How does Nintendo get away with this?
Nintendo Switch Pricing
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it hasnt been out as long
People know Nintendo is quality. Sony can’t survive being more expensive then the alternative, so they have to be cheaper
>Nintendo is quality
Show me one Switch screenshot that does not look like a GameCube screenshot
Cause its still selling. For goodness sake, since launch this under powered HYBRID console has NOT sold at a loss.
Several of these consoles have been out for years, Switch hasn't.
Not only that why decrease the price on something if its still selling strong?
It's selling well enough they don't need to discount it.
Also unlike M$ and Sony, Nintendo makes a habit of making money off of their hardware sales, while the other two sell low to increase install base.
>Nintendo is quality
>Switch dock easily scratches the screen
>The dock itself is super flimsy
>Screen resolution is 1280 x 720 (LCD)
>Short battery life
>Games actually look worse than PS Vita games
>Whole system looks cheaply made
Another Shitendo cope thread
Nobody is going to because everyone knows you're a retard, who will anwser to any screenshot that it looks like a GameCube game.
You're the cheap version of "Looks like a PS2 game".
It hasn't been out long and it's the only current gen system
Imagine actually typing this out.
Go to bed nerd. You have school tomorrow.
>Worst hardware by far
>Garbage controllers which break easily
>No ethernet port
>Can't even charge controllers while playing
>The "free" games you get for their online service are +30 years old
imagine being this salty
KEK fatso weeb pedo cuck
Imagine being so gay you type all this shit out without any irony.
Just so You know I'm saving this idea to post 2 years after PS5 launches spin at Sony.
switch is relatively new at the time. That ps4 ad is for the slim model, the ps4 pro is still the relatively expensive option.
Because Soýtendo are the biggest cancer in the industry and the Shitch is pure garbage
>Best And More POWERFULL Handheld of the MARKET
>Multiple Selection of controllers
>Ethernet Port compatible by usb or usbc
>You need to connect the power source to charge the controllers while playing
>And that's a good thing
Try to keep up gramps
>ps4 pro 350$
>switch 300$
Because 1) they don't sell at a loss and 2) people buy it
>hurr onions hurr shit
soulless post
>97+ Games
The same way they get away with selling $60 Wii U ports, their fanbase is braindead, they will damage control anything Nintendo does an inevitably lash out at Sony instead of standing up for themselves
97+ Games
Goty Games
Indeed Shitendo has movie games only, literally requires no skill and there is no difficulty. Also QTE events galore
Who won GOTY 2018 again?
Smash Ultimate 10Million Sales witting a month
Try to Keep up gramps
There are still a lot of people who will pay $300 for the Switch
Pricing of things isn’t determined by the capabilities of the hardware but by the cost it took to make it and the willingness of customers to pay
Take the PS4 for example. It cost $400, partially due to the build cost at the time but also because that was the peak of the elastic demand curve that sony projected
It was the highest point they could charge where the gross profit would be largest based on (profit per unit x # of people buying it)
As the build cost likely went down, Sony waited until sales at the $400 price point dried up and then moved it to $300
Chances are high it doesn’t even cost $200 to make the system anymore
getting away with what exactly? PS4 was sold at 400$ for about 3 years, same goes for Xbone, Swich came out 2 years ago and haven't stopped selling well at the same price it launched, why should nintendo drop the price when its not needed?
>the specs on that fucking alienware
holy fucking kek
>Switch still uses older hardware than the ps4
>cost 300$
You admit Nintendo is anti consumer alright
Who won GOTY 2018 again?
how? do they need to cut the price after 2 years just so you can be a happy costumer? jesus christ
cept switch looks liek a cheapo nasty plastic toy
>moving goalposts
>defending movie games
>approving the GOTY selection of a jury which includes fucking IGN and Gamespot
>thinking GOTY means anything more than just a reference
kys senpai
>laptop I7 vs Downgraded 2005 tablet soc on switch
>dedicated vga vs switch soc
>8gb ram vs 4gb of switch needs to share with system and vga
>1TB vs 32gb
>2wireless vs 50$ adapter
>Comes with controller vs 70$ controller
tegra X1 released 1 year after PS4 came out, PS4 hardware predates its launch by about 3 years, shitpost harder
If by "quality" you mean "casual kiddy shit" sure
>>Best And More POWERFULL Handheld of the MARKET
I-its handle so it's ok being liretally piece of turd!
>>Multiple Selection of controllers
And all of them is trash. Woohoo nintendo QUALITY!
>>Ethernet Port compatible by usb or usbc
"B-but you can fix it if you purchase this..."
>>You need to connect the power source to charge the controllers while playing
"It's not shit if you pray to nintendo-sama!!"
>>And that's a good thing
For competitor, yes.
Look at this nintendo shill and laugh.
Of course they fucking do you retard, hardware loses it’s value extremely quickly
So you say Botw winning GOTY is a joke, glad to agree.
Who won GOTY 2018 again?
>comes with a controller
switch comes with 2 controllers :^)
>2wireless vs 50$ adapter
>implying switch doesn't have 5ghz wifi
gb ram
>DDR3 in 2019
those specs are meaningless in real time PC performance, for 200$ youre getting a terrible PC experience while with switch you can get the ultimate portable experience
Lies, I can't find a jewstation anywhere even a base model for less than 230 plus tax
>Pictured are black friday sales
>Except for Nintendo on a regular day
>switch has not once been on sale when it's competitors frequently have $199 deals
>$199 Steam Machine
Nice, is it be possible to install Windows on one of these or are you forced to use ShitOS?
These games deserved a 70s score you just get +20 points out of nostalgic cuckoldry
>Useless Controllers
>Switch wifi has connection drops
>ultimate portable experience
360p with drops
KEK no wonder why you paid 300$ + tax + tip for an old tablet kiddo
>Installing SPYWARE
KEK just get a xbox or ps4 faggot
>tfw too old to play Nintendo games
not quickly enough you fucking nigger, PS4 is still sold at 250 at the lowest and it came out in 2013
are you intentionally ignoring the fact PS4 was sold for 400$ for over 2 years on the market thanks to demand? even tho the hardware was already outdated when it launched
>PC gaming with linux
enjoy playing not games or paying performance tax
Retards will buy it, especially Nintendo first party
Anyways, seems like the only big game Switch gets is FIFA, no other normie shit like CoD or Madden. I guess Fortnite and Apex Legends are normie shit, but free
Same I’m 23
>moving this many goalpost
go play some movie bros, your s o y levels are running low
>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself
>basedtendo games run lower than an actual movie
AHAAHAHAHAHAHA also get your estrogen levels checked and get laid
ok bro you go take a shower asap
Nintendo fans will buy just about anything nintendo puts out for just about any price, and they know this.
Agreed, even my 10 years old nephew find Nintendo games too juvenile and cringy
>Doesnt Play on linux
kek to reatrded to learn how to do stuff on the control panel? ya dipshit
>have soul
>be portable
>be home console
nigga i got options
>xbox and ps4 don't have spyware
>not a single good reason for why a 1080* machine with limited 3rd party support should cost $100 more than well established systems that have better visuals, larger install base and 10x the library size
>people also ignoring the yoshi game that drops frames constantly while having wii-u visuals
why is it so difficult for people criticize nintendo? just admit this tablet is a cool device, but cost too much for what you're getting.
Nintendo fans are old nuff to buy inexpensive toys with less cost less than a hamburger meanwhile you cry because it takes you months to safe just to buy a movie game
>be the worst portable EVER
>be the worst home console EVER
why pick something bad if you could pick the WORST OF BOOTH
Woah dude, how many levels of irony are on?
Its only like 50$ more than it costs to make one, its not like their jacking up the price a whole lot
>buying toddler toys
Yikes grow up
It released earlier that year vs PS4 and Xbox being several years old
Wii U is gonna be remembered fondly in a few years, especially cause it sold like shit. Look at the Sega Saturn now. Hang onto the Wii U if you can afford to, I know I am, you won't regret it later.
>March 2017
>nearly march 2019 and not a single sale
>ps5 coming soon..
It's not just the console price but the games too. With this plus 2 games and another controller, you're looking at at least 500 bucks
>>Games actually look worse than PS Vita games
Nobody who owns both actually believes this.
I'm keeping it. I got Starfox Zero, Xenoblade X, Pikmin 3, and Wonderful 101 to go with some other shit.