2019 Vidya Movies

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It's a strange feeling when Angry Birds is the only one with a chance of being good.

don't forget Last of Us 2

People still care for Angry Birds?

You bet me to it


Forgot both new movies based off Monster Hunter and Doom


>we still know nothing about the Mario movie

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It's directed by the creator of Flapjack, so it's bound to be good.

>made by Illumination aka Minions people
Its going to be shit but people here will defend it to death

>It's a strange feeling when Angry Birds is the only one with a chance of being good.
Detective Pikachu can be a fucking masterpiece or a total dumpsterfire, it's impossible to tell how it will really be.

What why

>Ryan Reynolds
What the actual fuck is that

the first one was one of the best unironic video game movies

Speaking of Pokemon

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>Its going to be shit
Illumination is the bane of animated movies, all they do is boring mediocre movies made with the minimum effort but made to make tons of cash out of little kids.
The worst part is they bought Dreamworks in 2017, so Dragon Trainer 3 is the last real Dreamworks movie made by them, all the new ones will be made unted Illumination guide.

>What the actual fuck is that
He is voicing Pikachu, did you lost all the memes back in november?

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I fucking HATE Ryan Reynolds
Mainly because his entire fucking fanbase just goes "LOOOL DEADPOOL XD! FUNNY DEADPOOL MAN!"
Even watching the second trailer for the Pokemon movie, were people going "LOOL PIKACHU DEADPOOL!!! MARVEL REFERENCE"

It baffles me that these people are allowed to breed, let alone function.

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I noticed no one here has talked about Sonic yet.
Good, you shouldn’t.

At least Nintendo and Miyamoto is involved.

>and Miyamoto is involved.
That old coot doesnt know how to make games aynmore, let alone movies

>There are some people who think no Ash in Detective Pikachu is a negative
Ash fucking sucks

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By that logic Reynold’s character in Blade Trinity is Deadpool

He knows how to make those Pikmin shorts you moron.


Where'd you find this video of me? It's very accurate.

The cg is abhorent. Also they made the characters Chibi like fucking why. They;re going for the Let's Go crowd again. The greedy cunts

> cg
pokemon look fine but the rest, yikes

dear god
the pokemon look okay but holy fucking fuck the humans might as well be a new species of pokemon

I think the Pokémon are just the game models with ultra textures

Angry Birds is one of the strangest fucking phenomena in recent memory.
I for the live of me cannot understand who in the fuck thinks that that shitty brand has any longlivety, it was a fad and nothing more, yet for some reason people still invest in Rovio.

>only in theaters
DVD/Bluray release never? What the hell does "only" imply, why not just say: "in theaters"?

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GF is so cheap i wouldn't be surprised if they lended the models to the studio for that to happen


>Shigeru "RRRRREEEEEEEEEE NO STORY ARROWED IN MARIO" Miyamoto overseeing a storytelling medium
Oh boy


holy fuck I'm actually hyped

The CG for the humans is terrible, but it's not chibi like in the slightest

the last movie was about getting refugees pretending to be good that actually had a shit ton of explosives to fuck off.

He has a specific design philosophy for video games, I'll never fuckign understand how Yea Forums could get pissy over "movie games" and console talk garbage about how gameplay is so important and above everything, but the second a developer actually tries to abide by that everyone hates it.


yeah, great part was how the birds were alligned to be similar to the german flag
>tfw 2 probably won't be as good
still gonna watch it

it's gonna be underwhelming

not terrible but okay
they will touch on probably every major trope
find a million stupid cheeky ways to fit pokemon into normal jobs in the background
i'm sure there will be some sort of love interest
blah blah blah who cares

So the new bird and the frozen island is supposed to be URSS right

45 posts in and jack shit Sonic discussion.

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But it has a lot of soul for a vidya movie

how in the flying fuck did they get away with the first angry birds movie without anybody saying anything

It'll be okay. Typical Hollywood big budget kids film stuff that's had too many script doctors getting their grubby mitts on it. Good for a few laughs, but its head is going to be so far up its own ass about how clever it is.

people too stupid to pick up on it even though most things are picked apart to death over the tiniest details.

Anyone remember when they tried to make a more serious Angry Birds game?


This could have been great honestly

>I lived long enough to agree with Penders
What the fucking fuck

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second post best post

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He knows more about Sonic than Pat Casey, the movie’s writer

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I really want to sit through 8 hours of cutscenes in Mario Bros.

Nah, it won't be OK. It'll either be a Tire Fire or a Masterpiece, no in between.

>Let the pigs steal your eggs, goy, are you Nazi?

>sequel to angry birds


inb4 pokemon 2000 in CG next year

how bad could you possibly fuck up a sonic movie?

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Make it "Sonic in the REAL WORLD" like the movie is most likely going to do.

Nigger we're dealing with two things: Sonic, and licensed video game movies. Each one of them has been bad enough on their own, but combine the two and....

For one thing, give it to a studio invest way more money into pic related, coming out literally the week before Sonic

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Will mario come out this year? what about monhun and the new doom?


>he thinks illumination is involved in anything but the animation
They were chosen because they are a big enough name to put butts in seats but were small enough they could boss them around

the angry birds movie was decent tho

I can't think of how its possible to NOT fuck it up.
I honestly think Pikachu will probably end up as the best live action video game movie, because its a small, movie-size story being told inside a video game world, meanwhile Sonic is much closer to "Its just sonic but he's in the real world" in concept, which is always a recipe for disaster.


We don’t really know much about Mario yet. Paul WS Anderson’s My Wife Is Hot Episode VII is coming in 2020.

As for Doom, it’s a Direct to Video release.

Also it’s by Universal 1440, the live-action equivalent of DisneyToon Studios.

>300 million fucking dollars

Jesus shit who even remembers Angry Birds?

Try to imagine all life as you know it ceasing to be instantaneously.

The man with a girl's voice?

Newfags spotted. The first one is loved here because it's redpilled as fuck

I do!
I remember when it was a thing.

Point being, does the public in general?

>Final Fantasy-esque CG

>From the producer of The Fast and the Furious

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No idea

looks like hot garbage

I thought Angry Birds went bankrupt

That isn’t even a good selling point
Most of Original Film’s output is crap

The first movie is literally a commentary on the refugee crisis in Europe and is anti-refugee.

>The Angry 2 Birds Movie
who named this shit?

No, I think the sequel was already dated before the first one came out, when Angry Birds was still somewhat popular

Fucking hell, that looks awful.
>all 3 alolan movies were genwunner reimaginings

And Ash still sucks

It was still somewhat popular

I played it a few years ago, I didn't understand the appeal or why it got so popular.

I think I'd rather have Miyamoto breathing down their necks than let Illumination shove poop and fart jokes and le epic BANANA lol so random. Since when has fucking Illumination been known for deep story telling? Kill yourself.

Sonic can't even get games right and you think they won't fuck up his movie?

People still defend nuPokemon and its movie, so of course Mario will just sell trillions no matter how much shit it ended up being.

Nobody defended the last Mario movie.

Also that was long ago when Mario wasn't remotely the "Disney of gaming" he is today. If the first movie happened today as is, normalfags would lap it up in a heartbeat.

Someone post that Angry Birds redpill pic, you know which one

Sonic is cursed


> simple game
> easy to play and fun
> can play with one hand on short bursts
> recognizable and charming characters
> no lives or micro transaction bs
I’m pretty sure the latest games are all about milking you for every last penny, when it was new, it was easy to see how it was so successful

Shit design and pandering to non fans.

So all of Modern Sonic since SA1?

>a second Angry Birds movoe
Was the first one even good?

For video game movies

I’m pretty sure Sonic gave up on the real world come Colors

I loved this movie.

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>They were chosen because they are a big enough name to put butts in seats
Except when it comes to animation they sit at the bottom of the totem pole

You underestimate how big minions are

uhhh how can you guys forget about me?

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>who cares about quality? the only thing that matters its the brand
Sounds like modern Nintendo in a nutshell

Like 2 of their movies made over a billion and all the others were successful

Yes user thats the point I was making from the start, illumination was chosen for brand recogntion

I suspect the toads to be the annoying minions archetype, especially if the plot follows Mario, Luigi, and two toads to save peach
Would give me a chuckle though if Luigi was the only comedy relief and was written well.

Despicable Me was nice
I genuinely liked it.

Everything afterwards however...
Well I guess most people feel the same way really, Despicable Me was a huge bait and switch.

It's the same as Pokemon, they maximize the profit because of brand and because they cut corners whenever its possible

It had a budget of 73 million and made 353 box office, so that's a success.


We got a long while, shit's not coming till 2022.

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Don't forget Illumination is making the Super Mario movie.

Paper Mario fags are eternally ass ravaged. They're the new Metroid fags. Don't mind him.

I thought they would want to bury the Angry birds movie for being redpill propaganda?

pic based on a soon to be true story

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>Miyamoto doesnt like story in games
And from his recent works, he doesnt like good gameplay either
So he fails at both fronts

>monster hunter movie given to resident evil movie director
>megaman movie given to director pair that did paranormal activity.... 3 and 4

He helped make Mario Odyseey, which was pretty good.

That was Koizumi

You mean like that scam artist lolcow FuturisticHub (LifeInATent) who always sends fake lawsuit threats and death threats?

>paranormal activity.... 3 and 4
Also Nerve

>Except when it comes to animation they sit at the bottom of the totem pole
Good thing the only people who care about animation quality are niche communities. If normal people cared about the quality of animation in a film then Sony Pictures Animation would be making way more money. They have to be one of the first major animation studios to successfully bring traditional squash and stretch into 3D with Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Hotel Transylvania and make it look good. Spiderverse is a visual marvel of a film and is Sony's highest grossing animated movie, but at a pathetically low $360 million when compared to their competitors. No one cares about animation quality. Illumination uses reused assets out of the ass but makes a billion dollars every year.


Speaking of the live action Sonic movie, have you seen the works of this sprite animator name Lumpy Touch? Fucking hilarious and worth subscribing.


Let’s hope Nintendo supervises the animation. Almost every living thing in Illumination movies have the same face build

Just checked, yeah he wasnt the most influential in the games development compared to Koizumi and others, he just basically said "OK" to every idea.

>Sony Animated Pictures make small profits because every asset its pretty much unique and they try to make it look like a traditional cartoon made on 3D
>Laika barely makes a profit despite their being one of the few people who still make claymation movies which not only take tons of effort but make look amazing in motion
>Illumination uses reused assets out of the ass but makes a billion dollars every year.

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Laika is great but there's nothing clay about it. Shit's 3D printed, foam, and metal. Aardman is the only one that does true claymation, as in all the characters are made of clay (with a few exceptions such as the bodies and legs in Chicken Run being casted in foam with only the head and arms being clay) and have to animate in cold temperatures to keep it from melting from their body heat. Laika is going to stick though since their owner's dad literally owns Nike and he's doing this whole thing for a passion project and is getting more hollywood clout after directing Bumblebee.

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Detective Pikachu actually looks good. Angry Birds was surprisingly entertaining and redpilled so maybe the sequel will be too.

>tfw Illumination's parent company bought Dreamworks in 2016

3D is getting really good and really cheap. I'm expecting to see a massive glut of shitty animated films in the coming years that earn billions because parents think animated movie= Disney / Pixar.

And then there’s Sonic.

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>Angry Birds 2
Why didn't I hear about this until now? And is it really coming out this year?

>I'm expecting to see a massive glut of shitty animated films in the coming years
Where have you been the past like 10+ years.
> that earn billions because parents think animated movie= Disney / Pixar.
luckily people aren't that dumb

>luckily people aren't that dumb
>had a math teacher is high school who thought Free Birds was Disney
>and a History teacher who thought Anastasia was Disney as well
>neither of them cared when I told them neither were Disney
Don't be so sure about that statement, son

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>and a History teacher who thought Anastasia was Disney as well
Now it is

What's unironic about it?

>Now it is
oh my...

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Where theres a Sega, theres a way

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I expected worse but it's not that bad honestly. I like it.


Disney is pretty fucked if WB starts a PCU with shit like this.

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Do they need to?
Let us just have them still pretend the DCEU currently exists

They'll do a Nintendo Cinematic Universe that leads up to a Smash Bros film.


Even if it's not good, it'll probably be extremely enjoyable.

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FF looked better
What was the point of doing reimaginings?

But Illumination Studio has the Mario License
The Nintendo cinematic universe is already split between different companies.

God I want to suck Ryan's dick

Would you fags go see it if they were giving out these cards at the theater again?

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Everyone's story was a great movie tho, the first good pokemon movie in a while

Anniversary, then nostalgia, then ?!?

Detective Pikachu looks good.

Sonic and Angry Birds will be forgettable garbage though.


>Mario movie is still confirmed and out there being worked on and we have no other info about it
>we could get the first trailer at any unsuspecting time at all
I'm scared

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>detective pikachu having pokemon from all gens

Thank FUCK I was totally expecting it to be a Gen 1 KANTOOOOOOOO circlejerk.

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Angry Birds will be watchable.
Sonic will be....well...

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Illumination being a shit studio has me thinking it's going to be pure shit.

post it


Room tier?


post it


>people aren't that dumb

you overestimate the average person. My parents took the family to Alpha and Omega for Thanksgiving one year because they thought it was Disney.

I mean how true should it be to the concept of regions? If there's only certain regions with certain pokemon I shouldn't see an Abomasnow anywhere other than Sinnoh right?

rhyme city is different in that people there really don't care about battling (i think it's illegal?), while the rest of the world does like battling

the pokemon there are mainly just immigrants to work, so i can see an abomasnow that lives there as a professional hockey goalie or something

>Electricity at the bottom of his feet
They are fucking doing this on purpose. They want this shit to fail. How does Sega genuinely let people like this do this to one of their biggest if not the biggest franchises they have? This is a shitshow I no longer want to be a part of.

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I think they honestly confused Sonic with The Flash


hello newfag

>Pokemon is such a recycled IP that even the movies get rehashed

Pikachu will be absolute kino.

Dude in that detective pikachu poster looks like old school CWC

>no digimon movie

Now that you bring up The Flash, I just realized this shit is probably gonna be capeshit but with Sonic. Or one of those "we have to get home, we aren't from this dimension" plots. Honestly, I dont even know why I'm so upset at this point. I know its gonna be bad but in a way, I somehow pray this becomes salvageable.

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Nothing that involved modern sonic has been salvageable.

Generations and Racing were good.

Sega All-Stars Racing, not Team Sonic Racing, RIGHT?

unironically doesnt look bad

Sonic R

>modern sonic
This isn’t even Sonic. It’s the pet of the Will Smith Genie.

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Every person in that shot looks like not a real person.

The middle...guy?...has the proportions of a Titan from AoT.

That’s supposed to be Mackenzie Davis.

Also, did you figure out this was the new Terminator yet?

>tfw best girl is back again
The CG is kinda awful, but feels good lads.

I remember thinking it was pretty good.

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Can you have this larger so I can see it on my phone?

Well I'd say making a sonic the hedgehog cgi movie at all was inherently fucked up. The only way they could possibly fuck it up worse is to make it a fucking amazingly good movie, so I'd never hear the end of people talking about something I utterly despise the idea of!

What the fuck are these people thinking? Two of the three movie posters look like images an obsessive fanboy would have made in 2008. I seriously didn't believe they were real things in production. Except angry birds 2. I'm not surprised of mad about that.

Open image in new tab
Remove m from end of file name

Was Raimi involved in this film?

I agree with Sonic. Why Detective Pikachu look 2008 though?


Wasn't the movie really meh outside of 4-chan?
I watched it once as a rental, and it just seemed really forgettable.

I'm very optimistic for Detective Pikachu. The other two, not so much.

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Shiggy is supervising it himself, so worst case scenario it will just be an hour and a half safe, bland NSMB movie.

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Just remake Sonic Sat AM in movie format


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Sonic Unground > SatAM

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I can't judge it, I think I only saw one episode as a kid

No and no.

No Sally. No Guitars. No Singing. Fuck that shit. Just have it be like Sonic Boom.

Detective Pikachu looks shit, the only reason why it holds any quality is because Nintendo going against their own standard only let them adapt Detective Pikachu as a story instead of a generic Pokemon film where it's about some fag entering a tournament and winning.

I thought this was the plan once

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Isn't it ironic?
Sonic Boom (the game) was one of the worst things to happen to the franchise in the past 10 years while Sonic Boom (the cartoon) was one of the best.

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You sound angry.

Don’t they reference Chrischan in an episode? Everything I’ve heard about the boom show is just a massive shitpost.

No gay walrus.

Except hasn't Ash literally never won a single actual tournament?

Imagine if Sonic Boom's redesigns were more subtle and didn't have the retarded bandages, and if Sega actually put in the effort needed to make Sonic Boom the game meet the Sonic Standard of still shit but fans will enjoy it and conusmers will be able to buy it on a whim, have problems with it, but not hate it so much that they manage to have some fun and don't stop buying Sonic games for good.

How about an actual evil villain

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>"AAAAAAA My fireballs!"

Yes, the show's very self aware about everything.
That's an episode where "Sonic's biggest fan" shows up and kidnaps him which simultaneously parodies Misery and CWC.
Then there's stuff like when everyone was screaming for Shadow to be added to the show, when he finally was they dedicated an episode to him showing up and Eggman geeking out that he's finally here and how cool and edgy he is.

that aipom on the right is in the exact same pose as the other one, just rotated and edited to have the tail behind the metal frame

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Just confused as to how Nintendo made the right decision on spin off media for once, and how canned it looks, it's probably the best video game film in decades but I still can't help feel it's suffering from poor writing and poor casting.

What's important is that it would be about a tournament, because Nintendo spinoff has the same standard, don't flesh out the world just make a story about the gameplay, same shit with Splatoon, instead of being about the adventures of a sewer worker, or the logistics of the tournaments it's about some faggot squid who wants to win a tournament. Same shit for Arms, instead of being about someone dealing with and growing with their new Arms power it's about some Springman fighting for his gym to win the Grand Prix.

Nintendo most of the time just don't know what they've got.

Nintendo seriously needs to found their own studio and hire some real talent, they shouldn't come out swinging with a Mario film, they should be teasing it and experimenting with a Luigi's Mansion Film.



The first one made money

Your parents are stupid.

Boom's problem was gameplay not esign

What is esign?


What is design?


That's sad. For those who don't know, Snively is Eggman's second in command.

gtfo lumpy

Most movies nowadays are released on Netflix and such at the same time.

Sonic had a decent track record with visual media tho, much better than his game record.

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There is already 395+ hours of media about some guy trying to win a tournament in Pokemon. Ironic you talk about Detective Pikachu being canned, when you think what is probably the most canned idea any uncreative lamebrain loser would think of first is what they should do.

No one wants to watch another fucking lame underdog sports movie but with Pokemon instead. Same for Splatoon and Arms btw.

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I want to her.

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Would you to the Growlithe?

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they fucking know
im scared to see glaceon


What about the Arcanine and Golurk?

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There are 10 Pokemon in that scene. Can you find them all?

They're remaking the first Pokemon movie in CGI.

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Why CG?


>second Angry Birds movie
>Detective Pikachu
Oh no
Oh GAWD no

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dumb phoneposter

Dat Jesse ass, mayne.

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Angry Birds is by the creator of Flapjack

angry birds wasn't that bad of a movie actually

>James has never tapped this
He's more flaming than a Moltres.

You know, I hear of people complain about Illumination's animation all the time and yet I haven't seen any of them post a single example.
I'm not for Illumination, don't get me wrong. I just can't mindlessly agree with someone on their animation quality until I'm shown some actual examples. Why do people say their animation is bad? It looks just fine to me. Post something, I just want to see one example of them being lazy. Just one. That's it.

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Thanks I hate it


They're taking our jobs

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Maybe the Golurk

what's the snorlax's job

Angry Birds has honestly entirely escaped my memories till I saw this picture.

why a sequel?


Hopefully, Nintendo keeps on making movies based on their franchises, a Punch-Out movie would be kino

Again, first one made money

Fuck, I actually want this to happen.

Pictures? Any gifs? That's what I've been asking, goddamnit.

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Just look at clips of Illumination movies. You’ll se what I’m talking about eventually.

LURK ON Yea Forums MORE!

I want to hug that Snorlax. If pokemon were real that is what would cause me to be late for work every morning.


Me too

>"user your 15 minutes late again! Explain yourself!"
"Roadblock down the street, they got a Snorlax out there and I can't just go around it."

So what is going to be the subplot of AB2 this time? Anarchism?

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Even with edited legs, it still looks too lonk.

Advance, Riders 1 conceptually, and what said are the only things passable. Otherwise, yeah you're right. Anything else is directly defended by autism.

Not gameplay, polished. SEGA sabotaged that shit into being Sonic 06 too, right down to the fact the game is in tech demo stage, like 06. At worse it's a bootleg Ratchet and Clank, which has been Modern Sonic's gimmick since Sonic Adventure 1, "Classic Sonic gameplay/idea" + gimmick from some other fucking game series because lolwhynot.

They have a billion dollar brand to protect here

And? That's why a safe movie is the worst case scenario instead of the alternative

No the alternative is Toads making incomprehensible noises and shouting MUSHROOMS and farting

That's an example of the worst case scenario, right?

That's an example of worst-worst case scenario.