

Attached: 1549901282985.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547894917111.png (240x160, 6K)

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547894994301.png (240x160, 6K)

Is he right?

Attached: a stick.png (1621x897, 163K)

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547895003295.png (240x160, 6K)

Still can't believe they got away with that.

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547895007679.png (240x160, 6K)

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547895013288.png (240x160, 595)

Pretty sure the magypsies are the main reason this game will never be localized

Attached: 1549250329019.png (1000x650, 705K)

Who, the people that translated it?

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547895034907.png (240x160, 653)

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1547895064877.png (240x160, 6K)

>fucking a

Attached: smug titans.png (1280x1519, 836K)

Psychedelics bring us closer to the truth

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1549657621167.png (240x160, 9K)

I had a pretty good roll.
I never got past the first few chapters of Earthbound, but I can't put this game down. Should I go back and endure it once i'm done with it?

Attached: Mother_3_[T+Eng1.2]_1549906994368.png (240x160, 8K)

would you let a drag queen fuck you to unlock psychic powers?

might also be the drug use, child abuse, animal abuse and overall dark themes

I have never found traps attractive, but after this, I get why there are eternal trap threads on every board, all these anons are unlocking their true potential

Where is the hot spring rule 34

>fucking a


Attached: tenor.gif (129x90, 5K)

Is this what you want?

Attached: 1548059798813.gif (1237x678, 284K)

no. earthbound is the weakest of the mother trilogy, literally nothing good about it.

Its missing duster and boney staring at them
I need more though, this can't be all there is

Is Mother 1 better than earthbound?

Mother 1 has good battle OST

Yeah the beginning of earthbound is pretty weak but it takes off after the first couple areas

I mean, it WAS localized, with the fan translation.

I didn't say trap, I said drag queen. complete with beard.

Oh neat another Mother thread, might as well update you guys on my Kumatora model
It took me way too long to realise the proportions were fucked up so badly, so I've been resizing her body to fix her although I think her tits still need some adjusting
But right now I'm remaking her head & giving her a proper mouth instead of the drawn on one her smash model has

Attached: kumaWIP6.png (944x638, 250K)

This is already an edit of an edit, so you're not getting anymore...

Technically speaking yes

holy fuck that's hot! keep it up

Oh god I love Kumatora so much

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she's prime plap material

Attached: plap.png (319x230, 12K)

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It's not just an "a", it's the greek symbol for Alpha "α".

Attached: 1551059851175.png (1500x1500, 1.01M)