So Yea Forums on your opinion whats the real cancer killing video games?
So Yea Forums on your opinion whats the real cancer killing video games?
SJW propaganda. It's killing western games at least.
unqualified women and blacks
This whole board.
games are perfectly fine, you just want something to complain about
AAA releases are kind of scummy but there's so many games released these days between indies, doujin games, and emulation being better than ever surely you can find something to amuse yourself
thinking of gameplay as being secondary rather than the most important aspect to your game
People who think their is some flow chart to success and that if you tick off enough check boxes the game will be beloved. Just because you made a interactive product doesn't mean its good.
Casuals and Microtransactions/DLC
black people and white women.
The west
Streamer culture.
and the consumers who enable them.
Stop buying every fucking COD sequel. Battlefield sequel. Remake/reboot.
How many Pokemon games are there?
Why does every game have and is geared towards ?
$60 for half a game.
A third of a game.
The "license" to borrow a game that can be revoked at any time for any reason, including using in-game emotes too much.
Bloated budgets, risk averse publishers and massive teams spread across multiple countries. If you look at the best games of the past, they were usually made by a fairly small team with a drive to make something interesting and unique. Even if you have talented writers, artists and programmers, they're still trying to coordinate across multiple time zones. All this social justice and identity politics bullshit is just a sideshow to distract people from talking about how publishers are only putting out derivative, mediocre games.
The march of time.
Fast Travel
Consumers who mindlessly buy into any game because it's popular and enable shitty business practices and constant bloat of expectations that lead to more open world trash and graphics races with dev teams that don't take risks because they don't want to piss off their bosses
Normies being the audience and paying for shit.
How do I become the cancer?
all that ails modern vidya leads back to one thing: social acceptance
video games need to be a pariah hobby once again
Wilson lootboxes
Thanks FIFA and EA
Sony, EA, Epic, SJWs.
Video games are already cancer
Unironically this. Niche hobbies have nowhere near the amounts of corporate weight being thrown around.
Yea Forums
>Killing video games
The industry.
And (((who))) runs the corporations?
Norps and sjw
Throwing in another vote for women and blacks.
>Clearly identify that a publisher is a pox on the industry
>Continue you to buy their product while complaining about how much you hate em
Basically if you've purchsed an Activision or EA game in the last decade, you lose all right to complain
All of the above. I'm fine with CDProjekt's DLC model. IDGAF about casuals and normies, but suits see the dollar signs and demand games be made with people who don't care about the games in mind. So I guess casuals and normies too.
Inflated marketing and ad campaign budgets easily.
Physical copies losing one of their main benefits, NOT having to take up the full size of the game on your HDD.
this is why we can't have nice things, if people didn't act like retards >60% of the time then the average quality of life would skyrocket
Only user in the thread to answer correctly.
It's only viable now for big corporations to make the same bland generic game every time because it appeals to the majority of gamers.
You. It's always been you.
People with potentially unique, interesting and profitable ideas for videogames that don't end up going into games development.
The less ideaguys in games the better
The internet. No jokes.
Game developers got technical tools to do whatever their vision is, and it ended up killing their creativity.
Women. All the SJW garbage, diversity and other problems comes dragged in by them.
the second a game company becomes publicly traded is the second they go to shit