AA japanese games will save videogames

AA japanese games will save videogames

Attached: Ys-IX-monstrum-nox-06.jpg (724x1024, 135K)

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When was this announced?

Early December

Does Ys VIII run well enough on the switch?

There hasn't been a great Ys game since forever

Did they patch the vita version of Dana? The new translation I mean.


I'm digging the ghotic look of the the game from these pics
My only wish is that they get rid of the dumb party system, they make the game way too easy

I'd like to know as well

What was the issue again? I'm probably gonna play through the Ys series soon and I'd like to know if I should avoid certain localizations or whatever

At this point, yes, avoid them. With the death of XSeed, Ys and Trails are effectively dead.

Vita owner here, they patched the new translation. Extra content is still exclusive to PS4, PC and Switch though

>the death of XSeed
that's a good thing
now we get to play with original voices

Its barely better than the Vita version which its not saying much

Falcom is A at best. They're cheap as fuck and only have about 60-ish employees right now.

*saves vidya*

Attached: DvzO-VIUcAAPTMp.jpg (1199x835, 184K)

The party system is sort of Ys's gimmick these days, though.

Get the PS4 version. NISA fucked the Switch version too. I think they abandoned the PC version, which is still broken.

Low quality bait

the pc version run without a problem

I wonder who will do Rune Factory with Xseed gone.

the company that starts with the letter N

Nutella Enterprises?

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Was 8 actually good or was it the Cold Steel tier garbage that it's new artstyle made it look like?

it's better than 7 and celceta