Modern Warfare 2 pregame lobby... Home

Modern Warfare 2 pregame lobby... Home.

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MW2 was shit. Death streaks were trash. That whole game was awful. Fight me.



Anyone wanna boost?

Unironically based.
Trash talking fags was the best part of the game.

MW was the only good modern one

Yeah I did get angry while playing it alot. Though I also do have fond memories like just using shotties or pistols only and ripping teams with them.

Still play it here n there. Until a hacker cucks the match


MW3 > dogshit > the rest of the series

Okay? What was your preferred CoD?

If your answer is anything close to "Fuck coD" then foh nigga.

It was peak FPS multiplayer mate,its impossible to offend people with absurd comments because this game literally set a trend still alive today

FPBP MW was literally GOAT. I'm convinced only sub 80 IQ "humans" think MW2 is better

Gun selection sucked and a lot of maps were decent to bad.

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Yeah the shitty trend of "let's just sell the same game with a couple extra bells and whistles every year."

The gun selection was good though? Each weapon felt drastically different. Maps were still better than anything succeeding it

It's a tossup between MW1 and BO1. Even though MW1 had retarded shit like juggernaut and stacking killstreaks. It was the first of it's awful series to "rejuvenate" the FPS genre for the worse, but was fresh at the time. The single player was very alright as well.

>peak FPS multiplayer

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I thought this said mw2 was the shit

Maps were better than three lane meme, kys my guy.

Well it definitely also influenced that, this game was influencial in all aspects,gameplay,business model,etc

COD:UO was the best


>his favorite COD doesn't have at least 48 players and mods

no idea what you missed out on

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Nah, mw2 had plenty of good verticality in their design as well as having lots of desolate routes for flanking.

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This. MW2 was when I knew the COD franchise was dead.

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I reinstalled mw2 on pc for the nostalgia a couple years ago and still managed to see an argument like this

mw2? what? don't you mean:

halo: reach pregame lobby... Home.

fuck cod fanboys

The hardest COD to beat on veteran imo.

>anime pic
>thinking their opinions matter in any way

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>join lobby

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call of doodie LOL

>just a dumbed down and slower paced quake knock off

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>someone named RETRDED PANDA
>they weren't banned and called out by videogame journalists the nanosecond they turned on their console
These were different times...

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*Ruins your Killstreak*

What's wrong? Too fast for you?

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>foh nigga
White cuckold pretending to be black, influenced by BLACKED porn, please fucking go.

>slow = bad

Found the ADHD poster child

It really was, I loved MW1 but I had no faith in 2's multiplayer after they kept hyping the "Return of DA BES MULTIPLAR EVAR!!!"


fuck weeb scum


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>mfw suicide bombing with the javelin glitch
Always made me laugh when someone knew not to shoot you and would run away.

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you mean a better version of quake? a gaming franchise that broke records and made billions? thanks, user!

That's a nice Boulder...

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>projecting random shit in my CoD thread

lmao did I offend you by saying Ops1 is the best? seethe harder bitch nigga

>Every gun is a railgun with pinpoint accuracy
>Shotguns are screen clearing monsters that can never be stopped when you get Akimbo

I loved switching to a griefing class in Hardcore and pissing off the tryhards and kids simultaneously. Going to miss wiping my own team with a rocket in S&D too.

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360 live chat...home

I remember drinking monster and playing this with my bros
Good Times

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were easier to get into sure

Modern Warfare Remastered is free for PS Plus users right now. Is it worth playing?

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You need to be 18+ to browse this site. I don't care if you're actually 18+, you posting MW2 makes you underageb&.


For me, it's the SOG intro theme

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>posting MW2 makes you underageb&

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$20 says you were born after the year 2000

user... I don't know how to tell you this but...

Those 13 year olds who played MW2 ? They're 23 now.

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Dude early Xbox had such an active in game game chat. Like you would get random messages from people all the time too or "Message to all friends and recent players".

I know right? He says this while there's a ton of fartnite/apex legends garbage.

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>MW2kiddies are now old enough to post here

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The Ghost Riot Shield was so good, they had to nerf it into oblivion.

>mfw always 1st or 2nd most kills back then with good k/d but old n shit now

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A lot of players today werent born when MW2 launched just think about that

I remember being mean to a little british kid on MW. All he did was keep awkwardly talking about cheeseburgers at me. That same kid is probably posting "do americans really?" on this board right now. This is terrifying to me.

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People born in 2000 can now post here so yeah.

>there are fags posting on this board right now who are nostalgic for codshit
Let me out of this ride


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>tfw you're so og you played 1.5-1.6, Enemy Territory and CoD 2 online

I still remember... Just kill me now.

>2009 was 10 years ago
Yep, I was 13
I still vividly remember seeing the snow mission where Roach climbs the mountains and unleashes the heartbeat sensor during E3 or something like that and talking about with my friends.
God the hype was unreal, and at the same time the Xbox 360 Elite was introduced.

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Black Ops 1's music is probably my favourite out of every CoD.

I agree, bad company 2 was the superior game and this is proven by the fact that people still play it and the vietnam expansion

Not it didn't, that was battlefield 3 and bad company 2. CoD was a flash in the pan and nobody cared about it after 2011.

>No Shadow Company multi player faction
Biggest mistake.
I remember using their in game radio chatter for mic spam and people actually thought I was playing real military audio

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Dunno i was mid 20s and played mw2 with guys from work into their 40s back then. It was good times.

Yep that’s me. Probably gonna download MW2 remastered on PlayStation Plus and play a couple games at least

World at War also had a pretty strong one.

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>[kid screeching intensifies]
>mfw these kids now post on Yea Forums as zoomers

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What a great game

It was fun though.

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>tfw complaining about the same thing over and over

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Good, I respect that. Tired of seeing people pretend to only like unfun boring single player games.

>tfw I still play both with old friends

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I also prefered Battlefield.
Tbh I went full on rage against COD because it was everywhere in the MW3 era, all fps games tried to be the next cod , except my loved Battlefield titles,you got me on my weak spot kek

free for all > objective modes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> team deathmatch

any CoD

objective opinion

>time passes
>nostalgia isn't bound to any specific time period
>people like games i don't like
>i couldn't and still can't handle bantz from 12 year olds
Are we done now?

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Not based but redpilled

>weeb shit pic
Safe to say you can't handle shit at all.

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Then you could tell they never played the campaign at any point in owning the game or even the Spec Ops missions. Never did finish the ones that require a partner to play.

no one wants anything to do with you zoomer

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You were obviously fucking terrible at the game then.
Air strike yourself.

I always had fun with S&D, it was even more fun when you fucked with the try hards on Hardcore.

>All this forced meme cancer

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>twitter refugee response
You are really cool and not a delusional retard. I feel really ashamed for liking anime now.

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>Fight me.
I wont because you're right.

>boomer meme
ok zoomer

fuking great especially at 2:32 but MW2 speznaz is where it at

What were the best Akimbo weapons to use?

MW2 was unironically discussed on this board back then, so was Black Ops. It ended with MW3 because everybody realized at that point the formula was going to be rehashed from then on and opted for Battlefield 3.

>He thinks it's not forced
>When it was forced on every board as proven
Laugh at the newfag!

>tfw the screeching kids are now shitposting like

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Fuck yeah.
>tfw when you'd enter the lobby and everyone had a mic

Prepare for when people will have nostalgia for Fortnite

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>dual rangers
Would kill anything immediately especially knifers.
>dual glocks
Nice mag size and RoF.
>dual p90s
Just fun to walk why spraying these in a close corridor.

>MW2 was released in 2009
Just fucking kill me. I was 15.

Nice try

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CoD4 had the killstreaks right.

1887 was beyond broken, even the patch that "fixed" it and ended widespread abuse didn't seem to do shit to counter it's effectiveness when dealing with an Idiot online and getting close range.

So how is mw2? Does it still have any players left?

>Not doing a proxy instant-prestige 10-70.
Kek. And 402 going on about that being "hacking the PS3!"

not sure about mw2 but BO has 200k on the xbox, not sure if mw2 was ever backwards compatible

I love how every CoD that was hated on release turned out to be great.

World at War? "Boohoo, CoD4 reinvented the genre, why go back to WW2". Game's fucking great.

Black Ops? "Boohoo, not as crazy as MW2". Took the retardness of MW2 and contained it to a game with a fun theme.

Basically, if you grew up with MW2, you have zero fucking taste. It's the exact point where they've introduced revenge spawning, they've changed "competitive" to "chaotic", it was meant to keep children with low attention spans glued to their consoles.

Don't have the PC version but I know the PS3 servers still get players ranging in the 5k area.

man lobbies used to be lions dens I remember the rage I would cause in gears of war whenever I active downed someone with a sniper let them get up then active down them again now everyone sits in their own little private lobbies.

I'm already prepared to not give a shit. Why would anyone care that someone else has positive feelings and memories for an okay game?

>That whole game was awful.
You're right. I still had fun though making those 12-14 year old zoomers seethe with the AK47 and F2000.

my negro

>Carry F2000 and Single Action Army
>Snipe kids across the map with the revolver and make them scream over voice, use the F2000 like an SMG

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>F2000 like an SMG
I mean that's basically what it was.

My first COD experience was playing cod4 in a internet cafe, I didnt know how to use mouse and keyboard and was stuck in the chat asking people for help

im 23 years old

>tfw cod 2
Love the Russian campaign

Unironically based, MW2 added more bad to the series than good.

>i'm the only person on Yea Forums that liked 3 as much as 2

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MW2 was fun
BF3 was the trash one

you're not the only one user
3 was really good especially the coop

>Responds with another forced meme

And what fun it was despite being the worst AR in the game, when it makes children scream because they got killed by the shittiest gun instead of another UMP faggot.


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>only managed to get this in FFA
still felt amazing

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That's good though and not like those cheap nukes people got in objective based modes.

>tfw MW2 was one of the highlights of my teen life and my life has slowly gone down hill just like the games have every year

I eventually got to the point where I didn't react to a nuke.

Here's one that took some skill

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Were you supposed to reply to me? I was siding with mw2s maps my guy.

>always knew to shoot the rock when passing by
>always 1-2 kills guaranteed

>everyone else laughing

this is pure kino. wish we had lobby chats like this today

Loved nuke boosting with friends and having mexicans screaming at us over the mic when they found out. That was the best part about this game is everything had been designed to make the as scummy as possible. There were an unlimited amount of exploits or unforeseen advantages for every retarded combination of guns, attachments, items. Its like the game was meant to be a chaotic competition over who could be the biggest asshole. There was nothing better than one man army and tubes, akimbo 1887s, or turning deagles and the barrett into machines guns because they fired as fast as you could pull the controller trigger.

>tfw bought the Xbox360 Remote addition just to do this
>got patched out a few weeks later

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Is there a reason no one talks about this game? I liked it a lot too but discussion for it here is non-existent.

Word at war was amazing. best guns, maps, and setting. Had the 3/5/7 killstreak system, but dogs were less broken than the helicopter.


It was a soulless Infiniti Ward venture and it shows once Zampella left the team.

Building support streaks by flashing the enemy team on spawn was enjoyable. The rest not so much. It felt like the very first CoD that actually tried to be balanced, and ended up feeling very homogenized.

To me, it's bad when you can't tell the difference between most guns in the same class.

>be me
>playing with friends from school
>I was the one with turbo autism and played the game a bunch
>we all talk about finally using the nuke
>finally we get one game where it's Favela
>I'm 35 - 2
>Get my 36th kill
>Right on D-pad to activate nuke
>Tfw all my middle school friends went fucking nuts
>Everyone in my lobby is freaking the fuck out
>I sit in a corner in the middle of the map as the nuke goes off
>Finally knew what it felt like to have skill pay off

When my life flashes before my eyes, I hope this memory is played.

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Ghost was the one that truly balanced things, sadly the map design killed it.

>in college
>MW2 launch day
>hear from a friend that there's a Gamestop across town that's planning on breaking street date so the employees can go home early
>hoof it on foot and get our game 4 hours early
>spend the entire night playing
>get a call from our 3rd roommate; he tried doing the same and got lost
>tell him to get a cab and hang up

This man gets it. The fun in the game lied in how chaotic everything was. The games from MW3 onwards (and arguably BO1) tried too hard to be balanced and felt incredibly sterile.

Thinking about all those retards screaming over their $1 xbox 360 headsets still makes me laugh today. Something about the abysmal voice quality is hilarious

most fun way to play

>it was meant for kids with low attention spans to remain glued to their televisions
Idiot that describes almost every single video game ever made. Like fucking 99%

Bumping this question. Wondering if there's a decent player base.

Ahhhh no dedicated servers, the pinnacle of online experiences.

>2 not 1
fuck of millenial

> tfw remember the "someday there will be MW2 nostalgia threads" posting

">be me"
As opposed to who else, faggot?

a buddy showed me a cheap way to get nukes and ruined the hype for me. would snipe his way to a 7 kill streak on wasteland from the middle bunker, layed down in a corner, worked his way to chopper gunner and from there you just shoot the spawn zones til 25

Depends on the mode. If it was tdm you were competing with your team to hit the 25 kill mark before the score limit.

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he'd do free for all

Except OMA with tubes is significantly better than anything else. The game is utterly unplayable when people are tubing.

are the Search and Destroy faggots the current reason why battle royale is meme hot shit right now? thinking about how they would all be 23 or older now, theyre probably the ones designing these games

I remember on PS3 when that was discovered. It blew my mind that something like that existed because it was a very healthy point in the game's life when it cropped up.

>161 replies to this thread
>90 posters
i see through you samefag

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>some posters may post more than once in a thread
>"no its a conspiracy!"

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CoD games were always mindless fun since the games were simple as hell especially after MW2.

P90s with steady aim and rapid fire. Felt like that mech suit from F.E.A.R. 2

You know he won. Just lay down.
