The shitty gameplay and mediocre graphics engine

the shitty gameplay and mediocre graphics engine

Attached: file.png (250x267, 49K)

Sorry your switch can't run it

The gameplay has little to do with the engine itself, fattie.

go to bed, Michael


>mediocre graphics

Attached: claire_face_sad.jpg (465x378, 27K)

Agreed, the engine is fucking trash.
Blurry TAA that makes the game look 480p, completely borked reflections and shimmering everywhere.
Yet sony shills like digital foundry said RE2 remake was almost perfect. Ridiculous.

Yeah, I haven't liked the look of any game on this engine yet. I'd take MT framework over it any day.


>mediocre graphics engine

Attached: 1533559557653.jpg (2100x4235, 2.16M)

>these yellow and gray screenshots will prove them wrong!!

>mfw FOX and Luminous are in the hands of dead or incompetent devs
>mfw we only got open world cinematic trash
>mfw such great engines will go to waste

Thank god the RE engine is being put to good use

Attached: 1551221781935.jpg (600x448, 49K)

>trying to post screenshots so small that people don't notice that the game is a blurry mess when you're actually playing it
>being this fucking retarded in 2019

>blurry mess

Stop using TAA and switch to SMAA, you mongoloid.

game play has nothing to do with the engine

Almost everything in RE2 used pre baked lighting

>60fps VR RE7
>Unlocked REmake 2 framerate on consoles
>Easy to get 4k 60fps on pc
It's nice, I like it

RE7, RE2 and DMCV all look great.

>Fire and light have yellow and orange colors.
Big surprise.
Yeah, that's the color of steam, most rocks, dust, and sometimes mud.

You're probably developing glaucoma in your eyes. Go to a doctor immediately.

>re2make is popular?
>me hate re2make
>me hate popular thing
>me Yea Forums contrarian
>ooga booga

>mediocre graphics engine

heh, nothing personnel kid

Attached: My Power Shall Be Absolute.webm (914x504, 2.7M)

>defending this shit engine
That proves who's the mongoloid here.
And yeah, it's you.

fuck you, i was gonna say that

It’s ok.

using pre rend cutscenes the actual game while in gameplay looks nothing close to that lol.

What is that image trying to convey?

Attached: 1547259358405.gif (374x586, 1.11M)

i assume you are mad that you wasted your money on the switch instead of something good

>RE Engine
>used by DMCV and probably DD2 as well

Attached: 1544808141702.png (213x201, 11K)

>this small group of items means it's okay for a game to have barely any contrast at all

I need to see what you look like

Blurry graphics is the result of cheap anti-alising, RE engine supports SMAA so theres no excuse for you to be playing like this. Learn how to configure your graphics or get a better machine next time.

call it a ree engine

except the game is pretty close to that

you are one next level retard

How does it feel to be left behind?

Sorry Capcom bailed on the Switch, better luck next gen child. Maybe you can get some games then.

just turn off depth of field bro

what's that?

Attached: file.png (461x147, 88K)

Imagine being so fucking retarded, he doesnt understand basic post processing.

I said, better luck next time child. Maybe Capcom won't bail on your shit tablet. Imagine being an inept Nintendo user that needs to build a shit PC to play good games.