Why do western game devs insist on making ugly women in vidya? Who the fuck wants to play an obese mentally ill rape ape who cut his dick off to pretend hes a girl? What the fuck is wrong with this industry?
Why do western game devs insist on making ugly women in vidya...
>thing that is popular is not thing I like
The pandering is fucking annoying, but get a grip. You care too much.
why were asian women made for white cock?
I dunno, so I don't buy them?
Had a girl in my HS with a mixed face of those both and I've never seen a more beautiful girl then her.
Because Western girls have been convinced that if they feel bad about something, that 100% of the time it's valid. This simple delusional fuels everything we see today.
>media turning on kondo
>mad that asian princess is capturing the attention of so many western men
>author basically says: "US failing because japanese darling teaching american men what a real housewife should be like"
Because most devs are actually weak men who think making ugly women will score them points with feminists.
Number 1 and 3 still look cute (specially 1), and they are clearly puffing and de-puffing their cheeks to maximize the effect.
Number 2 still baffles me.
The last girl is still pretty cute.
Because all women were made for white cock
Jesus Christ. Is there anything they can do to fix this? Its fucking terrifying really.
what's popular?
>Who the fuck wants to play an obese mentally ill rape ape who cut his dick off to pretend hes a girl?
An obese mentally ill rape ape who cut his dick off to pretend hes a girl
Wear their hair forward forever?
>thinking they all look the same
White women have been tricking men into thinking they're pretty for years.
Is this real?
it's not a recipe, mate. She could have an ugly ass sister.
i want to be a cute and sexy asian girl
What about when they go to the beach? Or a pool? Or are working out?
You're literally coping
because they are ugly women, user.
Same reason most Japanese devs refuse to put actual Asian people in vidya.
Wear their hair forward as much as possible then? Look sometimes you're just gonna have a girl with a fat face out on display. If you love her then learn to love her fat face so she can wear her hair how she wants and she doesn't have to fix anything user cause there's no other way to fix you facial structure inb4 plastic surgery, it would probably just make it worse honestly
Not all asian girls are that cute I grew up in the liberal shithole of San Francisco and even had an asian girlfriend in high school and she was really cute only because she was half white. Most asian girls are just not so pretty. They aren't too ugly either. The most unattractive women are fat women.
>Muh daughter
>Muh "realistic" women that look like an ogre
>Muh mature and gritty stories that are just on par with what you see on generic American movies
There's nothing coping about dominating Asian women.
She does have an older sister and I think she would look pretty similar to her, if she would've lost about 50 or so kg.
asian girls that look like this don't go anywhere near those things you listed. it's just home-->university/work-->mall
t. lives in vancouver
Name of the jap?
Sum Ting Wong
That's a Chinese name you /pol/ fag
ok stud
No, they are using an app
Brunette, slightly tanned, and thiyack.
>facial structure
Thats what it is, not simply a ''fat face''. Sorry, but if a girl has such fucked aesthetics, then theres no way I could ever love, as im a visual first kinda guy.
Im not asking for a model tier girl here either. Im just asking for girls that werent born with a borderline defect in the part where one would look at them all the time. Their goddamn faces in this case.
So, sorry if youre an asian girl with a huge round face. Get plastic surgery, as you literally got nothing to lose, but much to gain. Like being able to go to the beach.
Sad, but understandable.
Because the only thing woman hates more is a prettier woman.
Fragile femininity from the sjw crowd.
remember anons, nothing is ever as good as it appears to be.
unless it's 2D.
Why do Chinese and Korean women all look the same after heavy makeup and plastic surgery?
>I am moon
why does this make them so angry?
2d always wins.
Based and dare I say bleachpilled
Can we get those new janitors already?
So that's how i didnt see it was a tranny, thanks for the webm's anons
the world is a frightening place
>d-do y-you like me now user
this is what white women will be like in a few years.
It can't be helped.
not for you
This would be better if the white women were hollding half-black babies.
Wtf do they even peel from their noses? This goes far beyond falsse advertising.
actually, i do. i would let them have sex with me if they asked nicely enough
>d-do y-you like me now user
nope but the effort is appreciated
But the seethers are usually asian men
Here's why
>Women don't like competition or feeling inferior. If they could ban prettier women than them, they would.
>Western devs often have women as diversity hires so they'll project insecurities into the final product
>Westerners in general have gotten worse at art and aesthetics over the decades. They can't make appealing content for their fucking lives.
>everything is niggers with these people
rent free
Because the west has these things called SJWs. They are the creatures responsible for such classic characters such as, the /fit/ whore from overwatch.
I love giving my Jap gf my BWC
maybe to hide pores idk
pretty sure all these chicks are professional models, but i could be wrong. i can't really see chicks goin this hard on a daily basis just to go outside, but you never know
Yikes! So glad I stan Red Velvet, the white man's group.
>Asian men hate her
>White girls hate him
oof yikes
Isn't posting like this no different than insecure nigs doing the same with white girls
you know what that those are guys in the webm right
Actually yeah this is cuter
>when you're trying to enjoy your drink and some thot keeps grinding on you
Isn't that a trap?
I would still get her pregnant in a second given the chance
>not posting both
>Asians aren't that good, I met a Chinese girl once...
Just stop right there, nobody cares about the Chinese it's only Japanese and Koreans people that matter, that's what people mean when they say Asian girl
No because niggers are disgusting
Look under the chin and you'll know the answer.
>white men overwhelmingly marry white or latina women
Reminder only genetic dead ends marry Asian women.
Why would you even bother with that shit? If you can't accept what you naturally look like then just kill yourself, honestly. Outside of exercise and prosthetics to replace lost motor function, cosmetic surgery is a fucking joke.
>Why do western game devs insist on making ugly women in vidya?
Oh, you know.
i wish i was like that dude
Fuck mainlander insects
the delicious seethe
>you /pol/ fag
jezus christ this place truly is tumblr
here is your gene editing bro.....
>Kosi Ugo
>Casado Garcia
>Shaimaa El-Shammy
>Muhammod Faruqe
>Mustafa Jan
Uhh that's just hair dye and contacts and some plastic surgery to remove the epicanthal fold, dude. It's illegal to gene edit human embryos for aesthetic purposes.
Look how massive the face is on the right one. Thing needs it's own area code
I've dated 6 White women and 3 asian women, cope more.
Based African Queen loyal to her King
Why does everyone hate the blacks?
Hmm, I wonder
>9 women
Are you in your 30s or just bad with relationships?
Literally only low status incel copers go for Asian women.
Why would with white women with the highest SMV for females care that guys that they would never date go for low status women?
>Everybody shitting on western roasties
>One single LARPfag mentions /pol/
>"This place is literally Tumblr"
Because black is whack
Based and whtie pilled
Chinese Girls >>>>>>> Koreans/Japs
Incels are mostly non-white individuals, but nice try retard.
Sorry, but bestiality is illegal
t. Xi
>People prefer their own race
As it should be.
Why are asian women so terrifically based?
Whites destroyed black communities so blacks rent very palatable to anyone
Except asian and latino women, who want white cock, apparently
And all men want to fuck asian women except for asian men
>Incels are mostly non white
Except most of them are white losers on this site and others.
>go outside
>see wmaf couples everywhere
>the only asian women i see with asian men are tourists
>i dated 2 asian girls and a hapa
why is this shit so common? are more people taking the yellowpill?
Why are Asians so small and hairy?
ur a dumpass
also i'm pretty sure that girl is korean
There aren't any asians in my town except for a few Chinese.
And who wants a Chinese wife?