Mecha Appreciation Thread

Well Yea Forums, Amored Core or Zone of the Enders?

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ZoE has better gameplay and less jank but fuck, there is just so much room for experimenting and messing with all kinds of builds in AC, it's a tough choice
Threads like this make me wish that sixth gen threads were allowed on /vr/, you know this won't get replies here, but it maybe would get some there

Front Mission

From has hinted at a new AC in the works, and CyGames wants to make a ZoE 3. so maybe next gen we'll get some mech threads on Yea Forums

zone for gundam like gameplay
AC for that fast action
old school mech warrior for that realism


That ZOE ova was cool. I love all ZOE shit.

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Yeah better gameplay if you're a casual

God I fucking loathe the fact they ditched ZOE 3 I was hype as fuck for that shit

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t. contrarian faggot

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Would you guys play a tactical mecha game that had you move around a board claiming territory, and when units meet they have a play controlled arena showdown, like The Unholy War?

Who am I kidding, Unholy War already has mecha in it, so basically a remake with more bots.

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Ac, no comparison.
Zoe had great visuals but the arena gameplay of AC and customization has greater replay value.
Im going to go crazy if i replay any of zoe2's gimmicky stages again

how much did they have going?

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It might still happen. See

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>Bamco STILL hasn't released an AC collection
Why? It's easy money. Are they waiting for From to announce AC 6 first? It would be extremely easy to market

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I'm fine if they just release more nice soundtracks honestly.

If AC6 doesn't have music like this and goes for an orchestral soundtrack I'm going to be so heartbroken. There really is nothing like the AC soundtracks

>tfw listening to AC OSTs again
They were better than that what I remembered.

They wouldn't get rid of Kota Hoshino and Frequency. Armored Core is like his child.

Haven't played Armored Core or Front Mission, suggest me ones to play on PS3/4 please.

Well you can start wi-
Nevermind, they're all shit.

Armored Core 4: Answer is the only truly great AC on PS3
There are no good modern Front Mission games, sorry for that

>Front Mission
Sorry user front mission died after PS2

Say I dig out my old PS2 from somewhere and it still works, what would you suggest then?

Armored Core 3 and Front Mission 4
Or emulate Master of Arena on PS1 and Front Mission on DS.

I'm currently playing VD and it's fun. I've heard For Answer is the best though, but I can't get it in my country and VD is my only option unless I intend on going to scalpers, which isn't happening.