He lives

He lives

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Other urls found in this thread:


the channel sucks but it getting taking down is bullshit. good to see



Thank you for posting this OP.
It made my day. Glad to see the copyright strike didn't stick.
As celebration we should post our favorite rips.
Here are some of mine.

although looking a little further it seems like tons of rips are still deleted. The playlists are gutted

Attached: 1550947718294.webm (1408x792, 2.33M)

They're coming back periodically from most recent to oldest, give it like a day at most and everything should be back up

Good I was hoping they wouldn't all need to get reuploaded.

the undertale rips were top tier

Nutshack was better than we are number 1.


cringe thread, go back to your discord siivatranny

Victory royale

>they actually got the channel back
The absolute madmen

i thought silvagunner was one guy

>love live, nutshack, flintstones and 7 grand dad memes

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>really funny idea of making what is basically thousands of ytpmv of video game songs and tricking retards into clicking on them
I'm mad

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kys and take your e-celeb cancer with you


This, the lore thing is easily the worst part of Siivagunner

>GRAND DAD?!?!?!
why the hell does unfunny shit like this get reused over and over again when funnier stuff like Unknown from M.E. get used once and never get referenced again?

The only shit you should be allowed to complain about is Triple-Q's Snow Halation shit. Stupid fag even acts like he does know that shit got him killed off the team. That's why I comment "op" on all his videos now to piss him off. Its working cause he loved someone's elses post that was the same to piss me off.

i can't wait for more EPIC snow halation and flintstones remixes

saged btw

Attached: terry a davis.png (990x682, 466K)

>The Pc-98 2hu remixes are gradually coming back

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>Triple-Q got kicked off the team
holy fuck you're dumb

Fuck off Triple-Q your rips are fucking shit

nice >:]

Attached: shibe666.png (306x300, 123K)

>unfunny gimmick faggot shills his content here when he has less than 90 subs
>newfags flock to it for some reason
what is the appeal of this gimmicky garbage?


Culture has returned to youtube

The lore shit was ran into the ground on multiple occasions, but every now and then they picked up a funny thing (which either is remembered as 1 video or just ran into the ground so much it ruins everything before it, typically the latter)

That said, while the "good days" are probably behind them, it's nice they got the channel back, if not just for the good handful of "rips".

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How did they lose it? I remember one guy cried and shut it down


this poster isnt tripleq you stupid

this one is though, fuck off tripleq

Jazzy Beloved Tomboyish Girl: youtube.com/watch?v=WIHfxjXipPM

Chromakey Symphony: youtu.be/Q1X6xxy04SY

JSR Territory: youtube.com/watch?v=Ujd9npdOgtE

Man I missed this good shit.

Oh yeah, I think his name was ytp4life

yes, search for ytp4life crying, this was the reason the channel was removed

i thought Yea Forums like Siivagunner?

all me btw

Attached: 2727228828.gif (370x279, 384K)

nice :^]

>video uploaded 6 years ago
Please save me the trouble of listening to this crying faggot, what's the issue?
Did the siiva use this vid in a rip and the guy got the channel shut down?

Yea Forums doesn't like anything

thank god, i thought you guys hated this channel

yeah pretty much

i remember we had siiva thread last year and nobody sperged out

piss off, big head

they are shitposting, the actual reason was copyright strikes

legitimately what the fuck are you talking about

ytp4life crying is much older than siiva and has nothing to do with the channel being taken down, amigos

ytp4life was one of the founding members, but he got into drama lately. i think he got into some allegations for showing his dick to a minor or something, might have been why the channel got taken down behind the scenes

that's because most of Yea Forums likes everything until it becomes popular, then Yea Forums hates it. See: pretty much every 'meme game' ever.

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he was never a part of the team, and the recent allegations were faked by a faggot that has been known to fake shit up and harass everyone he doesn't like

The Snow Halation thing got so bad it made me actually hate masturbating to LL doujins.

t. lorefag

AC7? i think Yea Forums decided to destroy it now because it was proven to be popular

easily my favorite
can't believe they tried going all in with a stupid leak lol

Triple-Q got kicked cause they found out he drew fucked up bondage hentai iirc there were some ddlc ones where he put his OC in (the chibi love live girl) and there were lots of people who that didnt sit well with

Attached: ytp4life nyc.png (900x1200, 1.61M)

why are the comment sections such cancer, I dont understand

>instead of getting more vids like this, we're probably gonna get more Flinstones, Snow Halation, Nutshack, Gangnam Style, etc.

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siiva team member here, and yeah ytp4life was pretty much our second in command up the point where he started harassing trans women and showing his penis for everyone, we had to get rid of him but that didnt cause the takedown, what caused it was a bunch of rogue drake mashup uploads

half of these are me btw

this pic is for you

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Why this still a thing, shit was outdated 2 fucking years ago. i guess anything can stay "popular" with mindless sheep.


I sent a rip to siivagunner once and they called it god awful and called me a nigger

just wanna say every thread on Yea Forums ive seen of siivagunner is way more positive than i would've ever expected out of Yea Forums

that's mighty based of them

he was kicked because he made a racist version of the CCC where moonman kills a shitton of black people and says the n word

this was likely triple-q


this deserves more than a shibe

Attached: thanos ass.jpg (787x641, 58K)

Reupload Rock My Forum Xar I know its you

it was godawful, nigger

Xarlable in this very thread

Can I shit in your mouth if it's fun for me?

SiIvaGunner fucking sucks and if you think its good, you are either 7 years old or mentally retarded

What n word?

Attached: based the image.png (441x447, 110K)

I attended the Siivagunner panel at magfest this year and after three of them came up to me, mocked my height called me a faggot and pushed me for asking for a picture.
These are horrible people and they must be stopped

im a siivagunner admin ask me anything

Attached: latmOCu.gif (350x174, 318K)

>Yea Forums
>not mentally retarded
if you're so good, go back to plebbit then

nah that was someone else

you have to admit the moonman video was blessed tho

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since ive been found out there's no reason to hold it in anymore, now if you'll excuse me

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t. 5'4

You just need to get taller faggot

who the FUCK is miyamoto gaming

>liking plebit shit while telling others to go there
Nice cope

screw that, here's a more important channel revival

FUCK siivagunner FUCK tripleq FUCK botanicsage and FUCK chaze the chat

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Why do you all hate fun like seriously


holy BASED

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>liking plebit shit while telling others to go there
ah, plebbit likes this? you seem pretty knowledgeable about them, i guess you'll fit well with them ;)

>up the point where he started harassing trans women
What's wrong with that?

i amu a part of tha shiruvbuagunna team and i aglee wan hundled pacento. fuakkka u shirubeva gunner!!!!!!!!!!

based and redpilled

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I liked sIlvagunner when it first started but I couldn't keep up with the nonstop uploads and the meme shit was getting pretty boring.


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Perhaps what you find to be fun, others find to be annoying. What if someone kept blowing an airhorn next to you, and when you told them to stop, they said "but I'm having fun, why do you hate fun?"


>the point where he started harassing trans women
Don't tell me you guys have legit trannies in your "group".

This the same Triple-Q that made the Sakurai announcing Solider 76 was gay video?
I thought that was actually funny. But he sounds like an asshole.

then people like you should keep your mouth shut and let us enjoy it, if you don't like him fuck off this thread

rollan for tweety

Is there a better rip?

You don't have to be in this thread

do nottu ask questions you ale not plepaled to handre the answels to

Attached: miyamoto fucking gaming.png (1349x618, 1.51M)

what's wrong with transgenders, faggot

I liked SiIvaGunner before he sold out and starting going to conventions and selling merch. Absolute fucking sellout, Fuck that nigger.

The channel fucking sucks. I'm interested in good-sounding mashups. I'm not interested in ancient dead streamer memes. I'm not interested in intentionally bad mixes. I'm not interested in earrape. I'm not interested in "clever" jokes. But there's no way to tell which of these is which until you click on the video. It's a waste of time and patience.
>You can only post positive opinions in a thread!
There are sites for you and Yea Forums is not one.

Let's go.

that's the point, you just can't listen to all the rips, just pick the one with your favourite franchise on title and listen to it

>those replies
the current state of this board I tell you I though being under age was supposed to be bannable

>No Spongebob



Attached: miyamoto gaming.jpg (3000x1700, 506K)

I hate boomers who shit one genuine good content it's funny and everyone enjoys it, stop being jaded old man

Yea Forums is not a place for hugboxes

The premise itself got tiresome after a few videos, the in-jokes just made it into a circlejerk as well.

mr miyamoto san please kill xarlable for me he just found out i was impersonating him and now hes looking for me

The whole channel is run by a team of 60 trannies i checked

>if you don't think that a song turning into the flintstones theme is comedy gold then you must be a 60 year old man
Excuse me?

thanks doc

Does anyone else notice how a lot of the fervently defensive replies are written in a horrible, underage-esque format?

I find that hard to believe when almost all franchise songs have a mixture of actually good mixing and pure memeshit like with Live and Learn

flintstones is so 2016 they moved on to other more epic things after a few months

Because the actual team members are in this thread right now.

>other more epic things
Are you 14 years old?

average age of the team members are like 15 year old so it makes sense, no one else would have enough free time and autism to do this shit

excuse me im 16 thank u very much

No one should be actively discriminated, but don't act like there's nothing "wrong" with "transgenders". The nicest thing you could say is that they are not "mentally sound".
There's a reason why the L, G, and Bs want to stop being associated with the Ts.
Never mind how some twisted fucks turned an instance where a handful of people who genuinely suffered with "gender dysphoria" is now a full fledged "fad" like "Emo" and "Scene" once were.

It's probably phone posters trying for shitty bait.

fuck i want some ice cream, rollin

Dude, these news gave me chills like no other...


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yep, thats all me, who am also the op, who am also a faggot, now if you excuse me ill go back to erping with my transgender gf

I have no fucking idea what this thread is about.

siivagunner blackroom, ask me anything

Attached: iJPCCqx.gif (608x640, 393K)

its funny, just look at the youtube comments they love the shit out of it like we do too, its the current age memes, like sans undertale is another funny one wihitch you all seem to hate cause again you hate fun

I believe you, but give me some proof to work off of.
And don't just link the discord they plastered all over reddit.

>"hotel" from undertale that was mashed with hotel california is still gone

ecelebs shilling their shitty youtube channel

You type like a child, and one that has never used this site before.

hate to tell you being born in 1999 i can still post here, whether you like it or not

The meme they use for Sans is his theme, not the tumblr shit everyone else uses.

No way, bro.


Attached: AE191077-1ACB-4B8F-98B4-B8359167276E.jpg (480x549, 61K)

Absolute faggot.

>anons on this thread really think the channel is managed by the same people and in the same way as three years ago

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please be honest with me, how many times a week do you guys get together to jack off on VC to pictures of obama?

Funny, I was born in the same year, and yet I do not type like an inebriate.

>The meme they use for Sans is his theme
That is the meme, you fucking idiot.

not enough

is the crazy bus remix back up yet

is correct

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lol ok nerd

any qt boys there looking for a bf? no trannies or underages please


only me ;)

Then you don't know why everyone is sick of sans shit.


Nigga are you Xarlable?

so 2001?

send discord


no, pretty sure thats chase the cat posing as xarlable

>Triple-Q got kicked because he drew bondage hentai with a Love Live girl insert
Fuck off, you're lying. That's a pretty dumb reason to kick someone out of a meme channel.


This is my guilty pleasure.


>implying it's underage to like this stuff
I can tell you are old, this is current humor even for people in their early 20's. but some of his fans are underaged, but thats just like every creator ie, pewds. you can't stop it, with smartphones given to younger and younger people thats just the future of comedy

fuck triple q

Attached: vmlehov.jpg (763x734, 67K)

93 fag here (the previous punching bags), and there's a clear fucking cut between the years 96/97 to 98/99. The people born after are entirely different type of people.
There's a reason why the dumb "boomer" and "zoomer" memes blew up the way they did.

This will always be my favourite rip because it's actually a pretty fuckin sweet mashup

So what happened, where did it all go wrong?

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i love the classic MGS rips, yes its halation fuck off

I wish it was.
Is Le Ruse Bird still with them? or did he also get fucked like Triple Q?

hey managers that are obviously half the posters in this thread

hi :)

Who reported the damn video? We can see who files that shit


Forever my favorite rip.

I miss you Aniki.

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i love every rip that has the soulja boy steel drums

he got kicked after posting harlequin baby. pretty based


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He came back later that same year. I'm not sure if he's still making rips though

reupload rock my forum you shitter, i know you're here

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he said rips, not your favorite pokemon tracks

if you actually like this le epic underage eceleb cancer then please kill yourself as soon as possible

BEANED was the only funny meme because of how triggered fags got over it


It takes a special kind of retardation to actually believe his lies. That faggot e-celeb the most referenced person in the channel, has 3 yearly events centered around his sources (Gangnam Style, Snow halation and Kyun Vampire Girl) and the CCC is starred by his meme doodle and his pfp (Meta Knight).

The Voice is a strawman is Q's haters ffs

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Many members stopped doing rips, but still hang out with the team. Some of the managers went away and more got added after the channel ended in 2016. There has been some drama but it's outside from the Youtube channel.

>those cringe-worthy attempts at making lore and having stories ripping off other video games, especially Kirby



Attached: 1550463857584.gif (100x100, 255K)

LOL! What a zany guy!

>tfw you found the channel right when "it ended"
Always wondered why the newer shit was never as good.

based image

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hey there you fucking nigger :^)
yeah here in siivagunner we're all racist, we love the kkk and everyone here is a nazi

Really on principle, this should be e-celebs rather than a celebration of vidya musical shitposting. The discussion is around how fucking GAY the guys running Silvagunner are rather than the "rips", for fuck's sake.

BASED and youtubepilled

What's up ruse, hope clover is coming along well

Attached: moonman.png (226x301, 122K)

>scrawny white incels

Attached: 94f.jpg (556x527, 32K)

Who is who in that vid.
Is the original dude even around anymore?

me before my transition on the middle, fifth from the left


>that autistic furfag who can't sit still

reported :^) you can't make another youtube once the original has been terminated.

We all miss him, friend.

Wherever he is, he knows you can do it and you're gonna make it.

Take care.


2 more days till the anniversary

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Sonyfags btfo

Siivagunner is forever.

why is everyone in this scrawny as fuck? This is exactly what I imagine when I picture virgin nerds.

why is everyone fucking white lmao
how many of them are trans

just like us!

How can you be so fat and so scrawny at the same time?

Thank goodness, I had a playlist with over 1500 videos.

channel founder is in the back on the right bed hidden all video

>why is everyone fucking white lmao
If there was a black guy, you'd complain about "token black", and if there was a variety of races, you'd call them out for being "SJW". Fuck off, retard.


>not posting the panel

look at these fags

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What are some good songs from this channel that aren't shitty memes? Never bothered listening to more than a couple.

If I recall correctly, that's carbohydrate or sugar fat. Eat too much s-oy (vey) or sugary foods, and you'll get that body type.

are people actually excited for 1000's of shitty rips?

me on the right

>majority are obese
>an ugly attention whore
>two black guys
>a thing of indistinguishable gender
It's like a high school anime club.

ngl the asian one is just my type
whos this qt

he's our residential mass shooter.

sans is the only good looking person in the pic, congrats

eevee sucks

>the most normal person in the photo is the fat guy on the far right

>snow halation
And it was going so nice.


Underrated rip

Wonder how many people collabed to make this, must have taken fucking ages

that guy in the middle with the sunglasses is pretty photogenic ngl

is he finally back? what killed his channel anyway?

You can stop any time.

Youtube was a shit but everythings alright now

Let's be real, that masked faggot isn't a tranny, it's just a chinlet.

I'm confused, I was listening to an upload by GilvaSunner yesterday, I've not noticed him gone?

Why don't you find this hilarious? What's wrong with, don't you religiously watch animes about 12 year girls like the rest of us?

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Pokemon Black rips

Attached: Black.png (592x1221, 429K)

No that's all me fucking dumb ass get your shit together

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sage goes in all fields

dont feel too bad user, im sure you probably look fine too

replying to my own posts lole!!!

You literal fucking smooth brain
that's all me

Attached: go go gadget gun.jpg (224x224, 11K)


based whoever the fuck he is lying down

are we really posting this brainlet here now? guy had the top spot on youtube for like a month then acted like he owned the place. isnt he a rapist?

can you go in some far-off field and stay there

>fatass personacuck dabbing
>nozomi cosplayer
>fucking SANS
You have to be kidding me.

Shut up you fucking fruity smingledorf you have nothing on me and my multiposts.

Attached: D0iuabIWwAAWC5Q.png (48x84, 9K)

Wait a second is that the 'do it to em' guy?

le toucan has arrived

>records themselves playing the mouse race in banjo tooie
>uploads it
Is this what qualified as a rip in 2016?

the sans was for guidebook.com/guide/144392/event/22482316/
top fucking lel

>videos of members posted
>shitposting increases
Ya'll defensive

So does that mean that this fucking autist is part of silva or is just in the background?

they still do those, theyre especially heilarious when its a shitty mic recording

guys this is not nice, how about we all play MM2Wood midi and chillax

Attached: Mm2wood.png (484x280, 48K)

take a wild guess

These fags deserve it

Pretty obvious they lurk these threads.


>we make tha music surprise u becauz its another tune lol

Only someone with 70 iq would find this funny, hope someone strikes him again and keeps him gone.

Hey guys it's me SiIvaGunner (´・ω・`)
be sure to like and subscribe

about as many posters in this thread as there are people on the team according to the channel, wouldn't surprise me if 80% of posts here were by them

he's called Mike Mehr and he's gay

siivagunner also has a reddit if you're so interested in it
again, fuck off triple-q

No shit all the posts in this thread are by the team

"Yes, SCP? yeah its another one.

send in the MTFurrys if you can?"

if this is beat shobon please marry me, otherwise ignore this post thanks

dead meme channel but glad its back
had good rips like doom rip and tear and gta 4 soviet connection

who the fuck is beat shobon

me :^)

some eceleb fag just like the rest of siivagunner

me (´・ω・` )

me ^_^


Siivagunner is a bunch of resetera poster nigger fags

yaknow after reading through the shitpile of posts here i'd say bringing back giivasunner was a mistake, how do we take them down again

>each post a minute apart
got an assblasted fan here

Just wait until they fuck up again lmao

def not him maybe him but i wouldnt count on that very low chance of being him nope, cirno is me

nice bait we all know none of them is posting in retardera and we're just all posting here

Just flag the channel.

thanks for creating this thread user, time to log into my resetera account and call them racist

Ohohoho! Hello, Monkeys! I am a member of backroom now! I am happy to announce I will partake in a true contest of champions soon!

Attached: Frieza-1-.jpg (502x586, 36K)

Not if I have anything to say about it!

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10000% BASED

Cringe posts in a cringe thread about cringe ecelebs. Fitting.

May I smell your poop, underling? Oho!

frieza what the fuck

So yesterday's HARMONY really did have an effect.
Thank you user who got a 9.

Ach! Ich hasse dees faggots! Zere will be massive repercussions for their return!

Attached: smile[1].png (112x117, 21K)

>86 episodes later...

Attached: 1548716104321.jpg (1080x1345, 145K)

ayo listen can anyone spare a key 1 just need one man cmon im really down on my luck just need one key cmon cuh cmon

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What's beaned? And nathaniel welcher?

Reminder Pewdiecucks try to take down any creator that gains an overlapping fanbase with their god.

>this whole thread

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what's that noise

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>291 replies
>106 posters

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انا سعيد جدا! استمتعت كوخ الجوز.

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Use 4chanx. Change is scary, but it'll certainly open your eyes to seeing how many shitposters are here.

This is now a Frieza thread

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thats like 2.74 replies per poster, how is that even possible? how can someone do a 0.74 of a post?

ah, must be my head

Attached: 1434910129544.jpg (250x250, 11K)

Attached: 4sFIexVr.jpg (867x901, 156K)

easily one of my favourite

what the fuck has this thread devolved to

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>Now to send you crying home to mommy
>My mother is dead
>I know

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. native american chief, i have met. yes

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I have no idea but I'll get a 9 in it!

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Kakarot! Where is my weave? You fool!

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finally some peace and quiet

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if they deleted all of tripleq's rips the channel would be perfect



Attached: gateau.png (90x90, 14K)

What an absolute cringefest of a thread holy mother of god

you fool
you stupid bastard
I will end you and I'll make it hurt
stay right where you are

Attached: 1419918697627.jpg (342x260, 19K)

>my rips playlist is no longer just DELETED VIDEO
Fuck yeah. There are so many amazing remixes on that channel. Glad its back.

Attached: 1500335231237.gif (384x216, 2.8M)

I make SNES remixes of modern OSTs, do you guys think I could send them to the channel or is that too offtopic for the channel?

Whats going on in here

Attached: 1532027034126.jpg (500x500, 32K)

its a >youtuber
thread, what did you expect

fuck off cunt

This is a garbage post, but what's going on? Why are so many posts getting deleted today?

I think you silva guys should stop creating these threads or at least not post on them, it makes you guys look real bad
it would probably fit the channel
the real silva would say the n word
most of it is people breaking rules, posting nsfw, announcing sages, etc


That includes hugboxes for bitter no fun allowed people too.

I'm guessing somebody posted a link to this thread to some external site.

>shitposting is "breaking rules" now
This really is resetera huh?

Attached: CutInMain_0_02_02.001-0.png (872x632, 184K)

I read this in Ryuji's voice.

One of the most well mixed rips he’s made

>this entire thread

Attached: funnymakoto.png (104x104, 27K)

hey guys, siiva gamer back room here ama

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feet pics??

Attached: 16805892-3304-4C13-93A4-47C546C4DBED.jpg (859x720, 46K)

>he's back
>it's real

You have no fucking idea how genuinely happy this makes me. Holy shit I was depressed with how much awesome music remixes were lost before.

Attached: sad roxas.gif (500x250, 472K)

how long is triple q's cock? :3

Attached: Mario+and+luigi+game+feet+tattoos+mario+and+luigi+game_303420_5812861.jpg (500x324, 22K)

my height

Attached: jeshire.jpg (100x100, 3K)


nah chief

haha what a funny image
can I save it?

Siiva member here AMA

Attached: 5367657F-E6FF-4D58-AE3D-264DE0BAE5B3.jpg (901x1200, 55K)

heheheh ness is me

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are you blue cat man?


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hi Kanye when willl ye come out???

Ye is already is out you dumbfuc

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big question, is steve in KFAD?

Attached: 1543117712538.png (960x960, 924K)

This one took me off guard so damn hard.

unfunny twitter cats

Me and Steve are best friends so yes I’m happy he’ll be in KFAD I’m happy :)))

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Can someone explain why this channel is so popular when they've only told the same exact three jokes over and over for their entire run

thats wrong its actually like 5 or six jokes if you count them out

Attached: taking a fshit.jpg (805x967, 167K)

shut the fuck up yoda you racist bastard

let my boy Yoda take a fshit

It caught on in 2016 within The Undertale Community, and man it really shows in the average amount of views each game gets.

yoda cannot take a fshit he is not legally allowed to

Best rip

Its a music channel

You'd find it fun if it's fun for you

There is always one asian among a fuck-ton of white guys.

Whatever happened to Silvagunner (the guy who uploaded actual rips, the one SiIvagunner copied for the format)? I wonder how he feels about the HIGH QUALITY RIPS channel?

This, fifteen times.

Attached: Danceoff.gif (200x220, 2.79M)

Doesn't he draw inflation porn?

My rips are back! I hadn't archived them


(please put me on the bot)

i wish siivagunner stayed dead, fucking retard

i showed you my dick please respond

>people don't like Snow Halation

Attached: hno.png (784x906, 891K)

sjnow haltion sucks nigga

It is a masterpiece of musical composition

video games

Attached: irate1.jpg (645x480, 20K)
