What's the longest time you ever played a game?

What's the longest time you ever played a game?

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Im making tendies as we speak

Not that long to be honest. I always take brakes.

maybe 8 hours, 10 at most.

that kid had spider hands

lol... us gamers and our antics

12-14 hours
If no bathroom and eating breaks count, probably 8 hours

based diligent chink
he is going to be a pro while you mediocre tards suck his taint in his stream chat

14 hours, back when my high school friends used to do LAN parties. Start playing at 6pm, play through till 8am, sleep for a couple hours then play on into Sunday morning.

Though we did have breaks for using the bathroom. One kid tried to poopsock and we made him leave.


LoL is a hell of a drug.

27 hours with Burning Crusade.

What is he playing?

I spent 9 hours straight playing Crusader Kings 2 once, only getting up to take a piss. My ass ached like hell and by eyes were burning but it was still worth it.

>One kid tried to poopsock and we made him leave.

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Cookie Clicker

Back when the orange box came out, I played for about 25 hours straight. I started to hallucinate a bit towards the end, was neat.

Played FFXI for 36 hours my first day. First two days?

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12-15 hours


My friends and I have a tradition we call "RotWeek". We stock up on supplies and have to spend 7 days in a lan party. Only allowed to leave the room for toilet breaks, you must sleep at your computer. During this we probably did 24+ hour stints with minimal sleeping. We had a shopping cart full of junk food to do us the whole week.

We only do this to celebrate big events such as graduation.

How does this not kill ur ass/back? Do you just reach a point wbere you ignore the pain?

Roughly 18 hours or so of grinding in RO on Fridays after getting home from school.

I kinda miss it and I kinda don't, my sleep schedule was beyond fucked and it was a nightmare doing all my homework and shit on sunday.

Holy shit that sounds like literal hell

I want to go back. I miss what it was.

I started having some problem, forget what its called. Basically, the skin above your ass gets worn away from sitting in a chair too long. I mostly fixed it by going slavsquat mode.

based and redpilled

fucking casuals

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We had a tool that gathered stats on our uptime.
This graph is from 2011, the last guy broke his stat tracker so it stopped reporting stats.

Black is offline, Red is AFK (not touching mouse keyboard) and Green means they are active.

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Ten years ago when I was in my early 20s that sounded like a good time. Now it sounds like a fate worse than death.

Imagine the smell

yeah now that you mention it that sounds fucking awful
going more than two days without a shower starts to weigh on me physically and mentally, couldn't imagine a full week

el goblino.....
why are "white" people so pathetic?

I played MGSV for 16 hours on the release day. Only bathroom breaks and cooking something quickly. Good day.

I played RDR like 31 hours once.


liru to issho ni

24 hours of pic related during release week.

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I completed HGSS's story and some post game in a sittting, so maybe like 30+ hours.

Not just one person but several. In an enclosed room eating nothing but junk food for a week

cmon lol, what the fuck even is this?

I got all spirits and beat World of Light in the span of 5 days. Never again, World of light is a bore and drags on forever


in my early teens I played Diablo 2 a few times for 24 hours straight over the summer time, pushing past that though starts to fuck with your mind, I dont know how these zips do it

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I was once playing VR for a week before realizing that it wasn't real life

My mom go visit grandmother in another town for a week. 73 hours, at the end i thought i would die.

4-8 hours seem to me like the optimum vidya time. Short enough to not do short games in one sitting, and long enough to get properly invested in long games.
Longest time playing idk, maybe 10 hours or so.

Mass effect 2 for about 40 hours. I pissed a few times and got water once.

Slept 5 hours after that, got some food and kept playing

>One kid tried to poopsock and we made him leave.

Moms are awesome.

Well I was in my early 20s when we started it...
It's much more difficult to do it now.

The stench of junk food overpowers most of the BO.

Here is full graph for anyone interested. You can see a few 24hour stints in there.

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holy shit
i believe it

12-14 hours when I was in high school

God what a fucking loser I was. The amount you don't play directly correlates with how many friends you have.

I played Final Fantasy XI for over 24 hours straight back in the day on ps2. My first and only mmo.

moms are great

probably 18 hours

I haven't played a game in weeks and I have no friends though

20 hours for FF14 heavenward, rookie hours for some but for me it was something

Went to the midnight release for Skyrim, Played from 12am Friday to Sunday afternoon. Had to stop because I was starting to get really sleep deprived and I thought molag bal telling me to kill the priest in that house in markarth was a hallucination.

TF2 for 18 hours

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with two 1 hour breaks for naps and a 1 hour break for thanksgiving I spent the rest of the ~75 hours playing day of defeat back during the WON days

18 or so, if not counting food/toilet brakes

>go to toilet
>bring official guide book with me

I'm not so sure I can say the same. I feel like I've probably changed a lot since then. My values for games, how I quantify fun, have probably changed a lot. Everything I loved about the game was a double-edged sword, and so was in turn also something I hated about the game.

I think I can summarize with a quick story. One day, my friend and I were partying when our PLD suddenly went afk. We waited for him for almost a full hour before the other party members started threatening to leave and my friend decided, surely, if the PLD could see them now, he'd ask us to just replace him. So, we found a new tank and after a few minutes we were back to killing mobs. About twenty minutes later, the PLD returned. He turned to us and stared at us, then left. Several minutes later, he returned with a friend, on level 75 jobs, and started wiping the whole area of mobs so we couldn't fight them. We eventually gave up and left. But that wasn't the end. Once a month when we tried to do some sort of event, we'd find ourselves being stalled or sabotaged by someone, only to discover it was that PLD's LS mate. This was about when I quit. I didn't do it because of them, but my friend complained about them all the time and he constantly had to explain to others what was happening, why we couldn't enter Limbus, why our BLM warped in the middle of Nyzul Isle, etc.

Six years later, feeling nostalgic for the game, I went to FFXIAH to look up old friends, see when their last purchases were, wondering when they quit or if they were still playing. What do I find? That PLD asshole. He has everything, he's done everything, and his profile is full of people applauding him for being the greatest FFXI player of all time or some shit like that.

And I thought, "That's correct. That's how you succeed in FFXI." You find a small group of people you can trust, and then backstab everyone else.

I love this nip's work, but for some reason it doesn't turn me on at all.

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Maybe eight hours? my bladder control isn't that great anymore

I don't remember the exact time but when I was a kid I completed the entire THAW story mode in a single sitting.

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Apex Legends, trying to recoup from Fortnite and PUBG

>48 hours
Why are women so servile?

not sure, it was somewhere between 1 and a half days to 2 and a half days on a meth binge

Today I can't play for more than like an hour or two in intervals of about 4 a day - neet but I get more entertainment from youtube and masturbation than video games if I don't have a new game to play

Thirty something hours pretty much in one go, Stellaris


reminds me of good times.
>friday comes around
>ask friend if i can come over
>course he says yes
>go to his BIGASS house in the suburbs
>his divorced mom likes me and always cooks when i come over
>they let me sleep in a whole room by myself
>play games, sleep, get up and play some more
>2 am mcdonald runs

12 hrs and that is a long time.

i don't remember, 12 hours? 24 hours? 1 month?

I generally play for 18-20 hours a day for an entire week whenever a new monster hunter comes out.

I've changed a lot too, but I'd love to see how I'd navigate the social and mechanical challenges of XI as a grown ass man now. Like with the PLD you've got to report chucklefucks like that. People got banned ALL THE TIME for griefing like that. (MPK, ??? stalling, Call for Help on NMs, ect.) If the GMs do nothing start spreading the deets to everyone that he is a massive chode. Provide screenshots and his name is fucking toast on most servers.

Never fucked anyone over and succeeded just fine myself. Just lived as a quiet BLM that later picked up SCH and SMN.

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from around 2pm to 6am sometimes, so 16hrs
still, had to take 2 minute~ bathroom breaks

>One month

36 hours when Mists of Pandaria released. First time I ever reached the new level cap in one sitting, it was quite rough. I was still only about top 200 to reach it on my server somehow.

if you mean like continuously without lifting ass from the seat then probably 6-8 hours
if you mean with short breaks then about 40ish hours id guess back when i was younger and had some speeds handy. never was quite able to marathon for longer than 2 days despite my friends pulling off 3-4 days fiestas with a couple of examples being even longer, no matter how much i snorted i always was sleepy, exhausted and generally felt like bag of shit by the end of 2nd day.

once I played Football manager for over 12hs straight.

Once I took several adderall and played FFXII for 19 hours straight without food, water, or a bathroom break.

Without drugs, I doubt it's ever been more than 10 hours I've gone without breaks.

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About 24 hours of Sengoku Rance, don't know exactly what about it clicked so well with me that it made me do that.

I was, however, first on the server to get Cloud Serpents thanks to nobody but me having figured out how Onyx Eggs worked during beta.

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Please no, i don't want to remember

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18 hours with my little sister since we haven't seen each other for a while and wanted to spend some time together, so, vidya marathon, junk food, drinks, two controllers, no sleep, I kind of want to do it again

Right before WotLK in wow I farmed out my netherwing drake rep over 38~ hours from neutral to exalted on eggs and 2 sets of dailies and the single time quests

about 10 hours of halo 2/3 lan parties with some melee in between. pretty sure we could of last more, but we always get wasted

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>asian-ish brown
>plastic chair
>internet cafe
>mother using hands feed/eat
What a Filipino playing Dota2? for $1000

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I think we all know why

I'm not sure the exact time but I remember playing COD zombies with my friends for hours after school

only AMERICANS have mommy feed them!

WHAT IS THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I played DMC4 on release in one sitting across nine hours. I played MGS4 across twenty on release. But most recently, I spent 14 hours doing the last two chapters of RDR2 because i couldn't put it down.

My body felt like shit after each of these but three times my whole life is pretty fair, I'd say.


I'm more amazed this kid isn't going home out of embarrassment since mommy has to feed him.

if someone was a "friend" and kicked me out for poopsocking I'd smack them over the head with it

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what the hell is going on in those countries? And here I was thinking I couldnt go lower as a NEET

~36 hours when BOTW came out Most fun I've had with a game in years.

I used to work at an internet gaming center when I was 16 and we would have all night events from 8pm to 8am. Since I had gotten there at 12 the day before I guess 20 hours is my record but there had to have been other times I went longer

Filipino here

Our families are completely different than white and black cultures of America. To keep it simple, we keep our family together no matter what. We stick by your side regardless of how responsible you are with your life. No matter how bad things get between one another in a Filipino family we stick together. We don't do that bullshit move you whites and blacks do.. By kicking your kids out at age 18. That shit is retarded and barbaric.

Lmao poopy boy

Ashamed to admit this game got a few marathons out of me as well. It was the first MMO that really clicked with me and I ended up leveling a Lancer for a whole weekend straight with only snack, drink, and bathroom breaks

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What the fuck is up with his hands was she feeding him crystals or something?

Well, that's just it. You're describing me and I was a social pariah because of it, always at the center of drama. I listened to what lots of beta players told me, what happened to the Linkshells that came before me, who's a piece of shit, etc. And naturally, people got into fights all the time because they were forced to rely on each other and people always want someone else to blame. So, I had a rapidly growing list of people I refused to associate with, and that list would get even shorter when those people's friends refused to associate with me. Meanwhile, whatever friends I had would just shrug their shoulders and say, "he never did anything to me lol"

One day, I was in Aht Urhgan doing whatever and I ran into a friend (to some extent) I hadn't seen in forever. Somehow, we got onto the topic of drama and people's reputations and whatnot, and I don't remember how we got there, but he absolutely stunned me. He said, "I don't mind using people. I'll do whatever I have to to get to the top." I was honestly speechless, I didn't expect that from him. Still reeling from that edgy anime comment, I hopped into an LS I had recently joined. Y'see, my uncle stripped my account right before the gil sellers blew the economy up like a balloon, so I was poorer now than when I started the game and a friend gave me a linkpearl. I told them what this guy had just said, but refused to say his name because I wasn't trying to tarnish his reputation or anything, and who knows, maybe he's friends with these guys - I just met them. They insisted! "Tell us who this asshole is," "We'll warn everyone about him," etc. I said his name. I got an ellipsis and an unsure emoticon. "He's in this LS...he's a sackholder..."

So, they did the natural thing: they kicked me.

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usual tiny soul bug man asian behaviour

That’s kinda based, but also ultra disgusting. Do you also remember to drink lots of alcohol, so that you get that. nice hangover sweat smell sticking onto your skin and clothes?

Without a break? Maybe 5-6 hours.

You can rent a PC in an internet cafe less than a buck here.Kid lives in a really rural area, so it'll be likely cheaper like 1 burger buck for 2-4 hours of play time especially with promos like play for 4 hours get an hour or two free.

Why did they wear those masks?

Sounds like a great way to get dvt, someone will probably end up dying at some point during it user and rotweek will have a whole new meaning.

his mum is cute

Continuing, just a little:

I got invited by several people to join one of the bigger End-game Linkshells; it was the very first one I heard about so I sort of dressed their shell's name up in my head as the paragon of what an End-game LS should be, even though I knew very little about them. I was immensely troubled, however, by one or two people in the LS who had a very bad reputation and people had warned me of. When I expressed this concern to others, they all laughed and said, "Dude, I have half my LS blacklisted. Everyone has someone in their LS they hate." I couldn't accept that; I couldn't agree with that. I had this glorified vision in my head of these groups being as thick as thieves, like nakama from One Piece, and that's all I ever wanted - and I never got it, not even close.

Over time, I found myself sympathizing with the "villains" of the server, and when I actually gave them my ear, I discovered I actually fucking LIKED them somehow. Not all of them, but- MANY of the people I was warned over and over about turned out to be the nicest fucking people I met. It was troubling to say the least. Many of my fondest memories were with these "outcasts."

Luckily, none of this has mattered since, because everyone took a page out of WoW and decided to make bad MMOs and I've been free of the genre.

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I played Mass Effect 3 start to finish non-stop. I was so excited. Probably went for 30 hours without a break longer than 10 minutes.

I once played Final Fantasy 7 for about 16 hours without a break. Worst part was I was laying on my bed in the same position putting my weight on my arm. My arm was almost paralysed for a whole 2 days.

Usually I'd go for about 2-4 hours before having a break. I don't have time to play for more than 2 hours these days.

I'm sure me and my friend stayed up for close to 30 hours grinding to 75 for the first time.

We legit thought it had been about 12 hours, neither really paying attention to the time of day.

Morrowind. On Halloween 2003 I played from morning to late evening, probably around 8-9. I didn't want to stop playing, but I had some impulse to load up AOL 9.0 and hop into a chat room to talk about video games.

Met my wife in said video game chat room through a 13 year old who turned out to be a massive (literal) fag. Found out she liked video games and had huge tits. Also hispanic. Them toastie nips.

16 years later still together with two kids. Worth it.

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I have a lot of loyalty for someone who's killed thousands of them.

warframe 19 hours

>in 2019

lol maybe back in like S3 when the game was actually good. Before LCS ruined everything

Wow this was a cute story filled with nostalgia and truth all rolled into one. Thank you for sharing

Probably 10 or more hours, but that's when I was still a teen. I can barely play more than 2 hours now

I thought this was going to take a different turn

post tits or fake

>League of Legends

Actually doesn't sound so bad with the right friends and depending on what you were playing.

What games did you play?

I think like 10 hours. When CoD 2 first came out, my brother, 2 cousins, and I played from like 8pm until like 6am on a weekend. We didn't even know it had been that long until we looked outside and the sun was starting to peak and it was snowing lol. Great times during school

lol. The role play on Yea Forums. Never change.

I’ve lost the ability to pay attention to a game for more than 3 hours at a time, at some point in my mid 20s. I miss that shit, but I just straight can’t focus

Anyone else?

29 straight heeb online hours

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>48 hours

I feel there's a good chance he developed a blot clot and he'll throw it within the next week

non meme answer: Rules of Survival
thats what the article says

It's not roleplay. I'd post tits if she was willing (read: not in the room) ((also: if my kids weren't also in the room)).

I dunno, shit happens sometimes.

Mgs4 in one sitting on release day which was about 20 hours. Though I suppose half of that was watching cutscenes and loading screens between chapters.

Longest I've gone is in the 16-20 hour range on World of Warcraft

I still regularly go for like 8 hours playing Smash Brothers, though

Is Maternal instinct really so strong that it backfires and lets you ruin your kids life.

Lol roleplay? Not the same guy but this type of shit happens all the time in online communities. Just google a few and you'll hear striking resemblance of similar things happening.

hearing about this drama sounds retarded, was it early like 2005 or something? I got big into endgame around 2008/2009 and it was just smooth sailing, my LSs got tons of shit done too. Had full God set in a month. Don't tell me you actually joined HNM autism?

For me, try an hour, especially for single player games. I think god of war is the only one that pushed that timer a bit further (bloodborne before that) but that's it
I'm lurking/watching more than ever. Not that I'm bored of games, but i get my dose of dopamine pretty quickly nowadays

To be fair, in 2003 "hooking up" online wasn't a common thing. At least not one that you told anyone. I kept how we met up secret for a few years before finally admitting we met online. On AOL. In a video game chat.

12-16 hours maybe?
Either WoW,Minecraft or CivV

when I was 13-14 and it wasn't a school night I'd play Runescape for 15 hours straight without eating or going to the bathroom

i met a couple of guys from here before and if they weren't autistic creeps we could had something going

Longest time actually playing a game was probably Betrayer from 0 to 100% which took about 12 hours. 7 day survivor in Dead Rising takes 14 hours but 12 of those is eating food and standing still.

the only other person I knew that used Yea Forums was a girl I had a crush on, but she had way too many beta orbiters to hit on her (and I think a boyfriend, but im not sure). She only browsed shitty boards like lgbt, anime or adultgif

That's brave. I wouldn't meet Jesus Christ himself if he came from Yea Forums.

Binged on diablo 3 while on adderall for 12+ hours. Had to work the next day and it was hell

I've known a few girls who've met dudes on Yea Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you girls

People like this should be euthanized. I feel bad for the parents. Subhuman can't even take the time to feed himself.

kill yourself slut

MGSV was awesome back in release day.

When Halo 3 released at midnight I was fourth in line behind my uncle and my two cousins. He bought it for me the legenday edition for my birthday, and my parents called me in from school for the next three days (said I was out of town) for my birthday. I spent those three days and the entire weekend that followed just playing Halo 3 until I would pass out.

All I did was eat, sleep, shower (I hate smelling bad), shit, and play Halo 3 with my buddies and randos. We beat the campaign on Legendary twice, played the shit outta matchmaking, then made a shitty map that was supposed to be like D-Day.

It was a fucking blast, and I remember every minute of it so well. I still talk often to a few of the friends I made over Xbox live that week, and sometimes we'll fire up eldewito for the hell of it.

However, I also remember the week after being fucking awful. Playing catch-up at school, transitioning from random junk food and snacks to school cafeteria food and actual meals, and going back to a normal sleep schedule (I had to take like six Benadryl just to conk out at the normal time I would sleep). It was worth it for the five days of bliss, but God did that week after suck ass.

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12 hours, playing Armored Core 2. Good times.

I almost cut off my fingers couple of times when i went to work at a kitchen during TBC launch because i barely slept.

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I knew a girl in high school who "met" with some prison pen pal she was introduced to through some social program. Apparently she was quite conflicted that she was 16 and he was 30 something and wasn't sure about the whole deal.

Girls do some retarded shit sometimes.

Armored Core is the most badly needed franchise by a developer who is surprisingly still around. LOVED 1-4. From Software just apparently fucking forgot they were the only console developers to make mech sims for consoles.

Probably 8-9 hrs playing some mmo like Maplestory, FFXI, or Runescape. I don't understand how some people can play none-stop for longer. It's doable but why would you want to it's a less enjoyable experience than taking consistent breaks.

Im pretty sure they have one in development right now.

>hearing about this drama sounds retarded, was it early like 2005 or something?
It was my entire life in FFXI, from 2004 to 2009.
>I got big into endgame around 2008/2009 and it was just smooth sailing, my LSs got tons of shit done too.
I wouldn't say I ever joined a really good End-game LS (except for Dynamis shells which had a life expectancy of two months) until 2008, when I joined an LS that could actually kill Kirin and, later, my uncle commandeered a Limbus LS that I joined but wanted nothing from and so he dragged me around like he was dual boxing me for the next nine months. I never joined any of the big shells because they all had people I loathed in them and I also don't think I had much to offer to begin with. I didn't craft (forever mid-level goldsmith), all I had was RDM for four years, and people looked at my gear and noticed it wasn't End-game gear because - obviously. And that one LS that killed Kirin, we only killed him once. The LS was created by people who migrated from another server and they brought with them a guy who never talked. This guy was alleged to be a player from our server that had screwed people (re: me) over in the past. I tried to put it out of my mind because this LS was so competent, but after killing Kirin, something weird happened: the leader invited this guy who got kicked into the party and he lotted whatever (Hecatomb?). Suspicious. A couple days later, we killed Nidhogg and the quiet guy was given the Dalmatica. The LS then broke over night. The quiet guy and the kicked guy created a new LS with some of the remaining members and the LS leader jumped to a new server. I became a zombie after that.
>Don't tell me you actually joined HNM autism?
It was the only thing I was capable of doing half the time. I don't think I was ever in an LS for more than a season, except my uncle's Limbus LS. I never did sea and any of the big after-mission fights. I did Einherjar and Salvage twice and they were total shitshows.

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I don't know, it was a couple of years ago. They were nice people online and I thought their IRL selves would resemble their online counterparts? Anyway, not going to happen again.
I dislike orbiters, I had them when I was younger but it's not really enjoyable. I enjoy a couple of boards but I mostly browse Yea Forums & /m/.
I binged AC4A for like 18 hours, i miss that game.

EverQuest, 71 hours straight back in 2000.

Played Pokemon Colosseum for 13 hours straight one time back in the day. Finished the story and I believe I actually made it all the way through the battle tower thing.

I've come close with some games since then. 8 hours, 10 hours. But I've just never gone quite that long since then.

>being all gay bout poopsocking

fuck off you're all guys right? Stop beign so fucking uptight.

get your nut elsewhere

About 17 hours. Mostly Mario 2. I finally decided to get sober after a 2 month long bender and my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to die if I fell asleep.

I pulled an all nighter at least two times during the MW3 BO2 era of cod. Me and a buddy of mine would just be playing and we would find a few more guys and just keep going until the sun came up. So maybe 8 to 10 hours +

Goodness I'm not surprised you had LS drama since it was HNM shit. That's the only place I heard drama happen, and it was mostly pointless because you didn't need the gear for anything and they only offered marginal improvements over Sky/Sea/Nyzul (the "lower" endgame shit). I don't know why your other endgame shells were so bad though, granted mine only worked so well I imagine because it was after the 2007 2h update so melee zerging everything with 3 rotating bards was viable and the best strat most of the time. RIP

I'll believe it when I see it.

I downloaded Daemon X Machine on Switch just to feed my Armored Core hunger.

I've spent years being internally assblasted by people referring to "AC" as being Assassin's Creed. I need that bullshit to die and Raven's to fucking rise from the ashes.

Nobody wants to smell your shit-filled socks while we're playing.

God damn I wish I had something I cared about enough to truly poopsock over. Best I got is 15 hours when I finally got a computer strong enough to play Hollow Knight on my birthday.


I've been starting to do a lot of 5 hour cdda sessions

TFW I will never have friends like this.

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14 hours in guild wars getting a character to level 20 in one sitting

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it's literally like that south park episode when they play WOW

Played Dauntless for 2 weeks pretty much all day when it came out (last summer?). Pretty much beat it in that time and haven't touched it since.

>Only allowed to leave the room for toilet breaks, you must sleep at your computer.
did you at least shower? I could tolerate the rest but going a whole week without showering is disgusting

I've been playing this life simulator for a simulated 29 years and I spend almost 1/3 of it asleep so it's not so bad.

Banjo Kazooie and Conkers Bad Fur day back to back 3 days straight.

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30 hours of Hearts of Iron playing as commie france and taking over the world

I don't know how long my sittings were, but back when Final Fantasy X came out I managed to rent it and beat it in one weekend. I miss being a teenager and being able to function on two hours of sleep.

probably like 20 hours on wow vanilla

3 hours
what game is soo fun that you can play for 48 hours?
cant think of 1(one) I just cant

>Cant do overnighters anymore
>Hangovers last for days
Getting old is awful.

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>my nigga

It's a blessing and a curse.

I think the longest was maybe a day and a half playing dark souls 1 on PS3. I ended up taking a break to brush my teeth at the end and saw my eyes were super fucking bloodshot in the mirror and told my friends I was going to bed.

26h with Dwarf Fortress

Without breaks? 4 hours at most. 5 tops.
Used to be able to pull off 12 hours non-stop back in my younger days.
Getting old sucks.

nice to see posts like these. sometimes i feel like every single girl on this board is girl (male). i dont care if its transphobic to say but it feels fucking isolating man

Are you on a correct site?

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Flips are utter cucks judging by that last thread about them

20 hour raid on ark, was big gay, 0/10

Don't judge him too harshly, he's *special*. Just pretend this reddit so he can play with everyone.

When I was in junior high school, all I basically did was play ragnarok. There were many days during summer break where I played for 20+ hours straight.
Now that I’m much older usually play for like 90 minutes at most before I’m exhausted.

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Played WoW back in TBC for an entire day, and then through an all nighter, and through to the entire next day, so probably around 35 hours. I think I ended up doing that a couple of times while leveling up new characters desu

Yikes! that projection.

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i know no point mentioning but im so used to carefully stepping around that shit at my work that its kind of instinctive. sorry


>how to raise an incel

>Working hard
>getting his gains
>eating his grains
Sounds like someone is jealous.

imagine the smell

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When Terraria first came out we made a make shift lan party that lasted two and a half days

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About 6 hours, however long it takes to reach the second world in Paper Mario TTYD (after Stinktail or whatever its name was)
I remember my eyes feeling somewhat melted. I've played games for days at a time but I still get up to walk the dogs and stuff.

12 hours of Skies of Arcadia straight.

31 hours straight of Terraria when 1.3 came out. I was playing with online friends and they woke up, played for the day, went to sleep, and woke up in the time I was awake playing.
At the end of it I was just silently standing on a hill not thinking about anything and not even noticing enemies until they hit me, so I forced myself to go to sleep.



Probably around 10 hours, playing on the TF2 party van

when world of warcraft: mists of pandaria came out I leveled a dwarf monk from scratch, for about 75 hours until my roommates forced me to go to sleep

i ended up not liking monk and not playing it anyway

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Asians only have two modes; Completely obedient worker ant slaveing away in unpayed overtime, or a NEET so degenerate and worthless that they make Yea Forums cringe. There is no in between with these people.

14 hours of Castlevania HD any day I had off. The hours just flew by when I played. The best times were when you had a team that could lure Death to Dracula's room in chapter 10 along with the bats for a colossal fuck fest.

No you wouldn't you puss.

When Kenshi came out I managed to put 200~ hours in within 2 weeks. I stopped playing only because I saw mods were coming out for it and I was on track to burn myself out.

Based and poopfilled

back in junior high I'd play runescape 3 hours a day weekdays, 12 hours a day on weekends

Longest ever was 23 hours playing Skyrim when it was released in 2011. I took 3 separate breaks for about an hour total over the course of one full day. One of the best days of my life.

8 days straight

new WoW expansions and more recently PoE leagues i usually play at least 20 hours straight on day 1 of ladder resets

Probably 18 or so hours. Me and a friend wanted to beat windwaker in one sitting. He fell asleep ~14 hours in. I managed to get as far as breaking the seal right before gannons lair before falling asleep after around ~18 hours.

I play like 16 hours straight when a new poe league starts. Sleep for a few hours then play another 16. Gotta go hard early (I'm 31)

Maybe 12 hr session playing wow or an action rpg at the start of a new league or ladder.

I don’t get this at all. After 4-5 hours my play drops off significantly. After 6-10 hours my eyes get so red and dry (even with rhotos) that it becomes painful to continue.

Asians out study me in the uni library and they out practice me in gaming. Feelsbadman

it was legitimately fun to mess around with friends when wacky build still existed and people didn't treat it so seriously

One time I stayed up all night playing Sonic classic collection on my Wii and watching youtube

A little bit over 16 hours. Don't wanna do it again though.

I think about eight hours, with a few minutes to eat and go to the bathroom.
Of course that happened about five days in a row.

Probably 10hrs
First time I played diablo with friends we’ve played close to 24 hours over a weekend

24 non-stop
I clocked it.
by the last 8 hours i was just playing like a normie who never touched videogames before, it was funny so see the gradual decline of skill and decision making over the span of 24 hours.

Minecraft for like 16 hours. Shit flew by so damn fast. It was some surreal shit to start at 3 PM and finish at 7 AM to get some sleep.

jesus h christ. would've been fun back in high school. i did have big lan parties tho

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Then why doesn't the son stick by his family?

without really stopping? probably the first destiny launch. easily 32h

but it was amidst a shitton of poor sleep schedules and I slept 12+ hours before and after

only stopped to heat/eat hot pockets and use the bathroom

People in this thread trying to imply that a massive percentage of users on this board aren't NEET anyway

How about opposite?
>Playing Dead Cells
>Get hungry and quit the game, thinking i played it for hours
>Actually only got like hour and a half in

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It isn't even that much of an exaggeration, people who play so many games often ignore the fuck out of their hygiene it's gross. I'm glad I stopped that shit.

how the fuck do people do this

i used to have a meth head roommate who still had the decency to shower, do the dishes, and cook his own meals in between playing starcraft for 12 hours straight

Me when playing every acclaimed AAA game in the past 4 years except got bored or uninterested instead of hungry

Ibwas up for like 36 hours playing Smash Ultimate when it came out, but at least I stopped to eat and stuff, and take turns with my brother driving to and from his classes.

My nigga. Idr how much I played that day, but that was a great day.