Do you still have hopes for this franchise?
It feels that they're gonna just bank on the gacha and merch at this point because Takaki is too scared about how to not make 7even a flop
sad bump
every game after sv was a cashgrab that strayed further away from the original tone of the series.
You mean after Deep Crimson, right? It came out a year after SV.
If you mean after SK2 then yeah I completely agree. Every game after that is just an endless parade of reused assets and zero progress in the overarching series plot, which ended up getting completely scrapped and retconned into an alternate timeline.
To answer OP's question, no I have no hope for this series, especially after Takaki refuses to move 7even's development off of the PS4 despite snoy's new censorship rules.
Not really. I had high hopes for 7even with the new models and all, but after seeing the troubled development and Takaki bending over for Sony, I really have no hopes for the series.
i feel like takaki knows he can't deliver something good with 7even and now and he's just releasing a bunch of yumi shit (she got like 9 or so figures and statues in like 3 months) and banking on gachashitters to get as much cash as he can before nobody (even yumifags) gives a shit about the series anymore.
Besides, the anime ruined anything worth a shit from senrans story-wise.
Waiting on Senran Kagura Xtreme Beach Volleyball
The only thing I hope for is more Rin.
Hope is dwindling.
>August 7, 2014
>March 26, 2015
Looks like DC and EV were in development at the same time. Still say DC is better, just EV was more popular
she will still get cards and other stuff since she got a decent chunk of whales paying for her in the gachas
No not really, it's possible that whatever we end up getting with 7 might be better than what they might have planned originally but I seriously doubt that.
What little I had disappeared with the new anime. Not only was it bad but it was supposed to be the story of 7EVEN at some point. The game have been selling less but the gacha is supposedly doing well. It wouldn't surprise me if they decide to just focus on that but I'm not going to be a part of it. Getting one piece of card art every few months for your senran isn't enough. Unless your senran is yumi
no. takaki is a false profit and would rather suck sony cock and do away with the entire point of the series. that aside, SK was declining in quality to begin with. now it's just circling the drain. i really liked the first few games but they dumb down and slow down the gameplay every new game and the characters have become parodies of themselves if not outright having been completely derailed personality-wise. lifeless and no place to call hometown, that's SK's new standard. all that said, rin is best girl forever.
i bet nan will just switch to alicesoft and make evenicle shit from now on
Why won't takaki just go to the Switch and PC?
Is it a exclusive contract or is it brand loyalty?
No, the only selling point of the game were the girls but they've been slowly losing their original charm across the series. The gameplay was okayish for a handheld but they're boring as fuck and desperately need revamping along with the engine/models
Now that they're ripping out the essence of the series and toning down the fanservice it's as good as dead
my best bet is an exclusive contract, I guess Takaki was too confident on Sony taking how good SV sold (which was just pure luck that it sold so well) that he (or Marv) just went and made a contract with Sony for exclusive mainline games.
Are you one of those who think Nan hates SK? He's practically second in command when it comes to give ideas about the story and characters.
>Do you still have hopes for this franchise?
Nope. Wouldn't call Burst a good game by any stretch but it had enough going for it that it made me think they could make something decent if they had a budget above 5 bucks.
SV fixed nothing besides framerate (even then the Gessen maps tend to chug on vita) and immediately bloating the roster. It also has load times on par with if not worse than Sonic 06.
SK2 was ambitious for a 3DS Game and at least tried to fix some things from the other games. But most of what it tried either had middling results, like the warp kunai being a gamble thanks to the shitty camera or completely flopped. EV barely changed anything from SV and what it did change was almost all a downgrade (good cancelling replaced with nothing) or pointless, like trying to put "exploration" for collectibles in maps that are tiny and interesting enough that half the hiding spots feel like you're going out of bounds rather than exploring.
Everything they've released since EV looks even less worthwhile than that was. The fanservice isn't even good thanks to the shit models they've been reusing nonstop. I can't really blame anybody but myself for being strung along for so long but the franchise has made an embarrassingly small amount of progress in 8 years. I doubt 7 would have been any good even before sony's meddling.
I don't think he hates working on SK, he loves Yomi a fucking ton and I bet he gets a good paycheck for how fast he can shit decent art for the series (and get more reasons to keep drawing Yomi).
It's dead until Sony decides they don't want to self censor and start funding small games again.
Too bad their most recent policy stance is 'we want to focus more on AAA games'
Won't happen until they pull Sony HQ out of that California shithole. Which isn't going to happen for a while.
Or ever.
If Microsoft unfucks itself and gives Sony some competition, I could see it happening
The HQ move is more likely
>tfw they'll only see backlash for huge titles so your favorite fanservicey niche game gets cut instead
I don't get why it's okay to have titty jiggle for Soul Calibur and DoA but not SK.