Swords are not primary weapons

Swords are not primary weapons
Why did vidya lie to me?

Attached: 1549069250188.webm (1000x837, 1.92M)

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Greasy. Also, she looks like she fucks pakis.

Once again 3d>2d

I wish she would handle my dick like she would a sword

god i wish that were me

swords are cool

That isn't universally true. Swords were used by many different cultures over a period of a few thousand years, often as a primary weapon.

Name ONE civilization which used swords as primary weapon
> in b4 Legionaries
> no the scutum + gladius combo are primary weapon.

Attached: 1118.jpg (2336x1752, 716K)

I wish I could shoot as much cum as a horse all over her tits and compression explode jizz out of her cunt.

why is she using gloves to protect a piece of foam? and do they have to use foam because actual swords are prohibited in the UK?

Go to bed shirou

You can't expect anyone who's studied history to have an interest in white "men."

Source is British Museum's official YT channel:

Great if you like history.

Depends on the period

Swords are cooler for movies and games. In real life, combat was extremely boring. Spears were always primary weapons used to poke away at other people, and that was it. Games would be extremely boring if they were all 100% realistic, unless you're one of those cheesy players that is ok with using only spears.

The sword is the primary weapon.

Swords not being primary weapons is a fucking lie. I hate all these fucking beta male "HEMA" cucks who don't fucking understand anything. They're like the fucking christian """""""scholars"""""" to retarded to understand European traditions and religion (or evil enough to misrepresent it).

These beta male """""""""HEMA""""""" cucks think that everything about how martial arts functioned back in the days is to be found in fucking instruction or fencing manuals or whatever the fuck they're called.

This "Lindybeige" IDIOT made a """"""scientific"""""" video to prove that spears are superior to swords. His methodology? 6 fat cucks with swords rushing towards 6 fat cucks with spears, the slightest glancing blow against the body of an opponent, and that man was considered to be downed. THAT'S NOT HOW FUCKING WARFARE FUNCTIONED. THEY'RE NOT FUCKING LASER SPEARS OR LASER SWORDS. You'd have to get through ARMOR, you'd have to hit something other than the SHIELD.

GOD i fucking hate small brained people

TLDR: Beta males are unintelligent retards too stupid to understand even the things they are interested in. Swords have always been primary weapons alongside spears.

Name that period.
> protip
> you can't

They were secondary weapons in war, but used as a primary weapon for self-defense. They also make sense for an adventurer, someone who's running around, climbing ladders, crawling through tunnels and shit like that. Most video games don't put you in actual organized military conflicts as much as conflicts within a city or out in the wilderness, where something like a polearm becomes illegal in the former and unwieldy in the latter.

spears are garbage and are used by garbage peasants.
Swords are for anyone that can afford 3lbs of steel.

besides the gladius which you for some reason I can think of a couple others. iirc pre Roman Celts fucked around mostly with big brass swords. then you've got the landsknechts and rodeleros around the same time as each other. sure these were specific types of military units with specialized tactical purposes but the fact remains that they were using swords as a primary

How are 2 weapons both primary?

>which you for some reason
which you for some reason disregarded*

Depends on context. Spears were primary weapons in massed combat or when swords weren't economically feasible.