Thanks God the game is finally dead.
PC playerbase is no more, console is shit too, no updates left.
Iceborne is too little too late, and it will flop in the most miserable way possible (Anthem sales will look like RDR2 in comparison).
Nu-MH never had a chance to survive

Attached: DEAD.png (1130x546, 319K)

>twenty two thousand players is considered dead

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Kill yourself nigger.

>22000 playing

Is this b8?

>22 thousand playing

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A fraction on the Switch installbase. Theres no way Capcom will go back to multiplat after this.

>from 300k to 20k

>Trolling then: other people get mad
>Trolling now: get (you) from people laughing about my sorry ass
the times have changed

Attached: Look at me.jpg (557x630, 64K)

will be back to those sweet 300k+ once iceborne is out

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>Delusion: The Official Post

I still happily play tittyfall 2 on xbone with 3000 people

Nintendofags are so delusional I can't even tell if this is a joke or not

Lots of players on wtf you talking about? We just got Leshen and Witcher stuff and not everyone has the goodies yet. At Nerg around the corner and yeah, game might drop a few k players after that till Iceborne.

>God Eater 3 is dead too
Why do hunting games die so fast?
That was my exact fear, not buying MHW and GE3 was a wise move

Attached: mon3.png (748x429, 141K)

Seething nintard.

It may be dead relative to its past self but it has a larger player base than many games do at its age. Once you hit a certain number of players, more isn't really better online. It's actually kind of worse because so many casuals and trolls.

You can still play honster munter alone

That's the point, retard
MHW won't survive until Iceborne drops
A trailer or two won't convince all the disappointed and tired players to return

You don't know the meaning of the word dead.

Attached: fe6z[1].png (757x332, 127K)

>Why do hunting games die so fast?
cause the endgame is boring as hell.
fighting the same monsters all day just for upgrades isn't fun after 100 hours.

>people don't play the same game forever

It's a fucking problem for a GaaS

w-we did it bros kkkrapcum will come crawling back any moment to beg for nintendo's forgiveness

I can still consistently find players on PS4. Didn't double dip so I don't know about the PC version.
Even GU on Switch has tons of people playing and rooms fill up almost instantly.

Feels good to be playing monster hunter.

Because most players rush to end game and call it a day. Dedicated hunters do all quests, learn a few weapons, and craft/farm tons of shit and are the ones still playing regularly. Id say like 85% of my guild card list are players that pop in whenever new content comes, craft a set and 1 weapon, then play something else.

>seething nintincels raging because they still only have 7 year old ports that are even worse than their original release

Im sure Iceborne will bring tons of players back, but even if it doesnt, ill be happy anyway because I still play so i dont really care. There will be plenty of people to hunt with come Iceborne if thats your concern.

>20,000 is dead

Attached: planetman.png (801x532, 191K)

Hopefully you're right and we get actual good MH games like we once had

Although it probably isn't that many more people, there are probably some using the non-steam client.

Monster Hunter Thrad


What's sad is that evolve was actually a good game.

>Tfw still playing MH3U instead
I just like it better. MHW feels too cluttered to me, old MH despite looking like shit was actually pretty clean in terms of visibility
Also I unironically love aquatic fights

God Eater 3 is trash though, it plays like shit and the combat is clunky and brain dead. There's little to no challenge, it's just an anime dress up game.

Comparing it to Monhun or even Toukiden is like comparing a functioning human being to a corpse

>Why do hunting games die so fast?
God Eater barely qualifies as a hunting game, it's fucking garbage

user that's hardly shocking

>pc hasn't received a major update in a few months
>the initial update drought was rough
>no major content until AT Kulv
>pc is going to have to wait longer for the DLC

there's a reason player numbers are lower bud

>MHW is trash though, it plays like shit and the combat is clunky and brain dead. There's little to no challenge, it's just an cinematic dress up game.
Fixed for you, bro

Tendies will never get over losing Monster Hunter.

Attached: monster hunter.jpg (869x318, 108K)

This game is great.

>most players rush to end game
Barely half of all owners of the game actually beat xenojiva


no it wasn't

>22k playing with no good events or new monsters
you had better not be pretending to be retarded for (You)'s young man

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>hiding user score