Yea Forums...Stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW and show us what you have installed...

Yea Forums...Stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW and show us what you have installed. and bully each other for these decisions.

Attached: Installed20190228.png (281x758, 113K)

>Gone Home

Attached: Screenshot (188).png (336x175, 51K)

I like the rainy night in a dark house thing.

buy UNIST and uninstall SFV user


Attached: 2019-02-28 23_06_08-Steam.png (273x906, 89K)


Attached: 2019-02-28 23_06_37-Steam.png (278x835, 80K)

you could say i am a gamer

Attached: 345363636.jpg (294x846, 39K)

Have more installed than I need

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It's been on my "to do" list. Last time I considered it I bought Killer Instinct instead so I could play it with my nephew.

Okay, sure.

Could also tell you to update your shit.

Nobody asked to see everything, are you incapable of just clicking "Installed" like everyone else?

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what should I finish from those 3 at the bottom

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Dead game literally under 80 concurrent players before EVO reveal and as soon as EVO is over, it's going right back.

That's a screencap I took for other thread.

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Attached: sfmyV2s.png (504x832, 113K)

Nice datamining thread.

Did you ever try that one reimagining mod that only worked on the steam version? How was it? Also...
>Sonic Game
Should I get Dead Cells?
>Bayo AND LiS
I like you, user.
>Xrd -sign-
Why not upgrade? Main?
Worth it?
>Mad Max
Best screenshot please.
>MG Survive
>Sega Megadrive & Genesis Classics
What games do you have in your room?

Attached: file.png (320x1086, 265K)

Was it really too hard for you to take a second screencap for this one? Was taking a screenshot, cutting out the relevant information in paint, and posting the new one for this thread just too difficult for you?

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Only good games

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Attached: Steam_2019-02-28_16-20-59.png (394x1898, 257K)

One of these is pirated. Can you guess which one?

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Attached: ss+(2019-02-28+at+08.20.33).png (251x509, 51K)

Rise of the Tomb Raider

ePSXe Emulator ;)

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Obviously a Shat in Time.

Trick question, they all are.

I didn't think it was that big a deal.

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pls no bully

Attached: games.png (268x601, 105K)

It's not, it just sticks out as the only post in this thread that didn't fucking do it right. You are notable as the only person here who couldn't follow very simple formatting.

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>Captain Spirit
Did you cry user?

I'm sorry.

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codex masterrace

Attached: steam.jpg (286x522, 26K)

Only this at the moment. Had to replace HDD around Christmas.

Attached: small, just like my penis.png (269x370, 45K)

You should be.

And then there's this stupid motherfucker.

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Still not played, but now i prepared.

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Attached: muh vidya.png (611x732, 104K)

Sure, why not

Attached: steamlist.jpg (283x706, 40K)

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pretty based desu

>meltys quest
I fapped to the Lamia scene the most

Those are some shitty hentai games.

I should probably uninstall some shit

Attached: installed.png (279x2113, 216K)

Attached: Screenshot (128).png (256x595, 117K)


Looked interesting. Still haven't played it tho.

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Attached: installed.png (285x433, 52K)

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Nothing can beat this.

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Attached: My video games on Steam.png (787x794, 355K)

Hows EX Layer?

fucking why


i haven't had any space to keep things installed for a long time

Attached: installed games.png (261x55, 11K)

I actually enjoy what little of it I've actually invested into it. I only ever play when my one friend comes by. Shadowgeist is fucking FUN.

Ultimately, I'm glad they made it.

2 games. I don't even know why Fallout is installed, I must have done so a few months ago with the intent to play it again and forgot.

I usually uninstall any single player game once I'm done playing, and the only multiplayer game I play regularly is CoH2.

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It's comfy

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Is the pseudo shine that not-Fox has worth using? It feels so worthless compared to Melee and Slap City

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Finish Cuphead you filthy casual

Attached: games.jpg (271x777, 73K)

cuphead is overrated trash

You buy nepshit, I have to bully you.


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I could probably uninstall like 90% of these games since i never touch them anymore

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>acutally paid for DeS Demasterd

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I don't have much installed right now.

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>Crusader Kings 2

good taste user.

probably have more stuff installed, but too lazy to check every category
come at me

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Favorites are the game I'm currently playing

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