New sony exclusive can't even reach old games from nintendo

>new sony exclusive can't even reach old games from nintendo
What about nintendo games makes people them so much. NSMBD is just a port of a wii u game anyway

Attached: sony last.png (659x727, 410K)


Yea ForumstendoGaf this desperate.

They are actual games.

Brand recognition. If you buy a Mario platformer you know you get a good game, if you buy a new game it's a coin toss

or wait not a sony exclusive its also on PC. But still even then why does it linger behind older nintendo games which are just ports to begin with?

Sekiro is a multiplat, you retard.

What is it about Sony that makes seething tendies so obsessed? It's sad.

Attached: sony won.jpg (196x251, 13K)

>sony exclusive
holy fuck tendies hate sony that bad huh?

I think he means in terms of Japan, considering that PC gaming there is a very niche cult thing and the Xbox brand is completely irrelevant.

It's on PS4, PC and Xbox.
So you have to track 3 versions of the game to count sales.
End of thread.

Another day. Another thread Yea ForumstendoGaf dedicates to Sony. The PS4 winning this generation has really broken this place.

Sekiro isn't out yet, the others are already out

Shit and embarrassing thread

>gets BTFO
>samefags and backtracks and his previous statements


Retarded nindies obssesed with sony, sekiro isnt sony game it wasnt even revealed on thier stage, by the way japan is irrlevent country now

>he's now trying to deflect

You can't blame them. Sony did beat the Wii U so hard Nintendo left the industry to make fisher price tablets. And even then the Switch is getting outsold by a 5 year old console. Tendies are in a constant state of cope.

Oh wait, is OP? Okay.

nah, the assraping was the ps2. Since then nintendo "consoles" have been a joke

how does one company trigger nintendo fans so badly

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>tendie makes console war thread
>gets BTFO

Every time.

By winning.


no I was just pretending to be retarded for shitposting fun, but then I actually went full retard and forgot it was mulitplat. But now that I look at the list again it really jogs my nog about how NSMBD is more popular then Sekiro, it didn't get the big smash advertising, and I thought people would be more excited for the new samurai dark souls

Sorry everyone. Here's the full list if anyone cares.

Attached: sony top.png (663x895, 551K)