Chinese Overwatch players getting banned for typing “Winnie the Pooh” in chat

>Chinese Overwatch players getting banned for typing “Winnie the Pooh” in chat


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fake news


This is what communism does. It concentrates power in order to achieve an idealistic society, but is then abused by the same powers used to achieve this society. Winnie the Pooh being banned is only the tip of the ice berg, worse things are bound to happen when you are ruled by a dictator.

Based chinks

Blizzard has nothing to do with this. This is all on the CCP. Do you want to do business with the largest market in the world yes or no?

>Blizzard has nothing to do with this.

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what do CCP games have to do with any of this?

This Xi Jinping obsession with Winnie the Pooh must be the pettiest shit I have ever seen in my entire life.

Rumor is they are gonna ban Eeyore soon


I can read chink and they didn't get ban for saying "Winnie the Pooh".

They got banned because their social credit score went too low.


Right. At this point everyone in the world knows him as The Poo



For saying Winnie the Pooh. It's illegal in China. It's part of a meme comparing a high up party member to Pooh.


One job.

Pakistan nuking India fucking when


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thank you based liberals for letting full blown censorship to be accepted
now lets wait for this to hit overwatch global so we can reach full power based and bluepilled levels

If the CCP eases up on even the slightest bit of dissent and counter culture (see Peppa Pig gangsta tattoos), there will be mass uprisings.

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Maybe these companies should just stop doing business with China altogether.

He also has no concept of the streisand effect

A new one to add to the repellent.

I don't get it, the resemblance isn't even that strong. He looks a LITTLE like winnie the poo, are insults just different in china? I can think of 100 worse things to call him just off the top of my head.

banned in china

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>the resemblance isn't even that strong
Sure thing Xi.

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China is really anal about mentioning Winnie the Pooh because their leader always gets compared with the fat fuck by people who hate him. Why winnie the pooh? Because it apparently really gets under his skin

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Retard should've embraced it as an compliment. Who the fuck doesn't like Winnie the Pooh?

I mean like what if a chinese citizen typed "Xi is a smelly nigger" or whatever into overwatch? Would he get flagged the same? My example isn't good, I dunno what the chinese consider insulting. Something about ancestors?

It really is just that one picture with obama Everything else snowballed from there because they react so incredibly butthurt

If the CCP allows that then that will give people leverage to call him more things,

[/spoiler]tienanmen square massacre[/spoiler]

>Govt makes the rules in your game
>get banned

iifc china also pressures their allies to filter out the winnie the pooh memes. which makes it even more hilarious

tfw cooking chink corpses that have died in the chink famine in a massive pot to make fertilizer to use on the farm (owned by the goverment) so I can survive.

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These american companies that work with China to do shit like this are getting shit on for it, right? I don't just mean from us, I mean like regular people

I don't why Xi got so triggered by it. Most people would find it cute and endearing for public image. Fucking Abe got Eeyore

1. East Asian countries absolutely cannot handle banter
2. China's dystopian government requires its leaders to be as untouchable as possible

Evil dictators are usually vain to the point of absurdity. Putin is ridiculously sensitive about his height so he wears goofy lifts in his shoes ala Robert Downey Jr.

asians are a funny people

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>Type two words, get banned, money stolen.

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Just shows Chinks have skin as thin as their dicks

Taunt them about their erectile dysfunction. Make sure to remind them that their "medicine" will never work.
If they're too young then tell them it'll happen to them too.

For the most part yes, but not a whole lot of people know about it since it flies under the radar. If they were to do something big that affected everyone because of the Chinese government then it would turn into a shit show, but I doubt they're that retarded. (Actually, they probably are)


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>amerifat gaymers getting banned for typing "nigger" in chat

(you) should look at (you)rself before laughing at others

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Winnie the Pooh

Bro I don't know where you're from but whatever happens when you do that is undoubtedly worse

>t. chang

Nigger gives you a temp chat suspension in your first offense.

Typing the W word in China gives yous a perma ban from the entire game.

Is the CPC retarded? It would just die off on its own if it hadn't been banned. Now everyone is going to keep memeing Pooh because of this.

Four Pests Campaign 除四害
Kill Sparrows Campaign 消灭麻雀运动
Great Sparrow Campaign 打麻雀运动

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>Now everyone is going to keep memeing Pooh because of this
Type Winnie the Pooh enough times and you will be harvested for organs.

>Dictator gets compared to a friendly carefree character

Imagine getting mad.


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Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh
1989 Tiananmen Square protests
Ningxia Autonomous Region
Shan Area
Inner Mongolia
Taiwanese Independence Day

Get fucked.

Based and redpilled.

>Blizzard has nothing to do with this
Kill yourself as soon as possible, thanks

>those petite buns
I wanna taste

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The Party began to export excessive amounts of grain from regions in 1957 under the Great Leap Forward. However, the production of grain throughout China was decreasing from 1957-1961. In areas, such as Sichuan Province, the grain collected was decreasing from 1958-1961,[15] yet the numbers being reported kept increasing. Beijing believed, "in 1960 state granaries would have 50 billion jin of grain" when it actually contained 12.7 billion jin.[16] Within Da Fo "food output by and large did not decline, but there was an astonishing loss of food availability associated with Maoist state appropriation"[17] and the grain yield in Gansu declined 4.273 billion kilos from 1957 to 1961.[18] This series of events resulted in the illusion of superabundance, in which the Party believed that they had an excess amount of grain they could access; but, the Party was also unaware that crop yields were in fact lower than average.[citation needed]

The effects of the illusion of superabundance were significant, leaving historians to argue it to being the cause of much of the starvation throughout China. Yang Dali states that there were three main consequences from the illusion of superabundance:[19]

First, it led to planners to shift lands from grain to economic crops, such as cotton, sugarcane, and beets, and divert huge numbers agricultural laborers into industrial sectors, fueling state demand for procured grain from the countryside. Second, it prompted the Chinese leadership, especially Zhou Enlai, to speed up grain exports to secure more foreign currency to repay debts to the Soviet Union and to purchase capital goods needed for industrialization. Finally, the illusion of superabundance made the adoption of the commune mess halls seem rational at the time. All these changes, of course, contributed to the rapid exhaustion of grain supplies.

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>In 1960, Mao ended the campaign against sparrows and redirected the fourth focus to bed bugs.

There are maybe 7 or 8 niggers in my country...
I can shout nigger, or gypsy or muslim sandnigger in the streets and or anywhere I want actually...
9/11 The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis American Cover-Up Trials of Unit 731 The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa Operation Gladio

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It happened with Rainbow 6 Siege a while ago, blocking images on maps that would be deemed "offensive" to the Chinese audience. Enough backlash caused Ubi to back down and make the changes separate to the Chinese version of the game.

i don't think that works in Amer

It might be hard for you to understand since it's so different for you bugs, but people in the west don't get their internet cut for seeing words on a computer screen.

??? Nobody bans you for talking about 9/11 or watergate

Just don't say it then
read the TOS

>type ching chong in dota
>chink allies run down mid and feed
what's wrong with chinese people?

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I-I SURE DO LOVE MY GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There was an attempt. Try harder next time.
Now come over to Detroit's hood and yell "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" in someone's face.

Why are you so mad? Does this thread actually annoy you?

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just following orders

Who cares
I can Obama a smelly nigger and Trump a retarded faggot but it isn't like Obama or Trump are going to personally send the army to kill me or something
The Chinese have really fucking thin skin jesus

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user are you...

Calling Asians by the wrong nationality pisses them off because all Asians loathe each other.

Sweetie, you have the freedom to say all that.
Chinese will be executed

I think Koreans and Chinese don't hate each other all that much.

People don't care as long as they keep that censor shit only for the chinese client.

>he thinks America is China and cuts people's throats for putting words on the internet
hahahah silly bug man
winnie the pooh
>sorry your family is going to die now

Hey Yea Forums, do you want to see a magic trick?
Then write Tigger, but instead of using a "T" put an "N" in it's place
Wait a couple of minutes and tadaaa- you're now banned from 4channel

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>Expecting THAT of all things to be censored
That's like censoring the Rape of Nanking. You can do better than this Chang, the US has issues but information blackouts are not one of them.

Would you ignore someone insulting you? Seems kinda weak doesn't it

If the Chinese were to call Xi a something equivalent he would disappear.

No one is banned from Yea Forums for saying nigger you nigger fucktard.

more like
>type words, social credit score plummets

This. Nobody likes a filthy nigger, but who hates winnie the pooh?

No. Remember the government really doesn't care if you call Xi pooh or not. What it is demonstrating is that it can destroy you for even the pettiest of insults against Xi.

you can get banned for racism off Yea Forums

I think that's the point if anything. Some powerful CCP members are afraid of “memes” of Xi. It could go viral really fast because it doesn't even seem offensive. They think that causes damage to public perceptions of Xi in China.

I bet Xi himself doesn't really care.


Call him a chankoro.

If I were the president of one of the biggest countries on the planet I'm pretty sure I'd have bigger things to deal with than some of my citizens calling me names