

Attached: SotFS_Covetous.jpg (1465x875, 1.81M)

>Eats me
>punch him to death
Best boss fight in the game tbqh.

>runs in circles
>spams soul arrow
>boss dies
>no damage taken
Easiest boss

Easy as fuck fight, as are most of the fights in this game.

>Replaying this because I got SotFS for no reason
>Summon a sunbro for this fight because the sign just happened to be there and this is an easy boss
>Sunbro manages to killed by this thing
Are there actually people who are this shitty at this game

Anybody else think the guy is actually smiling with squinty eyes but then realizes only after you open the picture that it's an evil grimace?

Best boss since you can shoot the host with the ballistae

Attached: pursuer.png (150x300, 33K)

Sunbros are always trash.

What a disgusting fat piece of shit.
Anyway, how's his weapon? It looks cool.

Not disagreeing with you, since I don't think I've ever been able to punch a boss to death in the series.
>magic user

*forces you to spend hours perfecting the art of the roll and strike for a minor animation*

Attached: Sir Alonne.jpg (1348x990, 237K)

>replaying ds2
>Want to kill every boss no summons
>Literally have to summon for lucatiel and bengarl quest line
I guess it will have to wait for ng+1

Their questline is nothing.
IIRC you only get their armor and weapon for completing it and if you really want that stuff you can also kill them for it.

What is that?
can I pet it?

But my Soul Shekels!


It's the eventual fate of all Yea Forumsirgins we were in the souls universe.

Unusual strength scaling scythe with its sweetspot on the outer end of the blade rather than inward like other scythes.
Otherwise it plays exactly like all other scythes as usual for DaS II weapons.

Oh, the sweet spot is the outer end? I've never actually use scythes before it's just I always see that one invader use it before I backstab her to death.

To be honest though Last Giant is a far easier boss fight.
Covetous Demon deals a lot of damage and has very good tracking and large hitboxes that can easily fuck up someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
Last Giant is basically impossible to die to unless you're very impatient and incapable of learning from your mistakes.

It was the only game in the series where I used magic. I did so because I heard it was shit and I decided to play through it the fastest way possible.

Dark souls 2 sucks, I literally can not think of one redeeming feature

Oh lawd he comin

muh cheevos

>not playing without summons on every first playthrough of a souls game
dont make me say it i dont wanna say it

I've been attempting new game sl 1 covenant of the hard mode on scholar and man that game is shit. I liked Dark Souls 2 a lot and beat it 3 times and did the DLC too, but scholar is fucking trash. Idk if they just fucked up the port to PS4 or what. Maybe it's ok on PS3 or PC idk. But holy shit that's a bad game, just the fundamental WALKING AROUND feels like garbage, let alone trying to fight something. I've cleared tree man and dragon rider guy so far and I don't think I have the patience for it. Understand I've beaten sl1 on demon's and dark souls, almost finished bl4 on bloodborne too.