Look how they massacred my boy

Look how they massacred my boy

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What are you on about, he looks way better than his MKX version and he's got fantastic costumes
>1 IP

I dont know man, he seemed pretty based for me

Massacred him how?

>Johnny has gotten progressively more character development and screen-time since MK9 until he is now the central protagonist of Earthrealm (with Cassie as his successor)
>People still bitch

Come on, this game would be nothing but Scorpion and Sub-Zero's bullshit over and over again if they didn't take the time to flesh out everyone else.

Johnny has the best fatality in MK11 so far. Honestly, don't know what you're upset about.

Don't forget the best victory screen in the entire series.

He's the only character they DIDN'T completely butcher

>no d cup titties

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You ever been to Hollywood?

>with Cassie as his successor
There's your problem, no one asked for this annoying bitch

Has Ninja Mime moves
Has a literal stunt double who doesnt look like him to do moves
Gave him Shao Kahns rising shoulder tackle (good for head canon)
Exploding sunglasses projectile >pulls spare out of pocket
Leaning even harder into his Hollywood actor character
Has a GODDAMN action figure in his victory pose

They nailed Johnny.

What are you smoking? This is the only great reveal so far.


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I don't even know what game but he looks based so you're wrong

Anyone make an boomer johnny edit yet? It was the first thing that went through my head when i saw his reveal

TORtanic faggots are the worst cancer on this board.


hahaha yeah we need more wojak edits
based for the win hahaha
I pooped my pants


How come he's wearing a shirt this time?

Attached: file.png (1592x884, 1.5M)

Johnny Based


You forgot about Quan Chi