attached: 1545918056768.webm (908x512, 1.09M)

Here's some more if you're into that kind of behind the scenes kinda stuff. Original clay models of the cyberdemon and revenant doing one of its animations made by one of the ID artists as they looked after the scan.
>Will they add dodging? Choices? Extra playable characters?
I hope so. Excited to see what they come up with after seeing the quality of their work on REmake 2. I think RE2 was properly done justice, this wasn't so much a straight port as it was a re-imagining, and a damn good one at that.

Attached: doom_clay_demon.png (797x877, 879K)

I dont understand...is this an actual AI commenting game footage or we're already at the point an AI can play and comment a videogame?

It's a man using AI over his facecam.

They did the same for background textures for walls/doors/switches too, just took photographs, downsized them, did slight recoloring and slapped them into the game. If you've played the original Doom you're bound to recognize this, for example- it's what was scanned into the game to use as the wall switch texture.

Attached: Satyr_Texture_Gargoyle.jpg (454x555, 135K)

I wouldn't worry about the faces in 3make being as bad as 2's. On the final DMC livestream the other day, Matt said RE2 was done in-house, but DMC's was done by a Serbian mocap company and that they're more pleased with DMC's results. As a fan of both - especially after DMC5's newest and final trailer - if they go with the DMC guys in Serbia again, Jill is going to be the waifu to end all waifus fellas.


you should see the video where she talks to cristoph waltz and the rest of the alita cast

re2 definitely seemed like capcom experimenting with the scanning and performance capture tech

There's not a single attractive female in DMC5 tho.

Attached: When+they+dont+even+know+the+basics+of+cqc+_1cc2dc8d239907c79ead07f1a9a8c5a4.jpg (497x603, 54K)

user, you might be gay


Cope, Lady is mommy tier.

Attached: Screenshot_2 (2).png (823x586, 676K)

Attached: 2x grab.jpg (1916x963, 484K)

Attached: 20190301023556_1.jpg (1920x1080, 747K)

>there's not a single attractive female
First of all, Trish and Lady are in their late thirties. Trish, visually due to Eva's likeness. Lady, because human age.

Second, they look good despite that. Neck yourself because you're obviously gay, and there's only one thing worse on this earth than a catastrophic earthquake; it's faggots.

Attached: 20190301024007_1.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

blacked dot com

Attached: 20190301003301_1.jpg (1920x1080, 700K)

unironically hot as fuck

Attached: 20190301015520_1.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)


But this pic just proved me right tho, this right here is cope at its finest.

Attached: 20190227145546_1.jpg (1920x1080, 534K)

>proved me right
literally fucking gay

Attached: leon.png (540x540, 514K)

See!? Cope.

You're the one coping. It's 2019 user there's plenty of faggots like you who'll accept you until the reckoning comes for you sick fucks.

Attached: 20190301015623_1.jpg (1222x1080, 349K)

You don't know what coping means, your waifu is shit, kys nigger.

You first, faggot.

not claire

Attached: 20190301014317_1.jpg (1920x1080, 843K)

There is no way, that would take so much processing power for no good reason

I wish she didn't look like she's wearing a cheap wig

Attached: 20190301024555_1.jpg (1920x1080, 717K)

reflection should be flipped.
Just Capcom being lazy as usual

Whats up with Claire's head? And hair?

it's using that silly mod that changes her face

Attached: 20190301044056_1.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)

Why is the new Resident Evil fagbase so fucking degenerate?

Attached: 864rj7880.jpg (1368x855, 112K)

>Games with hot waifus and mutating tentacle monsters.
>Asks why fanbase is degenerate.


Attached: POW!!! .jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

RE fans were always like this you fucking newfag

Remember when DMCucks tried to push their "goblina" shit here because they were so butthurt about Nico and Lady? I remember.

Not prevalent like this. 3D model modding really sent it into overdrive.

Sauce me up nigga

There's been 3D model modding in RE for years. You're just mad this RE game is popular enough that you've got obsessed fans everywhere on Yea Forums for like a month

I just hate degeneracy in general. With RE it's a shame because I like the series but the fanbase is literally ebola.

How does this make you feel?

Attached: 1547755414796.jpg (525x736, 31K)

Attached: Buffalo Bill.jpg (1280x720, 54K)


>I just hate degeneracy in general.
Then why are you on Yea Forums? This place is degeneracy world

Yeah, Reddit might be more his speed. The resident evil subreddit doesn't even allow posting of face mods as "it might offend the face models".

Drinking himself to death and jerking off to his yellow oneitis

>The resident evil subreddit doesn't even allow posting of face mods as "it might offend the face models".
Is this real?
Is resident evil even real
am i real

i wish racoon city looks more like this.

Attached: racooncity_re2_001.jpg (794x598, 65K)

Your people mistake is thinking REmake3 will come Before RE8 wich could fuck up completelly the Claire x Leon stuff

Attached: pelvic bone.jpg (1920x1056, 636K)

Glad to know Pete survived and works for capcom

You people need to stop going for ´´RE3 will be faster to make because they reused one area`` thinking seriously.The wait will be only worse if you keep thinking that way

shut up and go back to wanking over DC Claire again faggot.

Nah, her smile is fine. What is bad is sometimes the self-shadows on her face wrap around the outlines of her lips, nose and eyes and it looks like she's wearing dark clown makeup, it looks like shit. But that's just lighting, not her face

alcoholic tired of capcom's bullshit

Attached: 1551136967294.png (294x241, 76K)

>he didn't re6 mercenaries

Attached: 1551382932636.jpg (535x443, 144K)

no shit sherlock, the game can't even follow its own continuity with bosses being killed in both scenarios at the same time, leon finding the virus vial open for taking despite being "A" and sherry being thrown in the same place as ada yet never meeting her

anyone else like the way her spats make a small buldge of fat where they meet her thigh?

Attached: claire_hires1_spat.jpg (3344x3072, 795K)

That just means only one of the four scenarios actually happened as you see it in the game. Everything else just happened off-screen.
If you played Leon B, then it means that - in that version of events - Claire only ever fought G4, and G3 / Annette didn't stop her taking the antidote so she just gave it to Sherry herself and never bumped into Annette. Meanwhile, Leon fought G1, G2, G3, Super Tyrant and G5

OG Raccoon City was kino design, I don't get why they retconned it into a metropoly.

Attached: image.png (640x480, 195K)

>Sherry being possibly free of the G-Virus, making RE6 impossible, is an example of that
This line of thinking is retarded. Her being free of the G-virus does not nullify the early stage genetic changes her body may have gone through. It's not like if G3 had the virus removed from his body he would revert back to William and die of the gunshot wounds he got before injection.

Attached: REV collateral damage.webm (1024x576, 2.93M)

Attached: becca_mutate_killme.webm (960x540, 1.37M)

These movies are canon right?

Attached: REV Leon is so fucking broken.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

the CGI movies are canon, up until remake 2. we dont know if remake 2 starts a new canon, lets hope it does for Claire's sake

Attached: claire_sees_girl.webm (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Wtf i love Ada now

those streets are way too narrow for an American city in the midwest


Attached: chris close.png (305x452, 211K)

Attached: Unused.jpg (890x1200, 211K)

stop that

Attached: Unused2.jpg (782x1200, 197K)

Reminder that Wesker observer Jill's pubic hairs

Attached: Unused3.jpg (1189x1920, 331K)

Attached: Unused4.jpg (724x1200, 153K)

I just watched (parts) of this and it was fucking hilarious. Not only are Chris and Leon (the latter to an especially ludicrous degree) apparantly made of rubber, given the abuse they take, they are also blatantly superhuman. It's about time the lore aknowledged they are infected and are basically successful Tyrants. It would at least make it very slightly less silly that they are pulling off shit Wesker in his infected prime would have struggled to. Both of them would trivialize the Nemesis at this point in hand to hand/gun-fu.

past a certain age, a Jill without a family can be a bad thing

Attached: dog2.jpg (2113x1692, 1.96M)

Attached: 20190301122213_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.72M)

Last time I checked the RE subreddit they were posting furry fanart of RE2R.

God I love knees

All the girls are aging past the point of no return at the current spot in the timeline.

>RE1: 1998
>Vendetta: after 2013

We don't know the status of any of the girls as of RE7, but even by Vendetta, Jill is in her mid-late thirties and Claire her late twenties. By the time we get a 2020s game Jill is going to be mid-forties going on fifty and Claire her thirties. I guess they could use Jill's time with Wesker as an excuse to slow her aging.

so the canon version is Claire A / Leon B with Leon B being the actual game and him doing all of the heavy lifting? Because with Claire A you don't see the complete ending.

And I say Claire A because she has to be ahead of Leon most of the game based on the things that happen

how do you explain Rebecca's slowed aging?

Attached: becca_wife_962.jpg (450x488, 62K)

Chris has rebuffed any woman that has ever shown any interest in him and has gay sex club gear as alt costumes.

Leon has actually sgown interest in women.

Its not hard to understand why Chris has been deemed the potentially gay one.

See . They are all infected with the(/a) virus, each exposed during their respective game appearance, and due to unique bilogical traits/luck it just manifests as being unnaturally youthful with half the physical capabilities (and durability) of a Tyrant.

>not realizing rev1 and re5 were literally “where’s Jill: the game” from start to finish

Wonder what it’s like to be you

Honestly, given the series tries to maintain a pretence that any of them were ever normal, it's the only thing that in-lore explains why we went from the first three or so REs and spinoffs to the crazy shit from RE4 onwards and the movies.

Jill is already 44, Claire 40, Rebecca 39, Ada 45

Probably just a cubemap reflection based on which area you are in

>rev1 a game where ypu play as Jill more than any other character is about wheres Jill
>re5 a game where you dont even know Jill is alive until half way through before imediately freeing her of mind control before going off to find Wesker again is about wheres Jill

Its okay if he comes off gay user. Its alright.

Leon fought Tyrant!Arias with a handgunn and motorcycle. Leon for better or worse was the original action hero of RE.

Sure, but the only one we have seen since around 2013 is Chris briefly in RE7, so who knows what the others have been up to. We are long overdue for some losses. It feels like no one important has died... well... ever unless you count Wesker.

RE fanbase will explode in autistic REEEE if someone dies.

what the fuck, this is pure gold

Attached: max payne.jpg (427x300, 16K)

know the name of it?

I don't know if people have talked about this before yet in threads, but I just picked the game up a few days ago and finished both campaigns tonight, so I'm curious to see what you guys thought. Why are ink ribbons solely tied to hardcore? Why didn't they make easy a save whenever you want type deal, and standard and hardcore require ink ribbons? They could've easily made standard more approachable even with ink ribbons by just giving you more of them in standard than in hardcore. It adds a whole new element of time and resource-management to the game as far as figuring out where you want to save and instead of giving players the option of being able to savescum every single room and encounter in case something doesn't go 100% their way. That shit takes any semblance of horror, tension, or consequences out of a game that's already low on all three throughout most of the run, especially on standard. Just makes me feel like it's a missed opportunity, majority of people who are coming into this game with it being their first taste of RE will never touch hardcore, they're just gonna play standard and miss out on the true way the game was intended to be played. Capcom should've put ink ribbons in standard and forced players that wanted to play without them to bear the mark of shame on an easy playthrough where they can't get any unlocks or achievements.

Oh yeah, and before someone comes and tries to tear me a new one for shitting on the game- keep in mind I fucking loved this game, by far probably the best thing that's gonna come out in 2019. I'm excited to go back and play through the campaigns again for time, but I don't think the game is without flaw.

I would guess fear of pissing off more casual players who don't like "easy" modes despite hating challenge of any kind.

I love DMC5 Lady the most, she and Dante need to have a baby!