Why can't politics stay out of video games?

why can't politics stay out of video games?

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because /pol/ is obsessed with us

because if i care about politics i make myself look smart on the internet

Acknowledging the existence of gays and blacks shouldn't be considered political.

On a meta level or narrative level? IRL politics is always bullshit, but narratively makes for compelling story if handled properly.

Because if you don't like seeing political shit shoved in your face when you just want to play a game you're obviously a /pol/tard stormfag who wants to kill jews obviously

I dunno, but I'm going insane and missing the era of vidya and internet shit before Gamergate.

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Plenty of good games with black protagonists

They're not even a percent of the population what's the point of having them in mainstream vidya

It infringes on my cultural rights, so yes, by definition it is.

this but unironically

Elves and zombies aren't even a percent of the population either, user.

i want you to fuck me with your feet

Elves and zombies aren't real user

Because gamers, being dumb and suggestible, are the perfect recruits for dishonest reactionaries.

You realize that even just one percent of the population is still millions of people, right? Hundreds upon thousands of games are made every year so why can't some of them include a sizable demographic?

transsexuals and faggots ruin everything

because there are billions of straight people you fucking retard, why cater to a micro market of faggots. Oh wait, its literally them trying to ruin shit and interject their emotional faggy attitude onto others

I said mainstream, they in basically everything now

So every game character should be Chinese because that's what we have the most of in the world? You're such an embarrassment, user!

>So every game character should be Chinese
Would be better than the current gaming market honestly

any game with a story more complicated then tetris necessarily has to get political (although not necessarily partisan)

id be fine with that

If you're talking about politics, you're not talking about how shit video games have become.

That's ironic, Gamergate started because gamers missed the era of vidya before retarded politics, diversity quotas, and censorship

99.9999999999999999% of the world is full of binary straight men and women you mentally ill nigger just end it

Gg started because a woman had sex and not with us. The cringy justification came later.

Uh, why?

Why can't niggers stay out fo video games?

i completely missed gg. Didn't some bitch dev fuck for some ratings or something?

>because a woman had sex and not with us
What is it with leftists/liberals/whatever the fuck and claiming any problem that their opponent has is only because of personal problems

Not really. They'll say that's why but they're either dishonest or mistaken.

Some fetal alcohol syndrome thing slept with a group of judges so her "game" would win an award. It was a walking simulator.


how so

I love you shantae


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It wasn't really true but they quickly realised that the truth wasn't really that important when you got the impotent gamer rage rolling.

It wasn't even a walking simulator, it was a text based CYOA

and the people she fucked weren't even that influential, the most important person was a Kotaku writer named Nathan Grayson who mentioned her game offhandedly once in an article and that's it

Gaming is media, so it's a medium. It has an influence that idealogues want to exploit to push their agenda.

You are fully aware that everyone can see the IP count not rising at all when you make these threads and respond to yourself in them right resetera?

what does, it "wasn't really true" mean? Did they have sex or not? I mean your purposeful vagueness seems damning

>people post more than once
>"whoa... this too... is a conspiracy"

That makes me worried because if I personally can't convince you then cringy gamer outrage is justified. Wait, is that how it works?

>his only argument against gg is that it's "cringe"

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