You didn't abandon your town, did you?
You didn't let it fall into ruin and leave all your friends alone right?
You didn't abandon your town, did you?
You didn't let it fall into ruin and leave all your friends alone right?
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yes I did
I have an awful layout that makes 50% of the town useless and don't have the willpower to start over again
Oh fuck I forgot... Now no one's gonna want to invite me into their house to look at their decorations. : (
I've been playing my wild world town lately.
Why is it that every time I restart, Nook only sells a fucking shovel for the whole week
The game punishes you for neglecting it and once you've stopped playing it for too long there's no motivation to pick it back up because of all the things you've missed and all the work you'd have to do upon coming back. Equally, nobody would ever want to start again cos that would mean destroying your old town and wasting what effort you did put it for a year or so. I think everyone is just waiting on the next animal crossing game. There's no point starting a commitment to an older game now with a new one on the way.
I hated my layout and I hated most of my villagers.
Seriously who the fuck wants to live next door to Rocket?
it takes like 30 minutes to clear up weeds, man. i picked up my wild world town after 12 years just recently and it's right where I left off. Only one villager had moved away and it didn't take long to get rid of the weeds.
All the AC games play similar but there's something about AC GC that is just... different.
nah I still play the mobile game every week
But just the thought of all the content you've missed. The furniture, the letters that wouldn't fit in your box, the events... I can't be bothered to commit to it again. I just want a fresh start in an exciting new game.
>new leaf
>had a nice village with all of the houses by the shore except for one in the corner by the train tracks
>go full autist and make a nice coastal town inspired by ww2 France and The Coast from Half Life.
>basically made a trail to the courthouse, and house by the tracks
>made my house a fortified compound
>pretend to be the 'Police' Resident of the Whole Town
>mfw sitting on the shore with Lobo in my clean uniform watching the waves with a grey sky
Richland, the place I dream of. Ill go there some day, where the grey sea meets the grey sand.
I have them frozen in time in case i can transport my niggas Cole and punchy to my switch town
>left pocket camp
>probably nothing happens because time only works for waiting for your item
>2019 will be the year of shitty villagers cut from the game
can't wait
I couldn't bear leaving it to rot. I just deleted it off my memory card and ended the suffering.
I'm not retarded, so I didn't play Pocket Camp. Did they make actually new assets for it that can be reused for when if AC switch comes out?
not a problem you could play Pocket Camp Deluxe for the switch since you are to retarded to afford a Phone
Poorfag KEK
Animal Crossing is a nihilistic hell, but especially during the most boring winter months.
>Animal Crossing is a nihilistic hell
no, you're nihilistic as hell
Yes I did, many times over the different versions of Animal Crossing
I'll probably play the Switch version for around 6 months before I end up dropping that one too lol
Hopes and fears for AC Switch?
I hope you can customize your character before you start rather than answer questions a certain way
I fear that they'll be big on some amiibo bullshit like you need amiibos to play the actual game
how is the game nihilistic? I'm guessing you're projecting your own thoughts and assuming the game is responsible somehow
>GCN sized town at least, with 12-15 villager limit
>more bugs, fish, fossils, etc.
>more holidays and activities
>no forced job like mayor, but optional is fine
>open world area outside your village that you can travel to, like different biomes. ideally ones containing new villages to visit
>no rolling log
>rolling log
>New Leaf HD
>forced town builder gimmicks, pushing the game closer to a city builder
>lack of ambition in terms of design/added content
Mad fucking autistic my yute.
It's the most soulful one
unironically, unequivocally, undeniably this
oh shidd, I forgot to add:
>villagers can be mean again
>villagers will be even more homogenized