Hi :D

Attached: symmetra_portrait.png (546x624, 376K)

She is going to shit on the floor

Canon autist

In a year or so we'll have enough variations of symmetra we could have a whole roster of each one

>almost no sfm porn of her

Attached: pepe.jpg (600x395, 60K)

>let's remove the aimbot which was the only thing that made the character good
Aaand uninstall

Hi! ^_^

Attached: dab.jpg (320x240, 10K)

No one thinks indians are attractive Pajeet, that's why

Is she gonna destroy Pakistan?

Britbongs are hideous too, but that didn't stop the flood of Tracer porn.

Tracer doesn't look like a limey, and she's actually attractive. There's more porn of D.va, Mercy, and Ashe now anyway.

>she's actually attractive.
good bait

if u find tracer attractive u are latent faggot

as asinine a discussion on a completely subjective opinion, why do you not think she is attractive

With the buff to her damage ramp on the beam, Pakistan is finished.

the fugly face

Isn't she Egyptian.

Unironically best girl


>disgusting massive nose
>horrible accent
>ugly skin color

If you don't shes attractive then I think you're the faggots

Attached: tracker.jpg (1920x1153, 969K)

>No one thinks indians are attractive Pajeet
lmao look at this incel

Attached: 1551074413882.jpg (800x1148, 110K)

>model a boy
>call it a girl
nah dude

That image is not supporting your point

No wonder you're still a virgin, big yikes.

Is this supposed to look attractive?


>big yikes
You need to go back....

Best girl. Just delete railings from the game so her teleporter is more usable.

Calling someone a virgin doesn't make your idol any less ugly. It's completely irrelevant.

she's ugly and you're a fag

>has a nose piercing

If you told me this was a boy in drag, I'd believe you.

You're no spring chicken yourself, a non

Lose some weight

>Imagine thinking an entire race is unattractive
Get out of the house more

>what is tu quoque fallacy

I'd still wager an average white girl is better than an above-average indian


Serious question, what is the mental disorder called for this? It looks like compulsive projection and/or hostility without basis. I've noticed this specifically becoming more and more common online, typically on Twitter with those that identify as transgendered but it's been getting more common here as well in the last like 2-3 years.
I can't tell if it's some kind of dissociative disorder or whatever you would call the compulsion to goad ("social starvation" but the medical term).

>I can't tell if it's some kind of dissociative disorder or whatever you would call the compulsion to goad ("social starvation" but the medical term).
Clarifying. The former implies sincerity and the latter implies lack of sincerity.

tfw no almost white brahmin gf with posh english accent

Attached: 1496107366518.jpg (482x427, 40K)

tfw no cute half-brown tomboy gf with freckles and short hair

If only you knew how bad things really were

It's not new at all really. It's just easy to insult something you yourself would find insulting, or make you feel insecure. It's like reverse golden rule

>liking actual 3D women is gay
Great, more for me then. Have fun jerking off into a sock while worshipping your 2D women then I guess.

Attached: 167e1ff.jpg (1080x1080, 136K)

Aren't you just doing the same with 3D women

While it's not new, I'm seeing a lot more of it is what I meant. This trait is becoming more common it seems.
I understand what's happening but I don't understand the purpose. As in, why do that?
I'm curious of both the justification from the afflicted, and the affliction name.
i.e. "because the devil told me" as a justification and "schizophrenia" as the affliction.
I see people claim "narcissism" a lot but this seems different.
It's like it somehow ties in with people saying "millennial self deprecating ironic humor".
What I'm really wondering is if there's a large societal problem forcing a large percentage of people to be desperate for social interaction, even if it's negative to others or themselves. If that makes sense.
Seeing this behavior grow worries me a bit.

I think it may become less and less socially appropriate to be friendly or honest about your opinions, if that relates at all.
It's cool to be depressed, it's cool to hate things (some of the most successful internet critics are just nitpickers). The internet has expanded in such a way that everyone is simultaneously a bully and a victim.

That's a good assessment. I'm now trying to figure out if I'm out of touch and this is just how the next generation is, or if it's as horrible for them as it seems from an external perspective (my own). I can only hope these people aren't just pretending to be ok.

>dude shapes lmao
>dude knockoff mudras I'M INDIAN
>holographic nail polish
Imagine being a "character" designer at nublizz.

>how do make this character design interesting?

It's both. Suppressing emotion of yourself and others is never good for your psyche, but it may be simply how a generation raised on the internet, something we've never experienced in full power until now, are destined to act. You slowly "learn" that your opinions and emotions are not important, and thus must be silenced else face the stigma behind it. Or delve deeper into smaller echo chambers until someone at least PRETENDS to care.



Attached: 1548387183280.jpg (638x1000, 79K)

>brainlet image
>but his head has unlimited power

learn how to type shitskin

>unlimited power

Attached: 25fe8a0bb3d6724b793595571d9d6b18.jpg (500x372, 32K)