ITT: 10/10 games

ITT: 10/10 games

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I would agree with you if not for Teddie, that said it's still easily one of my favorite games of all time. I only played the original release so can't speak for golden content until Vita emulation gets good.

Conveniently declared so on the box OP

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I don't think a 10/10 game is perfect, so I can forgive one character being kinda annoying

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What makes this so great?

I played it for a bit and got to part after the trial.
I don't mind RPGs if they have good combat systems like FFV did with multiple classes but this game wasn't like thatfrom the few hours I played.

Shovel Knight Treasure Trove.
So many polished activities across 3 campaigns with “cheat” to further change additional playthroughs

The real flexibility in your party as your abilities grow so does your involvement in battles featuring double/triple techs

The base SNES game has the least amount of bloat in any JRPG campaign ever. In 15-ish hours, it manages to pull off a better campaign than most 40+ hour JRPGs.

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Interesting, so it's a bit like FF, wait until later.
I'll try it again.
That short? Not bad.

Does your party get split at all to the point I might be left with say, Lucca being 10 levels behind the rest?
i get the NG+ system is a thing and that's anotherstory but I'm talking about my first playthrough

Completely fair.

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My favorite game even after all these years, know it inside out.

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That game and this are why the GameCube is fucking fantastic

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You barely scratched the surface

Metal Gear Solid

You know it bro, gamecube is my favorite console and in my opinion best of that era just thanks to the lineup, luigi's mansion, double dash, metroid prime, RE4, TTYD, wind waker, melee, sunshine, SA2B, pikmin, etc...

>You know it bro
Don't say things like this.

Amen brotha. Luigi’s mansion was the first game I played when I was a wee bab

>Had the gamecube and a bunch of games. >Thought of it as the weakest of its gen and worst nintendo console
>Never touched either of these games.
Mistakes were made apparently.

No, I’m pretty sure all your characters gain exp out of combat too, but they don’t gain tech points

What about 11/10?

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Great art, excellent music, the atb system keeps combat flowing and you can adjust the speed to your liking, rewards party experimentation with double and triple techs, incredibly content dense while keeping very tight pacing so you never feel any jrpg grind (25-30 hours), extremely varied enemy designs and environments and it uses time travel to its full potential allowing you to do sidequests where you can see real and major changes in the world from your actions. Add to that 14 endings with NG+ and the fact that there's no actual bad content it's very close to perfect. The only thing I could possibly say bad about it is that it's fairly easy if you know how to play jrpgs.

I had an xbox too at the time. Halo ce was fucking great

Also best in the series. Prove me wrong

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I tried really hard to like this after Persona 3, 4 and 5 being some of my absolute favorites and got 25 hours before dropping it. The combat is good, fusion has good QOL and the black samurai plot and setting seemed interesting but everything in the plot is so spread out, npcs and towns have no personality, and characters feel so bland I just couldn't stay invested. Also music is mediocre at best and the constant, "go to x location and fight these guys so you can go to the next place" loop is a repetitive slog and the garbage map makes it worse. Please tell me why you enjoy it, I genuinely want to like mainline SMT.

I played this back in the day and loved it, though not nearly as much as FFVI, but lately I've watched some of it on Youtube and parts of the plot now feel kinda dumb.

People who hate it, don't appreciate good games.

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I have literally never seen or heard of this game, tell me what it is about

What about 100/10 games?

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Is that the insane hard game that punishes grinding?

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MGS3 No doubt.

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People have been having good taste in this thread so far, noice.

great soundtrack but after medusa you can just let autobattle carry you through almost everything

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You may not like it, but accept it.

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Would this one be a 10/10 if the character models weren't fugly and the individual characters felt more different aside from Limit Breaks/stats?

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Sorry op but this is the best jrpg Thought that the game was too easy but hey maybe a hard/very hardplay through might fix that
I recommend it’s sequel since you don’t need to have played 4 to understand

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>music is mediocre at best

You're full of shit.

If this is a 10/10 then VII, V and III are 1000000/10

No when both Nocturne and SJ exists.

>music is mediocre
How so?

>game takes place all in one dungeon
>story is drip fed using the godawful calendar system
Just because Junpei is the best bro doesn't mean Persona 3 is a good game.

Marie already makes it not a 10/10


>best story in the series
>best social links
>best main cast
And wtf do you mean the story was drip fed I enjoyed the pacing but Tartarus did suck ass

>best story in the series

The story was pretty good, but they could've got a fucking move on it instead of only really starting it 30~ hours in and only having the plot advance little by little.

It would probably help to not get into SMT with the same mindset as persona as they are completely different games besides sharing the same demon designs. You might see the characters as one sided but that’s kinda the point, your party members all represent a radical ideal. In this case, Law, Chaos and Neautral

Came here to post this exact game. Have a (you), good sir.

Also best Sonic Game.

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Is this you?
Im not sure I understand your complain, doesnt "go to x location and fight these guys so you can go to the next place" happen in pretty much every game ever? Especially jrpgs, Ill admit that from what ive seen so far, SMT tries its best at not developing charachters too much after showing their inclinations over certain things, as you can see no one but the protagonist had a moment in the story to develop them specifically, they got presented and react to the effects of the events through the game, my guess is that smt tries to bring people to it through its atmosphere and worldbuilding instead of the charachters and interactions, as far as I can tell you still havent seen how truly fucked up Tokyo has become because of the demons or the full extent of what people is capable to do in order to survive, its in those things that the focus is put on, while the main protagonists just react to it, I can see why you wouldnt like it, but the game has its own brand of storytelling.
I will have to completely reject your "music is mediocre" notion, its great, many parts of it, not all of them, but is far from mediocre.
The map IS Garbage though, there no saving that, at least in this point I think Atlus is trying to hard to cling to the older games tradition of having that kind of overworld exploration.

Seeing that every iteration of animal crossing are more or less expansions, I’ll say allowing you to make money faster with the island turned animal crossing from a 7/10 to an 8/10

Fuck, forgot the image

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I'll cherish this particular (You) forever

>nothing but comfy missions
If only this one had a retired in a monastery arc like H2.

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