Reminder that these "games" are for brain-dead retards that have never played a strategy game before and need a constant stream of porn to keep them from quitting.
Reminder that these "games" are for brain-dead retards that have never played a strategy game before and need a...
Really? I should check it out. That description is me to a T.
And that's a good thing
you're wrong. here's your (you). die mad about it.
How about actually putting up an argument? These games literally provide the most basic strategy rpg gameplay and have sex involved with every other scene.
People literally skip the porn to get back into the story and gameplay
I know I do
Also X isn't an strategy game and over half of the Rance series isn't strategy either
You are just retarded
Well tbf that is the point of the game.
If only there was a constant stream of porn too many girls never got a single scene.
>People literally skip the porn to get back into the story and gameplay
the fuck? you gay or something
The porn is just shit in Rance except in a small amount of scenes
Ew... didn't knew these people actually exist.
Like saying watching porn for the story.
I mean the story and gameplay is bad but you can't say it's great either.
Lmao, you think I don't know strategy? I have over 500 hours in Civ 5, 200 in EUIV, I can win as any kingdom in CK2, I've played board games in real life with friends. I even have a few mods installed in the above and I win at those too. Try matching that before you talk shit, kid.
What kind of retard doesn't watch porn for the story? Literally the most kino scripts. Nowhere in hollywood will you see this shit
whatever you say, twink
x's gameplay is groundbreakingly good you tasteless cuck
someone please explain to me if why/when you should increase max troop size in sneogku rance
First play through I put huge effort into maxing out troop count, and I got stomped
I read the wiki, and it said enemy count scales with player enemy count.
In that case, what advantage is there to increasing troop size? Is it a dmimishing returns thing, or what?
The scaling is only a factor in higher difficulties, I wouldn't worry about it too much just increase troops normally I know there breakpoints where more troops are less effective and after 2000 they don't add much damage at all. I think the first breakpoint starts at 500.
Why Rance?
/jp/ shitposter or /vn/ /alter/kek?
Porn is not good for the brain.
try beating Galtia and Medusa on your first playthrough
its too late bro
What's it gonna do?
Give you cancer obviously.
I agree. That Kichikuou Rance relies too much on event triggerings rather than overall strategies.
Sengoku Rance is a little better but fucking hell, its too much about general skills, it becomes Dragonforce than real strategy
Fuck off. Kichikuou is still the king of strategy in the series. Every event trigger requires strategy to even reach and deciding to trigger which event at what time is a part of the grand strategy in and of the same time. You can't just run around killing everyone and taking every town or your game will be over in minutes.
Who is worse Kichikuou faggots or SRkids? Most obnoxious posters in Rance threads.
Rance posters in general.
>best game posters are the worst
uhm okay sweetie
I've been saying this for YEARS
While I enjoy a variety of map painters and blobbers, the Rance series popularity is not about the gameplay or even the porn outright, it's about the whole package, it's got solid gameplay, decent porn and a whole lot of charm in terms of plot and the off the walls stories. Even side characters that in other games would get a couple of scenes and then just be ignored get decent development over the entire series. In fact it probably has one of the biggest commitments to a constantly developing world and characterisation in games.
I rate the series as a whole 7/10.
>Still 5 years until English Rance X kino
They've only just put the retranslation of Sengoku Rance into beta, we've got a time to wait for Rance RPG and even longer still to wait for IX. X is a pipe dream at this point.
Rance Quest not Rance RPG. I'm a retard.
learn japanese, you fucking EOPs
lmao why would I put effort into learning moonspeak when I can just complain that translation packs are going too slow?
>spending years on a language just to read porn
no fucking thanks