Do you usually prioritize finding better weapons, or better armor?
Do you usually prioritize finding better weapons, or better armor?
depends on the game, but usually weapons
You don't need armor if you don't get hit.
DPS all day, baby.
If tactical abilities scale with weapon stats, then weapons. Armor otherwise.
Weapons usually, but it depends on the game.
Armor is for looking good. Weapons are for looking good and fucking shit up.
Weapons of course. Only games with shitty combat (aka games with forced damage) have armor be more useful
Armor, especially if the game has really bulky 40k tier armor.
Also I always play tank like roles.
fashion over form
upgrade materials
Weapons, armor is usually made up of multiple pieces, so a better weapon is better than a single piece of armor.
Weapons for sure
I wish video games had the balls to make armour do anything.
>upgrade weapon without even thinking about it
>deal 33% more damage, fight ends 33% shorter, take 33% damage
>slave away to farm a billion gold or rare ores to upgrade one armour piece
>take 2.5% less damage (enjoy your encumberance)
Pink set with purple chestpiece
Check hide helmet
Left is a cool design
Offense is the best defense.
I don't plan on getting hit
What if it's a turn-based game where "not getting hit" isn't an option?
I really can't think of any game where prioritizing armor will pay off more than prioritizing weapons
Monster Hunter.
Upgrading your armor and weapons basically replaces traditional leveling in MonHun, so you're going to die to sneezes if you don't get good armor.
Always weapons.
Armour only if it facilitates favourable trades with heavier weapons.
Still prioritizing weapons
The faster you kill your ennemy, the less damage you take
The only exception is if you're going to get one shot and get no other options than armor to defend yourself
Then you kill things before they kill you.
First off, I wouldn't play it because those games are boring. If I was forced to though, still weapons.
You can build characters in FFT games that can consistently dodge/block/parry almost everything
zoomer genocide when?
>Goes from magenta hair to blonde
You can give him the flower? What happens if you do?
I prioritize not playing a female.
You get a happy oldtimer.
you ain't going to dodge forever unless your character is superhuman and the enemies are shit and a sword kills just as good as a sword that glows
that's bait of course, the way games are designed it's usually weapons
more games need armor that gives flat damage resistance so that dual wield shitters get btfo and heavy slow hits actually have a purpose
it's basically that f2p steam game that used to always get plugged hard in sales events (free items for it and whatnot) but whose name I can't even remember.
It's different characters.
The problem is that full plate armor was actually OP in real life before gunpowder came along
A lot of Knight vs Knight combat devolved into wrestling matches where each onight was either trying to rip off any piece of plate no strapped down or trying to slip something sharp wherever it can fit
Portal Knight?
so is this the best turn based series ever? youre allowed to go full on damages and avoid every single attack if youre skilled enough?
If you kill enemies in less hits, you yourself will get hit less. You're an idiot if you don't choose the weapon.
nah I prefer turn-based games without action gimmicks and where you have to deal with either healing or retreating/protecting wounded units
If you think about it like that, maybe on paper
But any experienced player will never take damage because of how good that ability is, i dont know if you are aware but you can go through the first two paper mario rpg games without upgrading health once because the damage avoiding mechanics (blocking and parrying) simply exists
Do you think developers make stupid looking armor super powerful so they can laugh at minmaxers?
Kys noob shitter, turn based games are for slow retards.
>helmet, shoulderpads, gloves, boots and chest from left
>leggings from right
dumb question
better question: attack, mobility, or defense?
pure attack, none at all or all three equally depending on mood
A nice balance of attack and mobility.
>Nintendo makes an incredible battle system, game idea, gameplay mechanic, or overworld
>the game is piss easy with no real option to make it harder
why the FUCK do they do this everytime? I know they have to appeal to casuals but I just want ONE HARD NINTENDO GAME in the modern day, it drives me crazy
Gameplay is for children, story is for adults
Spiral Knights?
If I want a good story, I'll read a goddamn book, not play a video game. Not saying story is bad, but gameplay and atmosphere will always come first for me
Weapons. What a stupid question, better weapons means you can kill things faster, which makes upgrading your armour faster.
Armour doesn't do shit. It makes it harder to die, which just means you waste more time on stupid shit when you could instead be killing.
You probably want to have armour on until you're done grinding through four tiers of samurai prereqs and 700 blade grasp jp, though.
Turn based combat with some sort of input during actions is just so good. At least better than only doing actions all the time. Should be more common desu
So it licks enemies?