Oi mates, you see they set a fookin Pokémon game here in Britain?
Should be class aye
Oi mates, you see they set a fookin Pokémon game here in Britain?
Should be class aye
Other urls found in this thread:
it unironically looks comfy as fuck. Haven't played pokemon since ORAS and looks like it might be time to hop back in when it comes out.
We'll see. If nothing else, it gave us an angry, foul mouthed Scottish cutie, so it redeems itself already.
What kind of Pokemon can you find in Rotherham?
I'm still trying to decipher the last line of that
heroine needle pokemon
Fuckin this.
Haven't touched pokemon since like 2001 with Gold and Silver but christ if this doesn't look like it'll be fun...
Is this the Norf thread?
Your spot on, I'm the expert here.
Don't know what oan is supposed to be. Probably just spouting shite because haha epic funny meme
As if the little chap is going to say "Yes Moira, I'm on the XP sharer"
It was "I'm on the protein". Which is some kind of drink, maybe? Protein shakes?
As if the wee little cunts gonna be like aye Moira you're spot on I'm on the exp share
I can't wait to riot when my football team losesl
sumfink like that
>But...Steelix are heavier than Farows
This. UK is a good setting for Pokemon because of the way it's characterised by countryside and gloomy weather. Those rolling hills and the big open land (yes, I know it's not all explorable) coupled with small villages are great for the Pokemon journey atmosphere, and the focus on industry and tourism in the larger cities could be pretty damn interesting.
Helps that I'm English myself though I guess. I'm pretty happy that the entire next gen is gonna be Brit though. I wonder what the new Pokemon will be like, since we already have one based off Football players hilariously.
Might as well post it
>Your spot on, I'm the expert here.
Thanks for the giggle mate
But thats cheatin...
>americows obsessed with euros keep spamming their offtopic threads on Yea Forums
Makes sense.
I'm a real Norfman, you melt.
Scottish birds use 'oan' all the time on fb, it's p typical here. Because they tend to verbally say it like "I'M OHN" and this translates to oan in their weird heads.
Can we get some actual britbongs to make a good version of this meme?
>pokemon britbong
>new acid type pokemon
it replaces "on the protein" with "on the xp share"
looks like it'll be the same sort of shite as sun and moon
Oh fuck it's actually referencing that skit lol
I thought I was just connecting it to that at random
That is pretty good though.
>Pokemon Knife Crime and Pokemon Acid Attack
Oi user, stay roight there and show me ur pokemon loicense ya cheeky cunt
Englishman here, it's good, I'm enjoying these posts.
It good voiced too
Fucking hell my sides
>Yea Forums
>Also Yea Forums
I got called racist there
have it voiced
Do they have vegan sausage rolls?
>spot on am oan the expay shaer
I fucking love this, this really made my day. Do you know the name of the author?
Nearly bought one today
Never got into pokemans sans panda. But will get this one so I can finally not secondary.
Idk about vegan, but vegetarian sausage rolls are the absolute fucking tits. They're probably the same thing.
Is that the fucking king power stadium.
Well in this image it would be the Walkers Stadium
Ye main be it ay yer damn min' if ye hink ye can beat me wi' 'at sorry team ay yoors, sae wa dornt ye jist rin back haem tae yer mum's chebs if ye dornt want onie trooble ore yer gettin' skelped yeh howlin bassa.
Greggs Fregg and Sregg
i hope they have somalis and blacks in the game that mug you and beat you up for no reason
also is pokemart and pokecenter gonna be free?
cute new lass design
>third legendary of the "box" trio is called Eternglo
What did gamefreak mean by this?
daz wot the fuck ya wearin, ya finally get a job ya lazy cunt?
Perfidious Albion fears the samurai
Vichai had a dream,
To build our football team,
He came from Thailand and now he’s one of our own,
We play from the back,
We counter attack,
Champions of England, you made us sing that.
>"Your walking an ostrich you daft cunt"
My fucking sides
why do folk ask pokemon stupid shit like "You're getting strong aren't you?" As if the young cunts are going to be be like, yeah Moira you're spot on, I'm on the exp share.
Shat on pitch
It's a response, and talking about the Exp Share.
bong banter is unrivaled
At greggs
I'm a bong myself so I know, but you only get that type of stupid shit in places like Blackburn and Grimsby and it creases me every time
goddamn this is great. thank god we getting brit nonsense
another to add to the list
That ginger fella shouting in front of the lad doing the slanty eyes was legit my dad's best mate.
Shockingly he is actually quite successful unlike what this webm portrays
I'm from Hull, life is like a random encounter sometimes with the absolute pondlife roaming the streets.
I swear to fuck if she isn't this bong'd out in the anime.
Sometimes I wonder
What are the spots in the UK to visit?
I've heard that London is a shithole but is it really that bad?
this was the comfiest show i've seen in a while
The starters don't look british enough
major cities are shite but the countryside areas are nice
London is a shithole.
If you want good english stuff you got to go into the countryside now into the villages. The pubs there are unrivaled.
But I suppose if you need to stay in a city then possibly Cambridge and Oxford.
Me standing up
Can't wait for the Elite 4
how about you fucking kill yourself you fucking wog
I think he actually said "Juarez."
Liverpool. These days the city is full of hipster lads with beards and tattoo's or scally's with ketwigs (pic related), but you see some real stupid shit if you go to the inner city housing area's
>tfw there will be no Snooker references
Do you have a license for that sword?
London's a nice place to visit if you're very rich or willing to pretend to be very rich for the duration of your stay. It's quite cleanly separated into the brown-infested shitholes and the areas reserved for the international elites that spend lots of time in London. I know a little restaurant called Lina Stores in Soho, really really nice Italian food and quite cheap considering the area. If they're doing it when you go, I strongly recommend you get their extra creamy gorgonzola - it's something really special, I've never found anything else like it.
Drawfag if you are here you know what to do
Champ Absolute Unit wants to fight!
I can't wait for Pokemon [CONFISCATED BY POLICE WEAPON SWEEP] and Shield!
she's having some fun with it
>Daft Cunt uses Cut
>"Oi, do you 'ave q loiscene for that"
>it's not very effective
Cities like York, Bath, Cambridge. I would recommend one night of binge drinking in somewhere like Newcastle, Liverpool or Leeds too though, it's fun.
The Yorkshire Dales, Lake District and the Cotswolds if you like quaint villages and the countryside.
Seaside resorts like Whitby too.
It's Wodders, the bloke has a YouTube channel with like 20 subscribers.
>It's quite cleanly separated into the brown-infested shitholes
Not really. They're all a couple of streets apart at most, plus everything for a 15 mile radiu
I want ta smel de minge of this lass
Formally Sneed's
Why do brits 'talk' like that?!
how about all you mutts shut the fuck up
me on the right behind the guy in the green jacket
Man, this thread is honestly better than 90% of SwSh discussion threads on >>/vp/
I need the new Pokegirl as a 40k Ork
Most tourists aren't going to walk into Hackney or Peckham though
It really is.
Even before all this brexit shit, muslims showed up and just made shit weird. Then a bunch of apologists started demanding that everyone else deal with the shit the muslims were enforcing because "it's the only way we can accept their customs! THINK OF THE CHILLUNS!"
>can't handle the banter
Ah, my mistake.
I want her to step on me in incoherent Scottish ramblings
Should add that I agree with the user who suggested Oxford/Cambridge - I lived in Oxford for most of three years, and the centre of the city is a really lovely place. The colleges are worth seeing, there are some nice restaurants (go to Turl Street Kitchen and get the chips, they're amazing - and also go to Broad Street at night and get something cheap and cheerful from Hassan's kebab van, it's a much beloved local favourite). The surrounding countryside is gorgeous too, nice to walk in and there are some good pub/restaurants there as well.
I'm from Glasgow myself, and I also recommend it. As long as you're not wandering into an area you obviously shouldn't be in, you'll find people are really friendly and it's one of the nicest (and whitest) cities in the UK.
That's true, sort of, but despite often being close they never seem to spill into each other. The rich areas know that the unwashed foreign hordes aren't good for business, so you'll rarely have a problem if you're sticking to the wealthy/touristy locations.
All it takes is one pokemon game to prove Brit banter > all banter
If you don't like it you can fuck off.
shut the fuck up you massive cock
Same question but in Belfast
Leaf here, going to visit family in Kilmarnock this summer for the first time in 10 years. How much has the UK changed?
/vp/ might as well be Yea Forums
I really hope the Japs know enough about popular British culture to make the villain team football hooligans. Complete waste of an opportunity if they're not.
I don't know how to feel about the fact I'm gonna keep seeing fucking minge posting for at least another year
literally sounds like you're chocking on that fat muslim dick
>that brick top line
nice i might play this pokemon game just for the memes alone
Scots (not Scots Gaelic) is a distinct dialect, or possibly another language related to English.
Americans are so retarded they conflate Scots with northerners.
London is alright for West End, Michelin star restaurants, "Fun Times" in Soho and the tourist traps.
Do NOT venture East of the London Burroughs Market or too far South of the Thames. Or basically just don't venture out of Zone 1.
I'd rather choke on cock than choke on bullets in school you fat american prick
Will the football mini game have good banter?
>how dare someone who isnt from my country not know what we sound like
ok chief
Slow down lad, Kilmarnock hasn't left the nineteenth century yet
Wait, doesn't this mean steel is lighter than feathers?
Poole is quite comfy.
why does she say cheeky twice?
imagine giving a shit
Have you tried not being racist?
you all sound the same to me anyways.
Fuck off sam
>I'm from Glasgow myself
i'm coming to your house right now
anyone who owns a television knows a scottish accent from anything else, unless you're american of course
you literally all sound the same to me
im not going to learn regional differences
Why wouldn't she, you cheeky cunt?
>Not calling it Pokemon Blud and Pokemon Senpai
Missed a trick there
idk what part of Scotland you're from but we say oan here
just sounds like own
scotts can go fuck themselves anyway, bunh of fucking wogs
You have a pokemon loicense m8?
Britishit speak is dirty and ear-grating.
Dear god, this ain't real, man. It can't be.
Got fucking worked by the word filter fuck my life
Where are you?
Thank god. But I will also be in Edinburgh and probably some English cities, based on what other anons have been saying.
we're 96% white m80, dunno about you
I miss chavs bros
will it be in-game?
If there is no Corgi Pokemon, I will fucking riot.
yea ok lad, you keep thinking that
Corgi Pokemon are only allowed if the actual Queen is the Champion.
What are the odds of at least one gym leaders being decked out in bagpipes?
Burger here.
I made one of these and it was okay.
I mean it was filling when I was too lazy to go out and get something and had fuck all.
I feel like I should mention that the "lass" trainer type was originally called "miniskirt" in the Japanese version.
meet me at Central right now and we'll have a spitswapping session
tfw no scott ish lass gf
We need more of these.
>formerly smeggs
If you can't tell the difference between Brooklyn, Boston, and Jersey, then ya got nothing to say.
I second this.
Requesting pic related with Judy and Yuki as former Pokemon girls and Matt as Sword
>The UK is so full of scum that now even the people here don't associate it with any different
I hate it. Chavs should be in borstals or mass graves.
why she angry
fucking kekd
Dumbasses askin' stupid shite.
Chavs don't even exist here anymore, anyone that is still a chav is usually pushing 40 and it's more sad than scary. They were replaced by "lads" that go for tans, wear skinny jeans and all have that one fucking haircut
Alright virgin squad, it's only banter
Strayan banter is better, as they are the descendants of bong criminals
the posh Lass is being a right cunt
Why don't you just eat three slices of toast instead?
I have now realized that I've never seen a single piece of fanart of Morag playing the bagpipe, nor any bagpipe cover of Mor Ardain, and that's just wrong.
>that one fucking haircut
What is it? It's not as gay as our American millennial/zoomer hair cut is it?
But plain rice can actually be good and have flavors easily added to it unlike your shitty-ass cooked bread inside bread
Oy ya wee coont
>lots of switchfags are ironic weebs with amiibos and garbage
>ironic weebs play xenoblade 2 and like it because its babbys first JRPG
>fap to cat loli with welsh english VA
>they use english VA because they're faggots
>new pokemon game is in Britain
>they post images of the new female NPC with text in a shitty welsh "accent"
this is cancer
this is imaginary
It's not actually real though lel, it was a joke recipe discovered in a Victorian cookbook a few years ago
What if the shield is her hat?
Lots of lil white girl type pokemon. I hear if your a Koran badge trainer you can catch them without much issue
shield is chastity lock
sword is penis
It's pretty much the same thing, i'd post an example but some dirty mod banned me from posting images
They filled the hole that Chavs left and try to act just as cheeky but it's hard to take them serious when they look like they've spent about 3 hours in the mirror perfecting their look
I wanna suck Magilou's teats
And rack up the electricity bill? You daft or someting?
it's Scottish
It's to keep the Australians out
This meme is gay. Pokemon is for children. That character is generic as hell. You're all faggots.
Yeah, whatever you fucking pom. At least Brits recognise that their cuisine is so bland that they have to resort to copying an Indian rice dish and naming it their national food, hmm?
They're the same fucking thing. Differences between lads, chavs and deanos are so small it's meaningless.
Apparently everything is cancer to you.
and for everything else they dump vinegar on it
bit weird, 'innit?
you're all the same
except irish people who are aliens
the trailer looks so fucking meh
This thread is pure cringe.
How do Anglos type out an American accent, anyway?
Do you really have to ask why?
Anywhere but London. I hate this place.
please let me rub lotion on your chest magilou
Post your top 5 favorite JRPGs
Literally just come to the south west, the rest of the country is a shithole with few exeptions. Bath is nice to visit and bristol has a pretty good nightlife.
it's m8s
Baguette tae fuck is truly the wordplay of the century
So is Pokemon now Yea Forums?
>drive down and just have some good banter with some random guy on the street, then drive away, likely never to meet again
I wish I lived in the UK sometimes, shit like this would be fun as fuck
You all sound the same.
Can anyone explain to me the difference between a wales accent and a scottish accent, because they sound almost the same to me
‘A Hundred religions and only one sauce’
When Voltaire made his often-quoted statement that the country of Britain has “a hundred religions and only one sauce”, he was saying something which was untrue and which is equally untrue today, but which might still be echoed in good faith by a foreign visitor who made only a brief stay and drew his impressions from hotels and restaurants. For the first thing to be noticed about British cookery is that it is best studied in private houses, and more particularly in the homes of the middle-class and working-class masses who have not become Europeanised in their tastes. Cheap restaurants in Britain are almost invariably bad, while in expensive restaurants the cookery is almost always French, or imitation French. In the kind of food eaten, and even in the hours at which meals are taken and the names by which they are called, there is a definite cultural division between the upper-class minority and the big mass who have preserved the habits of their ancestors.
Every time a new pokemon game gets announced this place becomes a lot more fun
Didn't expect to see you here Lister.
Why is poundland the only dollar store left over there?
One comes from the mouth of a goat fucker while the other comes from the mouth of a kid fucker, take your pick.
Generalising further, one may say that the characteristic British diet is a simple, rather heavy, perhaps slightly barbarous diet, drawing much of its virtue from the excellence of the local materials, and with its main emphasis on sugar and animal fats. It is the diet of a wet northern country where butter is plentiful and vegetable oils are scarce, where hot drinks are acceptable at most hours of the day, and where all the spices and some of the stronger-tasting herbs are exotic products. Garlic, for instance, is unknown in British cookery proper: on the other hand mint, which is completely neglected in some European countries, figures largely. In general, British people prefer sweet things to spicy things, and they combine sugar with meat in a way that is seldom seen elsewhere.
Finally, it must be remembered that in talking about “British cookery” one is referring to the characteristic native diet of the British Isles and not necessarily to the food that the average British citizen eats at this moment. Quite apart from the economic difference between the various blocks of the population, there is the stringent food rationing which has now been in operation for six years. In talking of British cookery, therefore, one is talking of the past or the future – of dishes that the British people now see somewhat rarely, but which they would gladly eat if they had the chance, and which they did eat fairly frequently up to 1939.
remember to join showderp
You cheeky cunt!
The one that's swearing more is the scotsman.
Has anybody made a " u wot" edit yet?
First of all, then, breakfast. Ideally for nearly all British people, and in practice for most of them even now, this is not a snack but a serious meal. The hour at which people have their breakfast is of course governed by the time at which they go to work, but if they were free to choose, most people would like to have breakfast at nine o’clock. In principle the meal consists of three courses, one of which is a meat course. Traditionally it starts with porridge, which is made of coarse oatmeal, sodden and then boiled into a spongy mess: it is eaten always hot, with cold milk (better still, cream) poured over it, and sugar. Breakfast cereals, which are ready-cooked preparations of wheat or rice, taken cold with milk and sugar, are often eaten instead of porridge. After this comes either fish, usually salt fish, or meat in some form, or eggs in some form. The best and most characteristically British form of salt fish is the kipper, which is a herring split open and cured in wood-smoke until it is deep brown colour. Kippers are either grilled or fried. The usual breakfast meat dishes are either fried bacon, with or without fried eggs, grilled kidneys, fried pork sausages, or cold ham. British people favour a lean, mild type of bacon or ham, cured with sugar and nitre rather than with salt. At normal time it is not unusual to eat grilled beef steaks or mutton chops at breakfast, and there are still old-fashioned people who like to start the day with cold roast beef. In some parts of the country, for instance in East Anglia, it is usual to eat cheese at breakfast.
'britain' in japanese fictional setting is just an excuse for knights and carriages and shit.
Malt Vinegar's pretty good
Shield-chan is pure.
make fun of leafs instead
Tbh called the region as far back as X/Y cause all the Battle Maison sisters had blatant Irish mannerisms
Mr mime
After the meat course comes bread, or more often toast, with butter and orange marmalade. It must be orange marmalade, though honey is a possible substitute. Other kinds of jam are seldom eaten at breakfast, and marmalade does not often appear at other times of (the) day. For the great bulk of British people, the invariable breakfast drink is tea. Coffee in Britain is almost always nasty, either in restaurants or in private houses; the majority of people, though they drink it fairly freely, are uninterested in it and do not know good coffee from bad. Of tea, on the other hand, they are extremely critical, and everyone has his favourite brand and his pet theory as to how it should be made. Tea is always drunk with milk, and it is usual to brew it very strong, about one spoonful of dry tea leaves being allowed for each cup. Most people prefer Indian to Chinese tea, and they like to put sugar in it. Here, however, one comes upon a class distinction, or more exactly a cultural distinction. Virtually all British working-people put sugar in their tea, and indeed will not drink tea without it. Unsweetened tea is an upper-class or middle-class habit, and even in those classes it tends to be associated with a Europeanised palate. If one made a list of the people in Britain who prefer wine to beer, one would probably find that it included most of the people who prefer tea without sugar.
>mixing Yea Forums with neoderp
Oh this is good
The last time we had this much oc was with deltarune
Leafs are too irrelevant to offend
Feck off ya poof
Is this Orwell?
I'm British and I drinnk coffee black.
After this solid breakfast – and even now, in a time of rationing, it is usual to eat a fairly large bulk of food, chiefly bread, at breakfast – it is natural that the midday meal should be somewhat lighter than it is in many other countries. Before one can discuss the midday meal, however, it is necessary to explain away the mysteries of “lunch”, “dinner” and “high tea”. The actual diet of the richer and poorer classes in Britain does not vary very greatly, but they use a different nomenclature and time their meals differently, because certain habits adopted from France during the past hundred years have not yet reached the great masses.
Lunch - or dinner?
The richer classes have their midday meal at one-thirty in the afternoon and call it “luncheon”. At about half-past four in the afternoon they have a cup of tea and perhaps a piece of bread-and-butter or a slice of cake, which they call “afternoon tea” and they have their evening meal at half-past seven or eight, and call it “dinner”. The others, perhaps ninety percent of the population, have their midday meal somewhat earlier – usually about half-past twelve – and call it “dinner”. They have their main evening meal at about half-past six and call it “tea” and before going to bed they have a light snack – for instance cocoa and bread-and-jam – which they call “supper”. The distinction is regional as well as social. In the North of England, Scotland and Ireland many well-to-do people prefer to follow the working-class time scheme, partly because it fits in better with the working day, and partly, perhaps, from motives of conservation: for our ancestors of a century ago also had their meals at approximately these hours.
I'm of Scottish descent and its hilarious. Lighten up.
they are redpilled on the british question
Truth Bomb of the Day: British curry is superior to authentic Indian curries.
That and they're a buncha criebabies.
I can't get behind this. I'm sorry. Best of luck.
>Be Australian
>Can understand all of this
It's like we never left.
>MFW Kusaka will make the Male MC the main protagonist of the Galar's arc
>And BW2 will still be in hiatus.
>Wale page allevolie
>this is the random page link
I genuinely cannot for the life of me even begin to figure out what this means.
But though the name and the hour may differ, every British person’s idea of midday meal is approximately the same. We are not here concerned with the quasi-French meals that are served in hotels, but solely with British cookery, and therefore we can leave both soups and hors d’oeuvres out of account. Most British people are inclined to despise both, and do not care for them in the middle of the day. British soups are seldom good, and there is hardly a single one that is peculiar to the British Isles, while even the word “hors d’oeuvre” has no equivalent in the British language. The British midday meal consists essentially of meat, preferably roast meat, a heavy pudding, and cheese. And here one comes upon the central institution of British life, the “joint”: that is, a large piece of meat – round of beef or leg of pork of mutton – roasted whole with its potatoes round it, and preserving a flavour and a juiciness which meat cooked in smaller quantities never seems to attain.
Most characteristic of all is roast beef, and of all the cuts of beef, the sirloin is the best. It is always roasted lightly enough to be red in the middle: pork and mutton are roasted more thoroughly. Beef is carved in wafer-thin slices, mutton in thick slices. With beef there nearly always goes Yorkshire pudding, which is a sort of crisp pancake made of milk, flour and eggs and which is delicious when sodden with gravy. In some parts of the country suet pudding is eaten with roast beef instead of Yorkshire pudding. Sometimes instead of roasted fresh beef there is boiled salt beef, which is always eaten with suet dumplings and carrots or turnips.
Whenever I'm tying to do a Scottish accent half the time I'll end up going scouse.
Like fuck me man, I'm a fuckin United supporter, don't wanna go near the fuckin filth bag of being scouse
Scottish is a top tier lad language
shut up amerimutt
she's a slag
>Regular Poke protag
>"Yay friendship"
>Current Poke protag
>irate slurring and chechny racism
I like this new generation
her country is being invaded by refugees
It is necessary here to say something about the specifically British ways of cooking potatoes. Roast meat is always served with potatoes “cooked under the joint”, which is probably the best of all ways of cooking them. The potatoes are peeled and placed in the pan all round the roasting meat, so that they absorb its juices and then become delightfully browned and crisp all over. Another method is to bake them whole in their jackets, after which they are cut open and a dab of butter is placed in the middle. In the North of England delicious potato cakes are made of mashed potatoes and flour: these are rolled out into small round pancakes which are baked on a girdle and then spread with butter. New potatoes are generally boiled in water containing a few leaves of mint and served with melted butter poured over them.
>we dont just smother everything in ketchup
shittier spices and less of it to boot, he's incorrect, and I'm not indian
It's not exactly obscure
>Englishman takes his Aussie repellent for a walk
it's just going to fall out when you bite it I never understood this shit, unless you wrap it perhaps?
>implying theres oldderp anymore
>scottish descent
Here also we may mention the special sauces which are so regularly served with each kind of roast meat as to be almost an integral part of the dish. Hot roast beef is almost invariably served with horseradish sauce, a very hot, rather sweet sauce made of grated horseradish, sugar vinegar and cream. With roast pork goes apple sauce, which is made of apples stewed with sugar and beaten up into a froth. With mutton or lamb there usually goes mint sauce, which is made of chopped mint, sugar and vinegar. Mutton is frequently eaten with redcurrant jelly, which is also served with hare and with venison. A roast fowl is always accompanied by bread sauce, which is made of the crumb of white bread and milk flavoured with onions, and is always served hot. It will be seen that British sauces have the tendency to be sweet, and some of the pickles that are eaten with cold meat are almost as sweet as jam. The British are great eaters of pickles, partly because the predilection for large joints means that in a British household there is a good deal of cold meat to finish up. In using up scraps of food they are not so imaginative as the peoples of some other countries, and British stews and “made-up dishes” – rissoles and the like – are not particularly distinguished. There are, however, two or three kinds of pie or meat-pudding which are peculiar to Britain and are good enough to be worth mentioning. One is steak-and-kidney pudding, which is made of chopped beef-steak and sheep’s kidney, encased in suet crust and steamed in a basin. Another is toad-in-the-hole, which is made of sausage embedded in a batter of milk, flour and eggs basked in the oven. There is also the humble cottage pie, which is simply minced beef or mutton, flavoured with onions, covered with a layer of mashed potatoes and baked until the potatoes are a nice brown.
"As if they're going to respond with something like "Yeah, [name], you're right, I've been using [experience sharing item] to get strong." "
Welsh: youtube.com
Scottish: youtube.com
And finally there is the famous Scottish haggis, in which liver, oatmeal, onions and other ingredients are minced up and cooked inside the stomach of a sheep.
There are not many methods of cooking birds which are peculiar to Britain. The British regard as inedible many birds – for instance, thrushes, larks, sparrows, curlews, green plovers and various kinds of duck – which are valued in other countries. They are also inclined to despise rabbits, and rabbit-rearing for the table has never been extensively practiced in Britain. On the other hand they will eat young rooks, which are shot in May and baked in pies. They are especially attached to geese and turkeys, which (at normal times) are eaten in immense quantities at Christmas, always roasted whole, with chestnut stuffing in the case of turkeys, and sage and onion stuffing and apple sauce in the case of geese.
I can't get behind this. I'm sorry. Best of luck.
Found a monkey at the Greggs lads
>mfw unovans call pokemon capture devices "pokeballs"
>mfw unovans call experience distribution machines "EXP shares"
>mfw unovans call pokemon biscuits "poffins"
Fish in Britain is seldom well cooked. The sea all round Britain yields a variety of excellent fishes, but as a rule they are unimaginatively boiled or fried, and the art of seasoning them in the cooking is not understood. The fish fried in oil to which the British working classes are especially addicted is definitely nasty, and has been an enemy of home cookery, since it can be bought everywhere in the big towns, ready cooked and at low prices. Except for trout, salmon and eels, British people will not eat fresh-water fish. As for vegetables, it must be admitted that, potatoes apart, they seldom get the treatment they deserve. Thanks to the rain-soaked soil, British vegetables are nearly all of excellent flavour, but they are commonly spoiled in the cooking. Cabbage is simply boiled – a method which renders it almost uneatable – while cauliflowers, leeks and marrows are usually smothered in a tasteless white sauce which is probably the “one sauce” scornfully referred to by Voltaire. The British are not great eaters of salads, though they have grown somewhat fonder of raw vegetables during the war years, thanks to the educational campaigns of the Ministry of Food. Except for salads, vegetables are always eaten with the meat, not separately.
In the second half of the midday meal we come upon one of the greatest glories of British cookery – its puddings. The number of these is so enormous that it would be impossible to give an exhaustive list, but, putting aside stewed fruits, British puddings can be classified under three main heads: suet puddings, pies and tarts, and milk puddings.
>Corless teased in SM
>BW2 is STILL on hiatus
>mfw unovans call pocket sized mosters "pokemon"
Doesn't look like Pokemon Londonistan so i wouldn't get your hopes up
I wasn't aware of get tae fuck until I caught a comedy special by Dara Obriain and the crowd yelled it out. The scots are a fun people.
tell us what happened lad
Suet crust, which appears in innumerable combinations, and enters into savoury dishes as well as sweet ones, is simply ordinary pastry crust chopped beef suet substituted for the butter or lard. It can be baked, but more often is boiled in a cloth or steamed in a basin covered with a cloth. Far and away the best of all suet puddings is plum pudding, which is an extremely rich, elaborate and expensive dish, and is eaten by everyone in Britain at Christmas time, though not often at other times of the year. In simpler kinds of pudding the suet crust is sweetened with sugar and stuck full of figs, dates, currents or raisins, or it is flavoured with ginger or orange marmalade, or it is used as a casing for stewed apples or gooseberries, or it is rolled round successive layers of jam into a cylindrical shape which is called roly-poly pudding, or it is eaten in plain slices with treacle poured over it. One of the best forms of suet pudding is the boiled apple dumpling. The core is removed from a large apple, the cavity is filled up with brown sugar, and the apple is covered all over with a thin layer of suet crust, tied tightly into a cloth, and boiled.
That's obvious enough.
weird little monkey fella
head like a fucking Voltorb
Ah, so the scottish roll their r's and extend the vowels a litle more.
British pastry is not outstandingly good, but there are certain fillings for pies and tarts which are excellent, and which are hardly to be found in other countries. Treacle tart is a delicious dish, and the large or small mince pies which are eaten especially at Christmas, but else fairly frequently at other times, are almost equally good. The mince-meat with which they are filled is a mixture of various kinds of dried fruits, chopped fine, mixed up with sugar and raw beef suet, and flavoured with brandy. Other favourite fillings are jams of various kinds, lemon curd – a preparation of lemon juice, yolk of egg and sugar – and stewed apples flavoured with lemon juice or cloves. An apple pie is often given an exceptionally fine flavour by including one quince among about half a dozen apples.
I'm usually pretty open minded to weird sounding foods, and enjoy organ meats like liver and kidneys. That said, I had haggis once and it tasted like wet cat food. It might be that it's too heavily spiced with onions or garlic or the minced texture, really nasty stuff though.
I found a monkey at the greggs
Sun and Moon has been given pretty much equal spotlight so far, let's hope this trend continues for the Sword & Shield arc.
>What if it's pokemon but in england
Who's idea was this?
Fucking Masuda. Hack fraud.
A monkeigh?
My Dad's from Scotland, I've been, and my mom is white. Can I stay?
The other main category of puddings – milk puddings – is the kind of thing that one would prefer to pass over in silence, but it must be mentioned, since these dishes are, unfortunately, characteristic of Britain. They are preparations of rice, semolina, barley, sago or even macaroni, mixed with milk and sugar and baked in the oven. The one made with barley is somewhat less bad then the others: the one made with macaroni is intolerable to any civilised palate. As all of these puddings are easy to make, they tend to be a stand-by in cheap hotels, restaurants and apartment houses, and they are one of the chief reasons why British cookery has a bad name among foreign visitors.
these memes have already been beaten to death and it's only been a day.
Im reading these, keep going
>the bad guys are just islamic extremists
welcome to the glorious age of bong pokemon shitposting
There are, of course, XXX countless other sweet dishes, including the whole range of jellies, blancmanges, custards, soufflés, ice puddings, meringues and what-nots, which are much the same in all European counties. A few oddments which do not fit into any of the above categories are pancakes – British pancakes are thinner than those of most countries, and are always eaten with lemon juice, – batter pudding, which is made of much the same ingredients as Yorkshire pudding, but is steamed instead of being baked and is eaten with treacle, and baked apples. The apples are cored but not peeled, filled up with butter and sugar, and cooked in the oven: it is important that they should be served in the dish in which they are cooked With cooked fruit of any kind British people always eat cream, if they can get it. In the West of England a particularly delicious kind of clotted cream is made by slowly simmering large pens of milk and skimming off the cream as it comes to the surface.
If the midday meal ends with cheese, that cheese will probably be foreign. Some of the cheeses native to Britain are very good, but they are not produced in large quantities and are mostly consumed locally. The best of them is Stilton, a cheese rather the same kind as Roquefort or Gorgonzola, but stronger-tasting and closer in the grain. Wensleydale, a similar but milder cheese, is also very good.
What anim is this?
The male mc's backpack is huge and I don't know if hate it or love it.
Guarentee replies.png
>No mention of cheddar
Is he high?
learn the accent and learn the culture and no one'll give a shite
bongposting in general is a blessing
Dinner - or tea?
When one has described the midday meal one has also described, in its broadest outlines, the evening meal of the minority who call that meal “dinner”. Of course luncheon and dinner are not quite the same. Dinner is a more elaborate meal, and would always consist of at least three courses, since it would start with either soup or hors d’oeuvre. But there is no luncheon dish that is definitely not a dinner dish, or vice versa, and the enormously long dinner menus which were fashionable in the nineteenth century have been obsolete for two decades or thereabouts. Even before the war, a fairly elaborate dinner would normally consist of four or at most five courses. Very few meals included more than one meat course, and the practice of eating a “savoury”, usually a preparation of cheese or salt fish, after the sweet, was rapidly going out. On the other hand it is usual to drink more alcohol with the evening meal. Few British people drink much in the middle of the day – for those who drink at all, half a pint of beer would probably be the average – and still fewer drink wine, even if they can afford it. Port wine, traditionally associated with Britain and still imported in considerable quantities, is almost purely an after-dinner drink. Gin is drunk before meals, whisky afterwards. After dinner it is usual to drink one or two small cups of coffee: coffee is drunk after lunch as well, but probably a great majority of British people prefer to end that meal with a cup of tea.
Delete this and save the good one
>localization will still use american gangster lingo
I have both
why did they call you racist?
>Few British people drink much in the middle of the day
you're telling me brits aren't dirty day drinkers?
if it isn't handled by NoE then they're fucked
*As has been pointed out already, the bulk of the British people call their main evening meal “tea”, not “dinner”, and have it at about half-past six – at any rate, they have it as soon as the bread-winner of the family returns from work. So far as food values go, “tea” is not necessarily very different from “dinner”, but the lay-out of the meal is different. “Tea”, also commonly called “high tea”, is a large, comfortable, informal meal, designed for people who are tired from work and have nothing to eat for six or seven hours. It has to consist, therefore, of something that can be got ready quickly, and it is usual to place all the dishes on the table at once.*
Pokemon Bong has actually made me consider getting a switch
is this how the Pokemon tourments in Britian
Any other good Scottish shows like pic related?
>As has been pointed out already, the bulk of the British people call their main evening meal “tea”, not “dinner”
Depends where you live, thats mostly norf and Midlands.
>and have it at about half-past six
Wait, is this different in other places? Also yeah, dinner or tea varies based on where you are.
High tea, if it is a good specimen of its kinds, consists of one hot dish, bread and butter and jam, cakes, salad or water-cress if they are in season, and – at normal times when such things are easily procurable – tinned fruit. Sometimes the main dish is cold ham, tinned salmon or shellfish, but usually it is something hot: it may be some kind of toasted cheese, such as the delicious Welsh rarebit, or fried bacon, or sausages, or kippers, or perhaps stewed beef or cottage pie. No tea would be considered a good one if it did not include at least one kind of cake. Cakes are one of the specialities of British – more particularly of Scottish – cooking, and, like puddings, they are too numerous to be listed exhaustively: one can merely indicate a few that are outstandingly good. The best, and the most characteristic of Britain, is the rich, heavy plum cake which is so impregnated with spices and chopped fruits as to be almost black in colour. In their fullest glory those cakes are studded all over with blanched almonds, and at Christmas time they are even richer by being covered with a layer of almond paste and then coated all over with icing sugar. There are, of course, many other varieties of plum cake – a “plum” cake simply means one that has currants or sultanas in it – ranging down to quite plain and inexpensive ones. The richest plum cake, which contain rum or brandy, improve with keeping, and it is usual to make them some weeks or months before it is intended to eat them. Another rich variety of cake contains crystallised cherries instead of currants, and a much plainer kind, which is always better than home-made, is flavoured with caraway seeds. British gingerbread – very dark in colour, and containing black treacle – is also nearly always better when made at home. Shortbread – a sort of very rich biscuit containing a great deal of butter – is seen at its best in Scotland.
football friend
South west here and we call it tea
I was born in the UK and spent my early childhood there so I got into Pokemon while I was still there too.
It's very nostalgic to me seeing a new region based on bongland and the OC around it makes it even better
Disappointing as the game might be when it comes out I'm happy about Sword and Shield right now
>"oi cunt! ye you! how's about a shag?"
what do?
nah, ya fuckin fruit.
>mfw Americans call Splishy Splashy Tortoise a "Squirtle"
>Short hair
>filthy mouth
A+ post
I was reminiscing about Ikea monkey at class last week, we all miss him here
>"How much?"
>mfw Americans call a frizzle firebird "Moltres"
There are countless varieties of small cake: sponge cake, macaroons, doughnuts – different from the better-known American variety in that they have a dab of jam in the middle, – jam tarts, which are commonly eaten hot, and buns of various kinds of which are only slightly sweetened and are intended to be split open, toasted and eaten with butter. Scones, which are tiny round cakes made of flour, milk and cooking fat, are commonly baked just before teatime and eaten so hot that the butter melts when it is spread on them. A particularly delicious kind of tea cake, also made to be toasted and buttered, is the crumpet, which is unsweetened and is eaten with salt. Crumpets, which are of very strange appearance – they are white, and full of holes like a Gruyere cheese – are made by a process that is known to very few people. As well as cakes, biscuits are much eaten at tea-time. British biscuits are exceptionally good, but they are seldom successfully made at home, since they need very carefully regulated temperatures which are only possible under factory conditions.
For the overwhelming majority of people, tea is in the invariable drink at the evening meal. It is very unusual to drink any alcohol at this meal. British working-people, in any case, do not often drink alcohol in their own homes. They like to bring home a few bottles of beer for midday dinner on Sundays, but for the most part their drinking is done in the public house, which serve as a kind of club. Many people drink yet another cup of tea with this final snack which is taken just before going to bed. This snack probably consists of cake, biscuits or bread-and-jam, though in the big towns, where the fried fish shops stay open until a late hour, it is common to end the day with fried fish and chipped potatoes.
but steel is heavier than feathers...
How would she react to a Skarmory?
this aggrivates my trypophobia
Go on.
Doctor Who but the companion is a pokemon.
What pokemon is it?
I'm out of the loop, what's with all the brit threads regarding pokemon all about? seen a bunch of them
>mfw Americans call a zappy electro rodent "Pikachu"
New pokemon game takes place in a Britain inspired region
new game takes place in a uk themed region
Why do mutts try use the mutt meme where it doesn't fit? Are you that insecure?
isn't that just pokemon
let's be real, it's pikachu or a gen 1 starter
sean bean mon
It will be seen that British cookery displays more variety and more originality than foreign visitors are usually ready to allow, and that the average restaurant or hotel, whether cheap or expensive is not a trustworthy guide to the diet of the great mass of the people. Every style of cookery has its peculiar faults, and the two great shortcomings of British cookery are a failure to treat vegetables with due seriousness, and an excessive use of sugar. At normal times the average consumption of sugar per head is very much higher than in most countries, and all British children and a large proportion of adults are over-much given to eating sweets between meals. It is, of course, true that sweet dishes and confectionery – cakes, puddings, jams, biscuits and sweet sauces – are the especial glory of British cookery but the national addiction to sugar has not done the British palate any good. Too often it leads people to concentrate their main attention on subsidiary foods and to tolerate bad and unimaginative cookery in the main dishes. Part of the trouble is that alcohol, even beer, is fantastically expensive and has therefore come to be looked on as a luxury to be drunk in moments of relaxation, not as an integral part of the meal. The majority of people drink sweetened teas with at least two of their daily meals, and it is therefore only natural that they should want the food itself to taste excessively sweet. The innumerable bottled sauces and pickles which are on sale in Britain are also enemies of good cookery. There is reason to think, however, that the standard of British cookery – that is, cookery inside the home – has gone up during the war years, owing to the drastic rationing of tea, sugar, meats and fats. The average housewife has been compelled to be more economical then she used to be, to pay more attention to the seasoning of soups and stews, and to treat vegetables as a serious foodstuff and less a neglected sideline.
>"sure mate u ave yer sex loicense?"
Idk, something intelligent like a Lucario or an Alakazam maybe, a lot of them could work though.
More importantly: Dialga replaces the tardis, and K9 is an Aaron.
the memes write themselves
Celebi obviously.
Why a Scottish lass?
Brian Limond
go visit edinburgh. it's cool
All in all, British traditional cooking has taken a massive hit from the war rationing that continued for a long time. However, traditional cooking is coming back slowly, but British cuisine did not do well by it. British baked goods, puddings and other such pastries and deserts are still generally great.
To summarise, British cuisine cannot hope to compare to the world superpowers that are of Italian or French cookery, but it certainly isn't the worst sort of food in the world. That distinction, proudly or not, goes to Midwestern middle class American food.
It's a Brexit meme you tit for brains.
love this, is that guy wanking or having a stroke?
>mfw when Americans call a frilly flowery lass "Roselia"
>where it doesn't fit
Stuart Ashens keeps that site alive
>mfw Americans call a floaty puff n' chokey a "Koffing"
>Calls Xenoblade 2 "babbys first JRPG"
>Posts a picture from a Tales game
No one can take you seriously now
Chinks BTFO
>posts a berseria pic while complaining about xeno 2
wew fucking lad
and thats a good thing
sod off slag
>mfw Unovans call Rocky Rock "Geodude"
>mfw Unovans call Shelly McRide Along "Lapras"
>mfw Unovans call Hurley Durly "Hariyama"
>mfw Unovans call Rocky Rock Shootah "Rhyperior"
I fucking hate deep friend mars bars so much
>minge posting can now live on in pokemon
sounds a lot like LA
Shield britbong memes is the best part of this new gen.
This is exactly why I didn't want Britbong as a location, they're not going to shut up about it
Everyone on Yea Forums is racist, so they were right.
>deep frying candy bars
>mfw Americans call a frenchman "Mr. Mime"
really faggot? english isn't even my first language and I figure it out
"Why do people ask pokemon stupid shit like "you are getting strong aren't you?" As if the little shit is going to be like Yes Moira you are spot on I'm on the exp'ing share"
this shit is nothing, I'm an hotel concierge and trying to speak with welsh slags is the real challenge
>go to Galar
>try to heal up at a pokemon center
>pokenav is set to timezone of hometown
>ask someone what time it is
>notice he doesn't have watch
>no one in Galar has a watch
>big ben starts to chime
>everyone stops what they're doing to count the bongs on their fingers
>man crashes his arcanine trying to count the bongs
>nurse drops my pokeballs on the floor trying to count her fingers
>man running down the street. OI IT'S 7 BONG
Was true before Kraft bought them
The Americans ruined Cadburies
it's still so fucking great.
And nobody from Texas sounds like a cowboy, so fuck off!
Don't you mean Kalosian?
>mfw unovans call kicky chicky "Blaziken"
Should be Unovans
are you guys gonna start minge posting now?
Because the British tried to create something more foul than blood pudding.
They succeeded to say the least.
Ruby Rose?
>mfw unovans call a ghosty roasty a "Chandelure"
aren't emu fucking dangerous as balls or am I mistaking them with another big bird that can kill you
goofy english accents are so cute goddamn
how do I get a MINGE gf?
That was yesterday I liked the little tuff on the new Lass' minge in that one pic
Reminder that Moltres is best G1 pokemon.
That's a funny way of spelling Golem.
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but no brit 'food' can shock me after learning about the toast sandwich.
You mean the Chad-sowary? But yeah, basically any big flightless bird can kick your shit in and sever your guts out.
Ostriches are dangerous as fuck
Our accents aren't funny enough though. Well, except for the Quebecois.
5 says Karl Pilkington makes a cameo.
That's not Raichu.
fucking hell lad. man-moth pokemon when.
Not scottish enough
Where can I find a chav gf, anons?
>the mutt meme where it doesn't fit
user, I...
Except the Galar region clearly has industrial shit happening as well, and a modern train and modern city.
GameFreak go visit the places that they base the games off. Like, the visited Hawaii for the Alola games, France for the Kalos games etc.
I... what?
goddamn fucker ostrich charged at me once, the guide told me to not panick and stand my ground
the bird stopped 10 fucking inches from me then went his merry way, I joked about taking him on and the dude told me they can kick a LION to death
>goofy english accents
>english accents
You'll never get a "MINGE gf" you stupid amerilard, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
It has some potential, but I'm really worried that this is going to be Kalos all over again, where the team is still getting used to the new engine and plays it too safe, making the region bland and forgettable. We'll see.
>mfw Unovans call Critter Fritter with Jam "Reuniclus"
Welcome to the magical world of English "cuisine".
what haven't amerimutts ruined
o ok. TIL
Scots is basically unnecessary mutilation of English but it's not really that hard to understand if you imagine everything written is someone speaking the word with the absolute minimum of air usage
Imagine if one day they set pokemon in india. Poo in a loo spam every thread every day.
>Be Britfag
>Never even heard of this toast sandwich thing until I saw people here post about it
>Bisharps, Scraftys and Muks roam rampant in Galor
I have a "pet" emu in that it turned up one day and refuses to leave. It's actually pretty chill 90% of the time. The rest of the time its just inexplicably furious at the universe.
did he tickle yer tadger
no need to get upset about your funny voices, its endearing, really
That's most flightless birds in general though. They probably seethe at the world for making them unable to fly.
Why is he looking at me like that?
the point was that it's not an english accent to begin with you fucking retarded ape
>Getting this upset about a meme
At least it isn't recycled wojack #292746164959274e18372
Ya got me.
at least they're all white
>mfw Unovans call Revom Gnol Yreppid Yreppils "Ekans"
seems like artist is bardbot
>mix of all whites
>not white
the worst you'll get is a smidgen of Italian, and even then you can tell
>mfw Americans call a nigger "Jynx"
>speaking the word with the absolute minimum of air usage
Good to know those retarded fucks aren't wasting our air butchering the language. Still could use less though.
I need more of these in my life
bongs are cute
A mutt is a mutt. Being a mongrel mixture of a lot of different ethnicities but excusing it because it's all european ethnicity is something a coping amerimutt would do, you're still a rootless mongrel with no single inherited culture to stand behind in the end
>butchering the most butchered language in human history
will there be munchie boxes in this game?
'wheelie bin' sounds like a joke
>projecting this hard
>mfw Unovans refrigerate their pokemon eggs
>no u
cope harder mutt
the other one has better art and expressions
this one has a better premise, aron vs swablus
>Americans call the bouncy wouncy oinky boinky "Sproink"
>Strong enough talons to kick through thin iron
>They run very fast and their legs kick exactly up to the height of a man's jugular or into your guts and disembowel you
>Literal bullet sponges, you can shoot them with a 1930s machine gun for minutes and they'll just keep running at you
Their only weaknesses are that they're literally incapable of walking backwards and fairly placid sort of like a bull is placid
Cassowaries are the scarier version of emus and have killed lots of people for no fucking reason
Why is he a pirate?
Don't spout words you don't know the meaning of.
You're so unique and smart please let me suck your dick
video when?
stop pirating his rightful (You)s, bitch
dude, caucasian (white) is one ethnic group whereas actual mutts like yourself are probably quarter negro
>26% Spaniard/Irish
Welsh sounds like a sheep getting raped and Scotish sounds like a Deep Fried Irn Bru.
I want her to sit next to me and kiss my cheeks while cooing me in her scottish accent.
They seem normal to me.
It has wheels and it's a bin. Americans call going up on one wheel on a bike a wheelie, right?
Merry Christmas? How does this make sense?
Scots dont do the 'oo' in fooking, dont use 'me' like that and they don't end words like trailer like that.
stop making me want a Scottish gf, Yea Forums
fucks sake
Does this mean the Pokemon Gyms are getting replaced with Jobcentres?
>second pokemon region with a space program
>dude, caucasian (white) is one ethnic group
This is the most retardedly American thing I've read all day. Go lurk for a while until you understand what mutt means.
fix it then
There is literally nothing wrong with being mixed.
>He hasn't seen the "nonsense in other language" bit played before
Eg that one old Yea Forums meme where a guy plays CK2 and the last panel is him riding a camel saying "I can read Arabic" in arabic
I love this. I love this soo fucking much.
holy shit.