What is the most played game in your country?

What is the most played game in your country?

Mine is Don't Starve.

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Other urls found in this thread:


League of Legends.

Attached: rkuru.jpg (900x900, 280K)

Too soon

Fifa propably

Ours is Bravely Default.

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hey we better joke about it while we still can

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Maduro’s still your president.

You can just move to America if you bring qt waifus. If you have none then just go to Canada.

Most likely Fortnite or something.
Then again this is Canada so the NHL games are probably second.

I thought it was Runescape so you can farm gold for money

viva chiabe hasta el 2021 mas na
juera los majumche nojoda

Either Lol, FIFA or counter strike 1.6

>be colombian
>see other colombians calling trump racist for wanting illegal mexicans out
>venezuela goes to shit
>thousands migrate to colombia
>see everyone wanting to kick them out

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Are you literally me?

Same here

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>cia backed
>probably will get killed so USA has an excuse to invade

Remember that time Maduro addressed the widespread poverty/famine in Venezuela then popped an empanada while the camera's were still rolling? What a madman

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This is starting to happen in Brazil. Don't wanna those fuckers here, the ones we got are enough. They should rot in their country for their stupid political decisions.

>Have colombian and Brazilian migrants in Venezuela for decades

>Shit hits the fan

>They don't want you



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20 years nigga, and this lad is the only one to get the government really shaking

270+ government goons defected to the colombian border alone, i think a couple also defected to brazil, its unprecedented

this confirms what we haeve been suspecting for a while, the morale of the soldiers is on the floor, and basically only the generals are keeping this miserable government in check, this means that, were a credible invasion threat be known, most of the mrmy would mutiny

>They should rot in their country for their stupid political decisions.

>dictator rigs elections and declares himself winner

>their stupid political decisions

Hahahah what the fuck, how little self awareness must you have to do something like that?

Probably some normie, spic shit, like COD, fortnite, fifa or NBA2k (I live in a spic country).

I doubt it was rigged, but, anyway, your people elected Chavez. Maduro is, like, the tip of the iceberg.

i already moved moved to chile nigga, i just want maduro out because

1) revengeance
2) mom, pop, lil sis and lil bro are still living there

Just because you accepted a couple of migrants that barely affected your economy in a negative way doesn't mean we have to accept thousands of migrants that are literally making our lifes worse.

Will Maduro end like Ceausescu and Mussolini?

>oil price goes to hell and even below
I can see Brazil coming back from Bolsonaro, but Venezuela is another situation. You'll be owned by rich corporations (not like there is another choice). Welcome to the club, soon.

>couple of migrants
Lmao dude

nigga the fucking company behind the voting system the government uses says it was rigged


as for chavez

1) nigga went on record saying he was not a socialist

2) that shit was 20 years ago, most people leaving as like 20-30 years old, they couldnt have possibly voted for chavez

>To faggot to defend their country
>Leaves like a little pussy he just to polute another great country
nice job faggot

If we are lucky. Most likely he will be move to Russia to live the rest of his live as a political refugee.

>He doesn't know what's going to happen in order to reactivate the economy
Even if Maduro goes down its going to get ugly for a couple of years.

>implying 20 years and billions of dollars is not enough to diversify the economy
>implying the government didnt destroy every corporation they nationalized
>implying they didnt ruin the ecoomy
>implying their didnt destroy the infrastructure
>implying they dont smuggle drugs
>implying they dont host hezbollah cells

get in the chopper commie, i cant wait until uncle sam drones these commies out of existence, ill take pictures, record videos and make sketches of the whole damn thing

Attached: he didnt fly so good.jpg (680x680, 61K)

Escape from Monkey Island

Attached: Brazil.jpg (1920x1259, 511K)

Or that time he had a speech praising socialism and the power goes out twice.

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Bullshit, no one I know even knows that this game exists.

>A couple of years
They're in very VERY deep shit. If they somehow don't manage to end up like Haiti or another Central America shithole, it will take them a decade at least to recover.

i protested nigga, but at one point you have to choice, your country or your family, and it wasnt a hard choice

that being said, ironically we expats are doing a hell of a job agaisnt maduro, since we spread the word of his regime around and have pressured governemnts in the contienent to take action

oh i know, but i dont care, its the only way to eventually get better, besides since ill keep sending money hope, as long as my folks are finally able to afford stuff, i will be satisfied

i know venezuela is done for, and even Guaido himself is not the right wing free market economy politician we need to reactivate the economy, i just want to see maduro and his goons suffer and my family safe, thats all

The joke is that we're about to default.

t. USA lap dog
you'll always be a mutt

They are Billions

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He is also the guy who said that Chavez reincarnated into a dove and was like "look its right there, and he is smiling for us" or some shit like that during his first speech.

Thanks to Maduro the rest of the continent is playing Papers, please.

Not him, but the US didn't even have any sanctions on Venezuela until fucking 2015. Off yourself you stupid tankie.

>when he said "libros y libras" and just to make him seem less stupid every since then the government uses masculine and feminine nouns for absolutely everything

theres being stupid and theres doubling down on being stupid

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my good, face the facts retard your ideology will always fail

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>Guaido himself is not the right wing free market economy politician we need to reactivate the economy
lol its not that difficult, that's not the problem in the long run. We had a similar situation, well, you'll see in 10 years what I'm talking about.

why cant they just adopt free market reforms like chilly

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>Destroy entire countries just for dinosaur shit and farts
Yes, capitalism all the way.
Nice facebook pic BTW.

it wouldnt surprise me if its 20, but like i said, i dont care, i just want this bullshit to end

and by any means necessary, but if those means involves killing scores of commies, ill make sure to grab popcorn

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The US has nothing to do with Venezuela's failure. I want to see how you can pin socialism failing in India on the US.

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Reds get the rope too, Luis

Because free market capitalism doesn't work in third world countries.
Chile only looks good economically for business. Socially speaking it's a clusterfuck of a country where the poor are really, really poor and the rich are really, really rich, and the middle class is barely a thing.