Do you think consoles will ever reach the graphical prowess of 2007 PCs?

Do you think consoles will ever reach the graphical prowess of 2007 PCs?

Attached: 2847919-5096914145-976ee.jpg (1680x1050, 456K)

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Do you think 2019 PCs will ever have games?

OP btfo

s e e t h i n g

Crysis was literally released on 9th gen

What do you mean? I have ALL the games.

Bannerlord. Check mate.

Look at that rock below the scope. Like 6 triangles lol.

Cloud gaming will kill consoles.

Why can't we have the same quantity of TECHNOLOGY again? It should be easier to do with modern tools, right?

Attached: 1521953755888.jpg (750x444, 246K)

Gotta pay for those ads somehow.
Besides, even with all the "immersive" mechanics in Red Dead 2 those were forgotten pretty quickly by everyone.The general public doesnt give a fuck about interesting mechanics or "technology" in their easily consumable AAA products.

I'll be surprised if GTA 6 stays faithful to the series.

Already surpassed that shitty game

Attached: only_possible_on_ps4.webm (640x300, 2.73M)

Only possible on PC. The next gen is already here.

Sorry no one likes plastic Crysis engine.

Red Dead 2

Crysis engine is on the less plastic engines. It pulls off a realistic look well.

Unreal Engine was for the longest time the plastic engine.

What technology RDR2 had other than wrinkly horse balls? GTA IV had interesting character physics and LA Noire had face capture tech but R* hasn't done anything interesting tech-wise in a long while.

being on a ps4 cheapens it tho


Attached: halo-infinite-3840x2160-e3-2018-4k-14375.jpg (3840x2160, 2.98M)

There's nothing even remotely impressive about decima engine games, you consoletards need to experience life more.

Tbh if you actually play Crysis in 2019 it feels very dated. When you get up close to the undergrowth it looks shit, the houses and vehicles look shit. Still, for 2007 it was incredible and PCs are a good two console generations ahead in pure graphical power.

This. A carefully choreographed areas don't showcase the engine nearly as well as a more sandboxy environment.

That's the in-game native resolution?

>Crysis engine is on the less plastic engines. It pulls off a realistic look well.
Oh yeah. In one game. KCD. Game filled with bags.


Attached: seething.png (752x589, 24K)

>ALL the games

you have to go back.

I can't play Crysis anymore, it keeps giving me shit about reaching my activation limit. Shit is fucking nigger to the max. Paying customers lose while pirates win. Fucked.

Farm Simluator 19 might be coming out

What are you talking about? Crysis was levels above anything released at the time in realistic look.

>30 fps

Attached: 1550633073332.gif (500x400, 498K)

Get the GOG version. Buy or pirate, your call.

*23 fps

only one of those games use decima, user.

Attached: crysis.jpg (1921x2160, 2.32M)

Still looks more realistic.

You'll be lucky if it actually runs at 30 fps, most PS4 games nowadays come with "graphics" modes to dupe retards with cherrypicked pics and videos while anyone who actually wants to play the game will be running in performance aka 25-30 fps mode.

>it's the /collection of E3 bullshots of Playstation Exclusive Template games/ episode

Attached: ps-exclusive-template.png (831x824, 934K)

If you have myopia
What is it with all these blurry fucking games being paraded as "impressive"?

Said the faggot who thinks crysis is relevant

Nice attempt at humor

Goalpost moving


>PS4 games looks so good pc fag thinks its e3 bullshot when all that footage was taken after release

>high settings

>that water

How is that even remotely realistic? Just look at the mountains to see the extremely aggressive LODding they have to do.

They went in other direction,Pc games too
There wont be another 'Crysis 1'

Attached: 4HhG2.jpg (1280x768, 245K)

and here I am playing games at 165hz like an idiot lol.

Attached: xo0fi65073i21.jpg (1837x1256, 320K)

Oh my fucking good the most zoomer comment ever ,what in the actual fuck?
Hey Kid Op game is from 2007,show more respect and think before you post so insulting comments.

You may have brain problems if the first screenshot in any way fools you into thinking it's from real life.

I'm and I'm talking about gow of war pic, I have no idea which pic the "more realistic" user was referring to now that I think about it.
The funniest shit is that the shills were spamming that boat pic as an example of good graphics when it looks like something straight out of 2010.

The Crysis one is clearly more photorealistic at a quick glance. Way less video gamey.

oh yeah, he seething.

to be fair, the hud world was a terrible idea and does look like shit compared to the rest of the game. Its so bad in fact would be unfair to say that it represents the game as a whole

>Crysis was levels above anything released at the time in realistic look.
And now it's garbage

Attached: classic.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

look at this guy seething over here

Im still amazed they are literally calling shit Crysis, the biggest graphics jump ever done in videogames , speechless...
Dont these kids realize that we wont probably get another graphics jump as big ever?

1.I reply to this OP with an example of a game I think looks as good
2.someone greentexts numbers at me, they mean little as I don't flit rapidly between staring at a little overlay in the corner of my screen and the gameplay enough to care
3.Life goes on

>post garbage that looks and runs like shit because you have shit taste and zero idea of what an actually good game looks like
>live in denial and think that a budget shitbox will somehow run things better than a vastly more powerful computer

>okay lets make this computer machine that can run our specific games so we can sell both it + games and make a lasting platform for sales while being able to distribute a standardized engine to increase development efficiency and progress the technology as a group effort
>games are creative, have a high amount of technical skill behind their development, and are made to push the hardware as best it can in terms of both spectacle and performance

>okay lets make a cheaper weaker personal computer that runs worse looking versions of PC games and have our producers force developers to spend more time in development making multiple inferior versions of the game for all our consoles since these retarded brand-loyal cultists will buy it anyway and even advertise it for free
>cheap shitty clones of the same games that have been put out over and over to the point that reboots of older games are coveted since they were the only ones that did anything original or good

Attached: 1550891248765.png (645x773, 49K)

the thread is about graphics not performance though. and besides, virtually nobody could play crysis on ultra back in the day. we had to wait a few years before it could run smoothly on an average pc and by then the gameplay was laughably dated

>thinks gameplay can "date"
holy mother of zoom

crysis never had good gameplay, it was always a tech demo for cryengine

bullshit, crysis is a pretty good game

at least you are willing to admit the game was never good. we can agree on that

90% of GoW looks like trash

Attached: God of War_20180501092648.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

He said 2019 not 2090

What? Did you play it back then?
Most shooters were linear games where you walk an almost straight line shooting everything ,Crysis was waaay more advanced,you could be stealthy with the cloak and choose which enemies to kill with the silenced pistol,choose a variety of routs,all the enviroment could be destroyed,etc
It was not only graphics,the game was advanced in all aspects

It's running on medium tier laptop shit from 2013.

Crisis posters are most autistic animals in Yea Forums.
I think they're all slavs. Crisis was popular in Russian among kids after all.

sonygros are much worse
Metro Exodus is probably the best-looking game around nowadays and it actually uses ray tracing for non-gimmick stuff.
While PC is pushing into VR and ray tracing the next gen of consoles will have... more VRAM for "photorealistic" textures at 23.976 fps I guess.


Plus we know from /vint/ that the overwhelming majority of platform war shitposting and portbegging comes from Eastern Europe and Brazil.

The initial area is fun to fuck around in but it takes a nosedive later, it's a pretty bland and repetitive shooter with very neat tech.

Consoles look like blurry garbage. Here's RDR2 on the regular PS4.

Attached: 1550445944752.jpg (1920x1080, 414K)

>Non-parallaxed cubemaps
Hello, 1999 is calling.

Attached: 1550444982218.jpg (1920x1080, 382K)

When they aliens appears it gets more linear,but you can do so much things in this game that saying its gameplay was bad knowing what was the average shooter in 2007 its just a crime...

I hate this clay look console games have, you can feel the massive LOD even in static pics.

>ch-cherrypicking GoW looks great
>no it doesnt

as supposed to what? PS4's maybe two worthwhile exclusives? Considering PC has the ability to play literally everything this gen and the previous gens it's not hard to figure out which one actually has games to play LMAO

I'm saying consoles are pieces of shit.

>PC has no games
>Its The plattform with most games

Attached: 1501370545863.png (612x491, 22K)

>PC don't have games because only exclusives are games
consolefags need to be publicly burned

You simply need a PS4 to play the most and newest quality games. Any PC can run games from last gen. None today can do it at a PS4 level at PS4 level price

>inb4 just buy all these used parts for $700 lol

I would just subscribe to netflix if I wanted the PS4 experience.

People actually believe this?
Cloud gaming is literal shit. Latency makes it objectively worse.

>try to find some PS4 exclusive list
>it's always "console exclusives" with most of the games being on PC too
Let's be honest here, PS4 is fine if you're on a budget but there's no reason to not get a PC instead if you can afford it.

this was running on a hd 6970 in like 2013

Attached: bla-bla-bla-bla.gif (1244x700, 3.52M)

Look mom I posted it again!

especially high end gaming I mean its nice to have a 2k-3k gaming pc but you dont really need it, a good 600-800 dollar pc is more than enough.
We just buy them because we want the best experience regarding very little the price

I like how this is presented in ultra-widescreen with black bars, as if to drive home the point that Sony products are movies and not games. Kek.

Attached: 158827395379.png (777x602, 888K)

Visual novels and d tier early access survival games are games too guys.

Attached: look of elation.webm (600x322, 2.86M)

*shills for the same 5 token exclusives that are literally nothing but cutscene simulators*

Eh, a 600 computer will probably run CS. Maybe decent if you pirate an OS or run free linux. A decent graphics card alone is 250 +

U mad, sheeting Sonigg.

CSGO is one of the lightest games around nigger, a fucking 2007 PC can run it.

>>Still sticking to that tired ass ps4 games as movies meme.
Oh boy.

>still sticking to those tired ass ps4 moviegames
The memes stick because they're literally true.

Nah man get on the times! 600 dollars pc today is 1080p ultra
Im sure in 5 years for 600 dollars you will get a 4k ultra capable machine


Attached: gow.jpg (599x159, 40K)

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.26 - (1705x992, 2.44M)

what's this nigger resolution

>gets mad about "u mad?"
u mad?

Attached: SEETHING.png (1484x1038, 1.76M)

>over 8(EIGHT)(FUCKING EIGHT) hours worth of cut scenes
might as well watch a tv show

tfw minecraft is the most graphically impressive game out there

Attached: 1535310027205.png (1920x1016, 2.4M)

I can't get crysis to start on my computer. Is there something I gotta do.

also these were unskippable at release, they added an option to skip them like a month later

Attached: SlOPWGd.jpg (1280x720, 323K)

I like how it literally has 4 million views lmao

it's just the picture quality.
Image was originally 7 mb

convert to jpg you mong

it's amazing what lighting can do for a game

Do you think consoles will ever reach the shadow detail of 2004 PC games?

Attached: 2004.webm (800x600, 2.31M)

>no raytracing

>im fine with a lower quality product
t. ps4 "gamer"

the framerate shows.

b...but it literally is....

Attached: 1547996864939.png (1920x1016, 1.99M)

Only if you're talking about Doom 3 but the shadows there had some jank and were unnaturally sharp.

>let me just lower the resolution rather than lose 1% IQ
You are a high level retard.

jesus christ my fucking eyes, I can't see

Attached: 1311876031636.jpg (1250x1550, 1.13M)

>2D trees
I thought R* learned their lesson from GTA IV.

>let me lower the framerate rather than lose graphical quality oh wait there isnt any graphical quality

even games built for consoles still end up better on PC with mods

Attached: 35608402152_81fe8b8476_k.jpg (2048x864, 652K)

Resolution is the very last thing you should think about downgrading when posting a pic, the quality downgrade with jpg isn't even noticeable most of the time.

Free games too. Consolekeks seething

PC has the best version of every single multiplat even without mods, many games run worse than the equivalent of low graphics on consoles.

>the difference between 60 and 30 fps is negligable

This quite simply isn't true.

i just cropped it because of hud reasons.
Also the gasmask is on and it was wet which created a blur.

It's never noticeable. The only time you see compression is when you output as jpg. If you output as png then convert you aren't going to lose a thing.

You are spastic.

here's your fucking pic as jpg, no discernible downgrade at all

Attached: 1551398026061.jpg (1705x992, 471K)

You are a fat virgin that has white genes which are the worst

next gen consoles will have 1070-tier gpu. they are already outdated.

get glasses

Some games in the past were worse even with mods , thank god that time passed more than a decade ago

I'm not fat

Attached: 1550308869952.png (512x512, 113K)

there is literally no difference you fucking retard

Who gives a shit about doing at the same price? If it's about quality you're talking about frames/dollar doesn't count

and if you're not an unemployed teenager a 500USD video card every 3-4 years is no money at all even when compared to the amount you will expend on games anyway... even more so considering you're obviously not going to use a PC for gaming only

sony said we need bigger fewer games so no

Oh you are skinny fat, my bad

says the discord trannie

Attached: 1551277911080.gif (475x277, 1.84M)

Some as in one or two

absolutely assblasted

Attached: 1550864252548.jpg (480x360, 127K)

which ps4 game is this?

Attached: 1551398752771.webm (1280x526, 2.98M)

In general , a lot of games got stripped of some graphical effects, textures or and had more bugs,etc


NFS Most Wanted,Carbon,Re4 just to name a few

Attached: 1544585268375.png (1920x1016, 2.14M)

The Abysmal Saints Row 2 should have named it first kek

>when even minecraft looks better than Spider-ManĀ®