This was once one of the most hated video game companies second only to EA and Activision on Yea Forums. What happened?

Would you say they are in the middle of a second renaissance?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>second only to EA and Activision
That's called third you moron.

Capcom sucks. Day 1 DLC and nonstop full price rereleases.

They got their shit together and have entered a 2nd golden age

They stopped pretending to be full American and went back to being Japanese people who think Americans are cool. Surprise, people liked Japanese Capcom.

They're not in a golden age but they're picking themselves back up


Nah, user. They're on a come-back tour because of being nearly in the poor-house, but let's not "golden" them yet, they aren't 90's Capcom yet.

Capcom was never terrible, but they have improved alot dare I say godcom now

Are you referencing Inafune?

name one good capcom game released in the early 2010s

It will go back to shit don't worry

>90's Capcom
They didn't have anything over Modern Capcom other than Street Fighter.

asura's wrath but i understand the movie argument

Mighty No. 9 made everyone think, it's been uphill from there

He might have had influence but I seriously doubt that he was the mastermind behind it all. I'm pretty sure every Japanese company at the time was trying to be COD in some form. It was a dark time for vidya.

I do not like how they got away with a lot of shit in RE2 because it was a good game.

They half assed the b scenario
the enemy variety is mediocre, they have pale heads why not just include them in the story
claire, adas and sherrys classic costumes are half assed
the police station section was great but the sewers and lab were very mediocre.

but because it is a good game all its flaws get ignored

Dragon's Dogma

>the sewers and lab were very mediocre.
Sounds like a 1:1 remake to me

MHW is literally their best selling game of all time

They legit finally scrubbed Inafune's bullshit out of the company. Games are being made in-house, sales expectations are not over-inflated, smaller-scale projects are seen to have value, MT Framework successor in RE Engine being used for their bigger titles. Even their monetization isn't as forced as previous, although it's certainly still there in some capacity.

SFV is this weird last bastion of weak mid-10s Capcom but their next fighting game will come from a Division 2 with the MonHun guy at the helm over Ono, and if that doesn't work then Itsuno wants to direct a fighting game again after he does DMC5 & DD2. Or just get fucking Niitsuma out of the mobage dungeons and let him make another Vs game.

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I actually liked the lab section in the original but what I really miss is the city itself, it felt like the chaos forced you to to go only one way and everything is just so close together and I miss the construction area in re2.

>Dragons dogma+expansion
>ghost trick

Dragon's Dogma (and Dark Arisen)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Asura's Wrath
Ghost Trick
Lost Planet 2
Bionic Command ReArmed
Megaman 10
Dead Rising 2, DR2 Case Zero, DR2 Off The Record
Ducktales Remastered

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I think Inafune was the primary factor actually. It was no secret he was in love with the West and constantly pushed for them to be more involved. I wouldn't be surprised if that period where Capcom outsourced everything to Western devs was because of Inafune.

this is our year mega man legends 3 brothers.

this is our fucking year

Why does Capcom have so many good IPs? Imagine if a good publisher had this shit.
>Monster Hunter
>Mega Man
>Street Fighter
>Ace Attorney
>Ghost Trick
>Dragon's Dogma
>God Hand
>Asura's Wrath
>Viewtiful Joe
>Breath of Fire

Attached: 1350547319014.jpg (300x300, 18K)

Capcom is a good publisher

You're only naming their more recent stuff. They have far more than anyone could possibly deal with

Everything you need to know about Inafune -

Also this -

It's X9's time, that's pretty clear. Legends 3 only "existed" because Inafune grabbed people off of other things and made a build which essentially forced Capcom's hand to announce it. Capcom never wanted to greenlight it but Inafune pushed for it until he just up and left. Blaming a lack of fan interest on the cancellation was a shit move since it was just because the spearhead guy left but still, the game was basically shown off to consumers before officially being in development, which is why they literally wanted to have fans design characters and shit.

I am worried about them and the RE engine, MT frameworks did both realistic and not realistic games very well the RE engine so far seems to only do realism. I do not want to see a mvc or street fighter with the artstyle that RE and DMC have. But they can not just keep using MT as well. I do not want them using the shitty unreal engine either.

I think Inafune stated in an interview that he was willing to take the development off Capcom's hands with his new found studio but Capcom refused the offer. Sounds to me like this was his plan from the start considering he put the company in tough positions previously in order to get his way like he did with Lost Planet and Dead Rising. Only this time, it didn't work.

They have fucking gold but they chose to either
>sit on IPs like retards
>release half-assed, rehashed shit riddled with DLC

>Still going, will always be the "face" of the FGC even if MK sells more
>Still going
>One-off, not sure what you could do with it going forward
>dropped the ball so hard that it's dead, but Vs Series should get a new entry in early 2020s
>Resurgence in popularity and likely sequel
>one-off that sold like shit from a director that left the company
>one-off that probably didnt do great numbers and soured people for being very cutscene/QTE heavy and having literal "the True Ending is DLC"
>Kamiya's baby, people pretty much only like the first and sometimes the second
>Kamiya's baby, people don't even talk about Okamiden
>another ball drop
You're forgetting Ghosts'n'Goblins, Final Fight (although it's part of SF now technically), Strider, Onimusha, 194X, Sengoku Basara, Lost Planet, etc.

>Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Oh user...

How was Capcom "forced" to announce anything? They could've just kept hush hush until he was done.

Its generally a Japanese game development Renaissance not just Capcom.
>The Last Guardian
>Nier Automata
>Yakuza series
>Dark Souls series
>Persona 5
>Zelda BOTW
Meanwhile Western game devs are too busy smelling there own farts trying to virtue signal to the vocal minorities who cry about every lil nit pick or up there asses greedy trying to slap a form of micro-transaction.

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There's only so many projects you can work on, and even then, not all of their titles were commercial hits. They may have gained a cult following but they would never generate enough revenue to justify another entry. Even if they do decide to greenlight a sequel, they're in a "damned if they do" scenario.

If they did, they would have to be smaller simpler game otherwise you have purist whining how they're "casualizing" the game to appeal to the larger market. If they stick to the small release format, you have people whining that they're giving it a small budget instead of a AAA budget and attention it deserves.

I fucking love SonSon II and even I know a sequel to this game will never happen. I'm not even sure how a sequel would work without completely modernizing it. At that point, would I really want another one? I was content with their revivals of Bionic Commando, Strider and Ghost'n'Goblins wayback.

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Hell no. RE2 cut a bunch of shit out, MHW is an embarrassment to the series, their fighting games are still in the shitter, and they've completely abandoned every other IP. RE7 was a fluke
I'm sure DMC5 will be fine but I kinda want it to be a disaster just to see how people react

Inafune announced that shit on his own. He has a track record of doing things behind the company's back.

You're never going to get another Tortanic. Just give it up already.

>Inafune announced that shit on his own
Did he? Got a source? I legit thought Capcom made an official annoucement and not him.

I like the remake lab.

>>The Last Guardian
didn't live up to the hype
>>Nier Automata
doesn't get good until C playthrough, so you have to commit 20+ hours just to get to the good part of the game
>>Yakuza series
remakes of older titles
>>Dark Souls series
>>Persona 5
i agree
>>Zelda BOTW

If Capcom is so good, why haven't they made a game you play as a succubus and take souls sexily?

Attached: succ.jpg (395x342, 122K)

>>The Last Guardian

>>Nier Automata
Have to replay the game 3 times to get to the good part. No thanks

>>Yakuza series
6 was the worst in the franchise. Death Eyes is shit

Good, but HEAVILY flawed

>>Dark Souls series

Now you're just baiting

>>Persona 5

>>Zelda BOTW

imaging being this big of a contrarian. sometimes i'm convinced that faggots like you spend 24 hours a day on this dumb ass board shitposting a game to the point where you believe in your own shit.

go play some video games my guy

Ni-Oh is absolute dogshit.
And this is coming from someone who has 100+ hours in Alpha, Beta, Last Chance Trial, and retail release.

Never played DLC, so not sure if that made the game not ass.


Well, you gotta admit, COD and other western devs were able to make the same game every year and rake in the money from dlc and microtransactions while their work only gained a fraction of that so they would want a slice of that pie.

Inafune announced Legends 3 via a 2 minute Youtube video through Capcom USA's Youtube account. It was him in a poorly lit room with some white window blinds in the background recorded on a shitty camera saying he's going to start development on Legends 3. That was it.

>having issues with some games instead of thinking they are 10/10 perfect games makes you contrarian

RE2 cut a lot of content from the original and completely butchered some characters. Half assed the B scenario campaign to the point of questioning why even including it. Day 1 DLC. The first part of the game is fantastic, but you can tell they rushed second half. Which is a shame because the gameplay is FLAWLESS. I say it's 7/10. But I guess that makes me CONTRARIAN LOL!!!
MHW has it's issues, right now it's mostly stemming from the fact that it's a high rank game and theres not much to do in the endgame portion of the game. Right now its just kill the same 3 elders for gear, then again for HR Unlock, then again to grind HR , then fight the same 3 elders for but tempered to decos/streamstones, then fight the same 3 elders but ARCHTEMPERED to get a mild uprade. Then do nothing. I'm eagerly waiting Iceborne and hope that update comes with some weapon updates because right now some weapons have such a boring ass moveset that devolves into unga bunga spam highest MV attack (TSC/Helm Splitter (red), Backhand(GL), Back Hop Shield Slam (SnS), SAED (CB), etc) I think the game is a fantastic entry back on home consoles, but it needs some love to keep players interested. Kulve relic farming every other week isn't really helping longevity. But hey, whatever makes me contrarian lmao
RE7 is great for one playthrough, but fails at keeping interest for repeated playthroughs because of the 30 minute on rails start and how linear the game is after the jack fight.

Can't believe you're even defending SFV 2bh

I am optimistically hopeful for Capcom, but I'm not sucking their dick like the lot of you are

Super Street Fighter IV

>makes no more good fighting games

UMvC3 is the best game in the series. 2 is beloved but it was absolutely a rushjob and that is reflected in damn-near every aspect. It was my first MvC but I can't give it top spot. 1 was busted to play but you could tell a lot more care went into it than 2 despite it playing somewhat worse. Infinite had good ideas but poor execution and was fucked by muh realism, muh MCU, and whoever the fuck put together that Battle for the Stones shit. After the patch that nerfed the best launch characters Infinite was balanced for the most part but it still had some fatal design flaws on a system level and still looked/sounded like complete ass.

UMvC3 has the care put into it like Marvel 1, has the expansive roster of Marvel 2, has the relative balance of Infinite (the game's Mid-Tier is like 40 characters and a vast majority of the cast saw play in Top 8 of majors/EVO), and had significant improvements over the admittedly-poor Vanilla Marvel 3.

If Infinite was actually just a 3 revision with a balance patch to nerf X-Factor, Vergil, Phoenix, Zero, Magneto, and Doom and buff Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Hsien-Ko, and Nemesis (and some low-mids if you like), and added the characters Infinite had that UMvC3 didn't then it would've been the best fighting game of the decade, easy. I'd argue that UMvC3 is a frontrunner in that race anyway.

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What a shitty lie.
The game was announced at Comicon.

Listen I ain't saying they are all perfect games, far from it.But you can find something for everybody. Variety. Unlike the West devs who are SAME shit different polish.
P.s YES I see BIgu BOSu on second right bottom. Kojima is a hack and Madam Butterfly of Jap game devs sucking the Eternal Anglos dick every moment he gets.

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Do you just hate white people or something?

What happened was they listened, at least partially, to their user base. We got a new proper DMC, new classic Megaman games, and new MH outside of Japan. All those things seemed like they wouldn't happen originally.

Heck no I'm one, Slavic...the worst kind.

Inafaune was a fucking leech who convinced the higher ups that the future of games was through westernizing, leading them to outsource their IPs and adopt EA and Activision practices. After that blew up in their faces they decided to go back to form.

But their current games are still westernized as fuck
>Capcom USA
>Published on Sep 28, 2010

>New York Comic Con
>October 8–10, 2010

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so, self hating?

As a spectator I've always wondered why MvC3, a game which you said is the best out of all MvC games, died out whereas shit like SFIV and Tekken went for so much longer.

How the hell do you think Inafune managed to hijack an official Capcom social media account that's probably run by an entirely different department?

>best game

First quarter of the game's life span was dominated by Lv3 Xfactor Vergils
Second quarter of the game's life span was dominated by Hidden Missles and TAC Infinites
Last half of the game's life span was dominated by Soul Fist + Hidden Missle spam..err I mean "zoning"

Game died because of MvCI. Capcom's fighting game division promotes MvCI events and snuffs out legacy games (see: USF4 v SFV)

> 100+ hours
> It's absolute dogshit guise, such a trash game, I only figured it out after my 99th hour I swear!

You can actually buy the game, UMVC3

People got distracted by the fuckton of other fighters that came out. Mortal Kombat, Guilty Gear came back, things like Killer Instinct happened, Street Fighter V distracted the people who only cared about capcom
Then Infinite happened and killed everyone's interest and Dragon Ball took over as the new mahvel

Capcom USA is the fucking whipping boys of the company that's eager to please. They're the ones that approved Street Fighter x Mega Man after all.

Something something Disney. Something something Infinite.

Trying to make a Capcom villain tier list
so far i've got
Jack Baker
Dr. Weil
M. Bison
Dr. Wily

because niggers figured out how to loop forever with vergil and zero, so people got sick of watching that for 10 hours.

Attached: umvc3 vergil 19 seconds.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

SFxMM was a free fangame released officially . Is absolutely nothing on their end.


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You'll get X in Smash and X9 and fucking like it

I know I fucking will

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I spent most of my hours in the Alpha
Alpha and the Release version are completely different games.

put wesker in high tier

Zero's l.loops weren't enough to give them top 8 consistently.

Marvel 3 had a strong scene since Day 1 and only went away because Infinite was announced and the FGC generally sunsets a game when its sequel releases because that game will get the support, although people will still play side tournies (and they do, there's tournaments from 2019 of UMvC3). Marvel 3 got voted into EVO 2017 by the community.

Vergil, Doom, and Morrigan (and Zero and Phoenix) were a problem, but the meta kept evening out the tiers to have team-building become more and more popular. Look at the kinds of teams that made Top 8 or even won majors and EVO in Ultimate's lifespan; it covers a huge amount of the roster. One year a MODOK/CapAm player from Mexico made Top 5 at EVO; KBR won EVO with Hulk/Haggar/Sent; its last EVO-winning team had Chun-Li on it, a character that most people considered Bottom 5. JWong won EVO with Best Friends shell in Ultimate despite them being much more meta in Vanilla and Storm who LITERALLY only Justin played at a significant level. You saw Rocket, Strange, Nova, Hawkeye, Dante, Frank, Ammy, etc. do well in tournaments all the time. RayRay had his Ryu, MarlinPie had his Viper, Abegen ran Thor/Tron/She-Hulk and fucking smoked people.

Im devolving into dumping knowledge I have about the meta and scene at this point but because I have that knowledge I know that the game wasn't as centralized at the top as people seem to think/remember, certainly nowhere near as bad as Marvel 2, which had 2 more characters on its roster than UMvC3 but had less than a dozen even remotely viable.

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Needs Asteroth, Gill, Pyron, Vile

Was there already a cap on renaissance or just a naissance and OP is a dummy?

They fucked up one very important aspect with 3.

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My favorite thing from MvC3 tournaments is people coming up with team compositions to specifically counter the problem teams and busting it out on stream.

I still remember the Frank West Dark Phoenix counter and how it broke the microphone on stream.

>MHW is literally their best selling game of all time

But it's popular, so you have to hate it.

They cut the dead weight and didn't let themselves turn into Konami. Cutting Keiji Inafune was the turning point. He was bleeding them money and multiple mega man games in a year led to fatigue of the series. They started listening to fans a bit, took a critical look at how they should earn money, and then set realistic but still ambitious goals.

But it's popular, so you have to love it.
I love playing Apex Legends, while watching Pewdiepie.

Firebrand is a hero of his people and Jedah did nothing wrong.

>Wily below fucking anyone

>quality of the games goes up all around the second they stop outsourcing their IPs

I wonder if that has anything at all to do with it. Well except for SFV and MvCI

Wily is a hero though.

We'll find out once the Monster Hunter guy releases his Fighting Game. Keep in mind that SFV is technically outsourced to Dimps. I don't know if MvC:I is outsourced or if it's still developed by Eighting. I never bothered to look it up.

>Would you say they are in the middle of a second renaissance?
Yes but its not full redemption arc, MHW is still fucked beyond reason. RE2 was really cool and Megaman is alright.

>MHW is still not on the Switch so I hate it
fixed that for you

Dragon's Dogma

Infinite was in-house. There were reports before we had a lot of footage that they pulled guys who had worked on pre-MvC2 Vs Series games onto the project. That does make sense given the mechanics evoking something more like Marvel 1 or MSH on paper.

Why would you want MHW in the switch, the main problem with that game is that it runs like ass, Switch can barely move AAA's on 360p. That shit would run at 10fps at best while being a blurry mess, even more than it already is.

Mechanically the game was fine and I found it fun to play, but man was it an ugly game. The representation was lacking, and the music was dreadful. If they went all out with the fan service instead of appealing to the MCU, I could see it still being played to this day.

you mean 00's Capcom

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The ports are $40.
Unless you are a faggot and are talking about REmake 2.

Inafune got fired.